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Published: 2022-08-03 16:07:31 ET
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Exhibit 99.1




Condensed consolidated interim financial statements as of June 30, 2022





GERDAU S.A.          
In thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)          


   Note   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
CURRENT ASSETS              
Cash and cash equivalents  4    5,776,753    4,160,654 
Short-term investments  4    1,977,982    2,626,212 
Trade accounts receivable  5    7,261,198    5,414,075 
Inventories  6    18,464,285    16,861,488 
Tax credits       1,978,938    2,083,885 
Income and social contribution taxes recoverable       471,180    804,053 
Dividends receivable       5,182    7,671 
Fair value of derivatives  14    2,596    3,246 
Other current assets       797,311    679,193 
        36,735,425    32,640,477 
NON-CURRENT ASSETS              
Tax credits       109,971    124,600 
Deferred income taxes       2,513,700    2,929,308 
Related parties  16    -    2,678 
Judicial deposits  15    1,738,624    1,659,379 
Other non-current assets       665,402    571,637 
Prepaid pension cost       4,942    4,942 
Investments in associates and joint ventures  8    3,925,524    3,340,775 
Goodwill  10    11,685,319    12,427,527 
Leasing       900,412    861,744 
Other Intangibles       435,709    509,760 
Property, plant and equipment, net       18,941,784    18,741,786 
        40,921,387    41,174,136 
TOTAL ASSETS       77,656,812    73,814,613 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements    




GERDAU S.A.            
In thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)            


   Note   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Trade accounts payable  11    9,394,840    8,017,140 
Short-term debt  12    1,402,840    234,537 
Debentures  13    2,147,180    1,531,956 
Taxes payable       665,819    548,173 
Income and social contribution taxes payable       630,260    863,136 
Payroll and related liabilities       814,980    1,199,143 
Leasing payable       265,069    275,086 
Employee benefits       582    39 
Environmental liabilities       250,555    231,711 
Fair value of derivatives  14    5,454    - 
Obligations with FIDC  17    -    45,497 
Other current liabilities       949,986    1,090,396 
        16,527,565    14,036,814 
Long-term debt  12    8,096,022    10,875,249 
Debentures  13    798,724    1,397,951 
Related parties  16    26,172    24,648 
Deferred income taxes       103,592    98,975 
Provision for tax, civil and labor liabilities  15    1,809,680    1,741,026 
Environmental liabilities       259,595    343,998 
Employee benefits       1,309,618    1,415,151 
Leasing payable       698,724    643,279 
Other non-current liabilities       508,784    421,873 
        13,610,911    16,962,150 
EQUITY  18           
Capital       19,249,181    19,249,181 
Treasury stocks       (472,908)   (152,409)
Capital reserves       11,597    11,597 
Retained earnings       23,754,447    17,838,494 
Transactions with non-controlling interests without change of control       (2,904,670)   (2,870,825)
Other reserves       7,695,578    8,528,244 
NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS       185,111    211,367 
EQUITY       47,518,336    42,815,649 
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY       77,656,812    73,814,613 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements                    




GERDAU S.A.                  
In thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)                  


       For the three-month period ended   For the six-month period ended 
   Note   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
NET SALES       22,968,442    19,130,116    43,298,933    35,473,100 
Cost of sales  21    (17,064,511)   (13,715,929)   (32,214,000)   (26,262,004)
GROSS PROFIT       5,903,931    5,414,187    11,084,933    9,211,096 
Selling expenses  21    (178,235)   (168,421)   (346,126)   (323,814)
General and administrative expenses  21    (337,778)   (307,956)   (664,194)   (622,051)
Other operating income  21    59,912    37,564    96,521    200,420 
Other operating expenses  21    (42,069)   (42,875)   (61,039)   (119,188)
Tax credits recovery  15    -    393,341    -    393,341 
Impairment of financial assets  21    (1,976)   (125)   (1,351)   (5,161)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies  8    386,851    236,979    695,419    385,938 
INCOME BEFORE FINANCIAL INCOME (EXPENSES) AND TAXES       5,790,636    5,562,694    10,804,163    9,120,581 
Financial income  22    140,617    49,788    229,416    105,696 
Financial expenses  22    (450,975)   (343,907)   (812,409)   (657,503)
Exchange variations, net  22    (46,566)   (115,402)   (288,355)   (127,271)
Tax credits monetary update  15    -    462,651    -    462,651 
Gains (Losses) on financial instruments, net  22    (4,160)   4,750    6,870    3,591 
INCOME BEFORE TAXES       5,429,552    5,620,574    9,939,685    8,907,745 
   Current  7    (1,425,280)   (1,140,752)   (2,316,336)   (1,884,568)
   Deferred  7    294,227    (545,345)   (384,465)   (618,164)
Income and social contribution taxes       (1,131,053)   (1,686,097)   (2,700,801)   (2,502,732)
NET INCOME       4,298,499    3,934,477    7,238,884    6,405,013 
ATTRIBUTABLE TO:                        
Owners of the parent       4,282,123    3,916,551    7,207,041    6,367,890 
Non-controlling interests       16,376    17,926    31,843    37,123 
        4,298,499    3,934,477    7,238,884    6,405,013 
Basic earnings per share - preferred and common - (R$)  19    2.51    2.30    4.23    3.74 
Diluted earnings per share - preferred and common - (R$)  19    2.50    2.29    4.20    3.72 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements




GERDAU S.A.                
In thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)                


   For the three-month period ended   For the six-month period ended 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Net income for the period   4,298,499    3,934,477    7,238,884    6,405,013 
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                    
Other comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures   219,008    (261,727)   (97,430)   (106,154)
Cumulative translation adjustment   2,506,557    (2,745,927)   (1,206,242)   (815,629)
Recycling of cumulative translation adjustment to net income   -    -    13,239    - 
Unrealized Gains (Losses) on net investment hedge   (646,928)   1,226,312    468,250    310,665 
Unrealized Gains (Losses) on financial instruments, net of tax   (4,264)   3,702    2,775    1,461 
    2,074,373    (1,777,640)   (819,408)   (609,657)
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                    
Remeasurement of defined benefit pension plan, net of tax   -    (26,078)   -    (26,078)
    -    (26,078)   -    (26,078)
Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax   2,074,373    (1,803,718)   (819,408)   (635,735)
Total comprehensive income for the period, net of tax   6,372,872    2,130,759    6,419,476    5,769,278 
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                    
      Owners of the parent   6,343,785    2,141,185    6,391,757    5,750,357 
      Non-controlling interests   29,087    (10,426)   27,719    18,921 
    6,372,872    2,130,759    6,419,476    5,769,278 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements




in thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)



   Attributed to parent company's interest            
                   Retained earnings         Other Reserves                
    Capital    Treasury stocks     Capital Reserve    Legal reserve    Tax Incentives
    Investments and
working capital
    Retained earnings    Operations with
    Gains and losses
on net
    Gains and losses
on financial
   Pension Plan   Stock Option    Total parent
company's interest 
Shareholder's Equity 
Balance as of January 1, 2021   19,249,181    (229,309)   11,597    908,946    887,590    5,495,796    -    (2,870,825)   (8,872,114)   (14,034)   16,550,072   (417,904)  161,275    30,860,271    224,939    31,085,210 
2021 Changes in Equity                                                                              
Net income   -    -    -    -    -    -    6,367,890    -    -    -    -   -   -    6,367,890    37,123    6,405,013 
Other comprehensive income (loss) recognized in the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    310,665    1,461    (903,618)  (26,041)  -    (617,533)   (18,202)   (635,735)
Total comprehensive income (loss) recognized in the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    6,367,890    -    310,665    1,461    (903,618)  (26,041)  -    5,750,357    18,921    5,769,278 
Long term incentive plan cost recognized in the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -   (157,073)   (157,073)   (61)   (157,134)
Long term incentive plan exercised during the period   -    76,336    -    -    -    66,418    -    -    -    -    -   -   -    142,754    48    142,802 
Effects of interest changes in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -   -    -    (4,923)   (4,923)
Complementary dividends   -    -    -    -    -    -    (527)   -    -    -    -   -   -    (527)   -    (527)
Dividends/interest on equity   -    -    -    -    -    -    (682,199)   -    -    -    -   -   -    (682,199)   (12,132)   (694,331)
Balance as of June 30, 2021 (Note 18)   19,249,181    (152,973)   11,597    908,946    887,590    5,562,214    5,685,164    (2,870,825)   (8,561,449)   (12,573)   15,646,454   (443,945)  4,202    35,913,583    226,792    36,140,375 
Balance as of January 1, 2022   19,249,181    (152,409)   11,597    1,665,280    1,255,020    14,918,194    -    (2,870,825)   (9,567,216)   (12,127)   18,250,052   (165,547)  23,082    42,604,282    211,367    42,815,649 
2022 Changes in Equity                                                                              
Net income   -    -    -    -    -    -    7,207,041    -    -    -    -   -   -    7,207,041    31,843    7,238,884 
Other comprehensive income (loss) recognized in the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    468,250    2,775    (1,286,309)  -   -    (815,284)   (4,124)   (819,408)
Total comprehensive income (loss) recognized in the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    7,207,041    -    468,250    2,775    (1,286,309)  -   -    6,391,757    27,719    6,419,476 
Effects of the share buyback program   -    (341,367)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -   -    (341,367)   -    (341,367)
Long term incentive plan cost recognized in the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -   (17,382)   (17,382)   (14)   (17,396)
Long term incentive plan exercised during the period   -    20,868    -    -    -    24,009    -    -    -    -    -   -   -    44,877    12    44,889 
Effects of interest changes in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (33,845)   -    -    -   -   -    (33,845)   (19,822)   (53,667)
Dividend in excess of the minimum estatutory undistributed in 2021   -    -    -    -    -    -    (341,555)   -    -    -    -   -   -    (341,555)   -    (341,555)
Dividends/interest on equity   -    -    -    -    -    -    (973,542)   -    -    -    -   -   -    (973,542)   (34,151)   (1,007,693)
Balance as of June 30, 2022 (Note 18)   19,249,181    (472,908)   11,597    1,665,280    1,255,020    14,942,203    5,891,944    (2,904,670)   (9,098,966)   (9,352)   16,963,743   (165,547)  5,700    47,333,225    185,111    47,518,336 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements





In thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)


