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General information


Sector: Capital Markets

Categories: @finance-and-technology   

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., a bank holding company, is a global investment banking and securities firm specializing in investment banking, trading and principal investments, asset management and securities services. The Company provides services to corporations, financial institutions, governments, and high-net worth individuals.

Growth: Pretty weak revenue growth rate 7.5%, there is acceleration compared to average historical growth rates -5.8%. The revenue growth dynamics is unstable Site traffic for the last 3 months showed a change of +18.4%

Profitability: LTM net profit margin is positive, +20.9%. On average the margin is improving unsteadily. Gross margin is high, +65.6%. In the last quarter the company beat the estimated EPS, +8.5%. The company was ahead of estimated EPS in 80% of quarters (showing a gain of +$0.42 per share on average)

Cash Flow Generation: Dividend yield for the last twelve months 2.1%.

Undervaluation: Fundamental value created in LTM (estimate)

Entry Point: Share price is 101.1% higher than minimum and 16.3% lower than maximum for the last 3 years

AI Insight: the companies with similar growth trajectories, Net Income margin, industries and geography on average are valued 2.4x by P / Sales multiple , the company can be 36.7% overvalued

Insiders: For the last 3 months insiders sold company shares on $12.6 mln (-0.006% of cap.)

Key Financials (Download financials)

Ticker: GS
Share price, USD:  (+1.0%)562.68
year average price 519.01  

year start price 406.82 2024-03-22

min close price 389.49 2024-04-12

max close price 672.19 2025-02-18

current price 562.68 2025-03-21
Common stocks: 343 447 014

Dividend Yield:  2.1%
P / E LTM: 18.1x
P / E annualized: 18.2x
Last revenue growth (y/y):  +7.5%
Last growth of Net Income (y/y):  +11.3%
Historical revenue growth:  -5.8%
Historical growth of Net Income:  -10.8%
P / Sales: 3.8x
Margin (Net Income LTM / Revenue): 20.9%
Fundamental value created in LTM:
Market Cap ($m): 193 251
Price to Book: 1.6x

Revenue and Net Income

Quarterly values ($m)

Change (y/y)

Share price and dividends (Download history)

Share price

Payment USD per share

Multiple and potential

EV / Sales

Potential dynamics


Goldman Sachs Stock Dips After Analyst Downgrade

Why the Market Dipped But Goldman Sachs (GS) Gained Today

Goldman Sachs' annual CEO letter: Here are the details

How Lead Bank CEO Jackie Reses rose from 'a pretty gritty childhood' to Goldman Sachs, Square and top of U.S. fintech

Trump Upholds Biden's Merger Guidelines: Here's What It Means for Goldman Sachs and Other Investment Banks

Goldman Sachs (GS) Stock Dips While Market Gains: Key Facts

Goldman Stock Slips 12.3% in a Month: Should You Buy the Dip or Wait?

Here's why AI isn't shifting the needle for recession-threatened US economy

This is Why Goldman Sachs (GS) is a Great Dividend Stock

Report: Goldman Sachs to Reduce Staff by Up to 5% in Annual Review
More information for subscribed users:
detailed calculation of
Fundamental value created in LTM

Financial reporting

Income Statement

Property 2024 q3 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-09-30 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
cik 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982
fillingDate 2024-11-04 2024-08-02 2024-05-03 2024-02-23 2023-11-03 2023-08-03 2023-05-04 2023-02-24 2022-11-03
acceptedDate 2024-11-01 18:04:43 2024-08-01 18:38:11 2024-05-02 19:05:40 2024-02-22 20:39:25 2023-11-03 16:35:10 2023-08-02 18:05:50 2023-05-03 18:05:18 2023-02-23 19:58:16 2022-11-02 18:10:30
calendarYear 2024 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
revenue 12 699M 12 731M 14 213M 11 318M 11 817M 10 895M 12 224M 10 593M 11 975M
costOfRevenue 4 364M 4 484M 4 832M 17 722M 4 455M 3 872M 4 355M 16 174M 0
grossProfit 8 335M 8 247M 9 381M -6 404M 7 362M 7 023M 7 869M -5 581M 11 975M
grossProfitRatio 0.656 0.648 0.66 -0.566 0.623 0.645 0.644 -0.527 1
researchAndDevelopmentExpenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
generalAndAdministrativeExpenses 4 122M 4 240M 4 585M 3 602M 4 188M 3 619M 4 090M 3 764M 3 606M
sellingAndMarketingExpenses 159M 153M 153M 175M 136M 146M 172M 216M 199M
sellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenses 4 281M 4 393M 4 738M 3 777M 4 324M 3 765M 4 262M 3 980M 3 805M
otherExpenses 8 418M -4 140M -4 154M -3 837M -3 626M -12 924M 3 664M 9 725M 3 378M
operatingExpenses 12 699M 8 533M 8 892M 3 837M 3 626M -9 159M 4 047M 31 164M 0
costAndExpenses 12 699M 8 533M 8 892M 26 209M 26 130M -9 159M 8 402M 23 460M 7 704M
interestIncome 21 448M 20 440M 19 555M 18 484M 18 257M 16 836M 14 938M 12 411M 8 550M
interestExpense 18 825M 18 198M 17 947M 17 145M 16 710M 15 152M 13 157M 10 337M 6 507M
depreciationAndAmortization 621M 646M 627M 780M 1 512M 605M 615M 727M 666M
ebitda 4 608M 4 562M 5 948M -150M 3 404M 2 341M 17 765M 12 594M 10 242M
ebitdaratio 0.363 0.38 0.418 -0.013 0.288 0.215 1.453 1.189 0.855
operatingIncome 4 608M 4 198M 5 321M 2 263M 2 756M 1 736M 17 150M 11 867M 9 576M
operatingIncomeRatio 0.363 0.33 0.374 0.2 0.233 0.159 1.403 1.12 0.8
totalOtherIncomeExpensesNet -621M -3 503M -84M 2 254M 2 756M 549M -13 157M -10 337M -5 820M
incomeBeforeTax 3 987M 3 916M 5 237M 2 254M 2 756M 1 736M 3 993M 1 530M 3 756M
incomeBeforeTaxRatio 0.314 0.308 0.368 0.199 0.233 0.159 0.327 0.144 0.314
incomeTaxExpense 997M 873M 1 105M 246M 698M 520M 759M 204M 687M
netIncome 2 990M 3 043M 4 132M 2 008M 2 058M 1 216M 3 234M 1 326M 3 069M
netIncomeRatio 0.235 0.239 0.291 0.177 0.174 0.112 0.265 0.125 0.256
eps 8.56 8.77 11.71 5.56 5.56 3.09 8.87 3.35 8.35
epsdiluted 8.4 8.62 11.58 5.48 5.47 3.08 8.79 3.32 8.25
weightedAverageShsOut 325M 330M 336M 336M 339M 342M 347M 350M 353M
weightedAverageShsOutDil 331M 336M 340M 341M 344M 347M 351M 357M 359M
link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link
finalLink Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link

Balance Sheet Statement

Property 2024 q3 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-09-30 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
cik 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982
fillingDate 2024-11-04 2024-08-02 2024-05-03 2024-02-23 2023-11-03 2023-08-03 2023-05-04 2023-02-24 2022-11-03
acceptedDate 2024-11-01 18:04:43 2024-08-01 18:38:11 2024-05-02 19:05:40 2024-02-22 20:39:25 2023-11-03 16:35:10 2023-08-02 18:05:50 2023-05-03 18:05:18 2023-02-23 19:58:16 2022-11-02 18:10:30
calendarYear 2024 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
cashAndCashEquivalents 154 689M 206 326M 209 385M 241 577M 240 000M 271 000M 229 000M 466 942M 284 251M
shortTermInvestments 23 964M 23 856M 23 117M 33 173M 40 421M 30 086M 414 000M 130 629M 8 215M
cashAndShortTermInvestments 178 653M 206 326M 209 385M 242 000M 240 000M 271 000M 656 000M 597 571M 411 214M
netReceivables 162 368M 158 063M 176 159M 148 577M 141 000M 157 000M 145 000M 135 448M 177 181M
inventory 0 -364 389M -385 544M -390 577M -984 778M 0 0 0 0
otherCurrentAssets 1 170 074M 1 075 312M 1 122 232M 1 041 802M 984 778M 0 0 0 0
totalCurrentAssets 1 324 763M 1 075 312M 1 122 232M 1 041 802M 381 000M 428 000M 374 000M 402 032M 469 647M
propertyPlantEquipmentNet 0 11 698M 12 469M 13 291M 15 303M 17 617M 18 609M 19 246M 19 234M
goodwill 5 909M 5 893M 5 897M 5 916M 5 913M 5 942M 6 439M 6 374M 6 288M
intangibleAssets 925M 992M 1 021M 1 177M 1 341M 1 921M 1 965M 2 009M 1 963M
goodwillAndIntangibleAssets 6 834M 6 885M 6 918M 7 093M 7 254M 7 863M 8 404M 8 383M 8 251M
longTermInvestments 735 602M 205 899M 211 613M 242 566M 594 000M 538 000M 539 000M 432 000M 430 817M
taxAssets 0 8 544M 8 106M 8 157M 571 443M 512 520M 0 0 0
otherNonCurrentAssets 395 673M 344 975M 337 102M 328 685M -594 000M -538 000M -27 013M -59 539M -458 302M
totalNonCurrentAssets 1 138 109M 578 001M 576 208M 599 792M 594 000M 538 000M 539 000M 400 090M 458 302M
otherAssets -734 792M 0 0 0 602 000M 605 000M 625 000M 639 878M 628 045M
totalAssets 1 728 080M 1 653 313M 1 698 440M 1 641 594M 1 577 000M 1 571 000M 1 538 000M 1 442 000M 1 555 994M
accountPayables 250 355M 242 986M 256 662M 230 728M 253 000M 258 000M 266 000M 262 000M 278 457M
shortTermDebt 90 805M 91 269M 445 883M 441 582M 70 000M 70 000M 65 000M 61 000M 59 769M
taxPayables 3 312M 2 931M 3 290M 2 947M 2 982M 2 674M 2 681M 2 669M 3 274M
deferredRevenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
otherCurrentLiabilities -2 667M 585 675M 295 129M 520 401M -323 000M -328 000M -331 000M 6 845M -338 226M
totalCurrentLiabilities 341 805M 922 861M 997 674M 1 192 711M 323 000M 328 000M 331 000M 329 845M 338 226M
longTermDebt 263 705M 245 377M 215 676M 200 035M 224 000M 231 000M 241 000M 247 000M 249 698M
deferredRevenueNonCurrent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
deferredTaxLiabilitiesNonCurrent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
otherNonCurrentLiabilities 1 278 053M 1 288 058M 366 214M 131 580M -224 000M -231 000M 90 000M 1 099 356M -338 226M
totalNonCurrentLiabilities 1 541 758M 610 574M 581 890M 331 615M 224 000M 231 000M 331 000M 1 346 356M 1 483 115M
otherLiabilities -276 683M 0 0 0 913 000M 896 000M 759 000M -351 201M -384 637M
capitalLeaseObligations 2 175M 2 122M 1 915M 2 001M 2 222M 2 113M 2 129M 2 154M 2 057M
totalLiabilities 1 606 880M 1 533 435M 1 579 564M 1 524 326M 1 460 000M 1 455 000M 1 421 000M 1 325 000M 1 436 704M
preferredStock 13 253M 12 753M 11 203M 11 203M 11 203M 10 703M 10 703M 10 703M 10 703M
commonStock 9M 9M 9M 9M 9M 9M 9M 9M 9M
retainedEarnings 150 454M 148 652M 146 690M 143 688M 142 743M 141 798M 141 591M 139 372M 139 067M
accumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLoss 2 587M 2 158M 1 247M 2 203M -2 599M -3 237M -2 601M -3 010M -1 872M
othertotalStockholdersEquity -45 103M -44 109M -40 603M -40 198M -34 356M -33 273M -32 702M -30 074M -28 617M
totalStockholdersEquity 121 200M 119 463M 118 546M 116 905M 117 000M 116 000M 117 000M 117 000M 119 290M
totalEquity 121 200M 119 878M 118 876M 117 268M 117 471M 116 000M 117 000M 117 000M 119 290M
totalLiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity 1 728 080M 1 653 313M 1 698 440M 1 641 594M 1 577 000M 1 571 000M 1 538 000M 1 442 000M 1 555 994M
minorityInterest 0 415M 330M 363M 471M 0 0 0 0
totalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquity 1 728 080M 1 653 313M 1 698 440M 1 641 594M 1 577 000M 1 571 000M 1 538 000M 1 442 000M 1 555 994M
totalInvestments 759 566M 205 899M 211 613M 242 566M 594 000M 538 000M 539 000M 562 629M 439 032M
totalDebt 351 304M 638 720M 663 474M 643 618M 294 000M 301 000M 306 000M 308 000M 309 467M
netDebt 196 615M 432 394M 454 089M 402 041M 54 000M 30 000M 77 000M -158 942M 25 216M
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finalLink Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link

