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General information


Sector: Consumer Electronics

Categories: @internet-of-things   

Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers and related personal computing and mobile communication devices along with a variety of related software, services, peripherals, and networking solutions. Apple sells its products worldwide through its online stores, its retail stores, its direct sales force, third-party wholesalers, and resellers.

Growth: Pretty weak revenue growth rate 4.0%, there is acceleration compared to average historical growth rates 1.8%. The revenue growth dynamics is unstable Site traffic for the last 3 months showed a change of +25.1%

Profitability: LTM EBITDA margin is positive, +34.9%. On average the margin is improving unsteadily. In the last quarter the company beat the estimated EPS, +6.3%. The company was ahead of estimated EPS in 80% of quarters (showing a gain of +$0.04 per share on average)

Cash Flow Generation: Dividend yield for the last twelve months 0.4%. Free cash flow yield 0.5% (LTM)

Undervaluation: Fundamental value created in LTM (estimate)

Entry Point: Share price is 96.4% higher than minimum and 5.2% lower than maximum for the last 3 years

AI Insight: the companies with similar growth trajectories, EBITDA margin, industries and geography on average are valued 3.3x by EV / Sales multiple , the company can be 66.8% overvalued

Insiders: For the last 3 months insiders sold company shares on $25.3 mln (-0.001% of cap.)

Key Financials (Download financials)

Ticker: AAPL
Share price, USD:  (0.0%)245.55
year average price 215.02  

year start price 181.16 2024-02-26

min close price 165.00 2024-04-19

max close price 259.02 2024-12-26

current price 245.55 2025-02-24
Common stocks: 15 892 723 000

Dividend Yield:  0.4%
FCF Yield LTM: 0.5%
EV / LTM EBITDA: 28.5x
EV / EBITDA annualized: 21.5x
Last revenue growth (y/y):  +4.0%
Last growth of EBITDA (y/y):  +6.7%
Historical revenue growth:  +1.8%
Historical growth of EBITDA:  +2.9%
EV / Sales: 10.0x
Margin (EBITDA LTM / Revenue): 34.9%
Fundamental value created in LTM:
Market Cap ($m): 3 902 458
Net Debt ($m): 43 024
EV (Enterprise Value): 3 945 482
Price to Book: 68.5x

Revenue and EBITDA

Quarterly values ($m)

Change (y/y)

Cash Flow

FCF ($m)

Net Debt / Cash and Equivalents ($m)

Share price and dividends (Download history)

Share price

Payment USD per share

Multiple and potential

EV / Sales

Potential dynamics


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Nevis Brands CEO discusses new hemp beverage launch - ICYMI

Apple dilutes security for UK cloud users rather than renege on its privacy commitments to all

Warren Buffett's Annual Shareholder Letter Arrives Saturday: Could Investors Get Updates On Apple, Succession, New Investments?

Apple Pulls Cloud Encryption Feature in UK

Trump: Tim Cook will invest billions in America to avoid tariffs
More information for subscribed users:
detailed calculation of
Fundamental value created in LTM

Financial reporting

Income Statement

Property 2024 q3 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-09-28 2024-06-29 2024-03-30 2023-12-30 2023-09-30 2023-07-01 2023-04-01 2022-12-31 2022-09-24
cik 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193
fillingDate 2024-11-01 2024-08-02 2024-05-03 2024-02-02 2023-11-03 2023-08-04 2023-05-05 2023-02-03 2022-10-28
acceptedDate 2024-11-01 06:01:36 2024-08-01 18:03:34 2024-05-02 18:04:25 2024-02-01 18:03:38 2023-11-02 18:08:27 2023-08-03 18:04:43 2023-05-04 18:03:52 2023-02-02 18:01:30 2022-10-27 18:01:14
calendarYear 2024 2024 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022
period Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4
revenue 94 930M 85 777M 90 753M 119 575M 89 498M 81 797M 94 836M 117 154M 90 146M
costOfRevenue 51 051M 46 099M 48 482M 64 720M 49 071M 45 384M 52 860M 66 822M 52 051M
grossProfit 43 879M 39 678M 42 271M 54 855M 40 427M 36 413M 41 976M 50 332M 38 095M
grossProfitRatio 0.462 0.463 0.466 0.459 0.452 0.445 0.443 0.43 0.423
researchAndDevelopmentExpenses 7 765M 8 006M 7 903M 7 696M 7 307M 7 442M 7 457M 7 709M 6 761M
generalAndAdministrativeExpenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sellingAndMarketingExpenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenses 6 523M 6 320M 6 468M 6 786M 6 151M 5 973M 6 201M 6 607M 6 440M
otherExpenses 0 0 0 50M 29M -265M 64M -393M 0
operatingExpenses 14 288M 14 326M 14 213M 14 532M 13 458M 13 415M 13 658M 14 316M 13 201M
costAndExpenses 65 339M 60 425M 62 695M 79 252M 62 529M 58 799M 66 518M 81 138M 65 252M
interestIncome 0 0 0 0 984M 980M 918M 868M 753M
interestExpense 0 0 0 0 1 002M 998M 930M 1 003M 827M
depreciationAndAmortization 2 911M 2 850M 2 836M 43 276 2 653M 3 052M 2 898M 2 916M 2 865M
ebitda 32 502M 28 202M 30 736M 43 221M 29 622M 22 998M 31 216M 38 932M 27 759M
ebitdaratio 0.342 0.329 0.339 0.361 0.331 0.281 0.329 0.332 0.308
operatingIncome 29 591M 25 352M 27 900M 40 373M 26 969M 22 998M 28 318M 36 016M 24 894M
operatingIncomeRatio 0.312 0.296 0.307 0.338 0.301 0.281 0.299 0.307 0.276
totalOtherIncomeExpensesNet 19M 142M -158M -50M 29M -265M 64M -393M -237M
incomeBeforeTax 29 610M 25 494M 28 058M 40 323M 26 998M 22 733M 28 382M 35 623M 24 657M
incomeBeforeTaxRatio 0.312 0.297 0.309 0.337 0.302 0.278 0.299 0.304 0.274
incomeTaxExpense 14 874M 4 046M 4 422M 6 407M 4 042M 2 852M 4 222M 5 625M 3 936M
netIncome 14 736M 21 448M 23 636M 33 916M 22 956M 19 881M 24 160M 29 998M 20 721M
netIncomeRatio 0.155 0.25 0.26 0.284 0.256 0.243 0.255 0.256 0.23
eps 0.97 1.4 1.53 2.19 1.47 1.27 1.53 1.89 1.29
epsdiluted 0.97 1.4 1.53 2.18 1.46 1.26 1.52 1.88 1.29
weightedAverageShsOut 15 172M 15 320M 15 406M 15 510M 15 599M 15 698M 15 787M 15 893M 16 030M
weightedAverageShsOutDil 15 243M 15 348M 15 465M 15 577M 15 672M 15 775M 15 847M 15 956M 16 118M
link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link
finalLink Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link