       For the six-month period ended 
   Note   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Cash flows from operating activities               
Net income for the period        7,238,884    6,405,013 
Adjustments to reconcile net income for the period to net cash provided by operating activities:               
       Depreciation and amortization   21    1,360,019    1,279,329 
       Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   8    (695,419)   (385,938)
       Exchange variation, net   22    288,355    127,271 
       Gains and losses on derivative financial instruments, net   22    (6,870)   (3,591)
       Post-employment benefits        126,742    124,389 
       Long-term incentive plans        39,415    28,610 
       Income tax   7    2,700,801    2,502,732 
       Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment        (18,547)   1,867 
       Impairment of financial assets        1,351    5,161 
       Provision of tax, civil, labor and environmental liabilities, net        78,391    63,101 
       Tax credits recovery        -    (855,992)
       Interest income on short-term investments        (118,229)   (67,389)
       Interest expense on debt and debentures   22    520,205    433,534 
       Interest on loans with related parties   16    29    (3,068)
       Provision (Reversal) for net realizable value adjustment in inventory, net   6    7,555    (3,415)
         11,522,682    9,651,614 
Changes in assets and liabilities               
Increase in trade accounts receivable        (1,915,468)   (2,218,579)
Increase in inventories        (2,288,678)   (5,033,866)
Increase in trade accounts payable        1,571,663    1,641,969 
Increase in other receivables        (225,092)   (146)
Decrease in other payables        (1,032,720)   (1,059,255)
Dividends from associates and joint ventures        15,730    13,863 
Purchases of short-term investments        (1,301,447)   (998,343)
Proceeds from maturities and sales of short-term investments        2,073,429    1,480,923 
Cash provided by operating activities        8,420,099    3,478,180 
Interest paid on loans and financing        (522,981)   (470,441)
Interest paid on lease liabilities        (39,304)   (32,091)
Income and social contribution taxes paid        (1,680,139)   (856,536)
Net cash provided by operating activities        6,177,675    2,119,112 
Cash flows from investing activities               
Purchases of property, plant and equipment   9    (1,551,839)   (1,000,723)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment, investments and other intangibles        35,273    14,178 
Additions in other intangibles        (74,434)   (82,495)
Net cash used in investing activities        (1,591,000)   (1,069,040)
Cash flows from financing activities               
Acquisition of interest in subsidiary        (46,153)   - 
Purchases of Treasury stocks        (312,144)   - 
Dividends and interest on capital paid        (1,210,915)   (1,136,364)
Proceeds from loans and financing        305,580    310,027 
Repayment of loans and financing        (1,486,703)   (1,639,034)
Leasing payment        (157,410)   (134,626)
Intercompany loans, net        4,174    50,531 
Net cash used by financing activities        (2,903,571)   (2,549,466)
Exchange variation on cash and cash equivalents        (67,005)   (91,582)
Increase (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        1,616,099    (1,590,976)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period        4,160,654    4,617,204 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period        5,776,753    3,026,228 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements







as of June 30, 2022 

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated) 







Gerdau S.A. is a publicly traded corporation (sociedade anônima) with its corporate domicile in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Gerdau S.A and subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Company”) is a leading producer of long steel in the Americas and one of the largest suppliers of special steel in the world. In Brazil, the Company also produces flat steel and iron ore, activities which expanded the product mix and made its operations even more competitive. The Company believes it is the largest recycler in Latin America and around the world it transforms each year millions of tons of scrap into steel, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable development of the regions where it operates. Gerdau is listed on the São Paulo, New York and Madrid stock exchanges.


The Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements of the Company were approved by the Management on August 2, 2022.




2.1 - Basis of Presentation


The Company's Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements for the three-month and six-month periods ended on June 30, 2022 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) Nº 34, which establishes the content of condensed interim financial statements. These Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements of Gerdau S.A., as of December 31, 2021, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board - IASB.


The preparation of the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements in accordance with IAS 34 requires Management to make accounting estimates. The Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements have been prepared using the historical cost as its basis, except for the valuation of certain financial instruments, which are measured at fair value.


The accounting policies applied in this Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements are the same as those applied in the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2021.


2.2 – New IFRS and Interpretations of the IFRIC (International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee)


The issued and/or reviewed IFRS standards made by the IASB that are effective for the year started in 2022 had no impact on the Company's Financial Statements. In addition, the IASB issued/reviewed some IFRS standards, which have mandatory adoption for the year 2023 and/or after, and the Company is assessing the adoption impact of these standards in its Consolidated Financial Statements.


- Amendment to IAS 1 - Classification of liabilities as Current or Non-current. It clarifies aspects to be considered for the classification of liabilities as Current Liabilities or Non-current Liabilities. This amendment to the standard is effective for fiscal years beginning on/or after January 1, 2023. The Company does not expect material impacts on its Financial Statements.


-Amendment to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice Statement 2 – Disclosure of Accounting Policies. It clarifies aspects to be considered in the disclosure of accounting policies. This amendment to the standard is effective for fiscal years beginning on/or after January 1, 2023. The Company does not expect material impacts on its Financial Statements.


-Amendment to IAS 8 – Definition of Accounting Estimates. It clarifies aspects to be considered in the definition of accounting estimates. This amendment to the standard is effective for fiscal years beginning on/or after January 1, 2023. The Company does not expect material impacts on its Financial Statements.


- Amendment to IAS 12 – Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction. It clarifies aspects to be considered when recognizing deferred tax assets and liabilities related to taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences. This amendment to the standard is effective for fiscal years beginning on/or after January 1, 2023. The Company does not expect material impacts on its Financial Statements.







as of June 30, 2022 

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated) 





2.3 - Risks of international conflicts


The Russian invasion of Ukraine could have a material adverse effect on the overall macroeconomic environment, which might include demand for steel and iron ore and prices, as well as increasing energy costs. Both the conflict itself and the sanctions imposed (and further sanctions that may be imposed), as well as potential Russian responses to sanctions, have had and could have further destabilizing effects on financial markets and certain commodity markets. The conflict could escalate militarily both regionally and globally; any substantial escalation would have a material adverse effect on macroeconomic conditions. In addition, sanctions may remain in place beyond the duration of any military conflict and have a long-lasting impact on the region and globally, and could adversely impact the Group’s Company’s results of operations and financial condition.




3.1 - Subsidiaries


The Company did not have material changes of interest in subsidiaries for the period ended on June 30, 2022, when compared to those existing on December 31, 2021, except for the sale of 100% of the interest held by the Company in the subsidiary Sizuca - Siderúrgica Zuliana C.A., located in Venezuela, which took place in March and for the acquisition of an additional interest of 3.65% in the subsidiary Siderúrgica Latino Americana S.A. and its subsequent merger into the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., which took place in June and resulted in the recognition of loss in the amount of R$ 33,845 in Equity attributed to parent company’s interest as a result of effects of interest changes in subsidiaries. The other amounts involved in these transactions and their impacts on the financial statements are not considered material by the management of the Company.


3.2 - Joint Ventures


The Company did not have material changes of interest in joint ventures for the period ended on June 30, 2022, when compared to those existing on December 31, 2021.


3.3 – Associate companies


The Company did not have material changes in interest in associate companies for the period ended on June 30, 2022, when compared to those existing on December 31, 2021.




Cash and cash equivalents


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Cash   44,994    14,667 
Banks and immediately available investments   5,731,759    4,145,987 
Cash and cash equivalents   5,776,753    4,160,654 


Immediately available investments include investments with maturity up to 90 days, immediate liquidity and low risk of fair value variation.


Short-term investments


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Short-term investments   1,977,982    2,626,212 


Short-term investments include Bank Deposit Certificates and marketable securities, which are stated at their fair value. Income generated by these investments is recorded as financial income.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)







   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Trade accounts receivable - in Brazil   3,650,145    2,640,011 
Trade accounts receivable - exports from Brazil   14,619    249,834 
Trade accounts receivable - foreign subsidiaries   3,697,609    2,632,002 
(-) Impairment of financial assets   (101,175)   (107,772)
    7,261,198    5,414,075 


Accounts receivable by aging are as follows:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Current   6,449,073    4,646,175 
   Up to 30 days   755,375    494,866 
   From 31 to 60 days   57,267    139,415 
   From 61 to 90 days   24,510    32,245 
   From 91 to 180 days   31,460    169,959 
   From 181 to 360 days   11,725    8,220 
   Above 360 days   32,963    30,967 
(-) Impairment on financial assets   (101,175)   (107,772)
    7,261,198    5,414,075 




   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Finished products   7,692,224    7,209,379 
Work in progress   4,634,207    3,453,948 
Raw materials   4,000,723    3,994,655 
Storeroom supplies   1,178,211    1,061,666 
Imports in transit   969,846    1,145,215 
(-) Allowance for adjustments to net realizable value   (10,926)   (3,375)
    18,464,285    16,861,488 


The allowance for adjustment to net realizable value of inventories, on which the provision and reversal of provision are registered with impact on cost of sales, is as follows:


Balance as of January 01, 2021   (6,119)
Provision for the year   (6,331)
Reversal of adjustments to net realizable value   9,143 
Exchange rate variation   (68)
Balance as of December 31, 2021   (3,375)
Provision for the year   (24,608)
Reversal of adjustments to net realizable value   17,053 
Exchange rate variation   4 
Balance as of June 30, 2022   (10,926)







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)







In Brazil, income taxes include federal income tax (IR) and social contribution (CS), which represents an additional federal income tax. The statutory rates for income tax and social contribution are 25% and 9%, respectively, and are applicable for the periods ended on June 30, 2022 and 2021. The foreign subsidiaries of the Company are subject to taxation at rates ranging between 23.0% and 35.0%. The differences between the Brazilian tax rates and the rates of other countries are presented under “Difference in tax rates in foreign companies” in the reconciliation of income tax and social contribution below.


a) Reconciliations of income and social contribution taxes at statutory rates to amounts presented in the Statement of Income are as follows:


   For the three-month period ended 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Income before income taxes   5,429,552    5,620,574 
Statutory tax rates   34%   34%
Income and social contribution taxes at statutory rates   (1,846,048)   (1,910,995)
Tax adjustment with respect to:          
  - Difference in tax rates in foreign companies   145,619    (252,247)
  - Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   131,529    80,573 
  - Interest on equity*   331,178    (1,773)
  - Tax credits and incentives   13,791    34,315 
  - Deferred tax assets not recognized / Realization, net   55,697    342,433 
  - Other permanent differences, net   37,181    21,597 
Income and social contribution taxes   (1,131,053)   (1,686,097)
Current   (1,425,280)   (1,140,752)
Deferred   294,227    (545,345)


   For the six-month period ended 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Income before income taxes   9,939,685    8,907,745 
Statutory tax rates   34%   34%
Income and social contribution taxes at statutory rates   (3,379,493)   (3,028,633)
Tax adjustment with respect to:          
  - Difference in tax rates in foreign companies   (19,721)   65,256 
  - Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   236,442    131,219 
  - Interest on equity*   331,327    73,693 
  - Tax credits and incentives   25,138    58,374 
  - Deferred tax assets not recognized / Realization, net   58,244    122,451 
  - Other permanent differences, net   47,262    74,908 
Income and social contribution taxes   (2,700,801)   (2,502,732)
Current   (2,316,336)   (1,884,568)
Deferred   (384,465)   (618,164)


(*) Brazilian Law 9,249/95 provides that a company may, at its sole discretion, consider dividends distributions to shareholders to be considered as interest on own capital — subject to specific limitations - which has the effect of a taxable deduction in the determination of income tax and social contribution. The limitation is the greater of (i) shareholders’ equity multiplied by the TJLP (Long Term Interest Rate) rate or (ii) 50% of the net income in the fiscal year. This expense is not recognized for the purpose of preparing the financial statements and therefore does not impact net income.


