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Results of the 75th Annual General Meeting

Published: 2023-11-02 15:15:27 ET
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(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1948/029826/06
JSE Share Code: MUR
ISIN: ZAE000073441
(“Murray & Roberts” or “the Company”)


Shareholders are hereby advised of the voting results in respect of the resolutions that were voted at the Murray
& Roberts AGM held on Thursday, 2 November 2023.

As at Friday, 27 October 2023, being the Voting Record Date, the total number of issued Murray & Roberts
ordinary shares was 444 736 118. The number of Murray & Roberts shares present or represented by proxy was
327 951 666 representing 73,74% of the issued share capital and the votable shares as at the Voting Record

Details of the voting results in respect of the resolutions are as follows:

                                                              TOTAL SHARES VOTED                      SHARES
RESOLUTION                                           FOR       AGAINST         NUMBER        %*         %*
                                                     (%)         (%)
Ordinary Resolution 1
                                                    80,420      19,580        132 670 213   29,831     43,910
Election of R Havenstein as a director
Ordinary Resolution 2
                                                    89,743      10,257        132 851 231   29,872     43,869
Election of S Kana as a director
Ordinary Resolution 3
                                                    92,342       7,658        133 016 731   29,909     43,832
Election of A Maditse as a director
Ordinary Resolution 4
                                                    92,342       7,658        133 016 731   29,909     43,832
Election of H Laas as a director
Ordinary Resolution 5
                                                    92,359       7,641        133 016 731   29,909     43,832
Appointment of PwC as independent auditors
Ordinary Resolution 6
                                                    78,033      21,967        133 016 731   29,909     43,832
Approval of the remuneration policy
Ordinary Resolution 7
Approval of the implementation of the               58,463      41,537        133 016 731   29,909     43,832
remuneration policy
Ordinary Resolution 8
Appointment of A Muller as member and
                                                    88,453      11,547        133 016 731   29,909     43,832
Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee
Ordinary Resolution 9
Appointment of J Boggenpoel as member of            92,333       7,667      132 851 231      29,872       43,869
the Audit & Risk Committee
Ordinary Resolution 10
Appointment of C Raphiri as member of the           91,391       8,609      133 016 731      29,909       43,832
Audit & Risk Committee
Ordinary Resolution 11
Appointment of R Havenstein as member of            64,180      35,820      132 851 231      29,872       43,869
the Audit & Risk Committee
Special Resolution 1
                                                    89,424      10,576      122 869 574      27,628       46,113
Fees payable to non-executive directors

*Expressed as a percentage of 444 736 118 Murray & Roberts ordinary shares in issue as at the Voting Record Date.

Shareholders are further advised that more than 25% of the votes exercised by shareholders present in person
or represented by proxy at the AGM voted against ordinary resolution number 7, relating to the non-binding
advisory vote on the implementation of the remuneration policy. Murray & Roberts therefore invites those
shareholders who have cast their non-binding advisory votes against its Remuneration Implementation Report,
to engage with the Company to address their objections and/or concerns. These shareholders are invited to
submit their objections/concerns/proposals/questions (“Responses”) in writing to the Company Secretary at before close of business on 12 December 2023.

Following receipt of the Responses, the Company’s Remuneration Committee will (i) consider such
Responses; and (ii) schedule appropriate engagements with these shareholders, where required.

2 November 2023

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited