#reports #SCHL
[Scholastic](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=SCHL) (Educational products for children manufacturer) reported for [2025 q1](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182493)
(2025-03-20, After Market Close):
- Revenue +3.4% YoY (vs -3.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +9.9%)
- EBITDA margin 0.9% increased compared to -3.7% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 4.6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 8.4x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.3x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +6.3% vs S&P500 -0.6%
#reports #AXDX
[Accelerate Diagnostics](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AXDX) (Diagnostics and Research) reported for 2024 q4
(2023-11-09, After Market Close):
- Revenue +200% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +17.4%)
- EBITDA margin -133.3% increased compared to -333.3% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $8 mln over the past reporting period (7.7% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 3.8% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 8.9x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -2.4%
#reports #FORTY
[Formula Systems 1985](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=FORTY) (Information Technology Services) reported for 2024 q4
(2024-11-20, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +8% YoY (vs +6.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +4.8%)
- EBITDA +85.7% YoY (vs +35.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +30.3%)
- EBITDA margin 3.8% increased compared to 2.2% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $88 mln over the past reporting period (6.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.8 bln (positive), 54.0% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 9.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 14.7x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.6x
#reports #TITN
[Titan Machinery](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=TITN) (Industrial Distribution) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-20, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -10.8% YoY (vs -2.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +25.5%)
- EBITDA -173.5% YoY (vs -59.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +10.3%)
- EBITDA margin -4.7% decreased compared to 5.8% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $164 mln over the past reporting period (43.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 0.5% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 12.9x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 5.2x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.2x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -15.1% vs S&P500 -0.5%
#reports #TELA
[TELA Bio](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=TELA) (Medical Devices) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-20, After Market Close):
- Revenue +5.9% YoY (vs +26.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +37.0%)
- EBITDA margin -44.4% increased compared to -70.6% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $35 mln over the past reporting period (60.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 50.2% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.7x
#reports #SWKH
[SWK Corporation](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=SWKH) (Asset Management) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-19, After Market Close):
- Revenue +20% YoY (vs +11.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +2.8%)
- P/E multiple is 15.4x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 41.8x
- P/S multiple is 4.7x
- Price to book: 0.8x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -1.2% vs S&P500 -0.5%
#reports #RKDA
[Arcadia Biosciences](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=RKDA) (Agricultural Inputs) reported for 2024 q4
(2023-08-10, After Market Close):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +16.0%)
- EBITDA margin 200.0% increased compared to -300.0% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $2 mln over the past reporting period (101.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 151.7% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 1.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 0.9x
- EV/Sales multiple is -0.8x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +4.5%
#reports #DXLG
[Destination XL Group](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=DXLG) (Apparel Retail) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-20, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -13.1% YoY (vs -9.2% in previous quarter and historical rate -2.1%)
- EBITDA -83.3% YoY (vs -11.1% in previous quarter and historical rate -5.2%)
- EBITDA margin 1.7% decreased compared to 8.8% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $2 mln over the past reporting period (1.9% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 14.2% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 8.6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 8.1x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -10.9% vs S&P500 -0.5%
#reports #BFRI
[Biofrontera Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=BFRI) (Drug Manufacturers — Specialty and Generic) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182461)
(2023-08-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +8.8% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +34.6%)
- EBITDA margin -45.9% increased compared to -67.6% same period last year
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -1.9%
#reports #BBGI
[Beasley Broadcast Group](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=BBGI) (Broadcasting) reported for 2024 q4
(2024-11-05, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +2.3% YoY (vs -3.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +31.6%)
- EBITDA -4.1% YoY (vs +235300.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +44.7%)
- EBITDA margin 13.9% decreased compared to 14.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $275.3 bln since the start of the year (148943.3% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$1.8 bln (positive), 988.3% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 13.6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 13.3x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -3.0% vs S&P500 +0.1%
#reports #ARL
[American Realty Investors](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ARL) (Real Estate — Development) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182440)
(2024-03-22, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +157.1% YoY (vs -7.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +23.6%)
- EBITDA -162.5% YoY (vs -50.0% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin -13.9% decreased compared to 57.1% same period last year
- EV/Sales multiple is 3.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -6.0% vs S&P500 0.0%
#reports #YI
@ china
[Yi Technology](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=YI) (Pharmaceutical Retailers) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -9% YoY (vs +2.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +2.9%)
- EBITDA margin 4.6% increased compared to -0.7% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $24 mln over the past reporting period (2.8% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 3.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +2.3% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #BZUN
@ china
[Baozun](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=BZUN) ( E-commerce solutions provider) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-20, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +4.6% YoY (vs +17.2% in previous quarter and historical rate -1.0%)
- EBITDA margin 2.4% increased compared to 0.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $32 mln over the past reporting period (15.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.4 bln (positive), 171.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.2x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -4.6% vs S&P500 -0.5%
#reports #WSM
[Williams-Sonoma](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=WSM) (Household goods supplier) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-19, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +8% YoY (vs -2.9% in previous quarter and historical rate -2.0%)
- EBITDA +12% YoY (vs +2.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +7.1%)
- EBITDA margin 23.9% increased compared to 23.0% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $355 mln over the past reporting period (1.7% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.3 bln (negative), 1.2% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 12.4x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 8.9x
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.7x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -8.4% vs S&P500 +0.3%
#reports #TISI
[Team](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=TISI) (Specialty Business Services) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182415)