b) Tax Assets not booked:


Due to the lack of expectation to use tax losses, negative social contribution base and deferred exchange variation arising from some operations in Brazil, the Company did not recognize a portion of tax assets of R$ 254,900 (R$ 240,231 on December 31, 2021), which do not have an expiration date. The subsidiaries abroad had R$ 1,168,802 (R$ 1,256,438 as of December 31, 2021) of tax credits on capital losses for which deferred tax assets have not been booked and which expire between 2029 and 2035 and also several tax losses of state credits in the amount of R$ 579,915 (R$ 1,285,373 as of December 31, 2021), which expire at various dates between 2028 and 2040.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)







   Investments in North America   Investments in South America   Investments in Special Steel   Others   Total 
Balance as of January 01, 2021   908,339    976,045    231,152    156,093    2,271,629 
    Equity in earnings   279,948    268,291    28,831    (13,912)   563,158 
    Cumulative Translation Adjustment   173,934    52,278    710    (1,415)   225,507 
    Capital increase   -    -    -    27,500    27,500 
    Capital decrease   -    (141,095)   -    -    (141,095)
    Results in operations with subsidiary and joint ventures   511,514    -    -    -    511,514 
    Dividends/Interest on equity   (2,460)   (84,186)   (9,025)   (21,767)   (117,438)
Balance as of December 31, 2021   1,871,275    1,071,333    251,668    146,499    3,340,775 
    Equity in earnings   442,195    252,976    4,888    (4,640)   695,419 
    Cumulative Translation Adjustment   (29,290)   (67,457)   2,792    (3,475)   (97,430)
    Dividends/Interest on equity   (2,683)   -    -    (10,557)   (13,240)
Balance as of June 30, 2022   2,281,497    1,256,852    259,348    127,827    3,925,524 




a) Summary of changes in property, plant and equipment – during the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022, acquisitions amounted to R$ 958,982 (R$ 565,595 as of June 30, 2021), and disposals amounted to R$ 1,222 (R$ 15,721 as of June 30, 2021). During the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022, acquisitions amounted to R$ 1,551,839 (R$ 1,000,723 as of June 30, 2021), and disposals amounted to R$ 11,704 (R$ 16,045 as of June 30, 2021).


b) Capitalized borrowing costs – borrowing costs capitalized during the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022 amounted to R$ 6,332 (R$ 7,903 as of June 30, 2021). Borrowing costs capitalized during the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022 amounted to R$ 14,258 (R$ 15,609 as of June 30, 2021).


c) Guarantees – no property, plant and equipment were pledged as collateral for loans and financing on June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021.




The changes in goodwill are as follows:


   Goodwill   Accumulated
impairment losses
   Goodwill after
Impairment losses
Balance as of January 1, 2021   22,421,588    (10,318,069)   12,103,519 
  (+/-) Foreign exchange effect   1,469,190    (595,284)   873,906 
Results in operations with subsidiary and joint ventures   (549,898)   -    (549,898)
Balance as of December 31, 2021   23,340,880    (10,913,353)   12,427,527 
  (+/-) Foreign exchange effect   (1,481,116)   738,908    (742,208)
Balance as of June 30, 2022   21,859,764    (10,174,445)   11,685,319 


The amounts of goodwill by segment are as follows:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Brazil   373,135    373,135 
Special Steels   3,859,271    4,111,619 
North America   7,452,913    7,942,773 
    11,685,319    12,427,527 







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)






   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Trade accounts payable - domestic market   6,276,741    5,230,270 
Trade accounts payable - debtor risk   979,238    807,915 
Trade accounts payable - intercompany   32,890    47,597 
Trade accounts payable - imports   2,105,971    1,931,358 
    9,394,840    8,017,140 


The Company has contracts with financial institutions in order to allow its suppliers to receive in advance their receivables through an operation called "Trade accounts payable - debtor risk". In this operation, the suppliers transfer the right to receive their receivables to a financial institution, which in turn, becomes the holder of the rights to the suppliers' receivables. The Company constantly monitors the composition of the portfolio and the conditions established with its suppliers, which have not resulted in significant changes in relation to what had been practiced historically.




Loans and financing are as follows:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Working capital   657,086    480,905 
Financing of property, plant and equipment and others   99,701    102,232 
Ten/Thirty Years Bonds   8,742,075    10,526,649 
Total financing   9,498,862    11,109,786 
Current   1,402,840    234,537 
Non-current   8,096,022    10,875,249 
Principal amount of the financing   9,362,056    10,952,983 
Interest amount of the financing   136,806    156,803 
Total financing   9,498,862    11,109,786 


(*) Weighted average effective interest costs on June 30, 2022, which in a consolidated basis represents 5.70% p.a.


Loans and financing, denominated in Reais, are substantially adjusted at a fixed rate or indexed to the CDI (Interbank Deposit Certificates).


Summary of loans and financing by currency:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Brazilian Real (R$)   463,636    461,187 
U.S. Dollar (US$)   8,752,514    10,535,532 
Other currencies   282,712    113,067 
    9,498,862    11,109,786 


The amortization schedules of long-term loans and financing are as follows:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
2023(*)   3,187    1,115,211 
2024   9,098    878,044 
2025   410,078    405,788 
2026   10,578    3,117,768 
2027 on   7,663,081    5,358,438 
    8,096,022    10,875,249 


(*) For the period as of June 30, 2022, the amounts represents payments from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.        







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




a) Credit Lines


In October 2019, the Company completed the renewal of the Global Credit Line in the total amount of US$ 800 million (equivalent to R$ 4,190 million as of June 30, 2022). The transaction aims to provide liquidity to subsidiaries in North America and Latin America, including Brazil. The companies Gerdau S.A., Gerdau Açominas S.A. and Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. provide guarantee for this transaction, which matures in October 2024. As of June 30, 2022, the outstanding balance of this credit facility was US$ 50 million (equivalent to R$ 262 million as of June 30, 2022).


b) Relevant financing settlements


In the 2nd quarter of 2022, the Company activated the Right of Redemption, also known as "Make-Whole", of all bonds issued with maturity in 2024. The operation was settled with the principal amount of US$ 158.7 million (equivalent to R$ 815.9 million on the settlement date).




      Quantity as of June 30, 2022            
Issuance  General Meeting  Issued   Held in treasury   Maturity  June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
15th  November, 9, 2018   1,500,000    -   11/21/2022   1,520,296    1,513,958 
16th - A  April, 25, 2019   600,000    -   05/06/2023   611,186    607,031 
16th - B  April, 25, 2019   800,000    -   05/06/2026   814,422    808,918 
Total Consolidated                   2,945,904    2,929,907 
Current                   2,147,180    1,531,956 
Non-current                   798,724    1,397,951 


Maturities of long-term amounts are as follows:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
2023   -    599,390 
2026   798,724    798,561 
    798,724    1,397,951 


The debentures are denominated in Brazilian Reais, are nonconvertible, and pay variable interest as a percentage of the CDI – Interbank Deposit Certificate.


For the instruments listed above, the average interest rate weighted by the amounts was 3.07% and 5.64% for the three and six-month periods ended on June 30, 2022, respectively (0.84% ​​and 1.35 % for the three and six-month periods ended on June 30, 2021, respectively).




a) General considerations - Gerdau S.A. and its subsidiaries enter into transactions with financial instruments whose risks are managed by means of strategies and exposure limit controls. All financial instruments are recorded in the accounting books and presented as short-term investments, trade accounts receivable, trade accounts payable, loans and financing, debentures, related-party transactions, unrealized gains on derivatives, unrealized losses on derivatives, obligations with FIDC, other current assets, other non-current assets, other current liabilities and other non-current liabilities.


The Company has derivatives and non-derivative instruments, such as the hedge for some operations under hedge accounting. These operations are intended to protect the Company against exchange rate fluctuations on foreign currency loans and against interest rate fluctuations. These transactions are carried out considering direct active or passive exposures, without leverage.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




b) Fair value – the fair value of the aforementioned financial instruments is as follows:


   June 30,2022   December 31, 2021 
   Book   Fair   Book   Fair 
   value   value   value   value 
Short-term investments   1,977,982    1,977,982    2,626,212    2,626,212 
Trade accounts receivable   7,261,198    7,261,198    5,414,075    5,414,075 
Related parties   -    -    2,678    2,678 
Fair value of derivatives   2,596    2,596    3,246    3,246 
Other current assets   797,311    797,311    679,193    679,193 
Other non-current assets   665,402    665,402    571,637    571,637 
Trade accounts payable   9,394,840    9,394,840    8,017,140    8,017,140 
Loans and Financing   9,498,862    9,386,773    11,109,786    12,630,940 
Debentures   2,945,904    2,940,806    2,929,907    2,911,424 
Related parties   26,172    26,172    24,648    24,648 
Fair value of derivatives   5,454    5,454    -    - 
Obligations with FIDC (current liabilities)   -    -    45,497    45,497 
Other current liabilities   949,986    949,986    1,090,396    1,090,396 
Other non current liabilities   508,784    508,784    421,873    421,873 


The fair values of Loans and Financing and Debentures are based on market premises, which may take into consideration discounted cash flows using equivalent market rates and credit rating. All other financial instruments, which are recognized in the Consolidated Financial Statements at their carrying amount, are substantially similar to those that would be obtained if they were traded in the market. However, because there is no active market for these instruments, differences could exist if they were settled in advance. The fair value hierarchy of the financial instruments above are presented in Note 14.g.


c) Risk factors that could affect the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ businesses:


Price risk of commodities: this risk is related to the possibility of changes in prices of the products sold by the Company or in prices of raw materials and other inputs used in the productive process. Since the Company operates in a commodity market, net sales and cost of sales may be affected by changes in the international prices of their products or materials. In order to minimize this risk, the Company constantly monitors the price variations in the domestic and international markets.


Interest rate risk: this risk arises from the effects of fluctuations in interest rates applied to the Company’s financial liabilities or assets and future cash flows and income. The Company evaluates its exposure to these risks: (i) comparing financial assets and liabilities denominated at fixed and floating interest rates and (ii) monitoring the variations of interest rates like SOFR and CDI. Accordingly, the Company may enter into interest rate swaps in order to reduce this risk.


Exchange rate risk: this risk is related to the possibility of fluctuations in exchange rates affecting the amounts of financial assets or liabilities or of future cash flows and income. The Company assesses its exposure to the exchange rate by measuring the difference between the amount of its assets and liabilities in foreign currency. The Company understands that the accounts receivables originated from exports, its cash and cash equivalents denominated in foreign currencies and its investments abroad are more than equivalent to its liabilities denominated in foreign currency. Since the management of these exposures occurs at each operation level, if there is a mismatch between assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the Company may employ derivative financial instruments in order to mitigate the effect of exchange rate fluctuations.


