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Welcome to ENINVS,
a system for better stock return

Invest like a professional with our portfolios and
tools designed for market-beating growth 
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Actual Performance: 2025-03-25

Our Portfolios: Day Week Since inception Inception Annualized
Global Commodities +0.4% +1.8% +63.5% 2020-05-31 +10.7%
US Leaders +1.3% +0.9% +212.0% 2019-08-25 +22.6%
Follow The Insiders -0.6% 2022-07-21 -0.2%
Eastern European Strategy (RUB) -0.5% -0.5% +2 002.4% 2015-01-01 +34.7%
Trending Ideas -39.4% 2020-12-22 -11.1%
Rising Stars (archived) -4.7% -5.6% -76.1% 2020-07-13 -26.2%

Disclosures Monthly returns Broker report (IB) EI Presentation

The platform to pick the best stocks

With the ENINVS platform and app (IOS / Android) we give you the tools you need to:

  • Join our proofed and tested fundamental strategies on average 2.4x times overperforming S&P500 index, +4.5% average annualized return

  • Get real-time notifications of our trades

  • Obtain statistical insights on >3500 American, Chinese, African and Eastern European traded companies: the platform tells you how well the company is growing, whether it is attractive in terms of profitability and cash ganeration, and how it is valued relative to similar companies

  • Use screeners to find the most promising companies by sector (SAAS, cannabis, e-commerce, cloud) or financial metrics: the most growing, the cheapest, the most fallen

* All our US and global strategies/portfolios are long-only, equities-only and assume no leverage
* Eastern European strategy assumes up to 20% leverage in positive market environment

Our track-record results are confirmed by the broker report (Interactive Brokers). We also have over $3m own funds invested in the strategies (we are ready to confirm it with brokerage reports on request)

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Unique portfolio strategies for you to follow

Invest in the real market with Global Commodities 

  • Invest directly in commodities companies through an evolving portfolio based on real-time commodity price changes and forex shifts

  • We’ve earned 63.5% since inception

  • The strategy recalculates potentials and target shares of picks based on performance of relevant resource markets


Learn more about the approach, actual performance and backtesting results >>

Actual Performance

Period StrategyS&P500
Day +0.4%+1.8%
Week +1.8%+1.6%
Year to date +6.2%-2.1%
Since inception (2020-05-31) +63.5%+89.6%

Portfolio (USD) and S&P500 dynamics (%)

chart technology by TradingView

Follow the top performers with US Leaders 

  • Invests in a portfolio tracking US industry leaders showing the best combination of financial growth and valuation from a pool of 40 S&P 500 companies

  • We’ve earned 212.0% since inception


Learn more about the approach, actual performance and backtesting results >>

Actual Performance

Period StrategyS&P500
Day +1.3%+1.8%
Week +0.9%+1.6%
Year to date +5.3%-2.1%
Since inception (2019-08-25) +212.0%+102.6%

Portfolio (USD) and S&P500 dynamics (%)

chart technology by TradingView

Follow The Insiders 

  • The strategy buys and shorts stocks that have been bought and sold by insiders within the previous 30 days over $1 million


Learn more about the approach, actual performance and backtesting results >>

Actual Performance

Period StrategyS&P500
Day -1.0%+1.8%
Week -2.6%+1.6%
Since inception (2022-07-21) -0.6%+44.2%

Portfolio (USD) and S&P500 dynamics (%)

chart technology by TradingView

Get diversification only found at ENINVS with Eastern European Strategy 

  • Invest in the fast-growing Eastern European market with professional portfolio managers who know it inside and out. We select undervalued companies with strong corporate governance weighted in commodity companies with a USD-denominated revenue

  • Fact: Many Eastern European companies have dividend yields as high as 5-10% every year

  • We’ve earned 2 002.4% since inception in January 2015


Actual Performance
Period Strategy IMOEX
2015 +121.8% +26.1%
2016 +54.3% +26.8%
2017 +25.6% -5.5%
2018 +29.6% +12.3%
2019 +13.5% +29.6%
2020 +21.6% +8.0%
2021 +44.2% +15.1%
2022 -20.2% -43.1%
2023 +112.8% +43.9%
2024 +18.0% -7.0%
2025 -6.0% +9.9%
Annualized +34.6% +8.3%
Day -0.5% -1.1%
Week -0.5% -1.3%
Year to date -6.0% +9.9%
Since inception (2015-01-01) +2 002.4% +126.9%

Portfolio and Moscow Exchange Index dynamics (%)
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Get in on the next big thing with Trending Ideas 

  • Invest in handpicked ideas with the highest degree of confidence from Enhanced Investments team

  • Sectors are selected manually but individual stocks are selected based on their entry price and growth potential


Learn more about the approach, actual performance and backtesting results >>

Actual Performance

Period StrategyS&P500
Day -0.2%+1.8%
Week -3.9%+1.6%
Year to date +13.7%-2.1%
Since inception (2020-12-22) -39.4%+56.5%

Portfolio (USD) and S&P500 dynamics (%)

chart technology by TradingView

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