Balance Sheet Statement

Property 2024 q3 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-09-28 2024-06-29 2024-03-30 2023-12-30 2023-09-30 2023-07-01 2023-04-01 2022-12-31 2022-09-24
cik 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193
fillingDate 2024-11-01 2024-08-02 2024-05-03 2024-02-02 2023-11-03 2023-08-04 2023-05-05 2023-02-03 2022-10-28
acceptedDate 2024-11-01 06:01:36 2024-08-01 18:03:34 2024-05-02 18:04:25 2024-02-01 18:03:38 2023-11-02 18:08:27 2023-08-03 18:04:43 2023-05-04 18:03:52 2023-02-02 18:01:30 2022-10-27 18:01:14
calendarYear 2024 2024 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022
period Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4
cashAndCashEquivalents 29 943M 25 565M 32 695M 40 760M 29 965M 28 408M 24 687M 20 535M 23 646M
shortTermInvestments 35 228M 36 236M 34 455M 32 340M 31 590M 34 074M 31 185M 30 820M 24 658M
cashAndShortTermInvestments 65 171M 61 801M 67 150M 73 100M 61 555M 62 482M 55 872M 51 355M 48 304M
netReceivables 66 243M 43 172M 41 150M 50 102M 60 985M 39 186M 35 899M 54 180M 60 932M
inventory 7 286M 6 165M 6 232M 6 511M 6 331M 7 351M 7 482M 6 820M 4 946M
otherCurrentAssets 14 287M 14 297M 13 884M 13 979M 14 695M 13 640M 13 660M 16 422M 21 223M
totalCurrentAssets 152 987M 125 435M 128 416M 143 692M 143 566M 122 659M 112 913M 128 777M 135 405M
propertyPlantEquipmentNet 45 680M 44 502M 43 546M 43 666M 54 376M 43 550M 43 398M 42 951M 42 117M
goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
intangibleAssets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
goodwillAndIntangibleAssets 0 0 0 0 -17 852M 0 0 0 0
longTermInvestments 91 479M 91 240M 95 187M 99 475M 100 544M 104 061M 110 461M 114 095M 120 805M
taxAssets 19 499M 0 0 0 17 852M 0 0 0 0
otherNonCurrentAssets 55 335M 70 435M 70 262M 66 681M 36 245M 64 768M 65 388M 60 924M 54 428M
totalNonCurrentAssets 211 993M 206 177M 208 995M 209 822M 209 017M 212 379M 219 247M 217 970M 217 350M
otherAssets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
totalAssets 364 980M 331 612M 337 411M 353 514M 352 583M 335 038M 332 160M 346 747M 352 755M
accountPayables 68 960M 47 574M 45 753M 58 146M 62 611M 46 699M 42 945M 57 918M 64 115M
shortTermDebt 20 879M 15 108M 12 759M 12 952M 15 807M 11 209M 12 574M 11 483M 21 110M
taxPayables 26 601M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
deferredRevenue 8 249M 8 053M 8 012M 8 264M 8 061M 8 158M 8 131M 7 992M 7 912M
otherCurrentLiabilities 51 703M 60 889M 57 298M 54 611M 58 829M 58 897M 56 425M 59 893M 60 845M
totalCurrentLiabilities 176 392M 131 624M 123 822M 133 973M 145 308M 124 963M 120 075M 137 286M 153 982M
longTermDebt 96 548M 86 196M 91 831M 95 088M 106 548M 98 071M 97 041M 99 627M 98 959M
deferredRevenueNonCurrent 0 0 0 0 -19 454M 0 0 0 0
deferredTaxLiabilitiesNonCurrent 0 0 0 0 19 454M 0 0 0 0
otherNonCurrentLiabilities 35 090M 47 084M 47 564M 50 353M 19 127M 51 730M 52 886M 53 107M 54 964M
totalNonCurrentLiabilities 131 638M 133 280M 139 395M 145 441M 145 129M 149 801M 149 927M 152 734M 148 101M
otherLiabilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
capitalLeaseObligations 10 798M 0 0 0 11 267M 0 0 0 0
totalLiabilities 308 030M 264 904M 263 217M 279 414M 290 437M 274 764M 270 002M 290 020M 302 083M
preferredStock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
commonStock 83 276M 79 850M 78 815M 75 236M 73 812M 70 667M 69 568M 66 399M 64 849M
retainedEarnings -19 154M -4 726M 4 339M 8 242M -214M 1 408M 4 336M 3 240M -3 068M
accumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLoss -7 172M -8 416M -8 960M -9 378M -11 452M -11 801M -11 746M -12 912M -11 109M
othertotalStockholdersEquity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
totalStockholdersEquity 56 950M 66 708M 74 194M 74 100M 62 146M 60 274M 62 158M 56 727M 50 672M
totalEquity 56 950M 66 708M 74 194M 74 100M 62 146M 60 274M 62 158M 56 727M 50 672M
totalLiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity 364 980M 331 612M 337 411M 353 514M 352 583M 335 038M 332 160M 346 747M 352 755M
minorityInterest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
totalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquity 364 980M 331 612M 337 411M 353 514M 352 583M 335 038M 332 160M 346 747M 352 755M
totalInvestments 126 707M 127 476M 129 642M 131 815M 132 134M 34 074M 31 185M 144 915M 145 463M
totalDebt 106 629M 101 304M 104 590M 108 040M 122 355M 109 280M 109 615M 111 110M 120 069M
netDebt 76 686M 75 739M 71 895M 67 280M 92 390M 80 872M 84 928M 90 575M 96 423M
link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link
finalLink Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link