(2023-05-11, After Market Close):
- Revenue -0.5% YoY (vs +1.9% in previous quarter and historical rate -0.7%)
- Net Income margin -3.3% increased compared to -10.7% same period last year
- P/S multiple is 0.1x
- Price to book: 3.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -0.2%
#reports #ICAD
[iCAD](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ICAD) (Health Information Services) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-19, After Market Close):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate -16.9%)
- EBITDA margin -20.0% has not changed compared to -20.0% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $1 mln over the past reporting period (1.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 4.8% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.4x
#reports #ESLT
[Elbit Systems](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ESLT) (Aerospace and Defense) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-18, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +18.7% YoY (vs +14.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +9.3%)
- EBITDA +67.9% YoY (vs +10.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +6.7%)
- EBITDA margin 9.5% increased compared to 6.7% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $375 mln over the past reporting period (2.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.2 bln (negative), 1.2% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 29.7x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 19.3x
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.8x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +7.2% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #HUYA
@ china , @ gaming
[HUYA](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=HUYA) (Entertainment) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-18, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -4.7% YoY (vs -3.1% in previous quarter and historical rate -19.6%)
- EBITDA margin 0.5% increased compared to -14.4% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $214 mln over the past reporting period (24.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 11.1% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 2.8x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 3.1x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.2x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -5.3% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #XPEV
@ china , @ electric-vehicles
[XPeng](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=XPEV) (Auto Manufacturers) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-18, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +20% YoY (vs +23.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +36.4%)
- EBITDA margin -2.4% increased compared to -5.2% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $90 mln over the past reporting period (0.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$5.7 bln (negative), 14.7% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 6.9x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -5.0% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #XBIO
[Xenetic Biosciences](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=XBIO) (Biotechnology) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182385)
(2023-08-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -3.4% YoY (vs +0.5% in previous quarter and historical rate +77.9%)
- EBITDA margin -169.3% increased compared to -419.5% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $674 mln over the past reporting period (12635.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$2.1 bln (negative), 40173.5% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 4.2x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 4.7x
- EV/Sales multiple is -2.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +6.9%
#reports #MRVI
[Maravai LifeSciences Holdings, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=MRVI) (Biotechnology) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-18, After Market Close):
- Revenue -23% YoY (vs -3.0% in previous quarter and historical rate -20.6%)
- EBITDA margin -189.5% decreased compared to -104.1% same period last year
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.4x
#reports #ETON
[Eton Pharmaceuticals](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ETON) (Biotechnology) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182373)
(2025-03-18, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +71.4% YoY (vs +42.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +70.8%)
- EBITDA margin 8.3% increased compared to -28.6% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $31 mln over the past reporting period (8.2% of market cap)
- EV/Sales multiple is 10.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -11.3% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #WSR
[Whitestone REIT](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=WSR) (REIT — Retail) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182327)
(2025-03-03, After Market Close):
- Revenue +7.9% YoY (vs +5.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +7.5%)
- EBITDA margin 56.1% increased compared to -18.4% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 8.2x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 23.5x
- EV/Sales multiple is 4.6x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +1.3% vs S&P500 -0.3%
#reports #TSQ
[Townsquare Media](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=TSQ) (Advertising Agencies) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-17, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +2.6% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +2.8%)
- EBITDA margin 26.3% increased compared to -2.6% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $9 mln over the past reporting period (6.8% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 1.5% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 13.5x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 50.6x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.9% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #NGS
[Natural Gas Services Group](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=NGS) (Oil and Gas Equipment and Services) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182312)
(2025-03-17, After Market Close):
- Revenue +116.7% YoY (vs +32.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +39.4%)
- EBITDA +100% YoY (vs +108.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +68.8%)
- EBITDA margin 30.8% decreased compared to 33.3% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $5 mln over the past reporting period (1.7% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 0.7% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 5.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 8.9x
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -9.6% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #KFS
[Kingsway Financial Services](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=KFS) (Auto and Truck Dealerships) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182321)
(2024-11-06, After Market Close):
- Revenue +15.4% YoY (vs +8.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +9.3%)
- EBITDA +100% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin 13.3% increased compared to 7.7% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $3 mln over the past reporting period (1.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 4.8% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 21.2x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 360x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.7x
#reports #INSE
@ gaming
[Inspired Entertainment](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=INSE) (Electronic Gaming and Multimedia) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-17, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +5.1% YoY (vs -20.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +23.3%)
- EBITDA +25% YoY (vs +4.5% in previous quarter and historical rate +26.7%)
- EBITDA margin 30.1% increased compared to 25.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $18 mln over the past reporting period (6.9% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 18.8% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 7.5x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 8.2x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.9x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +6.3% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #QFIN
@ china , @ finance-and-technology ,
[360 DigiTech](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=QFIN) (Credit Services) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-17, After Market Close):
- Revenue -3% YoY (vs +6.1% in previous quarter and historical rate -1.8%)
- Net Income +67.9% YoY (vs +64.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +4.3%)
- Net Income margin 42.7% increased compared to 24.6% same period last year
- P/E multiple is 16x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 10.8x
- P/S multiple is 5.7x
- Price to book: 4.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +1.5% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #CBAT