Credit risk: this risk arises from the possibility of the Company not receiving amounts arising from sales to customers or investments made with financial institutions. In order to minimize this risk, the Company adopt the procedure of analyzing in details of the financial position of their customers, establishing a credit limit and constantly monitoring their balances. Regarding short-term investments, the Company invests solely in financial institutions with low credit risk, as assessed by rating agencies. In addition, each financial institution has a maximum limit for investment, determined by the Company’s Financial Committee.







as of June 30, 2022 

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)



Capital management risk: this risk comes from the Company’s choice in adopting a financing structure for its operations. The Company manages its capital structure, which consists of a ratio between the financial debts and its own capital (Equity) based on internal policies and benchmarks. The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) related to the “Capital Structure Management” objective are: WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital), Net Debt/EBITDA (Earnings before interest, income tax, depreciation and amortization), Coverage Ratio of Net Financial Expenses (EBITDA/Net Financial Expenses) and Debt/Total Capitalization Ratio. Net Debt is formed by the principal of the debt reduced by cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments (notes 4, 12 and 13). Total Capitalization is formed by the Total Debt (composed of the principal of the debt) and the Equity (Note 18). The Company may change its capital structure, according to economic and financial conditions, in order to optimize its financial leverage and debt management. At the same time, the Company seeks to improve its ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) through the implementation of working capital management and an efficient program of investments in property, plant and equipment. In the long term, the Company seeks to remain within the parameters below, admitting occasional variations in the short term:


Net debt/EBITDA   From 1.0 to 1.5 times
Gross debt limit   R$ 12 billion
Average maturity   more than 6 years


These key indicators are used to monitor objectives described above and may not necessarily be used as indicators for other purposes, such as impairment tests.


Liquidity risk: The Company’s management policy of indebtedness and cash on hand is based on using the committed lines and the currently available credit lines with or without a guarantee in export receivables for maintaining adequate levels of short, medium, and long-term liquidity. The maturity of long-term loans and financing, and debentures are presented in Notes 12 and 13, respectively.


Sensitivity analysis:


The Company performed a sensitivity analysis, which can be summarized as follows:


Impacts on Statements of Income
Assumptions  Percentage of change   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Foreign currency sensitivity analysis   5%   96,996    90,984 
Interest rate sensitivity analysis   10 bps    41,124    65,047 
Sensitivity analysis of changes in prices of products sold   1%   229,684    354,731 
Sensitivity analysis of changes in raw material and commodity prices   1%   145,971    198,872 
Currency forward contracts   5%   5,087    12,808 
Commodity forward contracts   5%   905    8,174 


Foreign currency sensitivity analysis: As of June 30, 2022, the Company is mainly exposed to variations between the Real and the Dollar. The sensitivity analysis carried out by the Company considers the effects of a 5% increase or decrease between the Real and the Dollar in its non-hedged debts, trade accounts receivable - exports from Brazil and trade accounts payable - imports (also including the variation between the Argentinian Peso and the Dollar). In this analysis, if the Real/Argentinian Peso appreciates against the Dollar, this would represent a gain of R$ 96,996 (R$ 90,984 as of June 30, 2021). If the Real/Argentinian Peso depreciates against the Dollar, this would represent an expense of the same amount.


The net values ​​of other assets and other liabilities in foreign currencies do not present significant risks of impacts due to fluctuations in the exchange rate.


Interest rate sensitivity analysis: The interest rate sensitivity analysis made by the Company considers the effects of an increase or reduction of 10 basis point (bps) on the average interest rate applicable to the floating part of its debt. The calculated impact, considering this variation in the interest rate totals R$ 41,124 as of June 30, 2022 (R$ 65,047 as of June 30, 2021) and would impact the Financial expenses account in the Consolidated Statements of Income. The specific interest rates to which the Company is exposed are related to the loans, financing, and debentures presented in Notes 12 and 13, and are mainly comprised by SOFR and CDI — Interbank Deposit Certificate.







as of June 30, 2022 

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)



Sensitivity analysis of changes in sales price of products and price of raw materials and other inputs used in production: The Company is exposed to changes in the price of its products. This exposure is associated with the fluctuation of the sale price of the Company’s products and the price of raw materials and other inputs used in the production process, mainly for operating in a commodity market. The sensitivity analysis made by the Company considers the effects of an increase or of a reduction of 1% on both prices. The impact measured considering this variation in the price of products sold, considering the revenues and costs for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022, totals R$ 229,684 (R$ 354,731 as of June 30, 2021) and the variation in the price of raw materials and other inputs totals R$ 145,971 as of June 30, 2022 (R$ 198,872 as of June 30, 2021). The impact in the price of products sold and raw materials would be recorded in the accounts Net Sales and Cost of Sales, respectively, in the Consolidated Statements of Income. The Company does not expect to be more vulnerable to a change in one or more specific product or raw material.


Sensitivity analysis of currency forward contracts: the Company has exposure to dollar forward contracts for some of its assets and liabilities. The sensitivity analysis carried out by the Company considers the effects of a 5% increase or decrease in the Dollar against the Brazilian Real/Argentinian Peso, and its effects on the mark to market of these derivatives. A 5% increase in the Dollar against the Real/Argentinian Peso represents an income of R$ 5,087 (R$ 12,808 as of June 30, 2021) and a 5% decrease in the Dollar against the Real/Argentinian Peso represents an expense of the same amount. Forward contracts in Dollar/Real/Argentinian Peso were intended to cover asset and liability positions in Dollars and the effects of the mark to market of these contracts were recorded in the Consolidated Statement of Income. Dollar forward contracts to which the Company is exposed are presented in note 14.e.


Sensitivity analysis of commodity forward contracts: the Company has exposure to Commodity forward contracts (coal) for some of its liabilities. The sensitivity analysis carried out by the Company considers the effects of a 5% increase or decrease in the price of the commodity, and its effects on the mark to market of these derivatives. A 5% increase in the price of the commodity represents an income of R$ 905 (R$ 8,174 as of June 30, 2021), and a 5% decrease in the price of the commodity represents an expense of the same amount. Coal forward contracts were intended to cover liability positions and the mark to market effects of these contracts were recorded in the Consolidated Statement of Income.


d) Financial Instruments per Category


Summary of the financial instruments per category:


June 30, 2022
  Financial asset at
amortized cost
   Financial asset at fair
value through proft or
Short-term investments   -    1,977,982    1,977,982 
Trade accounts receivable   7,261,198    -    7,261,198 
Fair value of derivatives   -    2,596    2,596 
Other current assets   797,311    -    797,311 
Other non-current assets   573,736    91,666    665,402 
Total   8,632,245    2,072,244    10,704,489 
Financial income (expenses) for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022   442,457    70,359    512,816 
Financial income (expenses) for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022   151,765    152,710    304,475 


Liabilities  Financial liability at fair
value through profit or
   Financial liability at
amortized cost
Trade accounts payable   -    9,394,840    9,394,840 
Loans and financing   -    9,498,862    9,498,862 
Debentures   -    2,945,904    2,945,904 
Related parties   -    26,172    26,172 
Other current liabilities   -    949,986    949,986 
Other non-current liabilities   -    508,784    508,784 
Fair value of derivatives   5,454    -    5,454 
Total   5,454    23,324,548    23,330,002 
Financial income (expenses) for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022   (5,680)   (868,220)   (873,900)
Financial income (expenses) for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022   (14,382)   (1,154,570)   (1,168,952)







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




December 31, 2021
  Financial asset at
amortized cost
   Financial asset at fair
value through proft or
Short-term investments   -    2,626,212    2,626,212 
Trade accounts receivable   5,414,075    -    5,414,075 
Fair value of derivatives   -    3,246    3,246 
Related parties   2,678    -    2,678 
Other current assets   679,193    -    679,193 
Other non-current assets   479,971    91,666    571,637 
Total   6,575,917    2,721,124    9,297,041 
Financial income (expenses) for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2021   393,675    40,614    434,289 
Financial income (expenses) for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2021   583,399    77,910    661,309 


Liabilities  Financial liability at fair
value through profit or
   Financial liability at
amortized cost
Trade accounts payable   -    8,017,140    8,017,140 
Loans and financing   -    11,109,786    11,109,786 
Debentures   -    2,929,907    2,929,907 
Related parties   -    24,648    24,648 
Obligations with FIDC (current liabilities)   -    45,497    45,497 
Other current liabilities   -    1,090,396    1,090,396 
Other non-current liabilities   -    421,873    421,873 
Total   -    23,639,247    23,639,247 
Financial income (expenses) for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2021   (3,949)   (372,460)   (376,409)
Financial income (expenses) for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2021   (5,109)   (869,037)   (874,146)


e) Operations with derivative financial instruments


Risk management objectives and strategies: In order to execute its strategy of sustainable growth, the Company implements risk management strategies in order to mitigate market risks.


The objective of derivative transactions is always related to mitigating market risks as stated in our policies and guidelines. The monitoring of the effects of these transactions is performed monthly by the Financial Risk Management Committee, which validates the mark to market of these transactions. All derivative financial instruments are recognized at fair value in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company.


Policy for use of derivatives: The Company is exposed to various market risks, including changes in exchange rates, commodities prices and interest rates. The Company uses derivatives and other financial instruments to reduce the impact of such risks on the fair value of its assets and liabilities or in future cash flows and income. The Company has established policies to evaluate the market risks and to approve the use of derivative transactions related to these risks. The Company enters into derivative financial instruments solely to manage the market risks mentioned above and never for speculative purposes. Derivative financial instruments are used only when they have a related position (asset or liability exposure) resulting from business operations, investments and financing.


Policy for determining fair value: the fair value of derivative financial instruments is determined using models and other valuation techniques, including future prices and market curves.


Derivative transactions may include: interest rate and/or currency swaps, currency futures contracts and currency options contracts.


Swap Contracts: The Company has contracted Pre x DI swap operation, through which it receives a fixed interest rate and pays a floating interest rate, both in local currency. The counterparties to these operations are always highly rated financial institutions with low credit risk.


Currency forward contracts: The Company contracted forward contract operations, through which it receives a fixed dollar amount and pays a fixed Argentinian peso amount, both in local currency. Counterparties are always top-tier financial institutions with low credit risk.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




The derivatives instruments can be summarized and categorized as follows:


      Notional value   Amount receivable   Amount payable 
Contracts  Position  June 30, 2022  December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Currency forward contracts                               
Maturity in 2022  buyed in US$   U$$ 34.5 million    R$ 9.9 million     2,439    3,246    5,454    - 
Maturity in 2022  buyed in US$   U$$ 443 thousand   -    157    -    -    - 
Total fair value of financial instruments        2,596    3,246    5,454    - 


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Fair value of derivatives        
Current assets   2,596    3,246 
    2,596    2,619 
Fair value of derivatives          
Current liabilities   5,454    - 
    5,454    - 


   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Net Income        
Gains on financial instruments   21,253    8,700 
Losses on financial instruments   (14,383)   (5,109)
    6,869    3,591 
Other comprehensive income          
Gains on financial instruments   2,775    1,461 
    2,775    1,461 


f) Net investment hedge


The Company designated as hedge of part of its net investments in subsidiaries abroad the operations of Ten/Thirty Years Bonds. As a consequence, the effect of exchange rate changes on these debts on the amount of US$ 0.9 billion (designated as a hedge) has been recognized in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.


