MINNEAPOLIS, March 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sun Country Airlines(NASDAQ: SNCY) and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) announced jointly today that they have reached an Agreement in Principle on a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) covering Sun Country’s more than 600 flight attendants.
Sun Country and IBT will work together to finalize the language in the CBA over the next 30 days. Once complete, the resulting Tentative Agreement will be put out for vote and ratification by the flight attendants.
"We are pleased with the progress we have made to reach an agreement that significantly improves our members' wages and working conditions," said the Sun Country IBT Negotiating Committee.
“We are grateful for the work our flight attendants do every day to keep our passengers safe and comfortable,” says Matt Hoiness, Sun Country Vice President, Inflight. “This Agreement in Principle delivers much deserved improvements for our flight attendants and supports Sun Country’s ability to operate a safe, high-quality airline positioned to grow profitably. It’s the result of a collaborative and productive effort between Sun Country and IBT.”
ABOUT SUN COUNTRY AIRLINESSun Country Airlines is a new breed of hybrid low-cost air carrier, whose mission is to connect guests to their favorite people and places, to create lifelong memories and transformative experiences. Sun Country dynamically deploys shared resources across our synergistic scheduled service, charter, and cargo businesses. Based in Minnesota, we focus on serving leisure and visiting friends and relatives (“VFR”) passengers and charter customers and providing CMI service to Amazon, with flights throughout the United States and to destinations in Mexico, Central America, Canada, and the Caribbean. For photos, b-roll and additional company information, visit http://www.suncountryview.com/newsroom/multimedia/.
Media ContactSun Country Airlines651-900-8400mediarelations@suncountry.com