[CBAK Energy Technology](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=CBAT) (Electrical Equipment and Parts) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182308)
(2025-03-17, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +9.3% YoY (vs -22.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +55.0%)
- EBITDA margin -8.5% decreased compared to -5.6% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $20 mln over the past reporting period (26.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 7.8% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 5.7x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 56.5x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -5.9% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #ATNI
[ATN International](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ATNI) (Telecommunications company) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182364)
(2025-03-04, After Market Close):
- Revenue +266.3% YoY (vs -6.8% in previous quarter and historical rate +35.6%)
- EBITDA -22% YoY (vs -97.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +17.1%)
- EBITDA margin 4.4% decreased compared to 20.6% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $20 mln over the past reporting period (5.7% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 0.6% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 11.9x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 9.8x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.9x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +3.0% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #AKYA
[Akoya Biosciences, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AKYA) (Medical Instruments and Supplies) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182307)
(2025-03-17, After Market Close):
- Revenue -19.2% YoY (vs -24.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +31.4%)
- EBITDA margin -23.8% increased compared to -30.8% same period last year
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.6x
#reports #AGEN
[Agenus](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AGEN) (Biotechnology) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182323)
(2024-08-08, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -67.9% YoY (vs +4.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +26.9%)
- EBITDA margin -85.2% decreased compared to 1.2% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $249 mln over the past reporting period (35.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.3 bln (positive), 40.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 9.6x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.8% vs S&P500 +1.0%
#reports #FRAF
[Franklin Financial Services Corporation](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=FRAF) (Banks — Regional) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182299)
(2023-04-25, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -51.6% YoY (vs +7.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +5.7%)
- Net Income -236.4% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter)
- Net Income margin -100.0% decreased compared to 35.5% same period last year
- P/S multiple is 2.7x
- Price to book: 1.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.5%
#reports #LI
@ china , @ electric-vehicles
[Li Auto](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=LI) (Vehicles manufacturer) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-14, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +3.2% YoY (vs +28.6% in previous quarter and historical rate +81.0%)
- EBITDA +18.8% YoY (vs +45.5% in previous quarter and historical rate +51.9%)
- EBITDA margin 9.1% increased compared to 7.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $335 mln over the past reporting period (1.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.6 bln (positive), 2.4% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 19x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 39.3x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -3.8% vs S&P500 +0.8%
#reports #RERE
[ATRenew Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=RERE) (Internet Retail) reported for 2024 q4:
- Revenue +23.2% YoY (vs +30.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +22.7%)
- EBITDA margin -1.1% increased compared to -3.4% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $81 mln over the past reporting period (14.9% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 10.5% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.1x
#reports #MRC
[MRC Global](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=MRC) (Pipelines and components manufacturer) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182256)
(2025-03-03, After Market Close):
- Revenue -25% YoY (vs -10.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +5.3%)
- EBITDA -42.1% YoY (vs -28.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +57.1%)
- EBITDA margin 3.8% decreased compared to 4.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $579 mln over the past reporting period (60.3% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.2 bln (positive), 17.3% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 8.8x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 10x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -1.6% vs S&P500 -0.3%
#reports #HSON
[Hudson Global](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=HSON) (Staffing and Employment Services) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182255)
(2025-03-14, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +202.9% YoY (vs -5.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +13.3%)
- EBITDA margin -2.9% has not changed compared to -2.9% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $15 mln over the past reporting period (50.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 20.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.9% vs S&P500 +0.8%
#reports #GOGO
[Gogo](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=GOGO) (Telecom Services) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182254)
(2025-03-14, Before Market Open):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs +3.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +7.2%)
- EBITDA -83.3% YoY (vs -39.5% in previous quarter and historical rate -15.0%)
- EBITDA margin 5.1% decreased compared to 30.6% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $378 mln over the past reporting period (43.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 3.6% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 18.7x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 15.4x
- EV/Sales multiple is 4.3x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +10.3% vs S&P500 +0.8%
#reports #BKE
[The Buckle](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=BKE) (Apparel Retail) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-14, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -0.8% YoY (vs -3.0% in previous quarter and historical rate -2.1%)
- EBITDA 0% YoY (vs -15.4% in previous quarter and historical rate -10.2%)
- EBITDA margin 27.2% increased compared to 27.0% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $37 mln over the past reporting period (2.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 1.1% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 6.8x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 6.9x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +6.2% vs S&P500 +0.8%
#reports #FUTU
@ china , @ saas
[Futu](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=FUTU) (Capital Markets) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +87.8% YoY (vs +30.8% in previous quarter and historical rate +28.4%)
- Net Income +115.2% YoY (vs +22.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +33.1%)
- Net Income margin 42.2% increased compared to 36.8% same period last year
- P/E multiple is 24.9x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 20.9x
- P/S multiple is 10x
- Price to book: 4.3x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -2.8% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #DOYU
@ china
[DouYu International](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=DOYU) ( Entertainment services provider) reported for 2024 q4
(2024-05-15, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -14.8% YoY (vs -18.8% in previous quarter and historical rate -23.6%)
- EBITDA margin -11.5% decreased compared to -5.5% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $147 mln over the past reporting period (5.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.3 bln (negative), 12.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 4.5x
#reports #XPOF
[Xponential Fitness, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=XPOF) (Leisure) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue -7.8% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +30.6%)
- EBITDA -771.4% YoY (vs -116.7% in previous quarter and historical rate -4.9%)
- EBITDA margin -56.6% decreased compared to 7.8% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $1.4 bln since the start of the year (368.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.1 bln (positive), 20.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 8.3x