Cash Flow Statement

Property 2024 q3 2024 q2 2024 q1 2023 q4 2023 q3 2023 q2 2023 q1 2022 q4 2022 q3
date 2024-09-30 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30
cik 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982 886 982
fillingDate 2024-11-04 2024-08-02 2024-05-03 2024-02-23 2023-11-03 2023-08-03 2023-05-04 2023-02-24 2022-11-03
acceptedDate 2024-11-01 18:04:43 2024-08-01 18:38:11 2024-05-02 19:05:40 2024-02-22 20:39:25 2023-11-03 16:35:10 2023-08-02 18:05:50 2023-05-03 18:05:18 2023-02-23 19:58:16 2022-11-02 18:10:30
calendarYear 2024 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
period Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3
netIncome 2 990M 3 043M 4 132M 2 008M 2 058M 1 216M 3 234M 1 326M 3 069M
depreciationAndAmortization 621M 646M 627M 780M 568M 1 594M 970M 727M 666M
deferredIncomeTax -202M -511M 60M -1 360M -12 202M 0 0 -2 412M 0
stockBasedCompensation 120M 595M 1 844M 77M 228M 239M 1 541M 272M 300M
changeInWorkingCapital -41 986M 15 248M -4 598M -14 892M 11 974M 28 237M 3 830M -15 882M 3 633M
accountsReceivables 0 4 134M -1 807M 14 042M 11 974M 0 0 0 0
inventory 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
accountsPayables 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
otherWorkingCapital -41 986M -10 424M -34 482M -28 934M 0 28 237M 3 830M -15 882M 3 633M
otherNonCashItems 397M 2 169M 3 416M 14 167M -28 160M 615M -171M 972M 515M
netCashProvidedByOperatingActivities -38 060M 19 303M 2 383M 780M -25 534M 31 901M 9 404M -14 997M 8 183M
investmentsInPropertyPlantAndEquipment -332M -542M -497M -546M -507M -666M -597M -754M -990M
acquisitionsNet 305M 448M 4 021M 2 622M 7 720M -8M 0 -2M -283M
purchasesOfInvestments -61 422M -33 182M -55 359M -29 615M -10 740M -6 575M -10 461M -7 547M -16 487M
salesMaturitiesOfInvestments 39 362M 14 891M 17 664M 13 014M 3 020M 2 648M 8 166M 4 881M 3 116M
otherInvestingActivites -8 430M -8 323M -7 483M -4 365M -7 526M 642M 914M -2 870M 485M
netCashUsedForInvestingActivites -30 517M -18 426M -38 401M -18 890M -8 033M -3 959M -1 978M -6 292M -14 159M
debtRepayment -776M 4 088M -1 428M -5 098M -10 281M -10 215M -22 011M -6 793M -13 708M
commonStockIssued 0 0 0 23 853M 11 786M 25 547M 0 0 0
commonStockRepurchased -1 000M -4 200M -1 500M -1 000M -1 505M -750M -2 546M -1 500M -1 000M
dividendsPaid -1 169M -1 052M -1 123M -1 065M -1 099M -1 012M -1 013M -1 013M -997M
otherFinancingActivites 13 285M -1 833M -924M 11 326M 7 541M 316M 5 026M -270M 17 326M
netCashUsedProvidedByFinancingActivities 10 340M -2 371M 7 171M 28 016M 6 442M 13 886M -20 544M -9 576M 1 621M
effectOfForexChangesOnCash 5 369M -1 565M -3 345M 5 382M -3 927M -224M 620M -11 561M 0
netChangeInCash -51 637M -3 059M -32 192M 1 560M -31 052M 41 604M -12 498M -42 426M -4 355M
cashAtEndOfPeriod 154 689M 206 326M 209 385M 241 439M 239 879M 270 931M 229 327M 241 825M 284 251M
cashAtBeginningOfPeriod 206 326M 209 385M 241 577M 239 879M 270 931M 229 327M 241 825M 284 251M 288 606M
operatingCashFlow -38 060M 19 303M 2 383M 780M -25 534M 31 901M 9 404M -14 997M 8 183M
capitalExpenditure -466M -542M -497M -546M -507M -666M -597M -754M -990M
freeCashFlow -38 526M 18 761M 1 886M 234M -26 041M 31 235M 8 807M -15 751M 7 193M
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finalLink Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link

Earning call transcript

2024 q3
2024-10-15 ET (fiscal 2024 q3)
2024 q2
2024-07-15 ET (fiscal 2024 q2)
2024 q1
2024-04-15 ET (fiscal 2024 q1)
2023 q4
2024-01-16 ET (fiscal 2023 q4)
2023 q3
2023-10-17 ET (fiscal 2023 q3)
2023 q2
2023-07-19 ET (fiscal 2023 q2)
2023 q1
2023-04-18 ET (fiscal 2023 q1)
2022 q4
2023-01-17 ET (fiscal 2022 q4)
2022 q3
2022-10-18 ET (fiscal 2022 q3)
2022 q2
2022-07-18 ET (fiscal 2022 q2)
2022 q1
2022-04-14 ET (fiscal 2022 q1)


