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General information

  • Pretty weak financial results growth rate 5.3% (average between last period year over year growth for revenue and Net Income), there is slowdown compared to average historical growth rates (29.9%)
  • Dividend yield for the last twelve months 4.4%
  • Share price is 19.9% higher than minimum and 41.3% lower than maximum for the last 3 years
  • The company is undervalued by P/E LTM multiple compared to target level (4.8x vs
  • Fundamental value created in LTM (estimate)

Key Financials (Download financials)

Ticker: LEAS
Share price, RUB:  (+16.1%)619.1
year average price 812.40  

year start price 875.00 2024-03-23

max close price 1054.70 2024-04-26

min close price 516.30 2024-12-16

current price 619.10 2024-12-21
Common stocks: 120 000 000

Dividend Yield:  4.4%
P / E LTM: 4.8x
P / E annualized: 7.4x
Last revenue growth (y/y):  40.9%
Last growth of Net Income (y/y):  -30.3%
Historical revenue growth:  33.9%
Historical growth of Net Income:  26.0%
Target P/E (hist percentile):
Fundamental value created in LTM:
Fundamental value created in LTM:
 Mult Upside+30.4%
 FCF Creation0.0%
 Growth Corr-24.6%
P/E mutiple calculation
Market Cap (m RUB): 74 292
Net Profit (m RUB): 15 470
P / E LTM: 4.8x
Average daily trading volume for the week, RUB mln: 117
P / E 5.2x

Revenue and Net Income

Quarterly values (m RUB)

Change (y/y)

Share price and dividends (Download history)

Share price

Payment RUB per share

Multiple and potential

EV / LTM Net Income and 50% percentile

Potential dynamics

Daily trade volumes

Millions of RUB

P/B and P/E multipliers

P / B

P / E

More information for subscribed users:
detailed calculation of
Potential and Created Value,
commodities affecting the company