The Company demonstrated effectiveness of the hedge as of its designation dates and demonstrated the high effectiveness of the hedge from the contracting of each debt for the acquisition of these companies abroad, whose effects were measured and recognized directly in the Statement of Comprehensive Income as an unrealized loss, net of taxes, in the amount R$ 646,928 for the three month period ended on June 30, 2022 (gain of R$ 1,226,312 for the three month period ended on June 30, 2021) and as an unrealized gain, net of taxes, in the amount R$ 468,250 for the six month period ended on June 30, 2022 (gain of R$ 310,665 for the six month period ended on June 30, 2021)


The objective of the hedge is to protect, during the existence of the debt, the amount of part of the Company’s investment in the subsidiaries abroad mentioned above against positive and negative changes in the exchange rate. This objective is consistent with the Company’s risk management strategy. Prospective and retrospective tests demonstrated the effectiveness of these instruments.


g) Measurement of fair value:


The IFRS defines fair value as the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. The standard also establishes a three-level hierarchy for the fair value, which prioritizes information when measuring the fair value by the company, to maximize the use of observable information and minimize the use of non-observable information. This IFRS describes the three levels of information to be used to measure fair value:


Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets and liabilities.


Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 available, where (unadjusted) quoted prices are for similar assets and liabilities in non-active markets, or other data that is available or may be corroborated by market data for substantially the full term of the asset or liability.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




Level 3 - Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data, because market activity is insignificant or does not exist.


As of June 30, 2022, the Company had some assets which the fair value measurement is required on a recurring basis. These assets include investments in private securities and derivative instruments.


The accounting balances of financial assets and liabilities of the Company, measured at fair value on a recurring basis and subject to disclosure requirements of IFRS 7 as of June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, are as follows:


   Fair Value Measurements at Reporting Date Using 
   Balance per financial statements   Quoted Prices in Non-Active Markets
for Similar Assets
(Level 2)
    June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021    June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021 
Current assets                    
Short-term investments   1,977,982    2,626,212    1,977,982    2,626,212 
Trade accounts receivable   7,261,198    5,414,075    7,261,198    5,414,075 
Fair value of derivatives   2,596    3,246    2,596    3,246 
Other current assets   797,311    679,193    797,311    679,193 
Non-current assets                    
Related parties   -    2,678    -    2,678 
Other non-current assets   665,402    571,637    665,402    571,637 
    10,704,489    9,297,041    10,704,489    9,297,041 
Current liabilities                    
Trade accounts payable   9,394,840    8,017,140    9,394,840    8,017,140 
Short-term debt   1,402,840    234,537    1,402,840    234,537 
Debentures   2,147,180    1,531,956    2,147,180    1,531,956 
Fair value of derivatives   5,454    -    5,454    - 
Obligations with FIDC   -    45,497    -    45,497 
Other current liabilities   949,986    1,090,396    949,986    1,090,396 
Non-current liabilities                    
Long-term debt   8,096,022    10,875,249    8,096,022    10,875,249 
Debentures   798,724    1,397,951    798,724    1,397,951 
Related parties   26,172    24,648    26,172    24,648 
Other non-current liabilities   508,784    421,873    508,784    421,873 
    23,330,002    23,639,247    23,330,002    23,639,247 


h) Changes in liabilities from Cash flow from financing activities:


As required by IAS 7, the Company has summarized below the changes in the liabilities of cash flow from financing activities, from its Statement of Cash Flows:


       Cash effects   Non-cash effects     
    January 01, 2021    Received/(Paid)
from financing
    Interest Payment    Interest on loans,
financing and loans
with related parties
Variance and
    June, 30, 2021 
Related Parties, net   (111,499)   50,531    -    (3,068)   -    (64,036)
Leasing payable   856,474    (134,626)   (32,091)   32,091    111,308    833,156 
Loans and Financing, Debentures and Fair value of derivatives   17,516,322    (1,329,007)   (470,441)   433,534    (348,813)   15,801,595 


       Cash effects   Non-cash effects     
    December 31, 2021    Received/(Paid)
from financing
    Interest Payment    Interest on loans,
financing and loans
with related parties
Variance and
    June 30, 2022 
Related Parties, net   21,970    4,174    -    29    (1)   26,172 
Leasing payable   918,365    (157,410)   (39,304)   39,304    202,838    963,793 
Loans and Financing, Debentures and Fair value of derivatives   14,036,447    (1,181,123)   (522,981)   520,205    (404,924)   12,447,624 







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)






The Company and its subsidiaries are party in judicial and administrative proceedings involving tax, civil and labor matters. Based on the opinion of its legal advisors, Management believes that the provisions recorded for these judicial and administrative proceedings is sufficient to cover probable and reasonably estimable losses from unfavorable court decisions and that the final decisions will not have significant effects on the financial position, operational results and liquidity of the Company and its subsidiaries.


For claims whose expected loss is considered probable, the provisions have been recorded considering the judgment of the Management of the Company with the assistance of its legal advisors and the provisions are considered enough to cover expected probable losses. The balances of provisions are as follows:


I) Provisions


    June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021 
a) Tax provisions   1,311,211    1,270,473 
b) Labor provisions   459,223    435,803 
c) Civil provisions   39,246    34,750 
    1,809,680    1,741,026 


a) Tax Provisions


Tax provisions refer mainly to discussions related to ICMS, IPI, tax uncertainties related to income tax and social contribution, social security contributions, offsetting of PIS and COFINS credits and incidence of PIS and COFINS on other revenues.


b) Labor Provisions


The Company is party to a group of individual and collective labor and/or administrative lawsuits involving various labor amounts and the provision arises from unfavorable decisions and/or the probability of loss in the ordinary course of proceedings with the expectation of outflow of financial resources by the Company.


c) Civil Provisions


The Company is party to a group of civil, arbitration and/or administrative lawsuits involving various claims and the provision arises from unfavorable decisions and/or probable losses in the ordinary course of proceedings with the expectation of outflow of financial resources for the Company.


The changes in the tax, civil and labor provisions are shown below:


    June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021 
Balance at the beginning of the year   1,741,026    1,172,511 
(+) Additions   116,194    801,412 
(+) Monetary correction   47,887    42,435 
(-) Reversal of accrued amounts   (94,415)   (276,251)
(+) Foreign exchange effect on provisions in foreign currency   (1,012)   919 
Balance at the end of period   1,809,680    1,741,026 


II) Contingent liabilities for which provisions were not recorded


Considering the opinion of legal advisors and management’s assessment, contingencies listed below have the probability of loss considered as possible (but not likely) and due to this classification, accruals have not been made in accordance with IFRS.


a) Tax contingencies


a.1) The Company and its subsidiaries Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. and Gerdau Açominas S.A. have lawsuits related to the ICMS (state VAT) which are mostly related to credit rights and rate differences, whose demands totaled R$ 542,918.


a.2) The Company and certain of its subsidiaries in Brazil are parties to claims related to: (i) Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados - IPI, substantially related to IPI credit on inputs, whose demands total the updated amount of R$ 412,544; (ii) PIS and COFINS, substantially related to disallowance of credits on inputs totaling R$ 1,583,843, (iii) social security contributions in the total of R$ 130,113 and (iv) other taxes, whose updated total amount is currently R$ 715,978.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




a.3) The Company and its subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. are parties to administrative proceedings related to Withholding Income Tax, levied on interest remitted abroad, linked to export financing formalized through "Prepayment of Exports Agreements "(PPE) or" Advance Export Receipt "(RAE), in the updated amount of R$ 1,423,888, of which: (i) R$ 1,029,915 correspond to seven lawsuits of the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. that are processed in the administrative sphere where, currently, four lawsuits are at the first instance of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF) awaiting the judgment of the Voluntary Appeals filed by the Company, and, finally, another 3 lawsuits that are in the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals (CSRF) of the CARF, for judgment of Special Appeals filed by the Company; and (ii) R$ 393,973 correspond to two lawsuits of Gerdau S.A., which are in the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals (CSRF) of CARF, for judgment of Special Resources and Appeal filed by the Company.


a.4) The Company is party to administrative proceedings related to goodwill amortization pursuant to articles 7 and 8 of Law 9,532/97, from the basis of calculation of Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution (CSLL), resulting from a corporate restructuring started in 2010. The updated total amount of the assessments is R$ 493,329, of which: (i) R$ 26,282 corresponds to a process in which the opposite Declaration Embargoes were rejected against the decision that granted the official appeal in favor of the National Treasury, and the Special Appeal filed by the Company is pending of judgment; (ii) R$ 226,396 corresponds to a lawsuit in which the Company impugnation was rejected by the Federal Revenue Judgment Office (DRJ) and filed a Voluntary Appeal with the Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF), which is pending of judgment; (iii) R$ 83,152 correspond to a lawsuit in which the Company had its challenge partially provided and filed a Voluntary Appeal with the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF), which is pending of judgment; and (iv) R$ 157,499 correspond to a Notice of Infraction received by the Company on December 2, 2019, against which it presented an Objection on December 27, 2019, deemed partially valid by the Federal Revenue Judgment Office (DRJ), pending judgment by the Council Administrative Tax Appeals (CARF) the Voluntary Appeal filed.


a.5) Gerdau S.A. (as successor of Gerdau Aços Especiais S.A.) and its subsidiary Gerdau Internacional Empreendimentos Ltda. are parties to administrative and judicial proceedings relating to IRPJ — Income Tax and CSLL — Social Contribution, in the current amount of R$ 1,308,797. Such lawsuits relate to profits generated abroad, of which: (i) R$ 1,075,617 correspond to two lawsuits of the subsidiary Gerdau Internacional Empreendimentos Ltda. One of the lawsuits is pending in the lower court, awaiting judgment in the Tax Enforcement Embargoes opposed by the Company and another is pending in the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region, where the appeals filed by the Company and the National Treasury will be judged in view of the partial judgment rendered in the Tax Execution Embargoes opposed by the Company; and (ii) R$ 233,180 correspond to a lawsuit involving Gerdau S.A. (as successor of Gerdau Aços Especiais S.A.), pending in the first instance awaiting judgment in the Tax Enforcement Embargoes opposed by the Company.


