PRF: AS PRFoods’ unaudited preliminary consolidated turnover of the 3rdquarter and 9 months of the 2022/2023 financial year
PRFoods’ unaudited preliminary consolidated turnover in the 3rd quarter of the financial year of 2022/2023 amounted to 3,91 million euros and 9 months turnover to 15,14 million euros. Compared to last year, the remaining business units revenues increased in Q3 by 8,3% and in 9 months by 26%.
Indrek Kasela, CEO, PRFoods:
As of current calendar year, PRFoods has subsidiaries only in Estonia and Great Britain. Last year's comparable periods included revenues from Finnish and Swedish subsidiaries, that have been sold. According to accounting rules, for revenues comparison on year on year basis, revenues from discontinued operations shall be included nevertheless. More objective performance of remaining business units is if to compare revenues per country. 9 months results from Estonia include revenues from fish farming (there are no farming operations in Q3). We are happy to see that both Estonia and Great Britain managed to grow their sales in each quarter. Big impact has been increase in sales prices. During current quarter we predict slight decrease of sales in Estonia, but Great Britain will show stable growth. The demand for products remains strong, whilst raw material prices are historically highest, resulting in higher sales prices.
Turnover by countries. mln EUR | 3Q 22/23 | 3Q 21/22 | Change. EUR | Change. % |
Finland | 0,00 | 3,05 | -3,05 | -100,0% |
Great Britain | 2,60 | 2,39 | 0,21 | 8,8% |
Estonia | 1,31 | 1,22 | 0,09 | 7,4% |
Sweden | 0,00 | 1,21 | -1,21 | -100,0% |
Total | 3,91 | 7,87 | -3,96 | -50,3% |
Total Estonia & Great Britain | 3,91 | 3,61 | 0,30 | 8,3% |
Turnover by countries. mln EUR | 9m 22/23 | 9m 21/22 | Change. EUR | Change. % |
Finland | 0,00 | 19,86 | -19,86 | -100,0% |
Great Britain | 9,80 | 8,29 | 1,51 | 18,2% |
Estonia | 5,34 | 3,74 | 1,60 | 42,8% |
Sweden | 0,15 | 5,28 | -5,13 | -97,2% |
Total | 15,29 | 37,17 | -21,88 | -58,9% |
Total Estonia & Great Britain | 15,14 | 12,03 | 3,11 | 25,9% |
Indrek KaselaAS PRFoodsMember of the Management BoardPhone: +372 452