TONGAAT HULETT LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Registration number: 1892/000610/06 Share code: TON ISIN: ZAE000096541 (the “Company”) NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS REGARDING THE MONTHLY REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE BUSINESS RESCUE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMPANY Shareholders are referred to the SENS announcement released on 27 October 2022, wherein the Company advised that it had commenced voluntary business rescue proceedings, and the subsequent announcements in relation to such business rescue proceedings. In accordance with section 132(3)(a) and section 132(3)(b) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008, when the business rescue proceedings of a company have not been concluded within three months of the date on which they commenced, the business rescue practitioners are required to: • prepare a report on the progress of the business rescue proceedings, and update it at the end of each subsequent month until the end of the business rescue proceedings; and • deliver the report and each update to each affected person and to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission. The February 2025 report (being the twenty sixth report) has been published and includes an update on litigation matters in paragraph 2.3 of the report. This report is available on the Company’s website, under the ‘Business Rescue’ tab, and accessible to shareholders via the link: 7 March 2025 Sponsor PSG Capital