Show financial reports only

2024-10-16 17:39 ET
Underdog Fantasy CEO and Founder Jeremy Levine Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship for Second Consecutive Year
2024-10-16 14:12 ET
Innovaccer Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2024-10-16 14:00 ET
RecNation honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship; Gary “WOJO” Wojtaszek Chief Camper Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at the 2024 Builders and Innovators Summit
2024-10-16 13:30 ET
Phenom Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2024-10-16 13:01 ET
GrubMarket CEO Mike Xu Recognized Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at the Goldman Sachs 2024 Builders and Innovators Summit
2024-10-16 12:30 ET
Avenzo Therapeutics Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2024-10-16 12:01 ET
OneRail Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2024-10-08 20:54 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Third Quarter 2024 Results
2024-10-07 12:58 ET
BrightNight Closes $440 Million Strategic Investment from Goldman Sachs Alternatives, Upsizes Corporate Credit Facility to $400 Million
2024-09-11 12:00 ET
MineHub Appoints Chief Operating Officer
2024-09-10 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Custody Solutions and NewEdge Capital Group Announce Strategic Collaboration to Provide Enhanced Services to RIAs
2024-08-01 11:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Alternatives Makes $440 Million Strategic Investment in BrightNight to Fund Continued Growth
2024-07-29 12:00 ET
osapiens raises $120 million funding round led by Growth Equity at Goldman Sachs Alternatives
2024-07-09 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Second Quarter 2024 Results
2024-07-09 13:00 ET
TAIT announces equity investment from Goldman Sachs Alternatives' Private Equity Business
2024-07-09 10:30 ET
Canoe Intelligence Raises $36 Million Series C Funding Led by Goldman Sachs to Further Market Expansion
2024-06-28 20:05 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Updated Timeline for Liquidation of Goldman Sachs Defensive Equity ETF
2024-06-25 13:00 ET
Gold Prices Continue On An Uptrend – Is It The Right Time To Buy The Metal Now For Profits In 2024?
2024-06-12 22:52 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Liquidation of Goldman Sachs Defensive Equity ETF
2024-05-23 17:10 ET
Goldman Sachs Alternatives Completes Acquisition of Xpress Wellness from Latticework Capital Management
2024-05-13 17:12 ET
Pennybacker Announces Strategic Investment from Petershill at Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2024-05-02 16:00 ET
Transcendia Announces Significant New Capital Investment to Support Next Phase of Growth and Value Creation Initiatives
2024-04-30 09:00 ET
Sun European Partners, LLP Affiliate Agrees to Sell Adler & Allan to Goldman Sachs Alternatives
2024-04-10 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce First Quarter 2024 Results
2024-04-03 10:00 ET
Alterome Therapeutics Raises $132 Million in Series B Financing Led by Goldman Sachs Alternatives
2024-04-03 10:00 ET
Alterome Therapeutics Raises $132 Million in Series B Financing Led by Goldman Sachs Alternatives
2024-04-02 18:05 ET
Kennedy Lewis Investment Management Announces Strategic Investment from Petershill at Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2024-03-06 22:50 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Prices Public Offering of $400 Million of 6.375% Unsecured Notes Due 2027
2024-03-06 22:50 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Prices Public Offering of $400 Million of 6.375% Unsecured Notes Due 2027
2024-02-28 22:39 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports December 31, 2023 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2024-02-27 18:48 ET
Peapack Private Hires Ron Bezoza as Senior Managing Director - Managing Principal, Head of Sales and Relationship Management
2024-02-20 13:00 ET
Divcon Controls Announces Investment from Goldman Sachs Alternatives
2024-01-25 14:00 ET
Bastille Raises $44 Million Series C Investment Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2024-01-24 08:00 ET
Elwood Receives Authorization as a Service Company from UK Financial Conduct Authority
2024-01-17 22:00 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Fourth Quarter 2023 Results
2023-12-19 15:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Sees Dramatic Surge In Crypto Trading By 2025: How high can Ethereum and Meme Moguls go?
2023-12-12 22:43 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Liquidation of Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta® Paris-Aligned Climate U.S. Large Cap Equity ETF
2023-12-06 21:45 ET
KBRA Assigns Ratings to Goldman Sachs Private Credit Corp.
2023-11-15 20:00 ET
Tradeweb to Present at the Goldman Sachs 2023 U.S. Financial Services Conference
2023-11-07 22:00 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports September 30, 2023 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2023-11-01 12:00 ET
Atlas Lithium to Present at the Prestigious Goldman Sachs Global Metals and Mining Conference
2023-10-31 15:34 ET
Star Mountain Capital Adds Former Aflac Global Chief Investment Officer, Eric Kirsch, as Senior Advisor
2023-10-24 12:00 ET
Honor’s Co-Founder and CEO Recognized by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-24 10:00 ET
Moloco Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-22 17:45 ET
REZI Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-20 15:57 ET
6sense CEO, Jason Zintak, Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-20 13:14 ET
Nécessaire Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-19 15:52 ET Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-19 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Recognizes Socure Founder & CEO Johnny Ayers as One of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs for the Third Year in a Row
2023-10-19 12:55 ET
Censia Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship; Joanna Riley, CEO Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at 2023 Builders and Innovators Summit
2023-10-18 20:33 ET
Michael D. Ratner -- Founder, President and CEO of OBB Media -- Named To Goldman Sachs Top 100 Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2023
2023-10-18 15:07 ET
Flock Freight® Founder and CEO Oren Zaslansky Recognized as a Top Entrepreneur by Goldman Sachs at the 2023 Builders and Innovators Summit
2023-10-18 14:12 ET
Accrete AI Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-18 13:00 ET
Zero Hash Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-18 12:01 ET
Rescale Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship, Joris Poort, Founder and CEO, Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at 2023 Builders and Innovators Summit
2023-10-18 12:01 ET
ReliaQuest Founder and CEO Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship

2023-10-18 12:00 ET
At-Bay Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2023-10-10 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Third Quarter 2023 Results
2023-08-07 16:09 ET
Synthica Energy Announces Equity Investment from the Infrastructure Business within Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2023-08-03 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports June 30, 2023 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2023-07-27 14:09 ET
Arctaris Impact Celebrates Opening of $152M Opportunity Zone Project in D.C.’s Ward 7
2023-07-20 20:15 ET
Rithm Capital Corp. Acquired $1.4bn of Marcus Loans from Goldman Sachs
2023-07-14 11:05 ET
2023-07-10 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Second Quarter 2023 Results
2023-06-22 13:00 ET
Limble Announces $58M Series B Funding Round Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Bringing Total Valuation to $450M
2023-06-16 13:11 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Liquidation Details for Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund
2023-06-13 12:00 ET
Madhive, a Leading CTV Advertising Software Platform, Announces a $300 Million Investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2023-06-07 21:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Liquidation of Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund
2023-06-07 12:00 ET
Digibee Receives $60 Million Series B Funding to Continue Focusing on Growth and Expansion in the US and on Further Success in Latin America
2023-05-12 12:30 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.240 Per Share
2023-05-04 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports March 31, 2023 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2023-04-19 13:00 ET
Shareholders Ask Goldman Sachs Board to Rein in Chairman/CEO
2023-04-11 13:00 ET
Shareholders of Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo Asked to Oppose ‘Net Zero’ Proposals
2023-04-10 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce First Quarter 2023 Results
2023-04-03 16:00 ET
Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women Deploys More Than $2.1 Billion, Expected to Impact the Lives of Over 215,000 Black Women Across the Country
2023-03-23 22:45 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Closed-End Fund Announces Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting
2023-03-07 04:39 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Prices Offering of Shares of Common Stock
2023-03-06 21:25 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Announces Offering of Shares of Common Stock
2023-03-02 12:00 ET
MineHub and Waybridge Combine to Create the Leading Digital Platform for Commodity Supply Chains
2023-02-28 13:00 ET
Bitwise Industries Announces $80M Raise Fueling Southside Chicago Expansion
2023-02-23 21:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports December 31, 2022 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2023-02-10 14:16 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.220 Per Share
2023-02-06 12:00 ET
Harvey Schwartz Named CEO of Carlyle and Member of the Board
2023-01-24 14:00 ET
Crux Reports $75M in Bookings, Secures $50M in Funding to Accelerate Roadmap Development and Sales and Marketing
2023-01-18 18:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Lane Partners Announce Recapitalization of Southline Phase I with Beacon Capital Partners
2023-01-17 14:00 ET
LePure Biotech Closes Series C Financing Co-Led by Novo Holdings, General Atlantic, and Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2023-01-12 21:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2022 Results
2022-12-21 21:22 ET
Goldman Sachs honors The Naked Market's Harrison Fugman and Alex Kost as part of their Top 100 Builders & Innovators of 2022
2022-12-15 07:00 ET
Norgine Announces Closing of Investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2022-12-15 05:01 ET
Mews closes $185 Million in fundraising to transform the hospitality industry for brands and their guests
2022-12-05 14:22 ET
CAF Cos. & Goldman Sachs Asset Management Acquire 8 DFW Apartment Communities
2022-11-29 13:05 ET
How Much Do Investment Bankers Make?
2022-11-22 21:12 ET
SEC Charges Goldman Sachs Asset Management for Failing to Follow its Policies and Procedures Involving ESG Investments
2022-11-15 14:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Lincoln Harris Purchase 445,000-Square-Foot Life Science Campus in the Heart of Raleigh-Durham's Research Triangle Park Region
2022-11-11 14:18 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Share Repurchase Program for MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund and Quarterly Distribution of $0.200 Per Share
2022-11-10 16:00 ET
ClearGen Announces the Acquisition of Partnership Interests in 25 Wind Farms Totaling 1.4 Net GW from MUFG
2022-11-03 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports September 30, 2022 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2022-11-01 11:00 ET
Advent International Appoints Heather Kennedy Miner as Managing Director
2022-11-01 08:25 ET
Sunset Hospitality Group secures USD $35 million funding from Goldman Sachs Asset Management to accelerate global expansion
2022-10-28 14:45 ET
Calibrate Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-28 13:25 ET
Battery Energy Storage Developer GridStor Acquires Portfolio of LA Basin Projects From Upstream Energy
2022-10-27 12:34 ET
Kevin Johnson Joins Goldman Sachs Board of Directors
2022-10-25 19:13 ET
Deepak Garg - CEO & Founder SEW Honored by Goldman Sachs for Most Exceptional Entrepreneurship
2022-10-24 17:28 ET
365 Retail Markets Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-20 16:52 ET
Qontigo expands partnership with Goldman Sachs to offer Axioma portfolio construction and risk analytics solutions through Goldman Sachs Financial Cloud for Data and Marquee
2022-10-13 20:54 ET
Zingeroo Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-13 13:00 ET
Splash Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-13 13:00 ET
Kashable Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 20:36 ET
Goldman Sachs Recognizes Gatik CEO Gautam Narang Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2022
2022-10-12 15:28 ET
Radian Aerospace Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 15:00 ET
Highstreet Insurance Partners Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship: Scott Wick, Founder and CEO Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at 2022 Builders and Innovators Summit
2022-10-12 15:00 ET
Tekion Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 13:00 ET
Aware Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 13:00 ET
LendingPoint CEO Tom Burnside Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Recognizes Socure Founder & CEO Johnny Ayers as One of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs for the Second Year in a Row
2022-10-12 12:15 ET
Clarity AI Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2022-10-12 12:15 ET
TAE Technologies Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 12:07 ET
Glia Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship for a Second Consecutive Year
2022-10-12 12:00 ET
Coalition CEO Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 12:00 ET
Movable Ink Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 12:00 ET
Mahmee Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 12:00 ET
National Resilience Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-12 12:00 ET
Verge Genomics Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2022-10-11 20:31 ET
Eagle Global in Growth Mode: Doubles in Size and Expands Executive Team
2022-10-07 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Third Quarter 2022 Results
2022-10-06 11:00 ET
NatWest, Loop Capital, and TD Securities Join DirectBooks
2022-10-04 11:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Launches Liquidity Seeking Algorithm Sonar Dark X on Atlas Trading Platform
2022-09-26 11:00 ET
Global Compute, Southern Cross Group team up with Data Horizon Americas to launch new Latin America-focused datacenter platform; acquires 12-acre parcel in Bogota, Colombia expected to deliver 55 MWs of total datacenter power capacity upon completion
2022-09-23 16:39 ET
Goldman Sachs Announces Preliminary Court Approval of Shareholder Derivative Settlement Relating to 1MDB
2022-09-19 13:05 ET
2022-09-15 11:30 ET
Fortanix Raises $90M in Series C Funding Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management to Accelerate Leadership in the Data Security Market
2022-08-22 19:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Commitment to Support SEO Tech Developer to Increase Diverse Talent Within the Tech Industry
2022-08-17 19:12 ET
Lincoln Harris and Goldman Sachs Asset Management Close on Sale of Legacy Union SIX50 to Highwoods Properties
2022-08-12 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.175 Per Share
2022-08-04 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports June 30, 2022 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2022-08-03 12:00 ET
Goldman Sachs and Thoma Bravo lead Aisera's $90 Million Series D Funding to Strengthen Employee and Customer Experiences with AI Service Experience Platform
2022-08-03 07:01 ET
Fission 3 Welcomes New Director Nicky Grant
2022-07-29 20:25 ET
Performant Capital Creates Platform Delivering Managed Technology Services and Revenue Cycle Management to the Healthcare Industry
2022-07-12 15:04 ET
Lincoln Harris Announces 600 South Tryon, Fourth Tower of Transformational Legacy Union Development in Uptown Charlotte
2022-07-11 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Second Quarter 2022 Results
2022-06-15 14:30 ET
AlphaSense's Valuation Jumps to $1.7 Billion with $225 Million Series D Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Viking Global
2022-06-14 20:30 ET
Cooper Standard Retains Goldman Sachs as Financial Advisor to Assist with Refinancing its Capital Structure
2022-06-13 11:15 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Launches New Goldman Sachs 529 Plan
2022-06-08 14:00 ET
RippleMatch Raises $45m from Goldman Sachs Asset Management to Become the Way Gen Z Finds Work
2022-06-01 19:00 ET
Ashcroft Capital Announces Closing of New Partnership Backed by Institutional Investors Including Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Blackstone Strategic Partners
