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General information


Sector: Medical Devices

Eargo, Inc., a consumer-focused medical device company, develops and sells hearing aids to assist people with hearing loss in the United States. It sells its products through online stores. The company was formerly known as Aria Innovations, Inc. and changed its name to Eargo, Inc. in November 2014. Eargo, Inc. was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in San Jose, California.

Growth: Good revenue growth rate 43.8%, are preserved at an average historical level 43.8% Site traffic for the last 3 months showed a change of +39.1%

Profitability: LTM EBITDA margin is negative, -55.3%. On average the margin is decreasing steadily. Gross margin is high, +71.8%. In the last quarter the company beat the estimated EPS. The company was ahead of estimated EPS in 20% of quarters (showing a gain of -$7.12 per share on average)

Cash Flow Generation: Dividend yield for the last twelve months 0.0%. Free cash flow yield 317.3% (LTM)

Undervaluation: Fundamental value created in LTM (estimate)

Entry Point: Share price is 60.6% higher than minimum and 99.4% lower than maximum for the last 3 years

AI Insight: the companies with similar growth trajectories, EBITDA margin, industries and geography on average are valued 1.1x by EV / Sales multiple

Key Financials (Download financials)

Ticker: EAR
Share price, USD:  (0.0%)2.57
year average price 2.52  

year start price 2.23 2023-09-23

min close price 1.60 2023-10-26

max close price 2.75 2024-01-26

current price 2.57 2024-09-21
Common stocks: 20 726 800

Dividend Yield:  0.0%
EV / Sales: -1.3x
Margin (EBITDA LTM / Revenue): -55.3%
Fundamental value created in LTM:
Market Cap ($m): 53
Net Debt ($m): -163
EV (Enterprise Value): -110
Price to Book: 1.2x

Revenue and EBITDA

Quarterly values ($m)

Change (y/y)

Cash Flow

FCF ($m)

Net Debt / Cash and Equivalents ($m)

Share price and dividends (Download history)

Share price

Payment USD per share

Multiple and potential

EV / Sales

Potential dynamics



Why Is Eargo (EAR) Stock Up 50% Today?

2023-05-11Seeking Alpha

Eargo, Inc. (EAR) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
More information for subscribed users:
detailed calculation of
Fundamental value created in LTM

Financial reporting

Income Statement

Property 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
reportedCurrency USD USD USD USD USD
cik 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
fillingDate 2023-11-07 2023-08-10 2023-05-11 2023-03-23 2022-11-07
acceptedDate 2023-11-07 16:07:30 2023-08-10 16:26:32 2023-05-11 16:32:05 2023-03-23 16:31:55 2022-11-07 16:07:00
calendarYear 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
revenue 8M 8M 12M 13M 8M
costOfRevenue 4M 6M 7M 7M 6M
grossProfit 4M 2M 5M 6M 2M
grossProfitRatio 0.524 0.201 0.434 0.477 0.24
researchAndDevelopmentExpenses 5M 5M 5M 4M 5M
generalAndAdministrativeExpenses 7M 9M 10M 10M 12M
sellingAndMarketingExpenses 9M 13M 13M 16M 11M
sellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenses 17M 22M 23M 26M 23M
otherExpenses 0 0 0 -21M 0
operatingExpenses 21M 27M 28M 30M 28M
costAndExpenses 25M 34M 35M 37M 34M
interestIncome 620 000 654 000 870 000 716 000 419 000
interestExpense 0 0 -870 000 130 000 419 000
depreciationAndAmortization 969 000 1M 2M -20M -25M
ebitda -18M -24M -21M -44M -51M
ebitdaratio -2.17 -2.951 -1.747 -3.381 -6.402
operatingIncome -18M -26M -23M -24M -26M
operatingIncomeRatio -2.17 -3.183 -1.929 -1.849 -3.294
totalOtherIncomeExpensesNet 620 000 654 000 870 000 -20M -25M
incomeBeforeTax -17M -25M -22M -44M -51M
incomeBeforeTaxRatio -2.095 -3.102 -1.856 -3.381 -6.402
incomeTaxExpense -969 000 654 000 -870 000 100 000 -2M
netIncome -17M -25M -22M -44M -49M
netIncomeRatio -2.095 -3.102 -1.856 -3.389 -6.183
eps -0.83 -1.21 -1.06 -4.42 -24.82
epsdiluted -0.83 -1.21 -1.06 -4.42 -24.82
weightedAverageShsOut 21M 21M 21M 10M 2M
weightedAverageShsOutDil 21M 21M 21M 10M 2M
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Balance Sheet Statement