Cash Flow Statement

Property 2024 q3 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-09-28 2024-06-29 2024-03-30 2023-12-30 2023-09-30 2023-07-01 2023-04-01 2022-12-31 2022-09-24
cik 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193 320 193
fillingDate 2024-11-01 2024-08-02 2024-05-03 2024-02-02 2023-11-03 2023-08-04 2023-05-05 2023-02-03 2022-10-28
acceptedDate 2024-11-01 06:01:36 2024-08-01 18:03:34 2024-05-02 18:04:25 2024-02-01 18:03:38 2023-11-02 18:08:27 2023-08-03 18:04:43 2023-05-04 18:03:52 2023-02-02 18:01:30 2022-10-27 18:01:14
calendarYear 2024 2024 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022
period Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4
netIncome 14 736M 21 448M 23 636M 33 916M 22 956M 19 881M 24 160M 29 998M 20 721M
depreciationAndAmortization 2 911M 2 850M 2 836M 2 848M 2 653M 3 052M 2 898M 2 916M 2 865M
deferredIncomeTax 0 0 0 0 608M -608M 0 0 -1 861M
stockBasedCompensation 2 858M 2 869M 2 964M 2 997M 2 625M 2 617M 2 686M 2 905M 2 278M
changeInWorkingCapital 6 608M 145M -5 764M 1 123M -6 060M -2 009M 231M -1 497M -48M
accountsReceivables -22 941M -1 030M 1 172M 6 555M -9 297M -1 987M 5 321M 4 275M -6 384M
inventory -1 087M -12M 190M -137M 952M -22M -741M -1 807M 435M
accountsPayables 21 191M 1 539M -12 168M -4 542M 14 901M 3 974M -14 689M -6 075M 15 556M
otherWorkingCapital 9 445M 2 251M 0 -753M -776M -3 974M 10 340M 2 110M -9 655M
otherNonCashItems -302M 1 546M -982M -989M -576M 3 447M -1 415M -317M 172M
netCashProvidedByOperatingActivities 26 811M 28 858M 22 690M 39 895M 21 598M 26 380M 28 560M 34 005M 24 127M
investmentsInPropertyPlantAndEquipment -2 908M -2 151M -1 996M -2 392M -2 163M -2 093M -2 916M -3 787M -3 289M
acquisitionsNet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -137M
purchasesOfInvestments -10 582M -13 032M -15 262M -9 780M -8 557M -9 759M -6 044M -5 153M -6 745M
salesMaturitiesOfInvestments 15 126M 15 444M 17 393M 14 383M 13 698M 12 795M 11 385M 7 636M 9 551M
otherInvestingActivites -191M -388M -445M -284M -584M -506M -106M -141M -597M
netCashUsedForInvestingActivites 1 445M -127M -310M 1 927M 2 394M 437M 2 319M -1 445M -1 217M
debtRepayment 4 387M -3 253M -3 148M -3 984M -19 101M -7 500M -5 964M -9 615M -2 793M
commonStockIssued 0 0 0 0 -9 602M 9 602M 0 0 0
commonStockRepurchased -25 083M -26 522M -23 489M -22 730M -21 003M -19 863M -19 594M -19 475M -24 428M
dividendsPaid -3 804M -3 895M -3 710M -3 825M -3 758M -3 849M -3 650M -3 768M -3 703M
otherFinancingActivites -448M -2 347M -3 234M -4 030M 30 311M -2 438M 3 484M -2 705M 4 130M
netCashUsedProvidedByFinancingActivities -24 948M -36 017M -30 433M -30 585M -23 153M -24 048M -25 724M -35 563M -26 794M
effectOfForexChangesOnCash 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
netChangeInCash 3 308M -9 407M -1 962M 11 237M 839M 2 769M 5 155M -3 003M -3 884M
cashAtEndOfPeriod 29 943M 24 514M 29 580M 41 974M 30 737M 29 898M 27 129M 21 974M 24 977M
cashAtBeginningOfPeriod 26 635M 33 921M 31 542M 30 737M 29 898M 27 129M 21 974M 24 977M 28 861M
operatingCashFlow 26 811M 28 858M 22 690M 39 895M 21 598M 26 380M 28 560M 34 005M 24 127M
capitalExpenditure -2 908M -2 151M -1 996M -2 392M -2 163M -2 093M -2 916M -3 787M -3 289M
freeCashFlow 23 903M 26 707M 20 694M 37 503M 19 435M 24 287M 25 644M 30 218M 20 838M
link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link
finalLink Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link

Earning call transcript

2024 q3
2024-10-31 ET (fiscal 2024 q4)
2024 q2
2024-08-01 ET (fiscal 2024 q3)
2024 q1
2024-05-02 ET (fiscal 2024 q2)
2023 q4
2024-02-01 ET (fiscal 2024 q1)
2023 q3
2023-11-02 ET (fiscal 2023 q4)
2023 q2
2023-08-03 ET (fiscal 2023 q3)
2023 q1
2023-05-04 ET (fiscal 2023 q2)
2022 q4
2023-02-02 ET (fiscal 2023 q1)
2022 q3
2022-10-27 ET (fiscal 2022 q4)
2022 q2
2022-07-28 ET (fiscal 2022 q3)
2022 q1
2022-04-28 ET (fiscal 2022 q2)
2021 q4
2022-01-27 ET (fiscal 2022 q1)


