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General information

Country: GERMANY

Sector: Internet Content and Information

Trivago N.V. provides online hotel search platform. The Company, through its platform, offers price information, reviews, photos, booking, and other travel services. Trivago serves customers worldwide.

Growth: Bad revenue growth rate -9.0%, there is slowdown compared to average historical growth rates 49.5%. The revenue growth dynamics is unstable Site traffic for the last 3 months showed a change of -4.3%

Profitability: LTM EBITDA margin is negative, -37.3%. On average the margin is decreasing steadily. Gross margin is high, +95.9%. In the last quarter the company did not beat the estimated EPS, -25.0%. The company was ahead of estimated EPS in 0% of quarters (showing a gain of -$0.1 per share on average)

Cash Flow Generation: Dividend yield for the last twelve months 0.0%. Free cash flow yield -5.9% (LTM)

Undervaluation: Fundamental value created in LTM (estimate)

Entry Point: Share price is 2.0% higher than minimum and 88.4% lower than maximum for the last 3 years

AI Insight: the companies with similar growth trajectories, EBITDA margin, industries and geography on average are valued 1.2x by EV / Sales multiple , the company can be 12.4% overvalued

Key Financials (Download financials)

Ticker: TRVG
Share price, USD:  (+2.0%)1.75
year average price 2.7149  

year start price 5.2500 2023-09-30

max close price 5.7000 2023-10-30

min close price 1.7150 2024-09-26

current price 1.7500 2024-09-28
Common stocks: 348 824 000

Dividend Yield:  0.0%
EV / Sales: 1.4x
Margin (EBITDA LTM / Revenue): -37.3%
Fundamental value created in LTM:
Market Cap ($m): 610
Net Debt ($m): 32
EV (Enterprise Value): 642
Price to Book: 2.7x

Revenue and EBITDA

Quarterly values ($m)

Change (y/y)

Cash Flow

FCF ($m)

Net Debt / Cash and Equivalents ($m)

Share price and dividends (Download history)

Share price

Payment USD per share

Multiple and potential

EV / Sales

Potential dynamics


trivago N.V. (TRVG) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

trivago Deepens Partnership With Ai-Driven Tech Platform Holisto

trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2024 Earnings Release Scheduled for July 30, 2024; Webcast Scheduled for July 31, 2024

While Price Conscious, US Consumers See Vacation's Positive Impact on Mental Health

2024-04-29Seeking Alpha

trivago: Fair Company, Wonderful Price


trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2024 Earnings Release Scheduled for April 30, 2024; Webcast Scheduled for May 1, 2024

2023-11-21Seeking Alpha

Why trivago Is A Decent Buy In The Online Travel Market Despite Risks


Why Is Trivago (TRVG) Stock Moving Today?

2023-11-02Seeking Alpha

trivago N.V. (TRVG) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript


trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 1, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for November 2, 2023
More information for subscribed users:
detailed calculation of
Fundamental value created in LTM

