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Final entry into force of an important court decision in Sweden, increase in the volume of fish farming

Published: 2021-12-20 14:45:00 ET
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The Swedish Land and Environmental Court of Appeal did not accept an appeal against new fish farming permits in Sweden, Västerbotten region, Kaskeluokt, which gave final effect to the decision of the Swedish County and Environmental Court made at the beginning of the year in favour of AS PRFoods' Swedish subsidiary Överumans Fisk Ab.

In 2020, Överumans Fisk Ab, a subsidiary of AS PRFoods, was granted a permit to establish additional fish farming in Kaskeluokt, Västerbotten, Sweden. The authorization allowed the use of 2400 tonnes of feed for an estimated up to 2200 tonnes of fish. The permit decision was challenged by a local resident as well as by Överumans Fisk Ab itself in order to obtain additional conditional feed use. According to the decision of the County and Environmental Court, the complaint of the local resident was rejected and the complaint of Överumans Fisk Ab was satisfied, as a result of which the company has the right to use up to 3,600 tons of feed per year on the basis of a permit. The Swedish Land and Environmental Court of Appeal did not accept the appeal filed against the decision favourable to Õverumans Fisk Ab, which as a result gave final effect to the decision of the mentioned County and Environmental Court.

The above means that Överumans Fisk Ab has finally achieved an annual increase in the volume of fish feed of 3,600 tonnes. Överumans Fisk Ab plans to start using the permits already in 2022. With the introduction of the new permit, the turnover of Överumans Fisk Ab will increase approximately 3.5 times compared to recent years and, depending on the price of fish, the annual turnover should exceed 15 million euros per year.

Indrek KaselaAS PRFoodsMember of the Management BoardPhone: +372 452