a.6) Gerdau S.A. (by itself and as successor of Gerdau Aços Especiais S.A.) and its subsidiaries Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. and Gerdau Açominas S.A. are parties to administrative and judicial proceedings relating to the disallowance of goodwill amortization generated in accordance with Article 7 and 8 of Law 9,532/97 — as a result of a corporate restructuring carried out in 2004/2005 — from the tax base of the Income tax - IRPJ and Social Contribution - CSLL. The updated total amount of the assessments amounts to R$ 8,495,561, of which: (i) R$ 5,616,301 correspond to four lawsuits of Gerdau SA (as successor of Gerdau Aços Especiais S.A.) and its subsidiaries Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. and Gerdau Açominas S.A., whose administrative discussion has already ended and are currently in the process of judicial collection, with the companies offering judicial guarantees, under precautionary measures, through Guarantee Insurance, and initiated the legal discussions in Embargoes to Execution, in the respective lawsuits, and in the Embargoes to Execution filed by Gerdau S.A. (as successor of Gerdau Aços Especiais S.A.), on April 8, 2021, in a judgment made at the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region, the appeal filed by the National Treasury was dismissed, maintaining the sentence that dismissed the tax assessment, being pending of judgment the special and extraordinary appeals filed by the National Treasury; and also, in the Embargoes to Execution filed by the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. (as successor of Gerdau Comercial de Aços S.A.), the appeal filed by the National Treasury against the sentence that is pending of judgment by the Regional Federal Court of the 2nd Region that dismissed the tax assessment; (ii) R$ 334,766 corresponds to a lawsuit of the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., in which part of the debt whose administrative discussion has already ended and is under judicial discussion, and the appeal is pending of judgment by the Regional Federal Court of the 2nd Region filed by the National Treasury against the sentence that upheld the Embargoes to Execution and acknowledged the non-substantiation of the tax assessment; (iii) R$ 310,629 corresponds to a lawsuit filed by the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., in which part of the debt whose administrative discussion has ended is under judicial discussion, in which is pending of analysis the embargoes of opposition filed by the Company against the sentence that dismissed its Embargoes to Tax Enforcement; (iv) R$ 5,444 corresponds to a lawsuit of the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., of which the administrative discussion ended and that it is guaranteed and awaiting the expiration of the term for the opposition of the Embargoes to Tax Enforcement by the Company; (v) R$ 86,891 correspond to a lawsuit of the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., whose administrative discussion ended, and which is pending at the lower court awaiting a decision in the Embargoes to Tax Enforcement filed by the Company; (vi) R$ 143,616 corresponds to a lawsuit filed by Gerdau S.A. (as successor of Gerdau Aços Especiais S.A.), which is in the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals (CSRF) of CARF for judgment of the Special Appeal filed by the Company; (vii) R$ 185,143 corresponds to a lawsuit filed by the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., which is at the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals (CSRF) of CARF to judge the Special Appeals filed by the Company and the National Treasury; (viii) R$ 115,179 corresponds to a lawsuit filed by Gerdau S.A. (as successor of Gerdau Aços Especiais S.A.), which is at the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals (CSRF) of CARF for judgment of the Special Appeal filed by the Company; (ix) R$ 601,156 corresponds to a lawsuit filed by the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., which is pending in the first instance of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF) awaiting judgment of the Voluntary Appeal filed by the Company; (x) R$ 526,645 pending before the first instance of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF), which awaits judgment of the Voluntary Appeal filed by the Company; (xi) R$ 150,913 corresponds to a lawsuit of the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., separated from the process mentioned in item "vii" above, and which is currently in the judicial collection phase, with the appeal filed against the judgment that dismissed the Embargoes on Tax Enforcement filed by the Company; and (xii) R$ 418,879 corresponds to a lawsuit of the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A., separated from the lawsuit mentioned in item “vii” above, and that it is currently in the judicial collection stage, pending judgment at the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region the appeals filed by the Company and the National Treasury against the sentence that upheld the Embargoes to Execution and recognized the non-substantiation of the credits object of the tax enforcement.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




The Company's tax advisors confirm that the procedures adopted by the Company regarding the tax treatment of profits earned abroad and the goodwill amortization, which led to the aforementioned lawsuits, have complied with the strict legality and, therefore, these lawsuits are classified as possible loss (but not likely).


Brazilian federal authorities and the judiciary branch are investigating certain issues relating to CARF proceedings, as well as specific political contributions made by the Company, with the purpose of determining whether the Company engaged in any illegal conduct.  The Company previously disclosed that, in addition to its interactions with Brazilian authorities, the Company was providing information requested by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).  The Company has since been informed by the SEC’s staff that it has closed its inquiry and therefore is not seeking any further information from the Company regarding these matters. The Company believes it is not possible at this time to predict the term or outcome of the proceedings in Brazil, and that there currently is not enough information to determine whether a provision for losses is required or any additional disclosures.


Neither the Company, its controlling shareholders, board members and executive officers are part of any ongoing criminal publicly disclosed investigations, procedures or legal actions associated to the investigations made by the Brazilian federal authorities and judiciary branch related to CARF proceedings and political contributions made by the Company.


b) Civil contingencies


b.1) A lawsuit arising from the request by two civil construction unions in the state of São Paulo alleging that Gerdau S.A. and other long steel producers in Brazil share customers, thus, violating the antitrust legislation. After investigations carried out by the Economic Law Department (SDE — Secretaria de Direito Econômico), the final opinion was that a cartel exists. The lawsuit was therefore forwarded to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) for judgment, which resulted in a fine to the Company and other long steel producers, on September 23, 2005, an amount equivalent to 7% of gross revenues in the year before the Administrative Proceeding was commenced, excluding taxes (fine of R$ 245,070, updated by the judicial accountant on August 1, 2013 to R$ 417,820).


Two lawsuits challenge the investigation conducted by the Competition Defense System and its merits judgment, whose grounds are procedural irregularities, especially the production of evidence, based on an economic study, to prove the inexistence of a cartel. The Court, upon offer of bank guarantee letter, granted the suspension of the effects of CADE’s decision. Both actions were dismissed, and their respective appeals were also rejected by the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




Against both decisions, appeals were lodged with the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court, after admissibility judgment, the appeal to the Superior Court of Justice was admitted and well as substitution of the guarantee offered by insurance guarantee in a decision of October 8, 2019.


In the same order in which the Vice president Judge gave suspensive effect to the Special Appeal, in order to change the guarantee, the Extraordinary Appeal was dismissed, on the grounds of violation of res judicata with recognized general repercussion. Against this decision, the Company filed an Internal Appeal for the TRF1 Plenary, which was dismissed.


Currently, the Company awaits judgment of the Special Appeal by the Superior Court of Justice.


Regardless of the result of its resources, the Company will continue to seek all legal remedies to defend its rights.


The Company denies having been engaged in any type of anti-competitive conduct and it is certain that it has not practiced the conduct attributed to it, understanding shared by its legal consultants, who consider it is possible to reverse its condemnation.


b.2) The Company and its subsidiaries are parties to other demands of a civil nature that collectively have a discussion amount of approximately R$ 481,014. For these demands, no accounting provision was recorded, since they were considered as possible losses, based on the opinion of its legal counsel.


c) Labor Contingencies


The Company and its subsidiaries are parties to other labor claims that together have an amount of approximately R$ 612,102. For these claims, no accounting provision was made, since these were considered as possible losses, based on the opinion of its legal counsel.


III) Judicial deposits


The Company has judicial deposits related to tax, labor and civil lawsuits as listed below:


    June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021 
Tax   1,516,472    1,449,699 
Labor   76,123    73,709 
Civil   146,029    135,971 
    1,738,624    1,659,379 


The balance of tax judicial deposits as of June 30, 2022 includes the amount of R$ 1,421,190, which corresponds to judicial deposits made up to June 2017, referring to the same discussion on the inclusion of the ICMS in the tax base of PIS and COFINS and awaits termination of the lawsuits before the Brazilian courts in order to be returned to the Company.


The Company and its subsidiaries made judicial deposits and accounting provisions, which in turn were updated in accordance with the SELIC rate, which were referred to the unpaid amounts of PIS and COFINS since 2009, because the collection of which was fully suspended, due to the mentioned judicial deposits.


On March 15, 2017, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF — Supremo Tribunal Federal) ruled on a claim related to this matter, and by 6 votes to 4, concluded: “The ICMS does not comprise the tax base for PIS and COFINS assessment purposes”. The STF decision, in principle, affects all the nine judicial proceedings, due to its general repercussion. Seven of these lawsuits already have a final favorable decision, and the gain was recognized when the decision was final and unappealable, considering for the purposes of calculation the exclusion of the ICMS informed in the invoices, as recognized in the final and unappealable decisions, and is preparing the documents to carry out the qualification of its credit and be able to start the compensation procedures and/or have already qualified before the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil. It is worth noting that the Company still has two lawsuits for repetition of undue payments, which are awaiting the respective final and unappealable decision.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




In these two lawsuits (eighth and ninth lawsuit for repetition of undue payment) the Company seeks the recognition of R$ 683 million (R$ 643 million, net of related expenses) referring to credits prior to the filing of the lawsuits.


On May 13, 2021, the Federal Supreme Court ruled the Embargoes for Declaration that the National Treasury Attorney's Office had opposed, alleging that the Supreme Court's decision was silent on certain points, and requesting the modulation of the effects of the decision. In that judgment, the STF accepted, in part, the Embargoes for Declaration, to modulate the effects of the judgment whose production took place after March 15, 2017 (date on which RE No. 574.706 was judged), except for lawsuits or administrative proceedings filed up to that date, and rejected the embargoes regarding the allegation of omission, obscurity or contradiction and, in the point related to the ICMS excluded from the calculation basis of the PIS-COFINS contributions, it signed the understanding that it is the ICMS informed in the invoice.


After this judgment, the concept of virtually certain for the purposes of the entry of economic benefits and recognition of the asset and the corresponding gain started to be demonstrated. Thus, even though there was no final and unappealable decision on two lawsuits that were pending of judgment, the Company recognized in the 2nd quarter of 2021, with sufficient reliability, the amounts of tax credits to which it is entitled, in the amount of R$ 683 million (R$ 643 million, net of related expenses) referring to credits prior to the filing of the lawsuits. The Company also recognized, in the 3rd quarter of 2021, amounts of differences in tax credits to which it is entitled, net of related expenses, in the amount of R$ 326 million in the Tax Credits Monetary Update line.


The amounts recognized in the Company's results related to the recovery of credits arising from the ICMS in the tax base of PIS and COFINS lawsuits (net of related expenses) was R$ 1.2 billion in 2021, of which, R$ 393,3 million in the Other Operating Income line and R$ 788.7 million in the Tax Credits Monetary Update line


Due to the economic moment strongly impacted by the pandemic caused by Covid-19, as well as the fact that the procedural legislation expressly provides the equivalence of cash and guarantee insurance, the subsidiary Gerdau Aços Longos S.A. requested the replacement of the amounts deposited by it over the years regarding the Inclusion of ICMS in the tax base of PIS and COFINS for a guarantee insurance presented by the Company, in the amount of R$ 1.7 billion, which complies with all the requirements established by the PGFN (Attorney General of the National Treasury) and can be converted into income at any time, ensuring that the Public Treasury receives all the amounts that may eventually be due at the end of the process.


