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TCS+ | FirstRand’s Christoph Nieuwoudt on the AI revolution

Published: 2023-06-26 15:35 +02:00 by TechCentral tag: AI and machine learning


Christoph Nieuwoudt

FirstRand Group’s Christoph Nieuwoudt is one of the leading South African – and global – experts on artificial intelligence.

The financial services group’s chief data and analytics offer, Nieuwoudt joins Duncan McLeod on TechCentral’s TCS+ business technology show to explain why, in his view, South African organisations cannot afford to ignore the revolutionary changes that will be driven by AI in the years ahead.

Nieuwoudt, who graduated with a doctorate in engineering focused on machine learning long before AI was a hot-button topic, talks about his doctoral thesis and his career history, which included co-designing the computer engineering degree at the University of Pretoria.

In this episode of TCS+, Nieuwoudt unpacks:  What exactly is involved in being a chief data and analytics officer; Why AI is critically important to the FirstRand Group and its subsidiaries, including First National Bank and Rand Merchant Bank, and what it allows the group to do differently – and better; What it means for FirstRand and FNB/RMB customers; The importance of generative AI in business and what it means for productivity gains; The applications of AI in banking; FirstRand’s AI reskilling initiative – why it’s important, and the outcomes that are expected; Ethical, legal and reputational considerations around AI, and FirstRand’s approach to these; The people element – and the real fear that people could lose their jobs; The cultural and change management issues to be aware of when implementing AI-led initiatives; and What youngsters interested in this field should be studying.

Don’t miss a fascinating conversation! Watch this episode of TCS+

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