Financial reporting

Income Statement

Property 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
cik 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
fillingDate 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2024-02-06 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
acceptedDate 2024-06-29 20:00:00 2024-03-30 20:00:00 2024-02-06 16:04:46 2023-09-29 20:00:00 2023-06-30 00:00:00 2023-03-31 00:00:00 2022-12-30 19:00:00 2022-09-29 20:00:00
calendarYear 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
revenue 119M 102M 89M 158M 124M 111M 105M 184M
costOfRevenue 3M 4M 4M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M
grossProfit 116M 98M 86M 155M 121M 108M 101M 180M
grossProfitRatio 0.978 0.959 0.958 0.98 0.976 0.972 0.967 0.982
researchAndDevelopmentExpenses 13M 13M 3M 34 000 0 0 55M 0
generalAndAdministrativeExpenses 10M 9M 9M 9M 10M 11M 22M 25M
sellingAndMarketingExpenses 102M 89M 64M 122M 90M 70M 62M 129M
sellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenses 112M 109M 81M 131M 100M 81M 84M 153M
otherExpenses -23 000 -23 000 -141 000 -123 000 -57 000 12M -55M 34 000
operatingExpenses 125M 109M 81M 143M 113M 93M 84M 153M
costAndExpenses 127M 114M 85M 146M 116M 96M 87M 157M
interestIncome 1M 869 000 1M 2M 1M 960 000 0 0
interestExpense 4000 5000 4871.707 3000 1000 3000 5000 11 000
depreciationAndAmortization 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 2M 414 000 1M
ebitda -7M -10M 5M 15M 11M 17M 18M 29M
ebitdaratio -0.057 -0.103 0.061 0.093 0.088 0.151 0.173 0.158
operatingIncome -9M -12M 4M -184M 9M 15M 18M 27M
operatingIncomeRatio -0.074 -0.114 0.048 -1.168 0.069 0.133 0.169 0.15
totalOtherIncomeExpensesNet -23 000 845 952 916 851 -196M -57 000 800 000 -838 000 -100M
incomeBeforeTax -8M -11M 5M -183M 10M 16M 17M -73M
incomeBeforeTaxRatio -0.066 -0.106 0.058 -1.157 0.079 0.14 0.161 -0.397
incomeTaxExpense -3M -2M 3M -35 000 4M 6M 6M -6M
netIncome -5M -8M 2M -183M 6M 10M 10M -67M
netIncomeRatio -0.042 -0.083 0.028 -1.157 0.046 0.089 0.099 -0.364
eps -0.071 -0.12 0.035 -2.66 0.02 0.03 0.03 -0.19
epsdiluted -0.071 -0.12 0.035 -2.66 0.02 0.03 0.03 -0.19
weightedAverageShsOut 70M 70M 69M 69M 343M 342M 350M 361M
weightedAverageShsOutDil 70M 70M 70M 69M 352M 353M 357M 361M
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Balance Sheet Statement

Property 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
cik 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
fillingDate 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2024-02-06 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
acceptedDate 2024-06-29 20:00:00 2024-03-30 20:00:00 2024-02-06 16:04:46 2023-09-29 20:00:00 2023-06-30 00:00:00 2023-03-31 00:00:00 2022-12-30 19:00:00 2022-09-29 20:00:00
calendarYear 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
cashAndCashEquivalents 115M 120M 102M 299M 273M 257M 249M 231M
shortTermInvestments -7M 0 25M 0 25M 40M 45M 50M
cashAndShortTermInvestments 115M 120M 128M 299M 298M 297M 294M 281M
netReceivables 70M 57M 50M 70M 68M 56M 51M 80M
inventory 1 2 2 10M 14M 7M 342 000 0
otherCurrentAssets 752 000 9M 11M 890 000 906 000 376 000 9M 171 000
totalCurrentAssets 191M 186M 188M 380M 380M 360M 353M 372M
propertyPlantEquipmentNet 50M 51M 52M 53M 54M 57M 58M 59M
goodwill 0 0 0 0 182M 182M 182M 182M
intangibleAssets 75M 75M 76M 76M 90M 90M 90M 90M
goodwillAndIntangibleAssets 75M 75M 76M 76M 272M 272M 272M 272M
longTermInvestments 9M 9M 62 342 10M 9M 0 0 8M
taxAssets -7M -9M 15M -10M 0 0 0 26 000
otherNonCurrentAssets 7M 9M 9M 10M 0 9M 8M 0
totalNonCurrentAssets 135M 136M 152M 138M 335M 337M 338M 340M
otherAssets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
totalAssets 326M 322M 340M 519M 715M 698M 692M 712M
accountPayables 37M 27M 18M 27M 33M 20M 20M 30M
shortTermDebt 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 5M 5M 5M
taxPayables 51 000 125 115 2M 4M 4M 6M 12M 13M
deferredRevenue 985 000 1M 1M 1M 1M 2M 2M 2M
otherCurrentLiabilities 14M 13M 15M 201M 21M 19M 23M 26M
totalCurrentLiabilities 55M 44M 36M 231M 58M 45M 50M 62M
longTermDebt 37M 38M 38M 39M 40M 40M 41M 41M
deferredRevenueNonCurrent 0 35 075 31 688 0 0 0 30M 0
deferredTaxLiabilitiesNonCurrent 21M 24M 41M 25M 30M 29M 30M 31M
otherNonCurrentLiabilities 9M 9M 9M 9M 9M 9M -21M 45M
totalNonCurrentLiabilities 67M 71M 89M 73M 78M 78M 80M 82M
otherLiabilities 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
capitalLeaseObligations 40M 38M 38M 41M 42M 45M 45M 46M
totalLiabilities 122M 115M 125M 305M 136M 123M 130M 145M
preferredStock 0 0 655M 0 0 0 0 0
commonStock 149M 149M 149M 149M 150M 150M 150M 150M
retainedEarnings -751M -747M -738M -740M -539M -545M -555M -565M
accumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLoss 684M 805M 804M 683M 866M 867M 864M 861M
othertotalStockholdersEquity 122M 1 -655M 122M 102M 102M 102M 122M
totalStockholdersEquity 204M 207M 215M 214M 579M 574M 562M 568M
totalEquity 204M 207M 215M 214M 579M 574M 562M 568M
totalLiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity 326M 322M 340M 519M 715M 698M 692M 712M
minorityInterest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
totalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquity 326M 322M 340M 519M 715M 698M 692M 712M
totalInvestments 1M 9M 25M 10M 34M 40M 45M 58M
totalDebt 40M 40M 41M 41M 42M 45M 45M 46M
netDebt -75M -80M -62M -258M -231M -212M -203M -186M
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Cash Flow Statement