2022-05-05 21:07 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports March 31, 2022 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2022-04-19 21:57 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Share Repurchase Program For Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund
2022-04-19 12:30 ET
Fortress Information Security Receives $125 Million Strategic Investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2022-04-13 12:00 ET
Omega Healthcare completes acquisition of ApexonHealth and Vasta Global
2022-04-12 13:00 ET
Newfront announces $200 million investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management, B Capital, and other investors at a $2.2 billion valuation to modernize insurance
2022-04-11 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce First Quarter 2022 Results
2022-04-06 12:00 ET
JLL closes sale of Flatiron Park in Boulder, Colorado
2022-04-05 13:00 ET announces $50M Series C funding led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2022-03-24 21:30 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Closed-End Fund Announces Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting
2022-03-22 11:56 ET
TemperPack Accelerates Growth with $140 Million in New Funding, Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2022-03-15 22:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Renewable Power Announces Operation of One of California’s Largest Integrated Solar and Energy Storage Projects
2022-03-10 19:03 ET
Eagle Global Enters Into Financing Agreement With Goldman Sachs Asset Management to Accelerate Growth
2022-03-01 11:00 ET
GridPoint Closes $75M Strategic Investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Shell Ventures
2022-02-28 14:00 ET
ECP to Acquire Restaurant Technologies from Goldman Sachs Asset Management as Sustainability Initiatives Move to the Forefront of Restaurant Management
2022-02-24 22:22 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports December 31, 2021 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2022-02-23 15:00 ET
Bloomreach Valuation Soars to $2.2 Billion Following $175 Million Investment Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2022-02-16 14:00 ET
GM, Marcus by Goldman Sachs and Mastercard Introduce the My GM Rewards Card™ Designed with Digital Features and with Customer Appreciation Top of Mind
2022-02-11 13:45 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.175 Per Share
2022-02-02 17:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management completes investment in Elea Digital, Piemonte Holding's Brazilian data center platform
2022-01-26 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management leads $227m investment in live-entertainment tech startup Fever
2022-01-19 22:50 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Transfer of the Goldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF to the Cboe BZX Exchange
2022-01-17 05:01 ET
Robotics Pioneer Exotec Raises $335M Series D to Improve Supply Chain Resilience for Global Retailers
2022-01-12 15:30 ET
Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women Announces Latest Round of Investments, Partnerships and Grants to Kick Off 2022
2022-01-11 21:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 Results
2022-01-11 14:00 ET
Shanghai ZhenGe Biotech Raises USD 100 million Round C Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Sofina
2022-01-06 14:00 ET
Barings Provides Financing for Goldman Sachs Asset Management's Acquisition of The Cove
2021-12-21 22:37 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Lincoln Harris and Honeywell Sell 374,000-Square-Foot Honeywell Global Corporate HQ at Charlotte's Legacy Union to PRP Real Estate Investment Management
2021-12-20 13:35 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC Appoints Chi and Miller as Co-CEOs and Co-Presidents; Brendan McGovern to Retire in March
2021-12-09 16:00 ET
Arctaris Invests in 13-Acre Opportunity Zone Development in Washington, D.C.’s Ward 7 and 8 Neighborhoods, Alongside Asland Capital Partners and Goldman Sachs
2021-12-03 22:30 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Funds Announce Results of Special Joint Meeting of Shareholders
2021-11-30 18:33 ET
Goldman Sachs and AWS Collaborate to Create New Data Management and Analytics Solutions for Financial Services Organizations
2021-11-23 15:00 ET
Lime Rock Announces Closing of Lime Rock Partners VI AF Acquisition Fund
2021-11-23 14:30 ET Announces $80 Million Series C Investment from WestCap and Goldman Sachs to Power the 2022 Travel Comeback
2021-11-17 12:30 ET
PLACE Raises $100 Million, Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management, at a $1 Billion Valuation
2021-11-12 14:00 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.165 Per Share
2021-11-04 20:05 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports September 30, 2021 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2021-11-02 16:19 ET
WhiteSpace Health Announces $18 Million in New Funding to Build Out AI-driven Revenue Intelligence Platform
2021-11-02 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Ascensus Offer a Retirement Plan Solution for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses
2021-11-02 10:00 ET
Kennedy Wilson and Goldman Sachs Asset Management Acquire 272-unit Apartment Community in Metro Denver Area for $95 Million
2021-10-27 12:00 ET
Bloomberg and Goldman Sachs Asset Management Launch Global Clean Energy Index
2021-10-22 17:07 ET
Piemonte Holding announces equity investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management in Brazilian data center platform
2021-10-21 16:28 ET
Crusoe Energy Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-18 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women Announces Partnership With Echoing Green to Invest in Black Women Social Entrepreneurs and Accelerate Change
2021-10-18 12:35 ET
Goldman Sachs Names Yossi Levi to its 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs
2021-10-18 12:34 ET
DiscGenics Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-14 16:33 ET
Transmit Security Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-14 16:00 ET
Very Good Security (VGS) Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-14 14:00 ET
/C O R R E C T I O N -- Avail Medsystems/
2021-10-14 13:55 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Charlesbank Capital Partners Complete Acquisition of MDVIP Primary Care Network
2021-10-14 13:00 ET
Autobooks Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 20:25 ET
Climavision Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 15:30 ET
NEXT Insurance Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 15:30 ET
Candid CEO Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 15:21 ET
ERI Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 14:02 ET
Esusu Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship at 2021 Builders + Innovators Summit
2021-10-13 14:00 ET
Zevia Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 13:01 ET
Geneoscopy Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 12:04 ET
Contentsquare Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship Founder and CEO Jonathan Cherki Among 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs at 2021 Builders + Innovators Summit
2021-10-13 12:01 ET
Bambee Celebrated by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 12:00 ET
NuMat Technologies Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 12:00 ET
Menlo Security Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 12:00 ET
Front Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2021-10-13 11:30 ET
Aware raises $60 million in Series C funding led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-10-06 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Third Quarter 2021 Results
2021-09-23 15:28 ET
NTWRK, North America's Leading Livestream Shopping Platform, Receives a $50M Investment Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-09-21 10:30 ET
eVisit Closes $45 Million in Series B Funding Round Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-09-14 16:30 ET
Nextiva Raises $200M from Goldman Sachs Asset Management at a $2.7B Valuation to Fuel Growth of Connected Communications
2021-09-14 14:54 ET
New Survey Data: Amid Rising Delta Variant, Small Businesses Ring The Alarm On Pandemic Recovery
2021-09-14 12:00 ET
Transmit Security Announces Citi Ventures and Goldman Sachs Asset Management as Additional Investors on Its Record-setting $543 Million Series A Funding Round
2021-09-13 15:51 ET
Goldman Sachs Launches 10,000 Small Businesses Fellows Program
2021-09-08 15:30 ET
Palace Bidco Oy (“WSIP Bidco”) Announces the Number of Shares Tendered During the Extended Acceptance Period of the Recommended Cash Offer to the Shareholders of Adapteo Plc (“Adapteo”)
2021-09-08 10:40 ET
Perrigo to Acquire Leading Consumer Self-Care Company, HRA Pharma
2021-08-26 13:30 ET
DealerPolicy Announces $110 million Series C Funding Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-08-19 12:10 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Charlesbank Capital Partners to Acquire Majority Ownership of MDVIP from Leonard Green & Partners and Summit Partners
2021-08-18 15:04 ET
Palace Bidco Oy (“WSIP Bidco”) Announces the Final Number of Shares Tendered During the Initial Acceptance Period of the Recommended Cash Offer to the Shareholders of Adapteo Plc (“Adapteo”)
2021-08-17 05:30 ET
Palace Bidco Oy (“WSIP Bidco”) Holds Approximately 93.7% of the Total Number of Shares and Votes in Adapteo Plc (“Adapteo”) and Declares the Recommended Cash Offer Unconditional
2021-08-13 12:46 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.165 Per Share
2021-08-12 13:00 ET
Aria Systems Secures $90 Million in Growth Capital from Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-08-10 13:15 ET
The Jordan Company, Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Stonepeak Partners Exit Investment in Vertical Bridge
2021-08-05 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports June 30, 2021 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2021-08-04 14:30 ET
Corvias Infrastructure Solutions Announces Financing From Goldman Sachs Asset Management For Green Stormwater Infrastructure
2021-07-30 15:25 ET
OMERS, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, AXA IM Alts Sign Agreement to Purchase 100% of amedes, a Leading Laboratory Services Provider
2021-07-27 18:21 ET
