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Last price: 1047
Calculated in currency: CNY
Last quarter average value (2023 q4): 1013
Change from last quarter: 3.3%
Last 4 quarters average value: 997
Change from last 4 quarters: 5.0%
Last 3 years average value: 1642
Change from last 3 years: -36.2%

Affects revenue of:


Affects expenses of:


Associated with companies:

Alliance Resource Partners | ARLP
Martin Midstream Partners | MMLP
Par Pacific | PARR
PBF Energy | PBF
Valero Energy | VLO

AdvanSix | ASIX
BIMI International Medical | BIMI
Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises | BW
Fuel Tech | FTEK
Genesis Energy | GEL
Ferroglobe PLC | GSM
LSB Industries | LXU

Daily chart and average LTM level

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Quarterly chart (+ last value)

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