Property 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
cik 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
fillingDate 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2024-02-06 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
acceptedDate 2024-06-29 20:00:00 2024-03-30 20:00:00 2024-02-06 16:04:46 2023-09-29 20:00:00 2023-06-30 00:00:00 2023-03-31 00:00:00 2022-12-30 19:00:00 2022-09-29 20:00:00
calendarYear 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
netIncome -5M -8M 2M -183M 6M 10M 10M -67M
depreciationAndAmortization 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M
deferredIncomeTax -3M -2M 1M -5M 677 000 -726 000 -746 000 -15M
stockBasedCompensation 2M 1M 1M 3M 3M 3M 4M 5M
changeInWorkingCapital 845 000 2M 9M -9M -7M -10M 18M 3M
accountsReceivables -13M -11M 25M -2M -11M -6M 26M -2M
inventory 0 0 -1 109 000 -5M 0 0 0
accountsPayables 10M 10M -9M -6M 13M -51 000 -10M -10M
otherWorkingCapital 419 000 4M -7M -723 000 -3M -4M 2M 15M
otherNonCashItems 130 000 5M -76 441 196M 209 000 480 000 1M 100M
netCashProvidedByOperatingActivities -4M -7M 15M 5M 3M 4M 34M 27M
investmentsInPropertyPlantAndEquipment -806 000 -584 420 -879 909 -921 000 -946 000 -750 000 -645 000 -1M
acquisitionsNet 0 0 1971.885 3066.238 0 0 6M 0
purchasesOfInvestments 0 0 -25M -3066.238 0 0 0 0
salesMaturitiesOfInvestments 0 25M 22 293 25M 15M 5M 5M 0
otherInvestingActivites 0 25M -0.885 3000 22 000 1000 -6M 3000
netCashUsedForInvestingActivites -806 000 25M -26M 24M 14M 4M 4M -1M
debtRepayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
commonStockIssued 0 0 137 241 44 974 0 0 0 0
commonStockRepurchased -127 000 -347 000 -2M -3M 0 0 -19M -299 000
dividendsPaid 0 0 -181M 0 0 0 0 0
otherFinancingActivites -146 000 -367 148 -2M -10 974 -2M 11 000 15 000 29 000
netCashUsedProvidedByFinancingActivities -146 000 -367 148 -182M -3M -2M 11 000 -19M -270 000
effectOfForexChangesOnCash 47 000 215 000 -143 000 67 000 52 000 250 000 -2M 988 000
netChangeInCash -5M 18M -197M 26M 16M 8M 17M 27M
cashAtEndOfPeriod 115M 120M 102M 299M 273M 257M 249M 232M
cashAtBeginningOfPeriod 120M 102M 300M 273M 257M 249M 232M 205M
operatingCashFlow -4M -7M 15M 5M 3M 4M 34M 27M
capitalExpenditure -806 000 -584 420 -879 909 -921 000 -946 000 -750 000 -645 000 -1M
freeCashFlow -5M -7M 14M 4M 3M 3M 33M 26M
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Earning call transcript

2024 q2
2024-07-31 ET (fiscal 2024 q2)
2024 q1
2024-05-01 ET (fiscal 2024 q1)
2023 q4
2024-02-07 ET (fiscal 2023 q4)
2023 q3
2023-11-02 ET (fiscal 2023 q3)
2023 q2
2023-08-02 ET (fiscal 2023 q2)
2023 q1
2023-05-03 ET (fiscal 2023 q1)
2022 q4
2023-02-08 ET (fiscal 2022 q4)
2022 q3
2022-11-02 ET (fiscal 2022 q3)
2022 q2
2022-08-10 ET (fiscal 2022 q2)
2022 q1
2022-05-04 ET (fiscal 2022 q1)


