ArcelorMittal South Africa Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration Number 1989/002164/06) Share Code: ACL ISIN: ZAE000134961 (ArcelorMittal South Africa or the “Company”) Results of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 25 May 2023 At the AGM of the shareholders of ArcelorMittal South Africa held on Thursday, 25 May 2023, all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed at the meeting were approved by the requisite majority of votes by shareholders either present virtually or represented by proxy. The issued shares and shares represented at the AGM are set out below. Ordinary shares 1 138 059 825 A1 ordinary shares 243 240 276 A2 ordinary shares 72 972 083 Total number of shares in issue 1 454 272 184 Treasury shares (excluded from voting) 23 447 036 Total number of shares (“voteable shares”) 1 430 825 148 Total number of shares represented (including proxies) at the AGM 1 270 239 221 Total number of shares represented ( including proxies) the AGM as % of voteable shares 88.78% The voting results in total is set out below, followed by the voting results on the ordinary shares, A1 ordinary shares and A 2 ordinary shares. Voting results total: Ordinary resolution number 1 - Appointment of auditors For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 927 148 139 014 172 857 1 270 066 162 99.99% 0.01% 0.01% 88.76% Ordinary resolution number 2.1 - Re-election of Mr G Gouws For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 253 116 039 16 950 123 172 857 1 270 066 162 98.67% 1.33% 0.01% 88.76% Ordinary resolution number 2.2 - Re-election of Mr NF Nicolau For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 283 556 782 606 172 857 1 270 066 162 99.94% 0.06% 0.01% 88.76% 1 Ordinary resolution number 3.1 - Appointment of Ms D Earp as audit and risk committee Member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 285 116 781 046 172 857 1 270 066 162 99.94% 0.06% 0.01% 88.76% Ordinary resolution number 3.2 - Appointment of Ms LC Cele as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 924 558 141 604 172 857 1 270 066 162 99.99% 0.01% 0.01% 88.76% Ordinary resolution number 3.3 - Appointment of Mr NF Nicolau as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 949 588 116 574 172 857 1 270- 066 162 99.99% 0.01% 0.01% 88.76% Ordinary resolution number 4.1 - Endorsement of remuneration policy For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 177 595 147 92 456 345 187 527 1 270 051 492 92.72% 7.28% 0.01% 88.76% Ordinary resolution number 4.2 - Endorsement of the implementation report For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 177 487 113 92 564 296 187 610 1 270 051 409 92.71% 7.29% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.1 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Chairperson (all-in annual fee) For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 252 996 446 17 056 799 185 774 1 270 053 245 98.66% 1.34% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.2 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Director (annual retainer and attendance per board meeting) For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.3 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Audit and risk committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% 2 Special resolution number 1.4 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.5 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Human resources, remuneration and nominations committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.6 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Human resources, remuneration and nominations committee member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% Special resolution number 1.7 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees – Transformation, social and ethics committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.8 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees – Transformation, social and ethics committee member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.9 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Safety, health and environment committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.10 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Safety, health and environment committee member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% 3 Special resolution number 1.11 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (chairperson) For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 524 323 528 839 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.96% 0.04% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.12 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (member) For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 524 323 528 839 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.96% 0.04% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.13 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Non-executive director serving as share trust committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 1.14 - Approval of non-executive directors’ fees - Non-executive director serving as share trust committee member For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 834 701 218 461 185 774 1 270 053 162 99.98% 0.02% 0.01% 88.76% Special resolution number 2 - Financial assistance to related or inter-related company For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 251 977 882 18 075 280 185 774 1 270 053 162 98.58% 1.42% 0.01% 88.76% Ordinary resolution number 5 - Authority to implement resolutions passed at the annual general meeting For Against Abstain Shares Voted 1 269 922 148 138 014 178 774 1 270 060 162 99.99% 0.01% 0.01% 88.76% (The percentage calculations above are based on the voteable shares (in respect of the shares voted and abstentions) and a percentage of the shares voted ( in respect of the for and against votes). 4 Voting results ordinary shares Ordinary resolution number 1 - Appointment of auditors For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 714 789 139 014 172 857 953 853 803 99,99% 0,01% 0,02% 85,58% Ordinary resolution 2.1 – Re-election of Mr G Gouws For Against Abstain Shares voted 936 903 680 16 950 123 172 857 953 853 803 98,22% 1,78% 0,02% 85,58% Ordinary resolution 2.2 – Re-election of Mr N Nicolau For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 071 197 782 606 172 857 953 853 803 99,92% 0,08% 0,02% 85,58% Ordinary resolution 3.1 – Election of Ms D Earp as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 072 757 781 046 172 857 953 853 803 99,92% 0,08% 0,02% 85,58% Ordinary resolution 3.2 – Election of Ms LC Cele as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 712 199 141 604 172 857 953 853 803 99,99% 0,01% 0,02% 85,58% Ordinary resolution 3.3 – Election of Mr NF Nicolau as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 737 229 116 574 172 857 953 853 803 99,99% 0,01% 0,02% 85,58% Non-binding resolution 4.1 – Endorsement of remuneration policy For Against Abstain Shares voted 934 354 871 19 484 262 187 527 953 839 133 97,96% 2,04% 0,02% 85,58% Non-binding resolution 4.2 – Endorsement of the implementation report For Against Abstain Shares voted 934 246 837 19 592 213 187 610 953 839 050 97,95% 2,05% 0,02% 85,58% 5 Special resolution 1.1 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Chairperson (all-in annual fee) For Against Abstain Shares voted 936 784 087 17 056 799 185 774 953 840 886 98,21% 1,79% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.2 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Director (annual retainer and attendance per board meeting) For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.3 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Audit and risk committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.4 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.5 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Human resources committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.6 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Human resources committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.7 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Social and ethics committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% 6 Special resolution 1.8 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Social and ethics committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.9 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Safety, security, health and environmental committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.10 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Safety, security, health and environmental committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.11 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (chairperson) For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 311 964 528 839 