Show financial reports only

2024-10-31 20:30 ET
Apple reports fourth quarter results
2024-10-30 13:00 ET
Securing the Future: How Post-Quantum Cryptography is Transforming Cybersecurity
2024-10-28 15:00 ET
Apple Intelligence is available today on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
2024-10-28 15:00 ET
Apple unveils the new iMac with M4, supercharged by Apple Intelligence and available in fresh colors
2024-10-15 13:00 ET
Apple introduces powerful new iPad mini built for Apple Intelligence
2024-10-08 12:20 ET
CEO Spotlight: Eightco Holdings Inc. CEO Discusses His Company's Innovative E-Commerce Solutions
2024-10-01 13:00 ET
Apple launches new professional learning resources for teachers and expands global education grant program
2024-09-20 12:50 ET
Buffet Shifts To Cash, DoJ Launches Nvidia Investigation – Is It Time To Invest In Gold And Other Stores Of Value?
2024-09-09 18:41 ET
Apple introduces groundbreaking health features to support conditions impacting billions of people
2024-09-09 18:36 ET
Introducing Apple Watch Series 10
2024-09-09 18:36 ET
Apple introduces AirPods 4 and the world’s first all-in-one hearing health experience with AirPods Pro 2
2024-09-09 18:36 ET
Apple introduces iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus
2024-09-09 18:36 ET
Apple debuts iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max
2024-09-09 18:36 ET
Apple Watch Ultra 2 now available in black titanium
2024-08-07 06:02 ET
PocketGuard Has Launched the Integration with Apple Wallet
2024-08-05 12:45 ET
Private Companies Are 50% More Profitable Than Public Companies And Are At Lower Valuations – Now You Can Invest In Them With Linqto
2024-08-01 20:30 ET
Apple reports third quarter results
2024-06-24 12:30 ET
Apple Becomes Latest Giant To Adopt AI, But Risks Persist – Brand Engagement Network May Have The Solution To Ensure Security In The Age Of AI
2024-06-20 02:00 ET
Apple The Exchange TRX to welcome its first customers this Saturday, June 22, in Kuala Lumpur
2024-06-10 21:40 ET
Apple extends its privacy leadership with new updates across its platforms
2024-06-10 21:00 ET
Apple empowers developers and fuels innovation with new tools and resources
2024-06-10 18:43 ET
macOS Sequoia takes productivity and intelligence on Mac to new heights
2024-06-10 18:43 ET
Introducing Apple Intelligence, the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models at the core of iPhone, iPad, and Mac
2024-06-10 18:43 ET
visionOS 2 brings new spatial computing experiences to Apple Vision Pro
2024-06-10 18:43 ET
watchOS 11 brings powerful health and fitness insights, and even more personalization and connectivity
2024-06-10 18:43 ET
iOS 18 makes iPhone more personal, capable, and intelligent than ever
2024-06-10 18:43 ET
iPadOS 18 introduces powerful new intelligence features and apps designed for Apple Pencil
2024-06-10 17:37 ET
Updates to the Home experience elevate entertainment and bring more convenience
2024-06-10 17:14 ET
Apple Vision Pro arrives in new countries and regions beginning June 28
2024-05-21 15:30 ET
Apple and Île-de-France Mobilités introduce Navigo card for iPhone and Apple Watch
2024-05-15 14:00 ET
Apple announces new accessibility features, including Eye Tracking, Music Haptics, and Vocal Shortcuts
2024-05-13 13:00 ET
Apple Music celebrates the greatest records ever made with the launch of inaugural 100 Best Albums list
2024-05-07 14:37 ET
Final Cut Pro transforms video creation with Live Multicam on iPad and new AI features on Mac
2024-05-07 14:37 ET
Logic Pro takes music-making to the next level with new AI features
2024-05-07 14:37 ET
Apple introduces M4 chip
2024-05-07 14:37 ET
Apple unveils stunning new iPad Pro with the world’s most advanced display, M4 chip, and Apple Pencil Pro
2024-05-07 14:37 ET
Apple unveils the redesigned 11-inch and all-new 13-inch iPad Air, supercharged by the M2 chip
2024-05-03 20:39 ET
Summary Notice of Pendency and Proposed Settlement of Shareholder Derivative Actions
2024-05-03 20:39 ET
Summary Notice of Pendency and Proposed Settlement of Shareholder Derivative Actions
2024-05-02 20:30 ET
Apple reports second quarter results
2024-03-26 17:00 ET
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference returns June 10, 2024
2024-03-18 12:00 ET
Apple Jing’an to welcome its first customers this Thursday, March 21, in Shanghai
2024-03-04 13:00 ET
Apple unveils the new 13- and 15-inch MacBook Air with the powerful M3 chip
2024-02-21 14:00 ET
Introducing Apple Sports, a new app for sports fans
2024-02-16 13:35 ET
Gates Ventures, Mayo Clinic Back Tiny Robot Created By $400M Apple Face ID Inventors To Treat Brain Disease
2024-02-16 13:35 ET
Gates Ventures, Mayo Clinic Back Tiny Robot Created By $400M Apple Face ID Inventors To Treat Brain Disease
2024-02-13 15:00 ET
Apple Shareholder: Company’s Actions on Human Rights Don’t Match Its Words
2024-02-13 15:00 ET
Apple Shareholder: Company’s Actions on Human Rights Don’t Match Its Words
2024-02-05 14:00 ET
USHER’s Road to Halftime on Apple Music lets fans listen, watch, dance, and sing their way to Super Bowl LVIII 
2024-02-01 21:30 ET
Apple reports first quarter results
2024-01-25 18:00 ET
Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union
2024-01-23 18:49 ET
Apple scores record 13 Academy Award nominations, as culture-moving feature “Killers of the Flower Moon” lands 10 historic nominations for Best Picture, Best Actress for Lily Gladstone and Best Director for Martin Scorsese
2024-01-18 00:00 ET
Apple Hongdae to welcome its first customers this Saturday, January 20, in South Korea
2024-01-16 14:00 ET
Apple previews new entertainment experiences launching with Apple Vision Pro
2024-01-11 23:02 ET
Shareholder Statement on Departure of Al Gore from Board of Directors for Apple Inc.
2024-01-11 21:30 ET
Wanda Austin to join Apple’s board of directors
2024-01-08 14:00 ET
Apple Vision Pro available in the U.S. on February 2
2023-11-30 04:00 ET
Apple unveils App Store Award winners, the best apps and games of 2023
2023-11-25 08:43 ET
Best Apple Watch Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals 2023: Best Apple Watch Series 9, SE, 8, Ultra 2 & More Deals Listed by Retail365
2023-11-03 00:00 ET
Apple MixC Wenzhou opens for customers this Saturday, November 4, in China
2023-11-02 20:30 ET
Apple reports fourth quarter results
2023-10-31 00:28 ET
Apple unveils M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max, the most advanced chips for a personal computer
2023-10-31 00:28 ET
Apple unveils the new MacBook Pro featuring the M3 family of chips, making the world’s best pro laptop even better
2023-10-31 00:28 ET
Apple supercharges 24-inch iMac with new M3 chip
2023-10-30 12:00 ET
WonderFi's Bitbuy Offers Apple Pay in Canada for Account Funding
2023-10-26 14:00 ET
Ramp partners with Linea to enable direct connection between the zkEVM and the global financial system
2023-10-19 11:40 ET
Abner Labs Appoints Insys VT as a Strategic Partner
2023-10-16 13:00 ET
Apple Store online launches in Chile to bring customers exciting new shopping options
2023-09-28 18:13 ET
ARway Corp announces company has built its first platform for Apple Pro Vision Glasses
2023-09-12 18:20 ET
Apple debuts iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus
2023-09-12 18:20 ET
Apple unveils iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max
2023-09-12 18:20 ET
Apple introduces new AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with USB-C charging capabilities
2023-09-12 18:20 ET
Apple unveils its first carbon neutral products
2023-09-12 18:20 ET
Apple unveils Apple Watch Ultra 2
2023-09-12 17:28 ET
Apple introduces the advanced new Apple Watch Series 9
2023-08-03 20:30 ET
Apple reports third quarter results
2023-07-12 20:33 ET
Apple lands record 54 Emmy Award nominations, and makes history as “Ted Lasso” becomes the most Emmy-nominated comedy for the third consecutive year, and “STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie” becomes most-nominated documentary
2023-06-21 20:00 ET
Developer tools to create spatial experiences for Apple Vision Pro now available
2023-06-21 09:55 ET
Best Apple Pay Casinos in Canada - List of Casinos That Accept Apple Pay
2023-06-14 10:30 ET
Apple’s Racial Equity and Justice Initiative surpasses $200 million in investments, doubling initial 2020 commitment
2023-06-05 19:03 ET
Introducing Apple Vision Pro: Apple’s first spatial computer
2023-06-05 18:19 ET
tvOS 17 brings FaceTime and video conferencing to the biggest screen in the home
2023-06-05 18:19 ET
macOS Sonoma brings all-new capabilities for elevating productivity and creativity
2023-06-05 18:19 ET
iOS 17 makes iPhone more personal and intuitive
