VANCOUVER, BC, Feb. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --
New insights from dating app
found that singles are feeling optimistic about dating this year, with more than half (57%) believing they'll find "The One", and over 40% noting that Valentine's Day is the perfect time to start a fresh relationship. These findings, among others, were revealed in a new survey by Plenty of Fish and OnePoll,* underscoring how 2020 led to fundamental shifts in dating.
New Valentine's Day survey from Plenty of Fish finds singles are optimistic about finding "The One" this year.Dating, Actually
Singles are breathing a sigh of relief on Valentine's Day this year: seven in 10 are feeling less romantic pressure to have big plans for the holiday. With pandemic protocols still in place, singles are planning for more low-key activities – almost 50% of millennials plan on celebrating at home with their "Quaran-team" (roommates, family and friends). For other singles, the top Valentine's Day activities include having a virtual date (over one-third) or meeting up in safer settings like the outdoors (more than 50%).
Spending a year learning to date from a distance has led singles to adjust their dating perspectives and priorities, including:
"Though romance may look a bit different this Valentine's Day, singles remain open-minded and optimistic about finding 'The One,'" said Stefan Harvalias, Head of Global Marketing at Plenty of Fish. "We believe that 2021 will be an exciting year for dating – singles are eager to spark new connections, and aren't afraid to explore creative ways to form meaningful connections."
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The 2021 Dating Forecast: Singles Are Hopeful They'll Find "The One" This Year Study + Methodology2,000 U.S. casually dating singles ages 18-65+ were polled in Jan. 2021 by OnePoll, in a study commissioned by Plenty of Fish
About Plenty of Fish Plenty of Fish, a Match Group (NASDAQ: MTCH) company, is one of the largest global online dating companies and is available in 11 languages and more than 20 countries. Unlike many dating offerings today, Plenty of Fish offers a less prescriptive, low-pressure user experience that allows singles to discover what they're looking for.
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