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Reviewed Results for the year ended 31 March 2022

Published: 2022-06-02 16:46:22 ET
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African Media Entertainment Limited
Registration number 1926/008797/06
JSE code: AME     ISIN: ZAE 000055802

for the year ended 31 March 2022

African Media Entertainment Limited, a broadcast company listed in the Media and Entertainment sector of
the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, with a radio footprint across central South Africa and the Eastern Cape
released its results for the year ended 31 March 2022.

                                           Revenue    Up    25% at R250.8 million
                                  Operating profit    Up    80% to R39.8 million
           Net profit before capital items and tax    Up    79% to R45.9 million
             Profit attributable to equity holders    Up    >100% to R29.3 million
                                 Headline earnings    Up    >100% to R29.3 million
                                               EPS    Up    >100% to 372.2 cents
                                              HEPS    Up    >100% to 371.6 cents
                         Total dividend per share*          280 cents gross (Prior year: 100 cents (gross))

* The total dividend comprises of the interim dividend of 80 cents gross declared for the period ended September 2021
  (Prior year: Nil) and the final dividend declared of 200 cents gross for the 2022 financial year (Prior year: 100 cents gross).

Group revenue recovered by 25% from R200,1 million in 2021 to R250,8 million. In line with the increase in
revenue, profitability recovered satisfactorily resulting in an operating profit of R39,8 million compared to a prior
year of R22,2 million.

The earnings per share for the year improved from 3,6 cents in 2021 to 372,2 cents as a result of the improved
performance in 2022. Further to this, earnings per share in 2021 was negatively impacted by the impairment of
goodwill and trademark assets of R9,1 million in addition to a deferred tax asset reversal of R5,6 million.

This short-form announcement is only a summary of the information in the full announcement and therefore
does not contain full or complete details. The full announcement was released on SENS on 2 June 2022, and can
be found on the company's website at Copies of the full announcement may also be requested
at the company's registered office, at no charge, during office hours. Any investment decisions by investors
and/or shareholders should be based on consideration of the full announcement published on the company's
website and on the JSE website using:

The board has declared a final dividend (dividend no 18) of 200 cents per ordinary share (gross) for the year
ended 31 March 2022.

The dividend is subject to the Dividends Withholding Tax ("DWT") that was introduced with effect from
1 April 2012.

In accordance with the provisions of the JSE Listings Requirements the following additional information is

 -   the   dividend has been declared out of distributable retained earnings;
 -   the   local Dividend Tax rate is 20%;
 -   the   gross dividend amount is 200.00 cents per ordinary share for shareholders exempt from DWT;
 -   the   net dividend amount is 160,00 cents per ordinary share for shareholders liable for DWT;
 -   the   company has 7 843 952 ordinary shares in issue; and
 -   the   company's income tax reference number is 9100/169/71/4.

The following dates are applicable to the dividend:

Last date to trade in order to be eligible for the dividend:              Tuesday, 5 July 2022
Date trading commences ex-dividend:                                     Wednesday, 6 July 2022
Record date:                                                               Friday, 8 July 2022
Date of payment to shareholders:                                          Monday, 11 July 2022

Share certificates may not be dematerialised/rematerialised between Wednesday, 6 July 2022 and
Friday, 8 July 2022, both days inclusive.

The preliminary condensed consolidated financial statements   for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been
reviewed by the group's external auditors, BDO South Africa   Incorporated who expressed an unmodified
review conclusion. A copy of the auditors' review report is   available for inspection at the company's registered
office together with the financial statements identified in   the auditors' report and can also be reviewed on the
following web-link:

The auditors' report does not necessarily report on all of the information contained in these financial results
Shareholders are therefore advised that in order to obtain a full understanding of the nature of the auditors
engagement, they should obtain a copy of the auditors' report together with the accompanying financial
information from the issuer's registered office.

By order of the board

ACG Molusi                                              AJ Isbister
Independent Non-executive Chairman                      Financial director

2 June 2022

Independent non-executive directors:
ACG Molusi (Chairman)
J Edwards
MA Da Costa
MJ Prinsloo
KW Thipe

Executive directors:
AJ Isbister (Financial director)
DM Tiltmann (Chief Executive)
Company secretary
C Roberts

Registered office
Block A, Oxford Office Park
No. 5, 8th Street
Houghton Estate
Johannesburg, 2198
(PO Box 3014, Houghton, 2041)

AcaciaCap Advisors (Proprietary) Limited

Transfer secretary
Computershare Investor Services (Proprietary) Limited

BDO South Africa Incorporated