Property 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
reportedCurrency USD USD USD USD USD
cik 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
fillingDate 2023-11-07 2023-08-10 2023-05-11 2023-03-23 2022-11-07
acceptedDate 2023-11-07 16:07:30 2023-08-10 16:26:32 2023-05-11 16:32:05 2023-03-23 16:31:55 2022-11-07 16:07:00
calendarYear 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
cashAndCashEquivalents 46M 61M 80M 101M 88M
shortTermInvestments 0 0 0 0 0
cashAndShortTermInvestments 46M 61M 80M 101M 88M
netReceivables 1M 961 000 2M 2M 1M
inventory 4M 5M 5M 5M 5M
otherCurrentAssets 1M 970 000 1M 8M 417 000
totalCurrentAssets 57M 73M 98M 116M 99M
propertyPlantEquipmentNet 12M 12M 14M 13M 15M
goodwill 0 873 000 873 000 873 000 873 000
intangibleAssets 744 000 850 000 956 000 1M 1M
goodwillAndIntangibleAssets 744 000 2M 2M 2M 2M
longTermInvestments 0 0 0 0 0
taxAssets 0 0 0 0 0
otherNonCurrentAssets 606 000 724 000 779 000 906 000 210 000
totalNonCurrentAssets 13M 15M 17M 16M 17M
otherAssets 0 0 0 0 0
totalAssets 70M 88M 115M 132M 117M
accountPayables 5M 4M 9M 7M 6M
shortTermDebt 624 000 602 000 695 000 628 000 126M
taxPayables 0 0 0 0 0
deferredRevenue 11M 15M 0 0 0
otherCurrentLiabilities 1M 1M 15M 18M 15M
totalCurrentLiabilities 18M 21M 25M 25M 147M
longTermDebt 7M 7M 7M 6M 6M
deferredRevenueNonCurrent 0 0 0 0 0
deferredTaxLiabilitiesNonCurrent 0 0 0 0 0
otherNonCurrentLiabilities 0 0 0 0 -126M
totalNonCurrentLiabilities 7M 7M 7M 6M 6M
otherLiabilities 0 0 0 0 0
capitalLeaseObligations 8M 8M 8M 7M 7M
totalLiabilities 25M 28M 32M 31M 153M
preferredStock 0 0 0 0 0
commonStock 2000 2000 2000 2000 4000
retainedEarnings -579M -561M -536M -514M -471M
accumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLoss 0 0 0 0 0
othertotalStockholdersEquity 624M 621M 619M 615M 434M
totalStockholdersEquity 45M 60M 82M 101M -36M
totalEquity 45M 60M 82M 101M -36M
totalLiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity 70M 88M 115M 132M 117M
minorityInterest 0 0 0 0 0
totalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquity 70M 88M 115M 132M 117M
totalInvestments 0 0 0 0 0
totalDebt 8M 8M 8M 7M 132M
netDebt -38M -53M -72M -95M 44M
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Cash Flow Statement

Property 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
reportedCurrency USD USD USD USD USD
cik 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
fillingDate 2023-11-07 2023-08-10 2023-05-11 2023-03-23 2022-11-07
acceptedDate 2023-11-07 16:07:30 2023-08-10 16:26:32 2023-05-11 16:32:05 2023-03-23 16:31:55 2022-11-07 16:07:00
calendarYear 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
netIncome -17M -25M -22M -44M -51M
depreciationAndAmortization 969 000 1M 1M 1M 1M
deferredIncomeTax 1M 905 000 0 0 0
stockBasedCompensation 3M 3M 3M 2M 3M
changeInWorkingCapital -2M 1M -4M -1M 7M
accountsReceivables -261 000 883 000 -133 000 -943 000 11M
inventory 974 000 -523 000 199 000 -83 000 2M
accountsPayables 676 000 -5M 3M -428 000 928 000
otherWorkingCapital -4M 6M -8M -19 000 -7M
otherNonCashItems 255 000 253 000 349 000 21M 25M
netCashProvidedByOperatingActivities -15M -19M -21M -20M -14M
investmentsInPropertyPlantAndEquipment -19 000 -137 000 -132 000 -260 000 -475 000
acquisitionsNet 0 0 0 0 0
purchasesOfInvestments 0 0 0 0 0
salesMaturitiesOfInvestments 0 0 0 0 0
otherInvestingActivites 0 0 0 0 0
netCashUsedForInvestingActivites -19 000 -137 000 -132 000 -260 000 -475 000
debtRepayment 0 0 0 -16M 0
commonStockIssued 0 0 0 28M 0
commonStockRepurchased 0 0 0 0 0
dividendsPaid 0 0 0 0 0
otherFinancingActivites 0 0 0 23M -4M
netCashUsedProvidedByFinancingActivities 0 0 0 34M -4M
effectOfForexChangesOnCash 0 0 0 0 0
netChangeInCash -15M -19M -21M 13M -19M
cashAtEndOfPeriod 46M 61M 80M 101M 88M
cashAtBeginningOfPeriod 61M 80M 101M 88M 107M
operatingCashFlow -15M -19M -21M -20M -14M
capitalExpenditure -19 000 -137 000 -132 000 -260 000 -475 000
freeCashFlow -15M -19M -21M -21M -14M
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Earning call transcript

2023 q1
2023-05-11 ET (fiscal 2023 q1)
2022 q4
2023-03-23 ET (fiscal 2022 q4)
2022 q3
2022-11-06 ET (fiscal 2022 q3)
2022 q2
2022-08-08 ET (fiscal 2022 q2)