#reports #TCX
[Tucows](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=TCX) (Domain name registrar) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182249)
(2025-02-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue +6.9% YoY (vs +5.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +6.1%)
- EBITDA margin -20.4% decreased compared to -6.9% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $307 mln over the past reporting period (149.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 11.6% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.3x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.2% vs S&P500 +0.1%
#reports #MNTK
[Montauk Renewables, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=MNTK) (Utilities — Diversified) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs +17.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +31.8%)
- EBITDA -106.2% YoY (vs +31.8% in previous quarter and historical rate +44.8%)
- EBITDA margin -14.3% decreased compared to 232.1% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $11 mln over the past reporting period (3.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 3.7% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 9.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 29.8x
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -4.9% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #MBCN
[Middlefield Banc](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=MBCN) (Banks — Regional) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182245)
(2025-01-23, After Market Close):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs -6.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +4.0%)
- Net Income +25% YoY (vs -50.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +10.9%)
- Net Income margin 33.3% increased compared to 26.7% same period last year
- P/E multiple is 10x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 12x
- P/S multiple is 2.5x
- Price to book: 0.7x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.6% vs S&P500 +0.3%
#reports #LCUT
[Lifetime Brands](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=LCUT) (Furnishings, Fixtures and Appliances) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +5.9% YoY (vs -4.2% in previous quarter and historical rate -7.4%)
- EBITDA +14.3% YoY (vs -27.8% in previous quarter and historical rate +30.8%)
- EBITDA margin 11.2% increased compared to 10.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $23 mln over the past reporting period (22.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 1.0% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 6.5x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 22.9x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +8.1% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #KRT
[Karat Packaging Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=KRT) (Packaging and Containers) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue +6.3% YoY (vs +6.6% in previous quarter and historical rate +5.9%)
- EBITDA +42.9% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +15.9%)
- EBITDA margin 9.8% increased compared to 7.3% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 11.2x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 10.9x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.3x
#reports #EVCM
[EverCommerce Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=EVCM) (Software — Infrastructure) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue +3.6% YoY (vs +0.6% in previous quarter and historical rate +10.9%)
- EBITDA +23.1% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +37.6%)
- EBITDA margin 18.3% increased compared to 15.4% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $35 mln over the past reporting period (2.1% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 1.0% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 18.4x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 29.8x
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.9x
#reports #VERI
[Veritone](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=VERI) (Software — Infrastructure) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue -35.3% YoY (vs -37.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +8.0%)
- EBITDA margin -59.1% decreased compared to -35.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $28 mln over the past reporting period (32.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 79.3% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.8x
#reports #TACT
[TransAct Technologies](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=TACT) (Computer Hardware) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue -23.1% YoY (vs -35.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +15.7%)
- Net Debt decreased by $10 mln over the past reporting period (27.8% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 5.6% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 26x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 14.3x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.6x
#reports #SOHO
[Sotherly Hotels](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=SOHO) (REIT — Hotel and Motel) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +4.8% YoY (vs +5.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +14.6%)
- EBITDA 0% YoY (vs +16.7% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin 20.5% decreased compared to 21.4% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 0.4x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 1.1x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -1.3% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #RGNX
[REGENXBIO](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=RGNX) (Developer of viral gene therapy) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182215)
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue -4.5% YoY (vs -17.2% in previous quarter and historical rate -11.8%)
- EBITDA margin -238.1% increased compared to -272.7% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $18 mln over the past reporting period (5.4% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 4.5% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.2x
#reports #PD
[PagerDuty](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=PD) (Software provider) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue +9% YoY (vs +9.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +17.1%)
- EBITDA margin -0.8% increased compared to -20.7% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $23 mln over the past reporting period (1.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.1 bln (positive), 6.1% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.8x
#reports #FNWB
[First Northwest Bancorp](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=FNWB) (Banks — Regional) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182213)
(2025-01-29, Before Market Open):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs -6.7% in previous quarter and historical rate -7.2%)
- Net Income margin 14.3% increased compared to -35.7% same period last year
- P/S multiple is 1.8x
- Price to book: 0.6x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -0.6% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #ASPS
[Altisource Portfolio Solutions](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ASPS) (Mortgage Finance) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +20.6% YoY (vs +13.9% in previous quarter and historical rate -2.7%)
- Net Income margin -22.0% increased compared to -38.2% same period last year
- P/S multiple is 0.2x
- Price to book: -0.2x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -2.7% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #AKBA
[Akebia Therapeutics](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AKBA) (Biotechnology) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182211)
(2025-03-13, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -17.9% YoY (vs -11.9% in previous quarter and historical rate -8.7%)
- EBITDA -320% YoY (vs -100.0% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin -23.9% decreased compared to 8.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $18 mln over the past reporting period (5.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 2.8% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -6.7% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #CCI
[Crown Castle](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=CCI) (Real estate investment trust) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-02-26, After Market Close):
- Revenue -1.5% YoY (vs -0.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +1.5%)
- EBITDA -496.9% YoY (vs +5.5% in previous quarter and historical rate +44.5%)
- EBITDA margin -246.7% decreased compared to 61.2% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $132 mln over the past reporting period (0.3% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.7 bln (negative), 1.6% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 10.8x
#reports #VRME
