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Change statement, notice of Annual General Meeting and availability of B-BBEE Annual Compliance Report

Published: 2022-08-05 12:15:46 ET
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Primeserv Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1997/013448/06)
("Primeserv” or “the company”)
Share code: PMV ISIN: ZAE000039277



Shareholders are advised that the company’s Annual Financial Statements, were posted to shareholders today,
5 August 2022 and contain certain changes to the reviewed financial results which were announced on SENS
on Friday, 15 July 2022, as detailed below. The annual financial statements were audited by the company’s
auditors and their unmodified report which includes Key Audit Matters is available for inspection on the
company’s website. The company’s full Integrated Report incorporating the audited Financial Statements for
the year ended 31 March 2022 will also be made available on its website

The change statement highlights the changes between the audited annual financial statements and the
reviewed results published on 15 July 2022.

The impact of the change on the financial results is detailed below:

 Statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income
                                                                       Reviewed     Audited
                                                                       31 March    31 March
                                                                            2022       2022     Change

                                                            Notes        R '000      R '000      R '000
 Revenue                                                                777,111     777,111           -

 Cost of sales                                                     1   (684,068)   (686,756)     (2,688)

 Gross profit                                                            93,043      90,355      (2,688)

 Other income                                                      2      4,233       7,512       3,280

 Operating expenses                                                2    (78,390)    (81,670)     (3,280)

 Operating profit                                                        18,886      16,197      (2,688)
 Interest income                                                          1,661       1,661            -

 Interest expense                                                          (658)       (658)            -

 Profit before taxation                                                  19,889      17,200      (2,688)

 Taxation                                                          3       (157)        190           347

 Profit and total comprehensive income                                   19,732      17,390      (2,341)
 Profit and total comprehensive income attributable to:

 Ordinary shareholders of the company                                    17,618      15,506      (2,111)

 Non-controlling interests                                         4      2,114       1,884       (230)

 Profit and total comprehensive income                                   19,732      17,390      (2,341)

 Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share (cents)          20.86       18.36       (2.50)

 Headline earnings per share (cents)                                      20.86       18.36       (2.50)
Statement of financial position
                                                               Reviewed     Audited
                                                               31 March    31 March
                                                                    2022       2022    Change

                                                       Notes      R '000     R '000     R '000
Non-current assets                                               38,975      39,181       206
Equipment and vehicles                                            4,935       4,935         -
Investment property                                               3,500       3,500         -
Right-of-use assets                                               5,346       5,346         -
Goodwill and intangible asset                                    20,886      20,886         -
Deferred tax asset                                         3      4,308       4,514       206
Current assets                                                  195,892     195,892         -
Inventories                                                          56          56         -
Trade and other receivables                                     133,477     133,477         -
Contract assets                                                   2,770       2,770         -
Cash and cash equivalents                                        59,589      59,589         -
Total assets                                                    234,867     235,073       206

Capital and reserves                                            170,533     169,614     (919)
Ordinary share capital and share premium                          2,405       2,405         -

Treasury shares                                                 (16,681)    (16,681)         -

Retained earnings                                               193,519     192,830     (689)

Equity attributable to equity holders of the company            179,243     178,554     (689)

Non-controlling interests                                  4     (8,710)     (8,940)    (230)
Non-current liabilities                                            3,440       3,440        -
Lease liabilities                                                  2,738       2,738        -
Contingent consideration                                             702         702        -
Current liabilities                                              60,894      62,019     1,125
Trade and other payables                                         53,721      54,986     1,265
Lease liabilities                                                  3,046       3,046        -
Contingent consideration                                             324         324        -

Taxation payable                                           3      3,803       3,663     (140)
Bank borrowings                                                       -
Total equity and liabilities                                    234,867     235,073       206
Statement of changes in equity

                                                                                   Reviewed          Audited
                                                                                   31 March         31 March
                                                                                        2022            2022           Change
                                                                      Notes            R '000          R '000           R '000
                                                                                 Total equity    Total equity

Opening balance at 1 April 2020 as previously reported                       5       159,122         160,545            1,423

Balance at 1 April 2020 - restated                                           5       155,601         157,024            1,423

Restated balances at 1 April 2021                                            5       158,389         159,812            1,423

1 (a) Impairment provided against long outstanding receivable
from a government department. Collection process underway.                               500
1 (b) Overpayments on disbursements to staff still being
recovered                                                                                762
1 (c) Error on recording of carry forward retained income                               1,426

2.Reallocation of amortisation charge from other income to
operating expenses                                                                      3,280

3.Current and deferred tax adjustment arising from 1 above                               347

4.Non-controlling interests share arising from 1 and 3 above                             230

5. Error on recording of carry forward opening retained income (refer to 1
(c) above                                                                               1,423

During the finalisation process of the audited results certain estimation matters were subject to reconsideration by
management. The effects of the adjustments are presented above.

Shareholders can refer to the detailed notes in the audited annual financial statements which is available on the company’s

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Primeserv will be held through
electronic participation only at 09H30 on Friday 25 November 2022 to conduct the business as stated in the
notice of Annual General Meeting of shareholders circulated together with the annual financial statements.

Proxies must be lodged at or posted to the company or the company’s transfer secretaries to be received not
later than 10H00 on Wednesday, 23 November 2022.

The salient dates and times regarding the Annual General Meeting are set out below:

 Issuer name                                                                                 Primeserv Group Limited

 Type of instrument                                                                                   Ordinary Shares

 ISIN number                                                                                           ZAE000039277

 JSE code                                                                                                         PMV

 Meeting type                                                                                Annual General Meeting

 Meeting venue                                                                                 Electronic participation

 Record date for purposes of receiving the Notice
 of Annual General Meeting                                                                        Friday, 29 July 2022

 Distribution of the Integrated Annual Report                                                   Friday, 5 August 2022

 Last day to trade                                                                       Tuesday, 15 November 2022

 Record date for voting purposes                                                           Friday, 18 November 2022

 Last day to lodge proxy forms                                              10H00 on Wednesday, 23 November 2022

 Date and time of Annual General Meeting                                         09H30 on Friday, 25 November 2022

 Publication of Annual General Meeting results on
 SENS on or before                                                                       Monday, 28 November 2022

 Website link                                                                        


In accordance with paragraph 16.20(g) and Appendix 1 to Section 11 of the JSE Listing Requirements, notice is
hereby given that the annual compliance reports relevant to the Primeserv group, in terms of section 13G(2) of
the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, has been published on the company’s website:


5 August 2022


Grindrod Bank Limited