Show financial reports only

2024-01-31 13:00 ET
Eargo Debuts Two New Devices, Expanding Portfolio of Hearing Wellness Offerings
2023-11-01 12:00 ET
Eargo Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary of FDA's Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aid Regulations, Driving a New Era of Accessibility and Innovation
2023-10-26 20:01 ET
Eargo Expands Relationship with Best Buy, Growing In-Store Presence to Over 500 Locations
2023-08-10 20:05 ET
Eargo Reports Second Quarter 2023 Financial Results
2023-05-11 20:01 ET
Eargo Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial Results
2023-05-04 12:00 ET
Eargo to Report First Quarter 2023 Financial Results on May 11, 2023
2023-03-23 20:04 ET
Eargo Reports Fourth Quarter 2022 Financial Results
2023-03-17 16:00 ET
Eargo to Report Fourth Quarter 2022 Financial Results on March 23, 2023
2023-02-06 21:01 ET
Nasdaq Confirms Eargo’s Minimum Bid Price Deficiency is Cured
2023-01-17 21:01 ET
Eargo Effects 1-for-20 Reverse Stock Split
2023-01-11 12:00 ET
Eargo to Complete a 1-for-20 Reverse Stock Split
2023-01-10 14:15 ET
From spatial cognition to immersing in the metaverse, Omdia analysts discover award-winning tech at ShowStoppers CES 2023
2023-01-04 22:00 ET
Hearing Wellness Pioneer Eargo Launches Eargo 7, Its Most Revolutionary Device Yet, at CES
2022-12-12 21:01 ET
Eargo and NationsBenefits Announce Strategic Partnership
2022-12-12 21:01 ET
NationsBenefits and Eargo Announce Partnership to Offer Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids
2022-12-07 21:05 ET
Eargo Announces Strategic Additions to Board of Directors Following Patient Square Capital Becoming New Majority Shareholder
2022-11-29 21:06 ET
Eargo, Inc. Welcomes Patient Square Capital As New Majority Owner Following Rights Offering
2022-11-29 21:05 ET
Eargo Announces Closing of Rights Offering and Conversion of Patient Square Notes Into Shares of Eargo Common Stock
2022-11-14 13:00 ET
Important Reminder for Eargo Stockholders of Record as of October 24, 2022
2022-11-08 11:00 ET
Important Reminder for Eargo Stockholders of Record as of October 24, 2022
2022-11-07 21:14 ET
Eargo Announces Issuance of Quarterly Report for Third Fiscal Quarter
2022-11-03 20:05 ET
Eargo Reports Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results
2022-11-03 20:05 ET
Eargo Now Available for Purchase in ~1,500 Victra Wireless Stores Nationwide
2022-10-31 12:00 ET
Eargo Announces Commencement of Rights Offering
2022-10-27 20:01 ET
Eargo to Report Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results on November 3, 2022
2022-10-13 20:01 ET
Eargo Announces Record Date for Proposed Rights Offering
2022-09-30 12:00 ET
Eargo to Hold Investor Update Conference Call on October 4, 2022
2022-09-20 12:00 ET
Eargo Announces Proxy Solicitation for 2022 Annual Meeting; Launch of Proxy Solicitation Web Site
2022-08-17 20:01 ET
Eargo Supports Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Final Ruling
2022-08-08 20:01 ET
Eargo Reports Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results
2022-07-28 20:01 ET
Eargo to Report Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results on August 8, 2022
2022-07-05 20:01 ET
Eargo Closes First Tranche Investment of $100 Million from Patient Square Capital
2022-06-27 11:00 ET
Eargo Strengthens Financial Position with up to $125 Million Strategic Investment from Patient Square Capital
2022-06-02 20:01 ET
Eargo to Present at the William Blair 42nd Annual Growth Stock Conference
2022-05-31 12:00 ET
Nasdaq Confirms Continued Listing of Eargo Stock
2022-05-13 20:01 ET
Eargo Announces Receipt of Nasdaq Non-Compliance Letter
2022-04-29 21:16 ET
Eargo Provides Business Update
2022-04-29 21:16 ET
Eargo Finalizes Agreement with the United States to Resolve Investigation With No Admission of Liability
2022-03-10 21:01 ET
Eargo Receives Notification from Nasdaq Related to Delayed Annual Report on Form 10-K
2022-01-20 21:01 ET
Eargo Applauds Proposed Rule for OTC Hearing Aids and Submits Public Comments to FDA
2022-01-05 02:55 ET
Eargo Launches Eargo 6 with Sound Adjust for Effortless Hearing
2021-11-22 21:01 ET
Eargo Receives Notification from Nasdaq Related to Delayed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
2021-11-04 23:00 ET
Investigation Alert: Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP is Investigating Securities Fraud Claims on Behalf of Eargo, Inc. (NASDAQ: EAR) Investors
2021-08-30 21:55 ET
Eargo to Present at the 2021 Virtual Wells Fargo Healthcare Conference
2021-08-12 20:01 ET
Eargo Reports Second Quarter 2021 Financial Results
2021-07-26 20:01 ET
Eargo to Report Second Quarter 2021 Financial Results on August 12, 2021
2021-07-21 20:01 ET
Eargo and VARTA Empower Better Hearing Through all New Eargo 5 Hearing Aid
2021-07-13 12:00 ET
Eargo Launches Eargo 5 Hearing Aid with Sound Match™ Technology
2021-07-12 12:00 ET
Eargo Applauds Biden Administration Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy
2021-06-10 20:30 ET
Eargo Appoints Katie Bayne to Board of Directors
2021-05-19 20:01 ET
Eargo to Present at Upcoming Investor Conferences
2021-05-12 20:01 ET
Eargo Reports First Quarter 2021 Financial Results
2021-04-19 20:02 ET
Eargo to Present at BofA Securities 2021 Virtual Health Care Conference
2021-04-19 20:01 ET
Eargo to Report First Quarter 2021 Financial Results on May 12, 2021
2021-03-02 21:01 ET
Eargo Finds the Sounds Americans Miss Most During the Pandemic
2021-02-25 21:01 ET
Eargo Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results
2021-02-11 21:32 ET
Eargo to Present at 10th Annual SVB Leerink Global Healthcare Conference
2021-02-11 21:30 ET
Eargo to Report Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results on February 25, 2021
2021-01-26 15:00 ET
Ally Lending teams with Eargo to empower those with hearing loss
2021-01-11 21:01 ET
Eargo Announces Preliminary Unaudited Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Net Revenue and Preliminary Gross Systems Shipped
2020-12-21 21:01 ET
Eargo to Present at 39th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference
2020-12-18 21:01 ET
Eargo Ranks First for Best Company Culture in Comparably Awards
2020-12-15 13:00 ET
Deep Pharma Intelligence Names Nanox, TransMedics, Outset, Eargo, and Silkroad as Best Health-Tech Companies to Watch in 2021-2022
2020-11-19 21:01 ET
Eargo Reports Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results
2020-11-09 21:01 ET
Eargo to Announce Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results
2020-10-20 20:46 ET
Eargo, Inc. Announces Closing of Initial Public Offering and Full Exercise of the Underwriters’ Option to Purchase Additional Shares
2020-10-15 22:07 ET
Eargo, Inc. Announces Upsized Pricing of Initial Public Offering

SEC forms

Show financial reports only

SEC form 10
2023-11-07 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2023 q3
SEC form 8
2023-08-10 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2023 q2
SEC form 10
2023-08-10 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2023 q2
SEC form 10
2023-05-11 16:32 ET
Eargo reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-05-11 16:11 ET
Eargo reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 8
2023-05-11 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 10
2023-05-11 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-04-24 16:45 ET
Eargo published news for 2023 q1
SEC form 10
2023-03-23 16:31 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-03-23 16:11 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 10
2023-03-23 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 8
2023-03-23 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-02-06 16:12 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-01-17 16:13 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-01-13 16:31 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-01-11 07:11 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-01-04 17:10 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2022-12-15 16:06 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-12-12 16:15 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-12-09 16:05 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-12-09 16:05 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-12-09 16:05 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-12-09 16:05 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-12-07 16:19 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-11-29 16:17 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-11-18 16:02 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-11-16 16:11 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-11-07 16:55 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 10
2022-11-07 16:07 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 10
2022-11-07 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-11-03 16:16 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 8
2022-11-03 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-10-17 16:07 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-10-13 16:09 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-10-03 16:34 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q3
SEC form 6
2022-09-30 08:46 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q2
SEC form 6
2022-09-13 16:41 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q2
SEC form 6
2022-08-12 16:07 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q2
SEC form 10
2022-08-08 16:41 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 6
2022-08-08 16:07 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 10
2022-08-08 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 8
2022-08-08 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 6
2022-07-05 16:13 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q2
SEC form 6
2022-06-27 07:23 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q1
SEC form 6
2022-05-31 08:15 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q1
SEC form 6
2022-05-27 16:19 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q1
SEC form 10
2022-05-24 16:02 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q1
SEC form 10
2022-05-24 00:00 ET
Eargo reported for 2022 q1
SEC form 10
2022-05-13 16:23 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 10
2022-05-13 16:20 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 6
2022-05-13 16:16 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q1
SEC form 10
2022-05-13 00:00 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 10
2022-05-13 00:00 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 6
2022-05-11 16:12 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q1
SEC form 6
2022-04-29 17:38 ET
Eargo published news for 2022 q1
SEC form 6
2022-03-10 16:16 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 6
2022-03-02 16:07 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 6
2022-01-26 17:05 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 6
2022-01-18 16:07 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 6
2022-01-06 08:39 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 6
2021-12-07 16:13 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 6
2021-11-22 16:11 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 6
2021-11-16 16:42 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 6
2021-11-12 09:02 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 6
2021-09-24 16:05 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 6
2021-09-22 16:10 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 6
2021-09-08 16:15 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 10
2021-08-12 17:17 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 6
2021-08-12 16:07 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 10
2021-08-12 00:00 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 8
2021-08-12 00:00 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 6
2021-08-02 16:14 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 6
2021-06-11 17:03 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q1
SEC form 6
2021-06-10 16:40 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q1
SEC form 10
2021-05-13 00:00 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q1
SEC form 10
2021-05-12 20:45 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q1
SEC form 6
2021-05-12 16:10 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q1
SEC form 8
2021-05-12 00:00 ET
Eargo published news for 2021 q1
SEC form 10
2021-03-16 16:42 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q4
SEC form 6
2021-02-25 16:25 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q4
SEC form 6
2021-01-11 16:07 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q4
SEC form 10
2020-11-20 16:11 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-11-20 06:02 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-20 16:05 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 21:24 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 21:14 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 21:09 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 20:31 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 20:29 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 20:19 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 20:18 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 19:59 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 19:46 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 19:46 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3
SEC form 6
2020-10-15 19:42 ET
Eargo published news for 2020 q3