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Last price: 1076
Calculated in currency: CNY
Last quarter average value (2024 q4): 1219
Change from last quarter: -11.7%
Last 4 quarters average value: 1447
Change from last 4 quarters: -25.6%
Last 3 years average value: 1852
Change from last 3 years: -41.9%

Affects revenue of:


Affects expenses of:


Associated with companies:

China Coal Energy | 601898.SS
American Resources Corporation | AREC
Peabody Energy Corporation | BTU
CVR Energy | CVI
Warrior Met Coal | HCC
Ramaco Resources | METC
Teck Resources | TECK

ArcelorMittal | MT

MC Mining | JSE:MCZ

Daily chart and average LTM level

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Quarterly chart (+ last value)

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