2023-06-05 18:19 ET
Introducing watchOS 10, a milestone update for Apple Watch
2023-06-05 18:19 ET
Apple provides powerful insights into new areas of health
2023-06-05 18:19 ET
iPadOS 17 brings new levels of personalization and versatility to iPad
2023-06-05 18:19 ET
Apple announces powerful new privacy and security features
2023-06-05 17:17 ET
Apple introduces M2 Ultra
2023-06-05 17:17 ET
Apple unveils new Mac Studio and brings Apple silicon to Mac Pro
2023-06-05 17:17 ET
Apple introduces the 15-inch MacBook Air
2023-05-31 17:00 ET
App Store developers generated $1.1 trillion in total billings and sales in the App Store ecosystem in 2022
2023-05-18 02:00 ET
Apple launches Apple Store online in Vietnam
2023-05-16 12:00 ET
Apple introduces new features for cognitive accessibility, along with Live Speech, Personal Voice, and Point and Speak in Magnifier
2023-05-09 13:03 ET
Apple brings Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro to iPad
2023-05-07 20:28 ET
Virsympay Launches New Payment Gateway for Seamless Payment Processing
2023-05-04 20:30 ET
Apple reports second quarter results
2023-05-03 14:00 ET
AllianceBlock’s NexeraID Joins World Wide Web Consortium, Aiming To Shape Future of Sovereign Identities
2023-04-26 03:30 ET
Apple MixC Shenzhen opens Friday, April 28, in China
2023-04-19 08:30 ET
Apple Saket will open this Thursday, April 20, in New Delhi
2023-04-17 04:30 ET
Apple BKC in Mumbai opens for customers this Tuesday
2023-04-13 12:00 ET
Apple will use 100 percent recycled cobalt in batteries by 2025
2023-03-29 17:00 ET
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference returns June 5, 2023
2023-03-28 23:00 ET
Apple Gangnam will welcome first customers this Friday, March 31 in South Korea
2023-03-28 15:30 ET
Apple introduces Apple Pay Later to allow consumers to pay for purchases over time
2023-03-28 14:00 ET
Apple Music Classical is here
2023-03-14 14:00 ET
Apple introduces Shop with a Specialist over Video
2023-03-13 05:11 ET
Apple TV+ wins Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
2023-03-07 13:30 ET
Hello, yellow! Apple introduces new iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus
2023-03-01 17:30 ET
Apple Shareholder Demands More Transparency on China; Seeks Removal of Tim Cook, Al Gore from Board of Directors
2023-02-21 14:00 ET
Chronicle raises $7.5M seed round from Accel and Square Peg to reimagine presentations
2023-02-02 21:30 ET
Apple reports first quarter results
2023-02-02 21:02 ET
Options, Earnings and Implied Volatility with Trade Examples. Apple, Amazon, Alphabet
2023-01-30 16:15 ET
Apple Music launches Rihanna’s Road to Halftime ahead of Super Bowl LVII
2023-01-24 16:01 ET
Apple builds on privacy commitment by unveiling new education and awareness efforts on Data Privacy Day
2023-01-18 14:00 ET
Apple introduces the new HomePod with breakthrough sound and intelligence
2023-01-17 14:00 ET
Apple unveils MacBook Pro featuring M2 Pro and M2 Max, with more game-changing performance and the longest battery life ever in a Mac
2023-01-17 14:00 ET
Apple unveils M2 Pro and M2 Max: next-generation chips for next-level workflows
2023-01-17 14:00 ET
Apple introduces new Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro — more powerful, capable, and versatile than ever
2023-01-05 17:10 ET
OV Loop Launches Community Empowering Super-App Platform Ahead of Big Players
2022-12-06 18:00 ET
Apple Announces Biggest Upgrade to App Store Pricing, Adding 700 New Price Points
2022-12-06 15:00 ET
Apple Introduces Apple Music Sing
2022-12-05 15:28 ET
Apple, CEO Tim Cook Can’t Ignore China Risks Any Longer
2022-11-29 04:30 ET
App Store Awards Celebrate the Best Apps and Games of 2022
2022-11-15 13:00 ET
Emergency SOS via Satellite Available Today on the iPhone 14 Lineup in the US and Canada
2022-11-09 08:00 ET
Koinal adds Fuel to Crypto Fire with Raft of New Features Including Apple Pay, Making Crypto Even More Accessible and Secure
2022-11-06 22:45 ET
Update on Supply of iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max
2022-10-27 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results
2022-10-18 15:00 ET
Apple Unveils Completely Redesigned iPad in Four Vibrant Colors
2022-10-18 15:00 ET
Apple Introduces the Powerful Next-Generation Apple TV 4K
2022-10-18 15:00 ET
Apple Introduces Next-Generation iPad Pro, Supercharged by the M2 Chip
2022-10-18 14:00 ET
Uplift DAO Teams Up With MoonPay To Simplify Investing In Web3 Projects
2022-10-13 15:05 ET
Apple Card Will Soon Let Users Grow Daily Cash Rewards While Saving For The Future
2022-10-12 15:00 ET
D2C is Revolutionizing Customer Relationships: Who is Taking Advantage?
2022-09-13 15:46 ET
Apple’s global phenomenon “Ted Lasso” joins ranks of the most celebrated comedies in history with back-to-back Emmy wins for Outstanding Comedy Series at the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards
2022-09-09 13:39 ET
How Some Traders Look To Find Possible Swing Trades In A Blue-Chip Stock Like AAPL
2022-09-08 12:05 ET
Zylorion Announces Additions to Board of Directors and Advisory Committee
2022-09-07 18:31 ET
Apple Reveals Apple Watch Series 8 and the New Apple Watch SE
2022-09-07 18:31 ET
Apple Debuts iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max
2022-09-07 18:31 ET
Apple announces the next generation of AirPods Pro
2022-09-07 18:31 ET
Apple Fitness+ available to all iPhone users in 21 countries later this fall
2022-09-07 18:31 ET
Apple Introduces iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus
2022-09-07 17:40 ET
Introducing Apple Watch Ultra
2022-07-28 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Third Quarter Results
2022-07-26 09:00 ET
Apple Brompton Road Celebrates Creativity With Vibrant Design and Events Featuring Local Artists
2022-07-12 19:38 ET
Apple scores record-breaking 52 Emmy Award nominations, with “Ted Lasso” leading as most-nominated comedy, and freshman breakout “Severance” landing Best Drama nomination
2022-06-16 12:00 ET
Webio secures $4m to scale conversational AI in the collections and payments industry
2022-06-14 16:00 ET
Apple and Major League Soccer to Present All MLS Matches Around the World for 10 Years, Beginning in 2023
2022-06-06 21:15 ET
Apple Provides Developers with Even More Powerful Technologies to Push the App Experience Forward
2022-06-06 18:46 ET
iPadOS 16 Takes the Versatility of iPad Even Further with Powerful New Productivity and Collaboration Features
2022-06-06 18:30 ET
Apple Unveils M2, Taking the Breakthrough Performance and Capabilities of M1 Even Further
2022-06-06 18:30 ET
Apple Unveils All-New MacBook Air, Supercharged by the New M2 Chip
2022-06-06 18:30 ET
macOS Ventura adds Powerful Productivity Tools and New Continuity Features that Make the Mac Experience Better than Ever
2022-06-06 17:55 ET
watchOS 9 Delivers New Ways to Stay Connected, Active, and Healthy
2022-06-06 17:43 ET
Apple Unveils an All-New Lock Screen Experience and New Ways to Share and Communicate in iOS 16
2022-05-24 13:00 ET
Apple Unveils New Apple Watch Pride Edition Bands
2022-05-24 12:00 ET
Apple Expands Today at Apple Creative Studios, Providing New Opportunities to Young Creatives
2022-05-17 12:00 ET
Apple Previews Innovative Accessibility Features Combining the Power of Hardware, Software, and Machine Learning
2022-04-28 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Second Quarter Results
2022-04-27 12:00 ET
Apple’s Self Service Repair Now Available
2022-04-14 12:00 ET
Apple Helps Suppliers Rapidly Accelerate Renewable Energy Use Around the World
2022-04-06 23:30 ET
Apple Myeongdong Opens Saturday, April 9, in South Korea
2022-04-05 16:00 ET
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference Returns in its All-Online Format
2022-03-31 17:00 ET
Apple Business Essentials Now Available for Small Businesses
2022-03-30 12:00 ET
Apple Launches $50 Million Supplier Employee Development Fund
2022-03-28 04:43 ET
Apple’s “CODA” Wins Historic Oscar for Best Picture at the Academy Awards
2022-03-08 18:57 ET
Apple Unveils M1 Ultra, the World’s Most Powerful Chip for a Personal Computer
2022-03-08 18:57 ET
Apple Unveils All-New Mac Studio and Studio Display
2022-03-08 18:24 ET
Apple Introduces the Most Powerful and Versatile iPad Air Ever
2022-03-08 18:16 ET
Apple Introduces Gorgeous New Green Finishes for the iPhone 13 Lineup
2022-03-08 18:16 ET
Apple Announces the New iPhone SE: A Powerful Smartphone in an Iconic Design
2022-03-08 18:05 ET
Apple and Major League Baseball To Offer “Friday Night Baseball”
2022-02-16 07:40 ET
DigiMax Launches CryptoHawk AI Mobile App on Apple and Google App Stores
2022-02-08 16:17 ET