New Goldman Sachs and Bipartisan Policy Center Report Shows Action Needed to Increase Small Businesses’ Access to Capital
2021-07-27 13:00 ET
Enfusion Creates Customized Trading Workflow for Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-07-21 13:00 ET
Phononic Raises $50 Million Growth Financing from Goldman Sachs Asset Management to Scale Global Adoption of Sustainable Solid-State Cooling Solutions
2021-07-15 12:45 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Launch of Goldman Sachs Future Planet Equity Exchange Traded Fund
2021-07-13 16:00 ET
ADDING MULTIMEDIA: EDF Renewables and Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announce Commercial Operation of Toms River Solar Project
2021-07-09 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Second Quarter 2021 Results
2021-07-06 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management and NAIC Partnership Expands Opportunities for Diverse Alternative Investment Managers
2021-07-02 14:26 ET
EQT Private Equity and Goldman Sachs Asset Management to acquire Parexel, a leading global clinical research organization, for USD 8.5 billion
2021-06-30 18:00 ET
Entera Announces $32M Series A Fundraise Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-06-29 12:00 ET
4G Clinical Announces $230MM Growth Equity Investment Backed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-06-25 13:00 ET
New Goldman Sachs and Bipartisan Policy Center Report Reveals Systemic Roadblocks for Small Businesses in Federal Contracting Process
2021-06-24 15:01 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Altor Announce the Sale of Navico, a Global Leading Marine Electronics Company, to Brunswick Corporation for $1.05bn
2021-06-23 06:00 ET
Aircall, now valued above $1bn, raises $120M in Series D funding, led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-06-09 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Survey of Small Business Owners Highlights Hurdles on the Road to Recovery
2021-06-08 17:43 ET
Harris Williams Advises Visual Comfort & Co. on its Pending Investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Leonard Green & Partners
2021-06-08 15:00 ET Closes $90 Million Facility With Goldman Sachs Asset Management
2021-06-08 13:00 ET
Visual Comfort & Co. Announces Strategic Investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Leonard Green & Partners
2021-05-21 12:00 ET
 Goldman Sachs Announces First Round of Capital Investments and Philanthropic Grants for One Million Black Women Initiative
2021-05-14 13:03 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.165 Per Share
2021-05-13 12:30 ET
Goldman Sachs Announces New Advisory Council Members and Partners for Initiative to Commit $10 Billion in Investment Capital and $100 Million in Philanthropic Capital To Impact The Lives of One Million Black Women
2021-05-06 20:39 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports March 31, 2021 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2021-04-21 16:24 ET
Goldman Sachs Survey of Small Business Owners Shows a Fragile Recovery
2021-04-07 20:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce First Quarter 2021 Results
2021-03-25 21:19 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Closed-End Fund Announces Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting
2021-03-18 09:37 ET
Goldman Sachs Selects Moody’s ESG Solutions Dataset on Sovereign Climate Hazards
2021-02-25 22:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports December 31, 2020 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2021-02-25 21:19 ET
Shopify Completes Offering of Class A Subordinate Voting Shares
2021-02-12 21:15 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.155 Per Share
2021-01-20 21:00 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2020 Results
2020-12-14 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Addition of Goldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF (AAAU) to its ETF Suite
2020-12-03 13:23 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Share Repurchase Program For Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund
2020-11-30 22:05 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management to Host Quarterly MLP Closed-End Fund Conference Call
2020-11-19 21:45 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Prices Public Offering of $500 Million of 2.875% Unsecured Notes Due 2026
2020-11-13 14:00 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.155 Per Share
2020-11-05 22:58 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports September 30, 2020 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share and Special Dividends Aggregating to $0.15 Per Share
2020-10-26 12:00 ET
Kyriba Chairman and CEO Jean-Luc Robert Honored Among 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs at Goldman Sachs 2020 Builders + Innovators Summit
2020-10-22 16:13 ET
SEC Charges Goldman Sachs with FCPA Violations
2020-10-20 13:00 ET
Goldman Sachs Honors LLamasoft for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-16 11:00 ET
Goldman Sachs honors REZI CEO for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-16 00:47 ET
Goldman Sachs Honors Donald McClymont as One of the Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs of 2020
2020-10-15 19:34 ET
Sojern Honored By Goldman Sachs For Entrepreneurship
2020-10-15 13:41 ET
GrubMarket Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-15 12:55 ET
GlobalLogic Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-15 12:01 ET
Finhabits App Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-14 20:01 ET
Goldfinch Bio Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-14 18:51 ET
Karat Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-14 13:00 ET
Flywire Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-14 12:45 ET
CUREMARK Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-14 12:30 ET
Handshake CEO Garrett Lord Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2020-10-14 12:00 ET
Behavox Founder and CEO Erkin Adylov Honored by Goldman Sachs as Entrepreneurial Leader
2020-10-12 13:15 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Closes Merger with Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp.
2020-10-06 20:00 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Third Quarter 2020 Results
2020-10-02 20:01 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. and Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp. Announce Stockholder Approval of Merger
2020-09-28 12:46 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Announces Completion of Reorganization of Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund into Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund
2020-09-10 23:04 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Closed-End Funds Announce Shareholder Approvals of Reorganization of Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund into Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund
2020-09-10 20:03 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Announces Change to Virtual Meeting for the Special Meeting of Stockholders to be Held on October 2, 2020
2020-08-24 20:52 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management to Host Quarterly MLP Closed-End Funds Conference Call
2020-08-14 13:28 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.155 Per Share
2020-08-14 13:21 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.205 Per Share
2020-08-10 21:19 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports June 30, 2020 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2020-07-09 20:13 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Second Quarter 2020 Results
2020-07-09 12:35 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Launches Investment Grade Corporate 1-5 Year Bond Exchange-Traded Fund
2020-06-11 10:26 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. and Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp. Announce Amended and Restated Merger Agreement
2020-05-11 20:59 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports March 31, 2020 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2020-04-20 10:00 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Provides Estimated March 31, 2020 Financial Results and Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce First Quarter Results
2020-03-19 11:17 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Provides Business Update Amid COVID-19 Exigency
2020-02-27 22:33 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Favorably Amends Its Revolving Credit Facility
2020-02-20 22:32 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports December 31, 2019 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2020-02-06 22:03 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Prices Public Offering of $360.0 Million of 3.750% Unsecured Notes Due 2025
2020-01-22 21:30 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2019 Results
2020-01-17 21:30 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Announces Series of Fixed Income Investor Meetings
2020-01-15 14:31 ET
Thinking about trading options or stock in Costco, Goldman Sachs, Shopify, Thor Industries, or Wells Fargo?
2019-12-09 11:45 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. and Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp. Announce Merger Agreement
2019-11-07 21:30 ET
Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports September 30, 2019 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share
2019-11-04 14:31 ET
Thinking about trading options or stock in Apple, Caterpillar, Chevron, Goldman Sachs, or Qualcomm?
2019-11-01 16:00 ET
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. Hires Paul Mutter as Head of Institutional Client Coverage
2019-10-18 15:15 ET
DeepMap Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
2019-03-12 12:24 ET
Petrobras Announces Offering Of U.S. Dollar-Denominated Global Notes And Commencement Of Cash Tender Offers
2019-03-08 17:26 ET
INDOCHINO Helps Goldman Sachs Execs Embrace New Dress Code
2019-02-26 14:03 ET
AKT Partners with Goldman Sachs Exec to Fuel Bi-Coastal Growth
2019-02-07 13:26 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.21 Per Share
2019-02-07 13:22 ET
Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution of $0.16 Per Share
2019-02-05 14:00 ET
Kannalife Spokesman Nick Lowery Wins 2018 CNBC Stock Draft
2019-01-24 21:14 ET
Goldman Sachs Asset Management to Host Quarterly MLP Closed-End Funds Conference Call

SEC forms

Show financial reports only

SEC form 10
2025-02-27 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2024 q4
SEC form 8
2025-01-15 07:39 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q4
SEC form 8
2025-01-15 07:39 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2024 q4
SEC form 8
2025-01-15 07:39 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q4
SEC form 10
2024-11-01 18:04 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2024 q3
SEC form 8
2024-10-15 07:32 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q3
SEC form 8
2024-10-15 07:32 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q3
SEC form 8
2024-10-15 07:32 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q3
SEC form 10
2024-08-02 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2024 q2
SEC form 8
2024-07-15 07:38 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q2
SEC form 8
2024-07-15 07:38 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2024 q2
SEC form 8
2024-07-15 07:38 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q2
SEC form 10
2024-05-03 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2024 q1
SEC form 8
2024-04-15 07:32 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q1
SEC form 8
2024-04-15 07:32 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2024 q1
SEC form 8
2024-04-15 07:32 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2024 q1
SEC form 10
2024-02-23 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q4
SEC form 8
2024-01-16 07:34 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q4
SEC form 8
2024-01-16 07:34 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q4
SEC form 8
2024-01-16 07:34 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q4
SEC form 10
2023-11-03 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2023 q3
SEC form 8
2023-10-17 07:32 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2023 q3
SEC form 10
2023-08-03 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q2
SEC form 6
2023-07-20 08:36 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q2
SEC form 6
2023-07-19 07:33 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2023 q2
SEC form 8
2023-07-19 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q2
SEC form 6
2023-06-30 17:10 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-06-29 16:05 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-06-15 21:14 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q1
SEC form 10
2023-05-04 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-04-18 07:30 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2023 q1
SEC form 8
2023-04-18 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2023 q1
SEC form 6
2023-03-24 21:14 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 6
2023-03-06 16:31 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2022 q4
SEC form 10
2023-02-24 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 8
2023-01-17 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q4
SEC form 10
2022-11-03 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 8
2022-10-18 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q3
SEC form 10
2022-08-04 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 8
2022-07-18 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q2
SEC form 10
2022-05-02 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q1
SEC form 8
2022-04-14 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs reported for 2022 q1
SEC form 10
2022-02-25 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 8
2022-01-18 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q4
SEC form 10
2021-11-01 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 8
2021-10-15 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q3
SEC form 10
2021-08-04 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 8
2021-07-13 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q2
SEC form 10
2021-05-04 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q1
SEC form 8
2021-04-14 00:00 ET
Goldman Sachs published news for 2021 q1