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Disclosure of beneficial interest in Famous Brands

Published: 2022-06-09 16:00:15 ET
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Famous Brands Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1969/004875/06)
Share code: FBR
ISIN code: ZAE000053328
("Famous Brands" or "the Company")


In compliance with Section 122(3)(b) of the Companies Act, 2008 (Act 71 of 2008), as amended, and
paragraph 3.83(b) of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, shareholders are advised that
Famous Brands has received notification in terms of section 122(1) of the Companies Act that the Public
Investment Corporation SOC Limited, have acquired a beneficial interest in the securities of the
Company, such that their entire beneficial interest amounts to 10.003% of the total number of securities
in issue.

As required in terms of section 122(3)(a) of the Companies Act, Famous Brands has filed the required
notice with the Takeover Regulation Panel.

09 June 2022

Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited