Sanlam Life Insurance Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration No. 1998/021121/06) Bond Issuer Code: BISLI (“Sanlam Life” or the “Issuer”) AVAILABILITY OF THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF SANLAM LIFE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2024 In accordance with paragraph 6.7 of the JSE Limited Debt and Specialist Securities Listings Requirements, noteholders are advised that the annual financial statements of Sanlam Life, for the year ended 31 December 2024 are available for inspection through a secure electronic manner at the election of the person requesting inspection. Noteholders are also advised that the audit report on the financial statements of the Issuer is unqualified with no modifications applicable. Furthermore, the Issuer would like to advise noteholders that the financial statements contain restatements to previously published 31 December 2023 annual financial statements due to the reclassification of collateral provided including initial margins as well collateral received from cash and cash equivalents to trading assets and liabilities respectively. Noteholders are referred to note 39 of the financial statements for full details of the restatements. The annual financial statements of Sanlam Life have also been made available on their website at: statements/2024/Sanlam-Life-Annual-Report-2024.pdf 7 March 2025 Debt sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited 2 Strand Road, Bellville, South Africa T +27 (0) 21 916 5000 or PO Box 1, Sanlamhof 7532, South Africa 0860 726 526 E Sanlam Life Insurance Limited Reg no 1998/021121/06 Licensed Life Insurer, Financial Services and Registered Credit Provider (NCRCP43) Refer to the Sanlam website for directors and company secretary details. SCHQ 03/2023