The platform to easily select the best stocks and join well-tested strategies beating the market
Best Returns Delivered
High performance of our investment strategies is based on fundamental methods combined with proprietary analytical frameworks.
The results of the strategies are confirmed by the Interactive Brokers account of EnInvs founder (see example)
Average performance
of our strategies vs. S&P500
average annualized return
ourperforming the S&P500 index
We offer a range of semi-automated strategies for any market conditions and client preferences.
Choose Your Strategy or Combine Them
Actual performance of our strategies, as of 2021-09-26
The Platform to Pick the Best Stocks
 Our Data Portal will guide you through the immense amounts of stock information.
Know what to buy
Try out your own ideas
Be sure you don’t miss a deal
Research target companies
Understand our deals
Use screeners to find the most promising companies by sector or financial metrics (the most growing, the cheapest, the most fallen, etc.)
Join our 5 ready-made proofed and tested fundamental strategies
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Obtain statistical insights on >2000 American, Chinese and Russian traded companies (how well the company is growing, whether it is attractive in terms of profitability and cash generation, and how it is valued relative to peers)
Receive extended reviews of our new investment ideas (example), two ideas per month minimum
Join our 5 ready-made proofed and tested fundamental strategies
Know what to buy
Get real-time notifications of our trades
Be sure you don’t miss a deal
Receive extended reviews of our new investment ideas (example), two ideas per month minimum
Understand our deals
the most growing, the cheapest, the most fallen, etc.
Use screeners to find the most promising companies by sector or financial metrics
Try out your own ideas
how well the company is growing, whether it is attractive in terms of profitability and cash generation, and how it is valued relative to similar companies
Obtain statistical insights on >2000 American, Chinese and Russian traded companies
Research target companies
Two Levels of Interaction
Copy our strategies and execute deals on your favorite brokerage platform, discover our research, and catch new investment ideas
Link up your account
Connect your account at leading brokerage platforms to our strategies and don’t care about tracking prices and finding new targets
We Are a Trusted Partner
Skin in the game
We are fully committed to achieving the highest returns as we invest our own funds in the strategies.
Trust from the clients
Results attract substantial growth of capial: assets linked to our strategies increased 10x over recent year.
We don’t provide black-box solutions like many robo-advisors and we explain in detail all our transactions.
Platform for everyone
No minimum amount of funds is required to use our platform.
Growth of assets
under management
Our Approach: Automation of Investment Analysis
Our goal is to identify positive anomalies is financial and market data using fundamental analysis and mathematical approach. We rely on proprietary analytical frameworks and fast reaction to market changes.
Automatical retrieving and storing financial and market data
Handling it with proprietary analytical frameworks
Statistical analysis and generation of strategies
Selecting the best targets and backtesting all new ideas
Reallocation of assets
Click for more details
Join our automated fundamental strategies
Or carry out your own analysis with our platform and mobile app.
Enhance your investments
Just type your contacts and we will guide your through all possible integration opportunities