Apple lands historic first Best Picture Oscar nomination for “CODA,” and secures six Academy Award nominations including Best Actor for Denzel Washington in “The Tragedy of Macbeth” and Best Supporting Actor for Troy Kotsur in “CODA”
2022-02-08 15:00 ET
Apple empowers businesses to accept contactless payments through Tap to Pay on iPhone
2022-01-27 21:30 ET
Apple Reports First Quarter Results
2021-12-16 16:01 ET
Claris Achieves SOC 2® Type 2 and ISO Credentials, Providing IT Leaders a Clear, Confident Path for Secure Low-Code Deployment
2021-12-13 13:30 ET
VYRE Network Partners with UNIFD to Be Its Exclusive Advertising Supplier for All Connected Tv and Web-Based Platforms
2021-11-30 08:00 ET
Apple Announces Third Annual Apple Music Award Winners: The Weeknd Wins Global Award for Artist of the Year; Olivia Rodrigo and H.E.R. Also Take Home Top Awards
2021-11-23 18:00 ET
Apple Sues NSO Group to Curb the Abuse of State-Sponsored Spyware
2021-11-17 14:00 ET
Apple Announces Self Service Repair
2021-11-10 15:00 ET
Apple Introduces Apple Business Essentials
2021-11-09 22:00 ET
Alex Gorsky Joins Apple’s Board of Directors
2021-10-28 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results
2021-10-27 12:00 ET
Apple Charges Forward to 2030 Carbon Neutral Goal, Adding 9 Gigawatts of Clean Power and Doubling Supplier Commitments
2021-10-26 13:00 ET
DistroTV Now Set to Stream on Major Smart TV Platforms, In Addition to All Key Streaming Devices
2021-10-21 04:00 ET
Apple Bağdat Caddesi opens Friday, October 22, in Istanbul
2021-10-18 17:49 ET
Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro updated with powerful new features and unprecedented performance on the all-new MacBook Pro with M1 Pro and M1 Max
2021-10-18 17:49 ET
Introducing M1 Pro and M1 Max: the most powerful chips Apple has ever built
2021-10-18 17:49 ET
Game-changing MacBook Pro with M1 Pro and M1 Max delivers extraordinary performance and battery life, and features the world's best notebook display
2021-10-18 17:15 ET
Apple introduces the Apple Music Voice Plan
2021-10-18 17:15 ET
Apple introduces HomePod mini in new bold and expressive colors
2021-10-18 17:15 ET
Introducing the next generation of AirPods: The world's most popular wireless headphones just got better
2021-10-07 16:01 ET
Yoodli, A Startup Backed by Madrona Venture Group and the Allen Institute for AI (AI2), Applies AI to Life's Biggest Stress: Public Speaking
2021-09-28 17:00 ET
New Features in Keynote, Pages, and Numbers Enhance Remote Presentations and Working with Documents on the Go
2021-09-20 05:38 ET
Apple’s global hit comedy series “Ted Lasso” scores history-making win for Outstanding Comedy Series at the 2021 Primetime Emmy Awards
2021-09-16 15:00 ET
Claris Launches Entrepreneur Training Program with First Partner EonXI, Focused on Improving Tech Diversity Through Low Code
2021-09-14 18:16 ET
Apple Introduces iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini, Delivering Breakthrough Camera Innovations and a Powerhouse Chip with an Impressive Leap in Battery Life
2021-09-14 18:16 ET
Apple Unveils iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max — More Pro Than Ever Before
2021-09-14 18:16 ET
Apple Fitness+ Welcomes People at Every Fitness Level to Train Their Bodies and Minds with Meditation and New Workouts Available September 27
2021-09-14 18:16 ET
Apple Reveals Apple Watch Series 7, Featuring a Larger, More Advanced Display
2021-09-14 17:21 ET
Apple Unveils New iPad mini with Breakthrough Performance in Stunning New Design
2021-09-14 17:21 ET
Apple’s Most Popular iPad Delivers Even More Performance and Advanced Features
2021-09-02 03:00 ET
Apple Changsha Opens Saturday in China
2021-09-02 00:00 ET
Japan Fair Trade Commission Closes App Store Investigation
2021-09-01 13:00 ET
Apple announces first states signed up to adopt driver’s licenses and state IDs in Apple Wallet
2021-08-31 13:00 ET
Apple Broadens Racial Equity and Justice Initiative with $30 Million in New Commitments
2021-08-17 12:00 ET
Apple Selects 15 Black- and Brown-Owned Businesses for First-of-Its-Kind Impact Accelerator
2021-07-29 15:00 ET
GarageBand Amps Up Music Creation with All-New Sound Packs From Dua Lipa, Lady Gaga, and Today’s Top Music Producers
2021-07-27 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Third Quarter Results
2021-07-26 11:00 ET
Royal Wins Adds Apple Pay for iOS Kash Karnival Users
2021-06-22 17:00 ET
Apple Launches Today at Apple Creative Studios to Provide Opportunities to Young Creatives
2021-06-22 17:00 ET
Apple Tower Theatre Opens Thursday in Downtown Los Angeles
2021-06-15 14:00 ET
Apple Podcasts Subscriptions and channels are now available worldwide
2021-06-07 18:45 ET
iOS 15 Brings New Ways to Stay Connected and Powerful Features That Help Users Focus, Explore, and Do More with On-device Intelligence
2021-06-07 18:45 ET
Apple Advances Its Privacy Leadership with iOS 15, iPadOS 15, macOS Monterey, and watchOS 8
2021-06-07 18:45 ET
watchOS 8 Brings New Access, Connectivity, and Mindfulness Features to Apple Watch
2021-06-07 18:45 ET
Apple Introduces New Developer Tools and Technologies to Create Even Better Apps
2021-06-07 18:45 ET
Apple Previews New iPad Productivity Features with iPadOS 15
2021-06-07 18:45 ET
macOS Monterey Introduces Powerful Features to Get More Done
2021-06-07 18:45 ET
Apple Advances Personal Health by Introducing Secure Sharing and New Insights
2021-05-26 13:00 ET
DistroTV Diversifies Content to Cater to Growing Audience with New Channel Additions
2021-05-26 09:00 ET
Apple Via del Corso Opens Thursday, May 27, in Rome
2021-05-19 17:00 ET
Apple Previews Powerful Software Updates Designed for People with Disabilities
2021-05-17 13:00 ET
Apple Watch Pride Edition Bands Celebrate and Support the Diverse LGBTQ+ Movement
2021-05-17 13:00 ET
Apple Music Announces Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos; Will Bring Lossless Audio to Entire Catalog
2021-05-10 17:53 ET
Intellabridge Technology Corporation: Kash Product Update
2021-05-05 12:00 ET
Apple Awards an Additional $410 Million from its Advanced Manufacturing Fund to II-VI
2021-05-04 15:00 ET
Claris Launches Claris Connect for Apple School Manager to Seamlessly Connect Student Data with Apple Education Technology
2021-04-28 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Second Quarter Results
2021-04-26 11:30 ET
Apple Commits $430 Billion in US Investments Over Five Years
2021-04-20 17:58 ET
Apple Introduces New iPad Pro Featuring Breakthrough M1 Chip, Ultra-Fast 5G, and Stunning 12.9-inch Liquid Retina XDR Display
2021-04-20 17:36 ET
All-New iMac Features Stunning Design in a Spectrum of Vibrant Colors, the Breakthrough M1 Chip, and a Brilliant 4.5K Retina Display
2021-04-20 17:20 ET
Apple Unveils the Next Generation of Apple TV 4K, Making the Best Device for Watching Shows and Movies Even Better
2021-04-20 17:11 ET
Apple Introduces AirTag
2021-04-20 17:06 ET
Apple Introduces iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini in a Stunning New Purple
2021-04-20 17:05 ET
Apple Leads the Next Chapter of Podcasting With Apple Podcasts Subscriptions
2021-04-20 17:05 ET
Apple Introduces Apple Card Family, Enabling People to Share Apple Card and Build Credit Together
2021-04-15 13:00 ET
Apple and Partners Launch First-Ever $200 Million Restore Fund to Accelerate Natural Solutions to Climate Change
2021-04-02 12:00 ET
Apple Arcade Launches its Biggest Expansion Yet, Growing its Award-Winning Catalog to More Than 180 Games
2021-03-31 13:40 ET
JZZ Technologies, Inc. Begins Delivery of Active Lifestyle Content to over 100+ Million Amazon Alexa Devices This Friday
2021-03-31 13:00 ET
Apple Powers Ahead in New Renewable Energy Solutions With Over 110 Suppliers
2021-03-30 13:00 ET
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference is Back in its All-Online Format
2021-03-17 07:00 ET
Apple’s $4.7 Billion Green Bond Spend is Helping to Create 1.2 Gigawatts of Clean Power
2021-03-02 05:45 ET
Physitrack Continues M&A Activity, Acquires UK Care Provider Rehabplus
2021-02-11 13:00 ET
LaunchLife International Announces the Relaunch of Student Tutoring APP tutit
2021-01-27 21:30 ET
Apple Reports First Quarter Results
2021-01-25 22:00 ET
Dan Riccio Begins a New Chapter at Apple
2021-01-25 14:00 ET
Time to Walk: An Inspiring Audio Walking Experience Comes to Apple Fitness+
2021-01-19 08:05 ET
NetCents Technology Receives BIN Number and Starts Printing Cards for Credit Card Launch
2021-01-13 12:00 ET
Apple Launches Major New Racial Equity and Justice Initiative Projects to Challenge Systemic Racism, Advance Racial Equity Nationwide
2021-01-05 14:00 ET
Monica Lozano Joins Apple’s Board of Directors
2020-12-14 22:05 ET
