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Buy shares in any company with only 0.1% commission through our partner Brokstock!

Brokstock Investments App #1, officially licensed in South Africa, FSP 51404.

You can quickly and easily invest in the most profitable assets on favourable terms with Brokstock:

  • 0% commission on deposits and withdrawals
  • 0.1% commission on trades
  • A wide range of financial instruments are available: shares of JSE and major international corporations, metals, cryptocurrency.
  • Open an account in just 5 minutes with your ID and proof of residence

Trade with just 0.1% commission. Brokstock - Investments App #1, officially licensed in South Africa, regulated FSP 51404 Click to download. Brokstock everything you need to invest, in one application. Trading, analytics, forecasts, ideas. Open an account with your ID and proof of address. Click to download.