185 774 953 840 803 99,94% 0,06% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.12 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (member) For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 311 964 528 839 185 774 953 840 803 99,94% 0,06% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.13 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Non-executive director serving as share trust committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% Special resolution 1.14 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Non-executive director serving as share trust committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 622 342 218 461 185 774 953 840 803 99,98% 0,02% 0,02% 85,58% 7 Special resolution 2 - Financial assistance to related or inter-related company For Against Abstain Shares voted 935 765 523 18 075 280 185 774 953 840 803 98,11% 1,89% 0,02% 85,58% Ordinary resolution 5 - Authority to implement resolutions passed at the annual general meeting For Against Abstain Shares voted 953 709 789 138 014 178 774 953 847 803 99,99% 0,01% 0,02% 85,58% (The percentage calculations above are based on the voteable shares (in respect of the shares voted and abstentions) and a percentage of the shares voted (in respect of the for and against votes). Voting results A 1 ordinary shares Ordinary resolution 1 – Appointment of auditors For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 2.1 – Re-election of Mr G Gouws For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 2.2 – Re-election of Mr N Nicolau For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 3.1 – Election of Ms D Earp as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 3.2 – Election of Ms LC Cele as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 3.3 – Election of Mr NF Nicolau as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 8 Non-binding resolution 4.1 – Endorsement of remuneration policy For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Non-binding resolution 4.2 – Endorsement of the implementation report For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.1 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Chairperson (all-in annual fee) For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.2 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Director (annual retainer and attendance per board meeting) For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.3 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Audit and risk committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.4 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.5 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Human resources committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.6 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Human resources committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 9 Special resolution 1.7 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Social and ethics committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.8 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Social and ethics committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.9 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Safety, security, health and environmental committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.10 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Safety, security, health and environmental committee member) For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.11 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (chairperson) For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.12 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (member) For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.13 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Non-executive director serving as share trust committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0100,00% 10 Special resolution 1.14 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Non-executive director serving as share trust committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 2 - Financial assistance to related or inter-related company For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 5 - Authority to implement resolutions passed at the annual general meeting For Against Abstain Shares voted 243 240 276 - - 243 240 276 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0100,00% (The percentage calculations above are based on the voteable shares ( in respect of the shares voted and abstentions) and a percentage of the shares voted ( in respect of the for and against votes). Voting results A 2 ordinary shares Ordinary resolution 1 – Appointment of auditors For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 2.1 – Re-election of Mr G Gouws For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 2.2 – Re-election of Mr N Nicolau For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 3.1 – Election of Ms D Earp as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 3.2 – Election of Ms LC Cele as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 11 Ordinary resolution 3.3 – Election of Mr NF Nicolau as audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Non-binding resolution 4.1 – Endorsement of remuneration policy For Against Abstain Shares voted - 72 972 083 - 72 972 083 0,00% 100,00% 0,00% 100,00% Non-binding resolution 4.2 – Endorsement of the implementation report For Against Abstain Shares voted - 72 972 083 - 72 972 083 0,00% 100,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.1 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Chairperson (all-in annual fee) For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.2 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Director (annual retainer and attendance per board meeting) For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.3 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Audit and risk committee chairperson. For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.4 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Audit and risk committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.5 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Human resources committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 12 Special resolution 1.6 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Human resources committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.7 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Social and ethics committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.8 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Social and ethics committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.9 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Safety, security, health and environmental committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.10 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Safety, security, health and environmental committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.11 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (chairperson) For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.12 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Any ad hoc or other committee appointed by the board (member) For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 13 Special resolution 1.13 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Non-executive director serving as share trust committee chairperson For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 1.14 – Approval of non-executive directors’ fees: Non-executive director serving as share trust committee member For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Special resolution 2 - Financial assistance to related or inter-related company For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% Ordinary resolution 5 - Authority to implement resolutions passed at the annual general meeting For Against Abstain Shares voted 72 972 083 - - 72 972 083 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% (The percentage calculations above are based on the voteable shares (in respect of the shares voted and abstentions) and a percentage of the shares voted (in respect of the for and against votes). Shareholders are reminded that as set out in the AGM Notice, Ms M Musonda who retired by rotation at the AGM had indicated that she will not be available for re-election, and has accordingly stepped down as a director of the Company. The board of directors and the Company thanks Ms Musonda for her contribution to the Company over the years. 29 May 2023 Vanderbijlpark Works For further information please contact: Mr Tami Didiza: Group Manager: Stakeholder Management and Communications Tel: (016) 889 4523 Company Secretary: FluidRock Co Sec (Pty) Ltd Sponsor to ArcelorMittal South Africa Limited Absa Bank Limited (acting through its Corporate and Investment Banking division) 14