[VerifyMe](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=VRME) (Security and Protection Services) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182155)
(2025-03-06, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -11.1% YoY (vs -16.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +67.3%)
- EBITDA -16.7% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin 62.5% decreased compared to 66.7% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 0.8x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 2.5x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -14.1% vs S&P500 -1.0%
#reports #VRA
[Vera Bradley](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=VRA) (Footwear and Accessories) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -24.8% YoY (vs -29.6% in previous quarter and historical rate -11.3%)
- EBITDA margin -21.0% decreased compared to -0.8% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $59 mln over the past reporting period (72.8% of market cap)
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -19.7% vs S&P500 +0.9%
#reports #UPLD
[Upland Software](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=UPLD) (Software — Application) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182148)
(2025-03-12, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -5.6% YoY (vs -9.5% in previous quarter and historical rate -2.9%)
- EBITDA +87.5% YoY (vs +40.0% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin 22.1% increased compared to 11.1% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $151 mln over the past reporting period (178.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.5 bln (positive), 565.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 3.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -4.5% vs S&P500 +0.9%
#reports #SKIN
[The Beauty Health Company](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=SKIN) (Special purpose acquisition company) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue -13.4% YoY (vs -18.6% in previous quarter and historical rate +23.9%)
- EBITDA margin -14.3% increased compared to -23.7% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $11 mln over the past reporting period (6.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 13.1% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.1x
#reports #S
[SentinelOne, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=S) (Software — Infrastructure) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +29.9% YoY (vs +28.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +63.2%)
- EBITDA margin 1.3% increased compared to -32.8% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $82 mln over the past reporting period (1.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.3 bln (negative), 4.9% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 5.6x
#reports #ODC
[Oil-Dri Corporation of America](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ODC) (Specialty Chemicals) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182119)
(2024-12-09, After Market Close):
- Revenue +10.4% YoY (vs +15.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +13.1%)
- EBITDA +40% YoY (vs +50.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +60.6%)
- EBITDA margin 23.9% increased compared to 18.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $15 mln over the past reporting period (2.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 2.0% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 8x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 4.5x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.7x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +9.7% vs S&P500 0.0%
#reports #ISTR
[Investar Corporation](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ISTR) (Banks — Regional) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182171)
(2024-10-21, Before Market Open):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs +5.6% in previous quarter and historical rate -7.5%)
- Net Income +50% YoY (vs +66.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +26.2%)
- Net Income margin 33.3% increased compared to 22.2% same period last year
- P/E multiple is 9x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 10.6x
- P/S multiple is 2.4x
- Price to book: 0.7x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +2.8% vs S&P500 -0.1%
#reports #ECOR
[electroCore](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ECOR) (Medical Devices) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182166)
(2023-05-17, After Market Close):
- Revenue +40% YoY (vs +40.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +88.6%)
- EBITDA margin -42.9% increased compared to -80.0% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $1 mln over the past reporting period (1.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 1.6% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.1x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.1%
#reports #CPSS
[Consumer Portfolio Services](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=CPSS) (Credit Services) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182191)
(2025-02-24, After Market Close):
- Revenue +14.1% YoY (vs +9.8% in previous quarter and historical rate +29.7%)
- Net Income -28.6% YoY (vs -50.0% in previous quarter and historical rate -5.7%)
- Net Income margin 4.8% decreased compared to 7.6% same period last year
- P/E multiple is 9.7x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 5.6x
- P/S multiple is 0.5x
- Price to book: 0.7x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +0.9% vs S&P500 -0.4%
#reports #RAIL
[FreightCar America](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=RAIL) (Railroads) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +8.7% YoY (vs +82.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +52.8%)
- EBITDA +550% YoY (vs +400.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +93.1%)
- EBITDA margin 9.4% increased compared to 1.6% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $1 mln over the past reporting period (0.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 49.1% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 10.4x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 34.4x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.8x
#reports #QRHC
[Quest Resource Corporation](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=QRHC) (Waste Management) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +1.4% YoY (vs +4.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +37.6%)
- EBITDA -350% YoY (vs -66.7% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin -7.1% decreased compared to 2.9% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $6 mln over the past reporting period (7.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 8.8% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 39.4x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 19x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
#reports #PHR
[Phreesia](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=PHR) (Health Information Services) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +15.8% YoY (vs +16.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +24.7%)
- EBITDA margin -0.9% increased compared to -26.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $5 mln over the past reporting period (0.4% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 0.7% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 3.1x
#reports #PATH
[UiPath Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=PATH) (Software — Infrastructure) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +4.7% YoY (vs +8.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +17.7%)
- EBITDA +59.1% YoY (vs -1800.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +21.6%)
- EBITDA margin 16.5% increased compared to 10.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $1.6 bln since the start of the year (23.7% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.1 bln (positive), 1.1% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 3.5x
#reports #NSPR
[InspireMD](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=NSPR) (Medical Devices) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, Before Market Open):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +33.3%)
- EBITDA margin -450.0% decreased compared to -250.0% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $7 mln over the past reporting period (31.8% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 9.1% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 0.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 1x
- EV/Sales multiple is -1.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +19.7% vs S&P500 +0.9%
#reports #NKTR
[Nektar Therapeutics](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=NKTR) (Medicines developer) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +20.8% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate -0.8%)
- EBITDA margin 55.2% increased compared to -133.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $17 mln over the past reporting period (9.9% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 29.1% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.2x
#reports #KLXE
[KLX Energy Services](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=KLXE) (Oil and Gas Equipment and Services) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, After Market Close):
- Revenue -14.4% YoY (vs -14.5% in previous quarter and historical rate +28.3%)
- EBITDA -9.1% YoY (vs -28.6% in previous quarter and historical rate +74.2%)
- EBITDA margin 12.0% increased compared to 11.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $21 mln over the past reporting period (38.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 38.6% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 4x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 4.3x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.4x
#reports #FTHM
[Fathom](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=FTHM) (Real Estate Services) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +24.3% YoY (vs -10.6% in previous quarter and historical rate -0.7%)
- EBITDA margin -2.2% increased compared to -9.5% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $2 mln over the past reporting period (13.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 13.0% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.1x
#reports #CDLX
[Cardlytics](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=CDLX) (Marketing services provider ) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182135)
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue -16.9% YoY (vs -15.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +3.1%)
- EBITDA margin -2.7% increased compared to -107.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $185 mln over the past reporting period (186.8% of market cap)
- EV/Sales multiple is 1x
#reports #BRLT
[Brilliant Earth Group, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=BRLT) (Luxury Goods) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +159.7% YoY (vs -12.3% in previous quarter and historical rate +31.9%)
- EBITDA -71.4% YoY (vs -42.9% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin 1.2% decreased compared to 11.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $8 mln over the past reporting period (6.2% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 73.4% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 17.6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 16.2x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.3x
#reports #ASRT
[Assertio](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ASRT) (Drug Manufacturers — Specialty and Generic) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182134)
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +97% YoY (vs -19.4% in previous quarter and historical rate +16.4%)
- EBITDA margin -27.7% increased compared to -39.4% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $11 mln over the past reporting period (29.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 40.3% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 1.6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 4.1x
- EV/Sales multiple is -0.2x
#reports #AP
[Ampco-Pittsburgh Corporation](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AP) (Metal Fabrication) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-13, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -6.5% YoY (vs -5.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +6.9%)
- EBITDA margin 84.2% increased compared to -34.3% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 1x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 12.9x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.4x
#reports #ANIK
[Anika Therapeutics](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ANIK) (Pain medication manufacturer) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue -27.9% YoY (vs -4.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +1.5%)
- EBITDA margin -200.0% decreased compared to -139.5% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $5 mln over the past reporting period (2.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 3.6% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.4x
#reports #AMRN
[Amarin](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AMRN) (Biotechnology) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182132)
(2025-03-12, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -17.3% YoY (vs -36.4% in previous quarter and historical rate -26.5%)
- EBITDA margin -85.5% decreased compared to -17.3% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $12 mln over the past reporting period (7.3% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 8.5% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 1.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 1.8x
- EV/Sales multiple is -0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -13.9% vs S&P500 +0.9%
#reports #AEYE
[AudioEye](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AEYE) (Software — Application) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182130)
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue +25% YoY (vs +12.5% in previous quarter and historical rate +14.0%)
- EBITDA margin -10.0% decreased compared to 0.0% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $2 mln over the past reporting period (1.3% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 2.6% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 4.4x
#reports #AEO
[American Eagle Outfitters](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=AEO) (Clothing products provider ) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, After Market Close):
- Revenue -4.4% YoY (vs -0.9% in previous quarter and historical rate -0.1%)
- EBITDA +195.5% YoY (vs -9.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +25.1%)
- EBITDA margin 12.3% increased compared to 4.0% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $144 mln over the past reporting period (6.4% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.5 bln (negative), 21.8% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 3.7x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 7.7x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.6x
#reports #EH
@ china
[EHang](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=EH) (Aerospace and Defense) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-12, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +187.5% YoY (vs +350.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +109.4%)
- EBITDA margin -26.1% increased compared to -112.5% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $1.5 bln since the start of the year (123.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.1 bln (positive), 7.3% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 17.3x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +11.1% vs S&P500 +0.9%
#reports #ZYXI
[Zynex](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=ZYXI) (Medical equipment manufacturer) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182085)
(2025-03-11, After Market Close):
- Revenue -2.1% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +15.3%)
- EBITDA -66.7% YoY (vs -28.6% in previous quarter and historical rate -0.3%)
- EBITDA margin 2.2% decreased compared to 6.4% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $34 mln over the past reporting period (15.3% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 5.4% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 23.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 20.1x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.3x
#reports #XGN
[Exagen](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=XGN) (Diagnostics and Research) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182084)
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue 0% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +6.4%)
- EBITDA margin -21.4% increased compared to -35.7% same period last year
- EV/Sales multiple is 1x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +6.7% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #SMSI
[Smith Micro Software](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=SMSI) (Software — Application) reported for 2024 q4
(2024-08-01, After Market Close):
- Revenue -44.4% YoY (vs -54.5% in previous quarter and historical rate -26.0%)
- EBITDA margin -40.0% decreased compared to -33.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $2 mln over the past reporting period (2.6% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 6.4% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 3.8x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -18.5% vs S&P500 -1.3%
#reports #SFIX
[Stitch Fix](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=SFIX) (Online platform for selling clothes and shoes) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-11, After Market Close):
- Revenue -5.5% YoY (vs -12.6% in previous quarter and historical rate -16.5%)
- EBITDA margin -0.6% increased compared to -7.6% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $114 mln over the past reporting period (21.4% of market cap)
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.3x
#reports #RMBL
[RumbleON](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=RMBL) (Auto and Truck Dealerships) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -13.2% YoY (vs -12.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +29.1%)