Show financial reports only

2024-04-22 12:03 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2024 Earnings Release Scheduled for April 30, 2024; Webcast Scheduled for May 1, 2024
2024-04-22 12:03 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2024 Earnings Release Scheduled for April 30, 2024; Webcast Scheduled for May 1, 2024
2024-04-02 10:30 ET
Robin Harries assumes CFO role at trivago
2024-04-02 10:30 ET
Robin Harries assumes CFO role at trivago
2024-01-24 11:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 6, 2024; Webcast Scheduled for February 7, 2024
2024-01-24 11:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 6, 2024; Webcast Scheduled for February 7, 2024
2023-12-14 10:57 ET
trivago Unveils a Bold Brand Refresh and AI powered TV Ads
2023-12-14 10:57 ET
trivago Unveils a Bold Brand Refresh and AI powered TV Ads
2023-11-01 11:06 ET
trivago Announces Ex-Dividend Date for Extraordinary Dividend and Updates Effective Date for the Ratio Change under its American Depositary Share Program
2023-10-27 10:06 ET
trivago Announces Ratio Change under its American Depositary Share Program
2023-10-27 10:06 ET
trivago Announces Ratio Change under its American Depositary Share Program
2023-10-17 10:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 1, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for November 2, 2023
2023-10-17 10:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 1, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for November 2, 2023
2023-10-05 10:06 ET
trivago N.V. to Welcome New Chief Financial Officer
2023-10-05 10:06 ET
trivago N.V. to Welcome New Chief Financial Officer
2023-09-15 10:06 ET
trivago N.V. Announces an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to Approve One-time Extraordinary Dividend
2023-09-15 10:06 ET
trivago N.V. Announces an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to Approve One-time Extraordinary Dividend
2023-09-05 10:15 ET
trivago Reinforces Brand Marketing to Drive Long-Term Growth
2023-09-05 10:15 ET
trivago Reinforces Brand Marketing to Drive Long-Term Growth
2023-07-24 10:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for August 1, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for August 2, 2023
2023-07-24 10:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for August 1, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for August 2, 2023
2023-06-22 12:56 ET
Despite economic challenges, U.S. consumers define vacation as “essential”
2023-06-22 12:56 ET
Despite economic challenges, U.S. consumers define vacation as “essential”
2023-05-24 09:00 ET
trivago N.V. Announces Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2023-05-24 09:00 ET
trivago N.V. Announces Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2023-05-09 10:04 ET
trivago Introduces New Leadership Team Featuring Experienced Travel Industry Executives
2023-05-09 10:04 ET
trivago Introduces New Leadership Team Featuring Experienced Travel Industry Executives
2023-04-24 12:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for May 2, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for May 3, 2023
2023-04-24 12:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2023 Earnings Release Scheduled for May 2, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for May 3, 2023
2023-03-31 07:55 ET
trivago becomes official sponsor of flagship 2023 Women’s Football Awards
2023-03-31 07:55 ET
trivago becomes official sponsor of flagship 2023 Women’s Football Awards
2023-01-25 17:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2022 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 7, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for February 8, 2023
2023-01-25 17:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2022 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 7, 2023; Webcast Scheduled for February 8, 2023
2022-12-16 13:00 ET
New year, new travel trends for 2023
2022-12-16 13:00 ET
New year, new travel trends for 2023
2022-12-08 14:00 ET
trivago becomes official partner of the IHF Men’s World Handball Championship 2023
2022-12-08 14:00 ET
trivago becomes official partner of the IHF Men’s World Handball Championship 2023
2022-10-27 13:00 ET
Cloudbeds Amplify, The New Digital Marketing Solution, Launches Worldwide to Help Lodging Businesses Win More Bookings
2022-10-27 13:00 ET
Cloudbeds Amplify, The New Digital Marketing Solution, Launches Worldwide to Help Lodging Businesses Win More Bookings
2022-10-24 12:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2022 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 1, 2022; Webcast Scheduled for November 2, 2022
2022-10-24 12:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2022 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 1, 2022; Webcast Scheduled for November 2, 2022
2022-10-18 13:00 ET
trivago and AXS Partner to Encourage Sports and Live Entertainment Fans to “Make a Night of It!”
2022-10-18 13:00 ET
trivago and AXS Partner to Encourage Sports and Live Entertainment Fans to “Make a Night of It!”
2022-07-26 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2022 Earnings Release Scheduled for August 9, 2022; Webcast Scheduled for August 10, 2022
2022-06-23 13:00 ET
trivago Reveals Top 10 US Summer Vacation Destinations: Data shows increased pricing, yet a willingness to spend to get away
2022-06-23 13:00 ET
trivago Reveals Top 10 US Summer Vacation Destinations: Data shows increased pricing, yet a willingness to spend to get away
