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General information

Yuzhuralzoloto is one of the largest gold mining companies in Russia in terms of production volume and reserves. All of it`s enterprises are located in Russia. Extraction of gold ore is carried out both underground and open pit. Assets include fields in the Chelyabinsk region and the Republic of Khakassia. The group is also developing placer gold fields in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
  • Current market environment: positive. Prices of production are 46.0% higher compared to the last 12 months (LTM)
  • Prices of production are at 98.1% percentile over the past 5 years, adjusted for inflation (are close to maximum)
  • Dividend yield for the last twelve months 0.0%
  • Free cash flow yield -3.0% (LTM), projected 4.7%
  • Share of USD-denominated sales in revenue of the company (estimate) ≈ 100.0%
  • Share price is 49.1% higher than minimum and 29.7% lower than maximum for the last 3 years
  • The company is overvalued by EV / LTM EBITDA multiple compared to target level (9.4x vs
  • The company is undervalued by EV / projected EBITDA multiple compared to target level (
  • Taking into account the impact of the key rate 21% on the change in financial parameters: EBITDA adjustment is -4 722 mln rub as NetDebt * (current key rate - normalized 7%) / 2, expected EBITDA adjusted for key rate increases is 35 270 mln rub, expected mult is 6.6x, target mult is 9x, potential is +50.5%

Key Financials (Download financials)

Ticker: UGLD
Share price, RUB:  (+0.1%)0.7804
year average price 0.7912  

year start price 0.6600 2024-01-17

max close price 1.1100 2024-04-12

min close price 0.5800 2024-09-02

current price 0.7887 2025-01-15
Common stocks: 212 800 000 000

Dividend Yield:  0.0%
FCF Yield LTM / expected: -3.0% / 4.7%
EV / EBITDA annualized: 9.4x
Production prices change from LTM: 46.0%
EV / projected EBITDA:
Target EV / EBITDA (hist percentile):
Express share price potential:
EV / LTM EBITDA mutiple calculation
Market Cap (m RUB): 166 069
Net Debt (m RUB): 58 476
EV (Enterprise Value): 224 545
EBITDA LTM (m RUB): 23 885
Net Income LTM (m RUB): 9 462
Average daily trading volume for the week, RUB mln: 498
P / E 17.5x
P / B 3.7x

Revenue and EBITDA

Semi-Annual values (m RUB)

Change (y/y)

Cash Flow

FCF (m RUB), before FX effects elimination

Net Debt / Cash and Equivalents (m RUB)

Share price and dividends (Download history)

Share price

Payment RUB per share

Multiple and potential

EV / LTM EBITDA and 50% percentile

Potential dynamics

Daily trade volumes

Millions of RUB

P/B and P/E multipliers

P / B

P / E

More information for subscribed users:
detailed calculation of
Potential and Created Value,
commodities affecting the company