- EBITDA margin -13.3% increased compared to -20.9% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $69 mln over the past reporting period (54.7% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0.1 bln (positive), 49.2% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 684.1x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 40.2x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.6x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +2.9% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #NUWE
[Nuwellis](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=NUWE) (Medical Devices) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182100)
- Revenue -33.3% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate -1.4%)
- EBITDA margin -100.0% has not changed compared to -100.0% same period last year
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.7x
#reports #NATR
[Nature's Sunshine Products](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=NATR) (Packaged Foods) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182082)
(2025-03-11, After Market Close):
- Revenue +8.3% YoY (vs +3.6% in previous quarter and historical rate -3.8%)
- EBITDA 0% YoY (vs 0.0% in previous quarter and historical rate -0.9%)
- EBITDA margin 7.6% decreased compared to 8.3% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $8 mln over the past reporting period (3.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 1.1% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 5.9x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 7.6x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
#reports #LDI
[loanDepot, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=LDI) (Mortgage Finance) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-11, After Market Close):
- Revenue +12.2% YoY (vs +18.4% in previous quarter and historical rate -22.1%)
- Net Income margin -26.1% increased compared to -26.2% same period last year
- P/S multiple is 0.3x
- Price to book: 0.3x
#reports #KSS
[Kohls](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=KSS) (Department Stores) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -9.4% YoY (vs -8.5% in previous quarter and historical rate -5.8%)
- EBITDA -36.4% YoY (vs -18.3% in previous quarter and historical rate -14.2%)
- EBITDA margin 5.7% decreased compared to 8.2% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $582 mln over the past reporting period (49.5% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$1517.8 bln (positive), 129126.8% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 7x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 7x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.5x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -13.4% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #HRTG
[Heritage Insurance](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=HRTG) (Insurance — Property and Casualty) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-11, After Market Close):
- Revenue +12.3% YoY (vs +14.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +9.1%)
- Net Income -35.5% YoY (vs +700.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +86.7%)
- Net Income margin 9.5% decreased compared to 16.6% same period last year
- P/E multiple is 6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 6.2x
- P/S multiple is 0.4x
- Price to book: 1.3x
#reports #FWRG
[First Watch Restaurant Group, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=FWRG) (Restaurants) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182077)
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +7.3% YoY (vs +15.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +27.8%)
- EBITDA margin 1.5% increased compared to -4.5% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 12.6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 55.4x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -0.8% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #EWCZ
[European Wax Center, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=EWCZ) (Household and Personal Products) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182076)
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -10.7% YoY (vs -1.8% in previous quarter and historical rate +22.1%)
- EBITDA 0% YoY (vs -16.7% in previous quarter and historical rate +25.9%)
- EBITDA margin 36.0% increased compared to 32.1% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $3 mln over the past reporting period (1.0% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0 bln (negative), 0.3% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 9.6x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 24.3x
- EV/Sales multiple is 3x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -46.8% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #DKS
[DICK'S Sporting Goods](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=DKS) (Sport clothes and equipment seller) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +0.5% YoY (vs +0.5% in previous quarter and historical rate +3.1%)
- EBITDA -1.6% YoY (vs +53.6% in previous quarter and historical rate +2.7%)
- EBITDA margin 12.5% decreased compared to 12.8% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $2.8 bln since the start of the year (17.5% of market cap)
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 8.8x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 9.8x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -2.4% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #CMT
[Core Molding Technologies](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=CMT) (Specialty Chemicals) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?ticker=CMT&q=2024 q4&id=824240)
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue -16.2% YoY (vs -16.1% in previous quarter and historical rate +0.7%)
- EBITDA +33.3% YoY (vs -22.2% in previous quarter and historical rate +39.1%)
- EBITDA margin 12.9% increased compared to 8.1% same period last year
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 3.2x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 6.2x
- EV/Sales multiple is 0.4x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -2.6% vs S&P500 -0.2%
#reports #CDRE
[Cadre Holdings, Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=CDRE) (Aerospace and Defense) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182074)
(2025-03-11, After Market Close):
- Revenue +40.8% YoY (vs -12.8% in previous quarter and historical rate +10.1%)
- EBITDA +112.5% YoY (vs -47.6% in previous quarter)
- EBITDA margin 19.3% increased compared to 12.8% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $18 mln over the past reporting period (1.3% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 5.2% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 16.7x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 25.1x
- EV/Sales multiple is 2.6x
#reports #CARA
[Cara Therapeutics](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=CARA) (Medicines Developer) reported for [2024 q4](https://eninvs.com/press_release.php?source=sec&form_type=10&id=182093)
(2025-02-26, After Market Close):
- Revenue -66.7% YoY (vs -40.0% in previous quarter and historical rate +11.8%)
- EBITDA margin -500.0% increased compared to -1066.7% same period last year
- Net Debt increased by $1 mln over the past reporting period (0.4% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) -$0.1 bln (negative), 19.2% of market cap
- EV/Sales multiple is 34.7x
At the opening of the session the share price went down -1.2% vs S&P500 +0.3%
#reports #BVS
[Bioventus Inc.](https://eninvs.com/all.php?name=BVS) (Medical Devices) reported for 2024 q4
(2025-03-11, Before Market Open):
- Revenue +14.1% YoY (vs +14.9% in previous quarter and historical rate +4.4%)
- EBITDA +18% YoY (vs -63.6% in previous quarter and historical rate +60.9%)
- EBITDA margin 38.3% increased compared to 37.0% same period last year
- Net Debt decreased by $47 mln over the past reporting period (6.9% of market cap)
- FCF (LTM) +$0 bln (positive), 3.8% of market cap
- EV/EBITDA multiple is 7.3x compared to historical level (75th percentile) of 26.4x
- EV/Sales multiple is 1.8x
At the opening of the session the share price went up +24.9% vs S&P500 -0.2%
Sector: Shell Companies
Quarterly values ($m)
Change (y/y)
FCF ($m)
Net Debt / Cash and Equivalents ($m)
EV / Sales
Potential dynamics
Property | 2023 q3 | 2023 q2 | 2023 q1 | 2022 q4 | 2022 q3 | 2022 q2 |
date | 2023-09-30 | 2023-06-30 | 2023-03-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-30 | 2022-06-30 |
symbol | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER |
reportedCurrency | USD | USD | USD | USD | USD | USD |
cik | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M |
fillingDate | 2023-11-14 | 2023-08-14 | 2023-05-19 | 2023-04-04 | 2022-11-14 | 2022-08-10 |
acceptedDate | 2023-11-14 16:48:55 | 2023-08-14 17:27:55 | 2023-05-18 21:49:47 | 2023-04-03 20:48:20 | 2022-11-14 16:09:48 | 2022-08-09 17:46:41 |
calendarYear | 2023 | 2023 | 2023 | 2022 | 2022 | 2022 |
period | Q3 | Q2 | Q1 | Q4 | Q3 | Q2 |
revenue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
costOfRevenue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1M | 0 | 0 |