NetCents Technology Completes Bank Compliance Review and Moves Towards Credit Card Launch in Early 2021
2020-12-08 13:30 ET
Apple Introduces AirPods Max, the Magic of AirPods in a Stunning Over-ear Design
2020-12-08 13:30 ET
Apple Fitness+: The future of fitness launches December 14
2020-12-03 04:00 ET
Physitrack Inaugurates M&A Program by Acquiring Physiotools in Cash and Share Deal
2020-11-19 05:00 ET
Apple Announces Second Annual Apple Music Awards
2020-11-18 11:00 ET
Apple Announces App Store Small Business Program
2020-11-10 18:44 ET
Apple Unleashes M1
2020-11-10 18:44 ET
Introducing the Next Generation of Mac
2020-11-05 14:00 ET
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 mini, and HomePod mini available to order Friday
2020-10-29 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results
2020-10-26 13:30 ET
RETRANSMISSION: NetCents Technology Provides Update on NetCents Cryptocurrency Visa Card
2020-10-23 21:05 ET
NetCents Technology Provides Update on NetCents Cryptocurrency Visa Card
2020-10-13 18:07 ET
Apple introduces iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max with 5G
2020-10-13 18:07 ET
Apple announces iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini: A new era for iPhone with 5G
2020-10-13 17:14 ET
Apple introduces HomePod mini: A powerful smart speaker with amazing sound
2020-09-18 01:30 ET
Apple Brings Online Store to India September 23
2020-09-15 18:01 ET
Apple Unveils All-New iPad Air with A14 Bionic, Apple’s Most Advanced Chip
2020-09-15 18:01 ET
Apple Introduces Eighth-generation iPad with a Huge Jump in Performance
2020-09-15 17:41 ET
Apple Extends the Apple Watch Experience to the Entire Family
2020-09-15 17:40 ET
Singapore and Apple Partner on National Health Initiative Using Apple Watch
2020-09-15 17:39 ET
Apple Fitness+: A New Engaging and Personalized Fitness Experience Comes to Life with Apple Watch
2020-09-15 17:38 ET
Apple Watch Series 6 Delivers Breakthrough Wellness and Fitness Capabilities
2020-09-15 17:38 ET
Apple One Makes Enjoying Apple Subscription Services Easier Than Ever
2020-09-15 17:38 ET
Apple Watch SE: The Ultimate Combination of Design, Function, and Value
2020-09-08 02:30 ET
Apple Marina Bay Sands Opens Thursday in Singapore
2020-08-18 12:36 ET
Apple Announces Apple Music Radio
2020-08-05 17:20 ET
Apple Announces Updated 27" iMac with More Speed, More Power, and Better Webcam; Available at B&H Photo
2020-08-04 17:00 ET
Phil Schiller Advances to Apple Fellow
2020-08-04 15:00 ET
27-inch iMac Gets a Major Update
2020-07-30 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Third Quarter Results
2020-07-29 01:00 ET
Apple Central World Opens Friday in Thailand
2020-07-21 12:00 ET
Apple Commits to be 100 Percent Carbon Neutral for its Supply Chain and Products by 2030
2020-07-17 01:00 ET
The New Apple Sanlitun Opens Today
2020-07-16 13:00 ET
Apple Teams Up With HBCUs to Bring Coding and Creativity Opportunities to Communities Across the US
2020-06-22 22:29 ET
Apple Reveals New Developer Technologies to Foster the Next Generation of Apps
2020-06-22 18:48 ET
Apple Announces Mac Transition to Apple Silicon
2020-06-22 18:27 ET
Apple Introduces macOS Big Sur with a Beautiful New Design
2020-06-22 18:10 ET
iPadOS 14 Introduces New Features Designed Specifically for iPad
2020-06-22 18:09 ET
Apple Reimagines the iPhone Experience with iOS 14
2020-06-22 17:56 ET
watchOS 7 Adds Significant Personalization, Health, and Fitness Features to Apple Watch
2020-06-15 21:00 ET
Apple’s App Store Ecosystem Facilitated Over Half a Trillion Dollars in Commerce in 2019
2020-05-12 12:30 ET
Apple Unveils Biggest Update to Logic Since the Launch of Logic Pro X
2020-05-05 16:00 ET
Apple to Host Virtual Worldwide Developers Conference Beginning June 22
2020-05-04 12:30 ET
Apple Updates 13-Inch MacBook Pro with Magic Keyboard, Double the Storage, and Faster Performance
2020-04-30 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Second Quarter Results
2020-04-21 07:00 ET
Apple Services Now Available in More Countries Around the World
2020-04-15 15:00 ET
iPhone SE: A Powerful New Smartphone in a Popular Design
2020-03-18 12:00 ET
New MacBook Air Has More to Love and is Now Just $999
2020-03-18 12:00 ET
Apple Unveils New iPad Pro with Breakthrough LiDAR Scanner and Brings Trackpad Support to iPadOS
2020-03-13 16:00 ET
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference 2020 Kicks Off in June with an All-New Online Format
2020-02-17 21:00 ET
Investor Update on Quarterly Guidance
2020-01-28 21:30 ET
Apple Reports Record First Quarter Results
2019-12-09 18:21 ET
Apple Makes History with Multiple Golden Globe Nominations for “The Morning Show”
2019-11-20 12:15 ET
Apple Expands in Austin
2019-11-14 13:45 ET
Apple Launches Three Innovative Studies Today in the New Research App
2019-10-30 20:30 ET
Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results
2019-10-28 16:00 ET
Apple Reveals New AirPods Pro, Available October 30
2019-10-11 13:31 ET
Thinking about buying stock in Apple, Aurora Cannabis, Citigroup, Delta Air Lines, or Coca-Cola?
2019-10-09 13:31 ET
Thinking about trading options or stock in Apple, Citigroup, FedEx, Johnson & Johnson, or NVIDIA?
2019-10-07 13:31 ET
Thinking about trading options or stock in Apple, Salesforce, Walt Disney Co, Mastercard, or Exxon Mobil?
2019-10-04 13:31 ET
Thinking about buying stock in Apple, Aurora Cannabis, Walt Disney, NVIDIA, or Exela Technologies?
2019-09-24 13:31 ET
Thinking about trading options or stock in Apple, JPMorgan Chase, Merck, NVIDIA, or Exxon Mobil?
2019-09-23 12:40 ET
Oprah’s Book Club Starts a New Chapter with Apple
2019-09-19 14:30 ET
Apple Fifth Avenue: The Cube is Back
2019-09-17 11:00 ET
Apple Awards an Additional $250 Million from Advanced Manufacturing Fund to Corning
2019-09-10 18:37 ET
Apple Arcade Invites You to Play Something Extraordinary
2019-09-10 18:37 ET
iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max: the Most Powerful and Advanced Smartphones
2019-09-10 18:37 ET
Apple Introduces Dual Camera iPhone 11
2019-09-10 17:48 ET
Apple Unveils Apple Watch Series 5
2019-09-10 17:29 ET
Apple Introduces New Version of the Most Popular iPad Starting at $329
2019-09-10 17:21 ET
Apple TV+ Launches November 1, Featuring Originals from the World’s Greatest Storytellers
2019-08-23 13:31 ET
Thinking about trading options or stock in Apple, Boeing, Salesforce, Walt Disney Co, or JPMorgan Chase?
2019-08-08 10:45 ET
Lilly, Evidation Health and Apple Study Shows Personal Digital Devices May Help in the Identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease Dementia
2019-04-26 23:30 ET
Apple Inc. Shareholder Investigation: Lawsuit Filed (AAPL)
2019-04-22 21:32 ET
LEAD PLAINTIFF DEADLINE ALERT: Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP Encourages Investors Who Suffered Losses Exceeding $500,000 In Apple, Inc. To Contact The Firm
2019-04-20 02:50 ET
2019-04-18 12:00 ET
Apple Expands Global Recycling Programs
2019-04-17 20:25 ET
Bernstein Liebhard LLP Announces That A Class Action Has Been Filed On Behalf Of Apple Inc. Investors
2019-04-17 20:23 ET
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Apple Inc. - AAPL
2019-04-16 19:04 ET
Qualcomm and Apple Agree to Drop All Litigation
2019-04-15 13:31 ET
Option-trading opportunities on Apple Inc., Citigroup Inc., The Walt Disney Co., The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and Tesla Inc.
2019-04-11 07:00 ET
Apple Tops Clean Energy Goal with New Supplier Commitments
2019-03-27 16:40 ET
CipherLoc Enters Entertainment Industry with Its First Commercial Contract
2019-03-25 18:40 ET
Apple Unveils Apple TV+, The New Home for the World’s Most Creative Storytellers
2019-03-25 17:51 ET
Apple Introduces Apple Arcade — the World’s First Game Subscription Service for Mobile, Desktop and the Living Room
2019-03-18 12:30 ET
All-New iPad Air and iPad mini Deliver Dramatic Power and Capability
2019-03-15 19:21 ET
Qualcomm Wins Patent Infringement Case Against Apple in San Diego
2019-03-14 16:00 ET
Apple to Host Annual Worldwide Developers Conference June 3-7 in San Jose
2019-03-07 14:30 ET
Garry McGuire and Other Silicon Valley Captains Meet with UK Government's Digital Leaders to Discuss Internet Safety
2019-03-07 14:00 ET
Uptick Newswire Hosts WhereverTV Broadcasting Corp. on the Stock Day Podcast to Share Exciting Developments for 2019
2019-03-06 17:00 ET
Apple Releases 13th Annual Supplier Responsibility Progress Report
2019-03-04 21:47 ET
Apple to Transfer Listing of Debt Securities to Nasdaq
2019-02-27 14:00 ET
'Cool Waters': Apple & Eve's New Fruit Flavored Water, Low on Sugar Not on Taste
2019-02-05 21:30 ET
Apple Names Deirdre O’Brien Senior Vice President of Retail + People