2022-06-07 06:39 ET
New Data Reveals The Financial Impact Of The Pandemic On Holidays
2022-06-07 06:39 ET
New Data Reveals The Financial Impact Of The Pandemic On Holidays
2022-05-25 19:39 ET
trivago N.V. Announces Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2022-05-25 19:39 ET
trivago N.V. Announces Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2022-05-24 13:00 ET
Did the pandemic make us live like we’re dying? Study finds 83% believe summer of 2022 will be our best yet for travel and adventure.
2022-04-25 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2022 Earnings Release Scheduled for May 2, 2022; Webcast Scheduled for May 4, 2022
2022-04-25 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2022 Earnings Release Scheduled for May 2, 2022; Webcast Scheduled for May 4, 2022
2022-04-12 13:00 ET
Spring Update: Data Shows Travel Is Up As COVID-Cases Go Down
2022-04-12 13:00 ET
Spring Update: Data Shows Travel Is Up As COVID-Cases Go Down
2022-02-02 14:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 8, 2022; Webcast Scheduled for February 9, 2022
2022-02-02 14:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 8, 2022; Webcast Scheduled for February 9, 2022
2021-12-14 16:03 ET
HOLIDAY TRAVEL FORECAST: Cloudy with a Chance of Omicron
2021-11-22 15:00 ET
trivago Sees Resurgence of Thanksgiving Travel in the U.S.
2021-10-26 06:00 ET
trivago and HUAWEI form strategic partnership to Bring New Travel Solutions to Consumers
2021-10-26 06:00 ET
trivago and HUAWEI form strategic partnership to Bring New Travel Solutions to Consumers
2021-10-18 13:30 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 1, 2021
2021-10-18 13:30 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 1, 2021
2021-07-15 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for July 29, 2021; Webcast Scheduled for July 30, 2021
2021-07-15 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for July 29, 2021; Webcast Scheduled for July 30, 2021
2021-07-14 08:00 ET
2021 Summer Holidays Still On Across Europe, But Will Look Different For Many
2021-07-14 08:00 ET
2021 Summer Holidays Still On Across Europe, But Will Look Different For Many
2021-07-13 12:00 ET
Update: trivago to Offer Once-in-a-Lifetime Experiences to Lucky Raffle Winners
2021-07-13 12:00 ET
trivago to Offer Once-in-a-Lifetime Experiences to Lucky Raffle Winners
2021-06-01 13:00 ET
trivago N.V. Announces Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2021-06-01 13:00 ET
trivago N.V. Announces Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2021-05-19 17:39 ET
Trivago Joins Chelsea Football Club as Official Training Wear Partner
2021-04-29 13:00 ET
Correction: trivago launches new Weekend product in UK and US
2021-04-29 13:00 ET
trivago launches new Weekend product in UK and US
2021-04-27 13:00 ET
Trivago Collaborates with TUI to Offer New Activities Feature
2021-04-27 13:00 ET
Trivago Collaborates with TUI to Offer New Activities Feature
2021-04-21 13:30 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for May 3, 2021; Webcast Scheduled for May 4, 2021
2021-04-21 13:30 ET
trivago N.V.'s First Quarter 2021 Earnings Release Scheduled for May 3, 2021; Webcast Scheduled for May 4, 2021
2021-03-29 08:00 ET
Jetzt kann es mit dem Zug ins Wochenende gehen bietet Bahn-Kurzurlaubspakete an
2021-02-17 14:00 ET
Consumers Say They’d Give Up Their Savings, Their Job and Their Sex Life to Travel Again
2021-02-17 14:00 ET
Consumers Say They’d Give Up Their Savings, Their Job and Their Sex Life to Travel Again
2021-02-01 14:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2020 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 9, 2021; Webcast Scheduled for February 10, 2021
2021-02-01 14:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Fourth Quarter 2020 Earnings Release Scheduled for February 9, 2021; Webcast Scheduled for February 10, 2021
2021-01-13 14:00 ET
trivago Acquired
2021-01-13 14:00 ET
trivago Acquired
2020-11-05 14:12 ET
As the trillion-dollar travel industry welcomes back customers, is My Travel Direct a case of David vs Goliath?
2020-10-23 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 2, 2020; Webcast Scheduled for November 3, 2020
2020-10-23 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Release Scheduled for November 2, 2020; Webcast Scheduled for November 3, 2020
2020-10-13 13:00 ET
Travelers Trade Cities for Seasides
2020-10-13 13:00 ET
Travelers Trade Cities for Seasides
2020-09-14 13:00 ET
2020-09-14 13:00 ET
2020-07-24 14:40 ET
METRO Markets to acquire trivago’s Palma development center
2020-07-24 14:40 ET
METRO Markets erwirbt das Entwicklungscenter von Trivago in Palma
2020-07-21 12:00 ET
 COVID-19 Database of Worldwide Travel Guidelines Now Available To All trivago Travelers
2020-07-21 12:00 ET
 COVID-19 Database of Worldwide Travel Guidelines Now Available To All trivago Travelers
2020-07-20 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2020 Earnings Release Scheduled for July 28, 2020; Webcast Scheduled for July 29, 2020
2020-07-20 13:00 ET
trivago N.V.'s Second Quarter 2020 Earnings Release Scheduled for July 28, 2020; Webcast Scheduled for July 29, 2020
2020-07-08 13:00 ET
trivago Data Reveals Americans’ Appetite for Travel Strongly Correlated with COVID-19 Case Numbers
2020-07-08 13:00 ET
trivago Data Reveals Americans’ Appetite for Travel Strongly Correlated with COVID-19 Case Numbers