grossProfit | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1M | 0 | 0 |
grossProfitRatio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
researchAndDevelopmentExpenses | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
generalAndAdministrativeExpenses | 0 | 0 | 0 | 201 387 | 232 400 | 0 |
sellingAndMarketingExpenses | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
sellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenses | 0 | 285.765 | 0 | 201 387 | 232 400 | 0 |
otherExpenses | 0 | 0 | 429 719 | 16 800 | 50 000 | 0 |
operatingExpenses | 305 075 | 335 765 | 429 719 | 218 187 | 282 400 | 0 |
costAndExpenses | 305 075 | 335 765 | 429 719 | 218 187 | 282 400 | 0 |
interestIncome | 0 | 1085.293 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
interestExpense | 0 | 0 | -2M | -2M | -945 302 | 0 |
depreciationAndAmortization | -580 426 | -1M | -2M | -2M | -945 302 | 0 |
ebitda | -885 501 | -1M | -3M | -2M | -1M | -81 655 |
ebitdaratio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
operatingIncome | -305 075 | -335 765 | -429 719 | -218 187 | -282 400 | -378 596 |
operatingIncomeRatio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
totalOtherIncomeExpensesNet | 580 426 | 1M | 2M | 2M | 945 302 | 296 941 |
incomeBeforeTax | 275 351 | 749 528 | 2M | 2M | 662 902 | -81 655 |
incomeBeforeTaxRatio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
incomeTaxExpense | 111 390 | 217 411 | 465 538 | 375 457 | 188 013 | 20 764 |
netIncome | 163 961 | 532 117 | 1M | 1M | 474 889 | -102 419 |
netIncomeRatio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
eps | 0.02 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.059 | 0.09 | -0.005 |
epsdiluted | 0.02 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.26 | 0.018 | -0.005 |
weightedAverageShsOut | 7M | 8M | 26M | 21M | 5M | 21M |
weightedAverageShsOutDil | 7M | 8M | 26M | 5M | 26M | 21M |
link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
finalLink | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
Property | 2023 q3 | 2023 q2 | 2023 q1 | 2022 q4 | 2022 q3 | 2022 q2 |
date | 2023-09-30 | 2023-06-30 | 2023-03-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-30 | 2022-06-30 |
symbol | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER |
reportedCurrency | USD | USD | USD | USD | USD | USD |
cik | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M |
fillingDate | 2023-11-14 | 2023-08-14 | 2023-05-19 | 2023-04-04 | 2022-11-14 | 2022-08-10 |
acceptedDate | 2023-11-14 16:48:55 | 2023-08-14 17:27:55 | 2023-05-18 21:49:47 | 2023-04-03 20:48:20 | 2022-11-14 16:09:48 | 2022-08-09 17:46:41 |
calendarYear | 2023 | 2023 | 2023 | 2022 | 2022 | 2022 |
period | Q3 | Q2 | Q1 | Q4 | Q3 | Q2 |
cashAndCashEquivalents | 409 | 1653 | 3646 | 106 226 | 255 951 | 316 265 |
shortTermInvestments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
cashAndShortTermInvestments | 409 | 1653 | 3646 | 106 226 | 255 951 | 316 265 |
netReceivables | 230 236 | 248 126 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
inventory | -230 236 | 92 410 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
otherCurrentAssets | 247 474 | 341 | 167 443 | 241 314 | 299 590 | 299 590 |
totalCurrentAssets | 247 883 | 342 530 | 171 089 | 347 540 | 555 541 | 615 855 |
propertyPlantEquipmentNet | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
goodwill | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
intangibleAssets | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
goodwillAndIntangibleAssets | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
longTermInvestments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
taxAssets | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
otherNonCurrentAssets | 56M | 55M | 214M | 212M | 210M | 209M |
totalNonCurrentAssets | 56M | 55M | 214M | 212M | 210M | 209M |
otherAssets | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
totalAssets | 56M | 55M | 214M | 212M | 211M | 210M |
accountPayables | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
shortTermDebt | 950 676 | 672 750 | 73 250 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
taxPayables | 2M | 2M | 1M | 656 646 | 287 952 | 20 764 |
deferredRevenue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 299 590 | 299 590 |
otherCurrentLiabilities | 805 485 | 664 941 | 2M | 1M | 697 604 | 365 813 |
totalCurrentLiabilities | 3M | 3M | 2M | 1M | 997 194 | 686 167 |
longTermDebt | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
deferredRevenueNonCurrent | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
deferredTaxLiabilitiesNonCurrent | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
otherNonCurrentLiabilities | 7M | 0 | 7M | 7M | 7M | 7M |
totalNonCurrentLiabilities | 7M | 7M | 7M | 7M | 7M | 7M |
otherLiabilities | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
capitalLeaseObligations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
totalLiabilities | 11M | 10M | 9M | 9M | 8M | 8M |
preferredStock | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
commonStock | 54M | 54M | 214M | 212M | 210M | 419M |
retainedEarnings | -8M | -9M | -9M | -8M | -8M | -7M |
accumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLoss | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
othertotalStockholdersEquity | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -419M |
totalStockholdersEquity | 45M | 45M | 205M | 204M | 203M | -7M |
totalEquity | 45M | 45M | 205M | 204M | 203M | -7M |
totalLiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity | 56M | 55M | 214M | 212M | 211M | 708 606 |
minorityInterest | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
totalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquity | 56M | 55M | 214M | 212M | 211M | 708 606 |
totalInvestments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
totalDebt | 950 676 | 672 750 | 73 250 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
netDebt | 950 267 | 671 097 | 69 604 | -106 226 | -255 951 | -316 265 |
link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
finalLink | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
Property | 2023 q3 | 2023 q2 | 2023 q1 | 2022 q4 | 2022 q3 | 2022 q2 |
date | 2023-09-30 | 2023-06-30 | 2023-03-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-30 | 2022-06-30 |
symbol | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER | ENER |
reportedCurrency | USD | USD | USD | USD | USD | USD |
cik | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M | 2M |
fillingDate | 2023-11-14 | 2023-08-14 | 2023-05-19 | 2023-04-04 | 2022-11-14 | 2022-08-10 |
acceptedDate | 2023-11-14 16:48:55 | 2023-08-14 17:27:55 | 2023-05-18 21:49:47 | 2023-04-03 20:48:20 | 2022-11-14 16:09:48 | 2022-08-09 17:46:41 |
calendarYear | 2023 | 2023 | 2023 | 2022 | 2022 | 2022 |
period | Q3 | Q2 | Q1 | Q4 | Q3 | Q2 |
netIncome | 163 961 | 532 117 | 1M | 1M | 474 889 | -102 419 |
depreciationAndAmortization | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
deferredIncomeTax | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
stockBasedCompensation | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
changeInWorkingCapital | 250 586 | -1M | 647 015 | 420 309 | 386 540 | -285 218M |
accountsReceivables | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
inventory | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
accountsPayables | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
otherWorkingCapital | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
otherNonCashItems | -580 425 | -1M | -2M | -2M | -945 302 | 540 144M |
netCashProvidedByOperatingActivities | -165 878 | -2M | -248 242 | -173 335 | -83 873 | 254 927M |
investmentsInPropertyPlantAndEquipment | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
acquisitionsNet | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
purchasesOfInvestments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
salesMaturitiesOfInvestments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
otherInvestingActivites | -113 292 | 160M | 72 412 | 23 610 | 0.024 | 0 |
netCashUsedForInvestingActivites | -113 292 | 160M | 72 412 | 23 610 | 0.024 | 0 |
debtRepayment | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
commonStockIssued | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
commonStockRepurchased | 0 | -159 045 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
dividendsPaid | 0 | 0 | -2M | -34 458M | -34 456 | -17 229M |
otherFinancingActivites | 277 926 | -158M | 2M | 68 915M | 34 456 | 0 |
netCashUsedProvidedByFinancingActivities | 277 926 | -158M | 73 250 | 34 458M | -34 456 | 0 |
effectOfForexChangesOnCash | 0 | 0 | 0 | -34 458M | 0 | 0 |
netChangeInCash | -1244 | -1993 | -102 580 | -149 725 | -60 314 | -406 849M |
cashAtEndOfPeriod | 409 | 1653 | 3646 | 106 226 | 255 951 | 316 265 |
cashAtBeginningOfPeriod | 1653 | 3646 | 106 226 | 255 951 | 316 265 | 406 849M |
operatingCashFlow | -165 878 | -2M | -248 242 | -173 335 | -83 873 | 254 927M |
capitalExpenditure | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
freeCashFlow | -165 878 | -2M | -248 242 | -173 335 | -83 873 | 254 927M |
link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
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