SEC forms

Show financial reports only

SEC form 10
2025-01-31 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2024 q4
SEC form 8
2025-01-30 16:30 ET
Apple published news for 2024 q4
SEC form 8
2025-01-30 16:30 ET
Apple published news for 2024 q4
SEC form 10
2024-11-01 06:01 ET
Apple reported for 2024 q3
SEC form 8
2024-10-31 16:30 ET
Apple published news for 2024 q3
SEC form 8
2024-10-31 16:30 ET
Apple published news for 2024 q3
SEC form 10
2024-08-02 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2024 q2
SEC form 10
2024-08-01 18:03 ET
Apple published news for 2024 q2
SEC form 8
2024-08-01 16:30 ET
Apple reported for 2024 q2
SEC form 8
2024-08-01 16:30 ET
Apple published news for 2024 q2
SEC form 10
2024-05-03 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2024 q1
SEC form 10
2024-05-02 18:04 ET
Apple reported for 2024 q1
SEC form 8
2024-05-02 16:30 ET
Apple reported for 2024 q1
SEC form 8
2024-05-02 16:30 ET
Apple published news for 2024 q1
SEC form 10
2024-02-02 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q4
SEC form 8
2024-02-01 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q4
SEC form 8
2024-02-01 00:00 ET
Apple published news for 2023 q4
SEC form 10
2023-11-03 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q3
SEC form 10
2023-11-02 18:08 ET
Apple published news for 2023 q3
SEC form 8
2023-11-02 16:30 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q3
SEC form 10
2023-08-04 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q2
SEC form 10
2023-08-03 18:04 ET
Apple published news for 2023 q2
SEC form 6
2023-08-03 16:30 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q2
SEC form 8
2023-08-03 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q2
SEC form 10
2023-05-05 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-05-04 16:30 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 8
2023-05-04 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-03-10 16:30 ET
Apple published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 10
2023-02-03 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 8
2023-02-02 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-01-12 16:31 ET
Apple published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 10
2022-10-28 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 8
2022-10-27 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 10
2022-07-29 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 8
2022-07-28 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 10
2022-04-29 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q1
SEC form 8
2022-04-28 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2022 q1
SEC form 10
2022-01-28 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q4
SEC form 8
2022-01-27 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q4
SEC form 10
2021-10-29 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q3
SEC form 8
2021-10-28 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q3
SEC form 10
2021-07-28 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q2
SEC form 8
2021-07-27 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q2
SEC form 10
2021-04-29 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q1
SEC form 8
2021-04-28 00:00 ET
Apple reported for 2021 q1