SEC forms

Show financial reports only

SEC form 6
2024-07-30 16:35 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q2
SEC form 6
2024-07-30 16:35 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q2
SEC form 6
2024-07-30 16:35 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q2
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2024-07-30 16:11 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q2
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2024-07-01 09:08 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q2
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2024-07-01 09:08 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q2
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2024-05-23 07:32 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q1
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2024-05-23 07:32 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q1
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2024-05-23 07:32 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q1
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2024-04-30 16:06 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q1
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2024-04-30 16:06 ET
Trivago published news for 2024 q1
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2024-04-30 16:06 ET
Trivago reported for 2024 q1
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2024-02-06 16:04 ET
Trivago reported for 2023 q4
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2024-02-06 16:04 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q4
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2023-11-01 16:08 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q3
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2023-11-01 16:03 ET
Trivago reported for 2023 q3
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2023-10-27 07:35 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q3
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2023-10-05 06:03 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q3
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2023-09-15 06:06 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q2
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2023-09-05 06:04 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q2
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2023-08-01 16:07 ET
Trivago reported for 2023 q2
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2023-07-03 06:31 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q2
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2023-05-26 07:49 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q1
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2023-05-09 06:02 ET
Trivago published news for 2023 q1
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2023-05-02 16:05 ET
Trivago reported for 2023 q1
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2023-03-03 07:19 ET
Trivago reported for 2022 q4
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2023-02-07 16:06 ET
Trivago reported for 2022 q4
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2022-11-01 16:10 ET
Trivago reported for 2022 q3
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2022-09-19 07:09 ET
Trivago published news for 2022 q2
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2022-08-09 16:04 ET
Trivago published news for 2022 q2
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2022-07-01 09:24 ET
Trivago published news for 2022 q2
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2022-05-31 06:13 ET
Trivago published news for 2022 q1
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2022-05-02 16:07 ET
Trivago published news for 2022 q1
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2022-03-04 08:41 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q4
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2022-02-08 16:06 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q4
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2021-11-01 07:19 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q3
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2021-07-29 00:00 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q2
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2021-07-06 06:29 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q2
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2021-06-02 07:09 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q1
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2021-05-03 17:26 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q1
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2021-05-03 16:42 ET
Trivago published news for 2021 q1
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2021-03-05 09:22 ET
Trivago published news for 2020 q4
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2021-02-09 16:20 ET
Trivago published news for 2020 q4
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2020-11-02 17:02 ET
Trivago published news for 2020 q3