In the lower court decision, therefore, there was a decision to release the funds deposited by the Company. The Public Treasury appealed to the Court and obtained a decision reversing the release of the amounts. The Company, then, filed a complaint to settle divergence between the decision handed down by Federal Judge Ferreira Neves, member of the 4th Specialized Panel of the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region, in the case files of process nº 50003743-37.2020.4.02.0000, and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court (Theme nº 69). With an initially favorable injunction, the decision was later suspended to await the statement by the National Treasury regarding the fine for bad faith litigation applied to the Company. After the manifestation, which did not bring any additional element in relation to the fine for bad faith litigation applied, the Minister understood that the Complaint was not applicable due to the lack of exhaustion of ordinary channels.


The fine for bad faith litigation, applied due to the allegation of alleged attempt to mislead the Judiciary, was canceled by the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region, when it partially granted, unanimously, the interlocutory appeal filed by the Company, which awaits the expiration of the appeal period for its confirmation.


IV) Eletrobras Compulsory Loan — Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. (Eletrobras)


The Compulsory Loan, instituted by the Brazilian government in order to expand and improve the energy sector of the country was charged and collected from industrial consumers with monthly consumption equal or greater than to 2000kwh through the “electricity bills” issued by the electric power distribution companies, was converted into credits to the taxpayers based on the annual value of these contributions made between 1977 and 1993. The legislation sets a maximum 20 years period to return the compulsory loan to the taxpayers, providing Eletrobras the possibility of anticipating this return through the conversion of those loans in shares of its own issuance.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




Prior to the conversion of the credits into shares, those credits were monetary corrected through an indexer and quantifier, called Standard Unit (SU). However, the compulsory loan was charged to the companies in their monthly electricity bills, consolidated during the year, and only indexed by the SU in January of the following year, resulting in a lack of monthly monetary correction during the years of collection, as well as interest. This procedure imputed to taxpayers’ considerable financial losses, particularly during the periods when the monthly inflation rates stood at high levels. In order to claim the appropriate interest and monetary correction subtracted by the methodology applied by Eletrobras, the Company (understood to be legally entities existing at the time and that later became part of Gerdau S.A.) filed lawsuits claiming credits resulting from differences on the monetary correction of principal, interest, default interest and other accessory amounts owed by Eletrobras due to the compulsory loans.


The Company maintain lawsuits pending before the Judiciary, dealing with the subject, with final and unappealable decisions on the merits, favorable to the Company. Regarding one of these processes, involving Gerdau S.A. and its subsidiary Seiva SA – Florestas e Indústrias, on November 25, 2020 a decision was issued that ratified the expert report prepared by the court expert appointed by the Court, establishing the amount to be received in favor of the companies. This decision was maintained by the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro in judgment on August 10, 2021, and on September 10, 2021 Eletrobras made the judicial deposit/payment of the amount of the sentence determined by the Judiciary Branch of the State of Rio January, duly increased by interests and loss charges. Thus, considering the current procedural stage, the Company concludes that said asset, until then treated as contingent, due to uncertainties as to the term, form and amount that would be effectively paid and currently defined, fulfilled the accounting characteristics related to the entry of economic benefits, pursuant to paragraph 35 of IAS 37, which implied the recognition by the Company, in the 3rd quarter of 2021, of gain in the statement of income in the amount of R$ 1,391,280, net of fees and related expenses. The Company clarifies that on December 21, 2021 the entire amount was deposited in the Company's account, after the presentation of a guarantee insurance. The Company reinforces that the decision that fixed the amount due in favor of Gerdau was maintained in all instances of the Judiciary Branch of the State of Rio de Janeiro, having been rejected the request for suspension by the Superior Court of Justice – STJ; and that it takes care of definitive execution, based on a final judicial enforcement order, no longer subject to deconstitution of any nature before the Judiciary, leaving only appeals and measures with remote possibilities of acceptance, in view of its only delaying nature.


The other lawsuits pending before the Judiciary, dealing with this subject, with final and unappealable decisions on the merits, favorable to the Company, total approximately R$ 73 million.


V) Other contingent assets


The Company's management believes that the realization of certain contingent assets of a tax nature is possible. However, such assets were not recognized in the financial statements, due to the fact that they have not yet become final and/or that there are uncertainties regarding the term, form and amount that will be effectively realized, and it is not yet practicable to determine with certainty that the amount of the gain in the form of proceeds from these decisions has reached the level of virtually certain and that the Company has control over such assets, which implies that such gains are not recognized until such conditions are demonstrably present. The Company estimates that such contingent assets amount to approximately R$ 750 million.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)






a)Intercompany loans


   Maturity  June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Fundação Gerdau  December 31, 2022   -    2,678 
       -    2,678 
Joint venture             
Gerdau Corsa S.A.P.I de C.V.  January 01, 2023   (3,410)   - 
Bradley Steel Processors Inc.  August 01, 2022   (22,762)   (24,648)
       (26,172)   (24,648)


   For the six-month period ended 
    June 30, 2022    June 30, 2021 
Net financial income (loss)   (29)   3,068 


b)Operations with related parties


During the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022, the Company, through its subsidiaries, performed commercial operations with some of its associate companies and joint ventures in sales of R$ 697,478 (R$ 195,539 as of June 30, 2021) and purchases in the amount of R$ 94,312 as of June 30, 2022 (R$ 86,582 as of June 30, 2021). The net balance totals R$ 603,166 as of June 30, 2022 (R$ 108,957 as of June 30, 2021). During the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022, the Company, through its subsidiaries, performed commercial operations with some of its associate companies and joint ventures in sales of R$ 996,905 (R$ 386,165 as of June 30, 2021) and purchases in the amount of R$ 170,570 as of June 30, 2022 (R$ 146,227 as of June 30, 2021). The net balance totals R$ 826,155 as of June 30, 2022 (R$ 239,938 as of June 30, 2021).


Additionally , the Company recorded revenues of R$ 225 and R$ 438 in the three-month and six-month periods ended on June 30, 2022, respectively (R$ 150 and R$ 300 for the three-month and six-month periods ended on June 30, 2021, respectively), derived from rental agreement.


Guarantees granted


Related Party  Relationship  Object   Original
   Maturity   Balance as of
June 30, 2022
    Balance as of
December 31,
Gerdau Corsa S.A.P.I. de C.V.  Joint-venture  Financing Agreements   4,904,073   Oct/24   1,131,418    2,157,290 


c)Price conditions and charges


Loan agreements between Brazilian companies carry interest based on the Libor and Euribor rate plus exchange variance, when applicable. Sales of products and purchases of inputs are made under terms and conditions agreed between the parties.


d)Management compensation


The Company paid to its management salaries, benefits and variable compensation totaling R$ 9,408 for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 13,324 for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2021) and R$ 17,667 for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 21,958 for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2021).


The contributions for the defined contribution plan, related to the management of the Company, totaled R$ 482 for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 483 for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2021) and R$ 942 for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 964 for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2021).







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




The cost of social charges, related to the management of the Company, totaled R$ 4,724 for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 5,371 for the three-month period ended on June 30 ,2021) and R$ 9,983 for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 9,242 for the six-month period ended on June 30 ,2021)


The cost of long-term incentive plans recognized in income and attributable to key management (members of Board of Directors and executive officers) totaled R$ 5,021 during the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 4,542 for the three-month period ended on June 30, 2021) and R$ 8,984 during the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022 (R$ 9,192 for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2021).


e) Other information from related parties


The Company has contracted a convertible loan into equity interest with the company Brasil ao Cubo Construção Modular Ltda., which is presented in the line of Other non-current assets, in the amount of R$ 91,666 on June 30, 2022. Contributions to the assistance entities Fundação Gerdau, Instituto Gerdau and Fundação Ouro Branco, classified as related parties, amounted R$ 34,672 (R$ 30,104 on June 30, 2021). The defined benefit pension plans and the post-employment health care benefit plan are related parties of the Company and the details of the balances and contributions have been presented in the Employee Benefit Note in the Company's annual Financial Statements.




Part of the assets resulting from the favorable judgments of credits with Eletrobras mentioned in Note 15 iv, were used to set up a Non Standardized Credit Right Investment Fund, constituted and duly authorized to operate by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (“FIDC NP Barzel”). On July 14, 2015, the single quota of that FIDC was sold in the acquisition of minority interests’ transaction in subsidiaries of Gerdau S.A. As of June 30, 2022, the Company has the amount of R$ 0 recognized in the account “Obligations with FIDC” in the Current liabilities (R$ 45,497 as of December 31, 2021).




a) Capital – The Board of Directors may, without need to change the bylaws, issue new shares (authorized capital), including the capitalization of profits and reserves up to the authorized limit of 1,500,000,000 common shares and 3,000,000,000 preferred shares, all without nominal value. In the case of capital increase through subscription of new shares, the right of preference shall be exercised in up to 30 days, except in the case of a public offering, when the limit is not less than 10 days.


Reconciliation of common and preferred outstanding shares is presented below:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
    Common shares    Preferred shares    Common shares    Preferred shares 
Balance at the beginning of the period   571,929,945    1,133,816,901    571,929,945    1,129,231,487 
Purchases of treasury stocks   -    (14,065,700)   -    - 
Long term incentive plan exercised during the period   -    2,312,841    -    4,585,414 
Balance at the end of the period   571,929,945    1,122,064,042    571,929,945    1,133,816,901 


As of June 30, 2022, 573,627,483 common shares and 1,146,031,245 preferred shares are subscribed and paid up, with a total capital of R$ 19,249,181 (net of share issuance costs). Ownership of the shares is presented below:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Shareholders   Common    %    Pref.    %    Total    %    Common    %    Pref.    %    Total    % 
Metalúrgica Gerdau S.A.*   557,898,901    97.3    0    0.0    557,898,901    32.4    557,898,901    97.3    0    0.0    557,898,901    32.4 
Brazilian institutional investors   4,671,481    0.8    207,287,600    18.1    211,959,081    12.3    4,363,438    0.8    232,421,779    20.3    236,785,217    13.8 
Foreign institutional investors   1,467,743    0.3    514,559,217    44.9    516,026,960    30.0    1,895,038    0.3    490,810,572    42.8    492,705,610    28.7 
Other shareholders   7,891,820    1.4    400,217,225    34.9    408,109,045    23.7    7,772,568    1.4    410,584,550    35.8    418,357,118    24.3 
Treasury stock   1,697,538    0.2    23,967,203    2.1    25,664,741    1.6    1,697,538    0.2    12,214,344    1.1    13,911,882    0.8 
    573,627,483    100.0    1,146,031,245    100.0    1,719,658,728    100.0    573,627,483    100.0    1,146,031,245    100.0    1,719,658,728    100.0 


* Metalurgica Gerdau S.A. is the controlling shareholder and Indac - Ind. e Com. S.A. (holding of Gerdau's family) is the utltimate controlling shareholder of the Company.    







