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Reviewed financial results for the year ended 31 March 2024

Published: 2024-06-26 17:00:32 ET
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Primeserv Group Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 1997/013448/06
Share code: PMV ISIN: ZAE000039277
("Primeserv" or "the company")

Reviewed financial results for the year ended 31 March 2024

up 18%
R950.6 million

Operating profit
up 16%
R23.9 million

Earnings per share
up 39%
32.57 cents

Headline earnings per share
up 40%
32.68 cents

Net asset value per share
up 10%
265 cents

Notice is hereby given that a final gross cash dividend of 10.00 cents per share (2023: 7.00 cents per share) for the year was declared on
Wednesday, 26 June 2024, payable to shareholders recorded in the share register of the company at the close of business on the record
date appearing below. The salient dates pertaining to the interim dividend are as follows:

Last date to trade "cum" dividend                  Tuesday, 27 August 2024
Date trading commences "ex" dividend             Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Record date                                          Friday, 30 August 2024
Date of payment                                    Monday, 2 September 2024

Ordinary share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday, 28 August 2024 and Friday, 30 August
2024, both days inclusive.

Shareholders who are not exempt from the Dividend Withholding Tax of 20% will therefore receive a net dividend of 8.00 cents per
share. The company has 116 747 100 ordinary shares in issue and its income tax reference number is 9408/002/71/6. The dividend is
being paid out of income reserves.

All times provided in this announcement are South African local times.

Where applicable, dividends in respect of certificated shares will be transferred electronically to shareholders’ bank accounts on the
payment date. Ordinary shareholders who hold dematerialised shares will have their accounts credited at their Central Securities
Depository Participant (CSDP) or broker on Monday, 2 September 2024.

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors and is only a summary of the information in the full announcement
and does not contain full or complete details. This short form announcement has not been reviewed or audited by the company’s
auditors. The full announcement was released on SENS on 26 June 2024 and is also available on the company's website at and at

The results have been reviewed by the company’s auditors, PKF Octagon Incorporated. Their unqualified review conclusion is available
for inspection on the company’s website at Their review was conducted in accordance with
ISRE 2410 “Review of interim financial information performed by the independent auditor of the entity”.

Copies of the full announcement are available for inspection on the company’s website or may be requested from the company’s
registered office and the company's sponsor during office hours at no charge. Any investment decision should be based on the contents
of the full announcement published on SENS and on the company's website.

By order of the Board

DL Rose              M Abel            R Sack
Chairperson          CEO               FD
26 June 2024

DL Rose* (Chairperson)
M Abel (CEO)
LM Maisela*
KM Matjila*
R Sack (FD)

*Independent non-executive

Registered address:
25 Rudd Road
Sandton, 2196

Company secretary:
ER Goodman Secretarial Services Proprietary Limited
(represented by Marilis Janse van Rensburg)
4-6 Skeen Boulevard
Bedfordview, 2007

Grindrod Bank Limited,
Grindrod Towers
8A Protea Place
Sandton, 2196

PKF Octagon Inc
21 Scott Street
Johannesburg, 2090

Transfer secretaries
JSE Investor Services Proprietary Limited
One Exchange Square
2 Gwen Lane
Sandton, 2196