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




Preferred shares do not have voting rights and cannot be redeemed but have the same rights as common shares in the distribution of dividends and also priority in the capital distribution in case of liquidation of the Company.


b) Treasury stocks


Changes in treasury shares are as follows:


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
    Common    R$    Preferred shares    R$    Common    R$    Preferred shares    R$ 
Balance at the beginning of the period   1,697,538    557    12,214,344    151,852    1,697,538    557    16,799,758    228,752 
Purchases of treasury stocks   -    -    14,065,700    341,367    -    -    -    - 
Long term incentive plan exercised during the period   -    -    (2,312,841)   (20,868)   -    -    (4,585,414)   (76,900)
Balance at the end of the period   1,697,538    557    23,967,203    472,351    1,697,538    557    12,214,344    151,852 


These shares will be held in treasury for subsequent cancelling or will service the long-term incentive plan of the Company and its subsidiaries or subsequently sold on the market. The average acquisition cost of the treasury preferred shares was R$ 19.71.


On May 4, 2022, the Board of Directors of Gerdau S.A., in accordance with the statutory provisions and pursuant to CVM Resolution No. 77, of March 29, 2022, approved the Share Buyback Program issued by the Company, which aims to: (i) maximize the generation of long-term value for its shareholders through an efficient management of the capital structure and meet the long-term incentive plan of the Company and its subsidiaries; (ii) holding in treasury; (iii) cancellation; or (iv) subsequent sale in the market. The quantity of shares to be acquired will be up to 55,000,000 preferred shares, representing approximately 5% of the outstanding preferred shares (GGBR4) and/or ADRs backed by preferred shares (GGB). The acquisition started on May 6, 2022, with a maximum duration period of 18 months. As of June 30, 2022, the Company had already acquired 14,065,700 preferred shares, representing the amount of R$ 341,367. Additionally, from July 1, 2022 to July 18, 2022 the Company acquired 3,703,800 preferred shares, representing the amount of R$ 82,999.


c) Capital reserves - consists of premium on issuance of shares.


d) Retained earnings


I) Legal reserves - under Brazilian Corporate Law, the Company must transfer 5% of the annual net income determined on its statutory books in accordance with Brazilian accounting practices to the legal reserve until this reserve equals 20% of the paid-in capital. The legal reserve can be utilized to increase capital or to absorb losses but cannot be used for dividend purposes.


II) Tax incentive reserve - under Brazilian Corporate Law, the Company may transfer to this account part of net income resulting from government benefits which can be excluded from the basis for dividend calculation.


III) Investments and working capital reserve - consists of earnings not distributed to shareholders and includes the reserves required by the Company’s by-laws. The Board of Directors may propose to the shareholders the transfer of at least 5% of the profit for each year determined in its statutory books in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil to this reserve. Amounts can be allocated to the reserve only after the minimum dividend requirements have been met and its balance cannot exceed the amount of paid-in capital. It is also recognized in this account the difference between the average amount of the treasury stocks and transactional value of the share in the case of stock option exercised and assignment of preferred shares. The reserve can be used to absorb losses, if necessary, for capitalization, for payment of dividends or for the repurchase of shares.


e) Operations with non-controlling interests - correspond to amounts recognized in equity for changes in non-controlling interests.


f) Other reserves - Includes gains and losses on net investment hedge, gains and losses on financial instruments accounted as cash flow hedge, cumulative translation adjustments, expenses recorded for stock option plans and actuarial gains and losses on postretirement benefits.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




g) Dividends and interest on equity - The Company credited dividends and interest on equity to its shareholders in the amounts presented below:


Period  Nature   R$/share    Outstandings shares (thousands)    Credit    Payment    Amount 
1st  quarter  Interest on income   0.57    1,707,983    05/16/2022    05/25/2022    973,542 
Proposed interest on equity                       973,542 


The interest on equity credited during the period is composed of anticipation of statutory dividend.






   For the three-month period ended on 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
   Common   Preferred   Total   Common   Preferred   Total 
   (in thousands, except share and per share data)   (in thousands, except share and per share data) 
Basic numerator                              
Allocated net income available to Common and Preferred shareholders   1,436,963    2,845,160    4,282,123    1,313,398    2,603,153    3,916,551 
Basic denominator                              
Weighted-average outstanding shares, after deducting the average of treasury shares   571,929,945    1,132,410,889         571,929,945    1,133,563,761      
Earnings per share (in R$) – Basic   2.51    2.51         2.30    2.30      


   For the six-month period ended on 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
   Common   Preferred   Total   Common   Preferred   Total 
   (in thousands, except share and per share data)   (in thousands, except share and per share data) 
Basic numerator                              
Allocated net income available to Common and Preferred shareholders   2,417,239    4,789,802    7,207,041    2,137,216    4,230,674    6,367,890 
Basic denominator                              
Weighted-average outstanding shares, after deducting the average of treasury shares   571,929,945    1,133,289,047         571,929,945    1,132,150,022      
Earnings per share (in R$) – Basic   4.23    4.23         3.74    3.74      







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)






   For the three-month period ended on 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Diluted numerator          
Allocated net income available to Common and Preferred shareholders          
Net income allocated to preferred shareholders   2,845,160    2,603,153 
Adjustment to net income allocated to preferred shareholders in respect to the potential increase in number of preferred shares outstanding, as a result of the long term incentive plan   7,454    5,866 
    2,852,614    2,609,019 
Net income allocated to common shareholders   1,436,963    1,313,398 
Adjustment to net income allocated to common shareholders in respect to the potential increase in number of preferred shares outstanding, as a result of the long term incentive plan   (7,454)   (5,866)
    1,429,509    1,307,532 
Diluted denominator          
Weighted - average number of shares outstanding          
Common Shares   571,929,945    571,929,945 
Preferred Shares          
Weighted-average number of preferred shares outstanding   1,132,410,889    1,133,563,761 
Potential increase in number of preferred shares outstanding due to the long term incentive plan   8,886,466    7,652,079 
Total   1,141,297,355    1,141,215,840 
Earnings per share – Diluted (Common and Preferred Shares) - in R$   2.50    2.29 







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




   For the six-month period ended on 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Diluted numerator          
Allocated net income available to Common and Preferred shareholders          
Net income allocated to preferred shareholders   4,789,802    4,230,674 
Adjustment to net income allocated to preferred shareholders in respect to the potential increase in number of preferred shares outstanding, as a result of the long term incentive plan   14,066    11,467 
    4,803,868    4,242,141 
Net income allocated to common shareholders   2,417,239    2,137,216 
Adjustment to net income allocated to common shareholders in respect to the potential increase in number of preferred shares outstanding, as a result of the long term incentive plan   (14,066)   (11,467)
    2,403,173    2,125,749 
Diluted denominator          
Weighted - average number of shares outstanding          
Common Shares   571,929,945    571,929,945 
Preferred Shares          
Weighted-average number of preferred shares outstanding   1,133,289,047    1,132,150,022 
Potential increase in number of preferred shares outstanding due to the long term incentive plan   9,980,841    9,192,519 
Total   1,143,269,888    1,141,342,541 
Earnings per share – Diluted (Common and Preferred Shares) - in R$   4.20    3.72 




Restricted Shares and Performance Shares Summary:


Balance as of January 01, 2021   12,469,334 
Granted   2,228,196 
Forfeited   (1,755,522)
Exercised   (4,407,441)
Balance on December 31, 2021   8,534,567 
Granted   5,836,971 
Forfeited   (1,107,175)
Exercised   (1,781,845)
Balance on June 30, 2022   11,482,518 


The Company recognizes the cost of the long-term incentive plan through Restricted Shares and Performance Shares based on the fair value of the options granted on the grant date over the 3-year grace period for exercising each grant. The costs with long-term incentive plans recognized in the income statement in the three-month period ended on June 30, 2022 was R$ 21,740 (R$ 17,391 on June 30, 2021) and the costs with long-term incentive plans recognized in the income statement in the six-month period ended on June 30, 2022 was R$ 39,415 (R$ 28,610 on June 30, 2021).


As of June 30, 2022 the Company has a total of 23,967,203 preferred shares in treasury and, according to note 18, these shares may be used for serving this plan.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)






The Company opted to present its Consolidated Statement of Income by function. As required by IAS 1, the Consolidated Statement of Income by nature is as follows:


   For the three-month periods ended on   For the six-month periods ended on 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Depreciation and amortization   (701,208)   (630,498)   (1,360,019)   (1,279,329)
Labor expenses   (1,784,467)   (1,719,595)   (3,518,202)   (3,410,531)
Raw material and consumption material   (13,216,975)   (10,437,903)   (24,804,561)   (19,887,231)
Freight   (1,361,861)   (927,934)   (2,531,218)   (1,684,914)
Other expenses/income   (500,146)   (481,812)   (976,189)   (869,793)
Tax credits recovery   -    393,341    -    393,341 
    (17,564,657)   (13,804,401)   (33,190,189)   (26,738,457)
Classified as:                    
Cost of sales   (17,064,511)   (13,715,929)   (32,214,000)   (26,262,004)
Selling expenses   (178,235)   (168,421)   (346,126)   (323,814)
General and administrative expenses   (337,778)   (307,956)   (664,194)   (622,051)
Other operating income   59,912    37,564    96,521    200,420 
Other operating expenses   (42,069)   (42,875)   (61,039)   (119,188)
Impairment of financial assets   (1,976)   (125)   (1,351)   (5,161)
Tax credits recovery   -    393,341    -    393,341 
    (17,564,657)   (13,804,401)   (33,190,189)   (26,738,457)




   For the three-month periods ended on   For the six-month periods ended on 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Income from short-term investments   68,838    31,913    131,457    69,210 
Interest income and other financial incomes   71,779    17,875    97,959    36,486 
Financial income total   140,617    49,788    229,416    105,696 
Interest on debts   (274,152)   (219,304)   (520,205)   (433,534)
Monetary variation and other financial expenses   (176,823)   (124,603)   (292,204)   (223,969)
Financial expenses total   (450,975)   (343,907)   (812,409)   (657,503)
Exchange variations, net   (46,566)   (115,402)   (288,355)   (127,271)
Tax credits monetary update   -    462,651    -    462,651 
Gains and Losses on derivatives, net   (4,160)   4,750    6,870    3,591 
Financial result, net   (361,084)   57,880    (864,478)   (212,836)




Information by business segment:                                                
   For the three-month periods ended on 
   Brazil Operation   North America Operation   South America Operation   Special Steels Operation   Eliminations and Adjustments   Consolidated 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Net sales   9,588,146    8,940,247    8,572,830    6,611,677    1,893,954    1,307,633    3,657,196    2,649,820    (743,684)   (379,261)   22,968,442    19,130,116 
Cost of sales   (7,480,845)   (5,442,545)   (6,121,382)   (5,419,150)   (1,374,539)   (1,002,218)   (2,807,901)   (2,243,111)   720,156    391,095    (17,064,511)   (13,715,929)
Gross profit   2,107,301    3,497,702    2,451,448    1,192,527    519,415    305,415    849,295    406,709    (23,528)   11,834    5,903,931    5,414,187 
Selling, general and administrative expenses   (205,315)   (186,208)   (136,248)   (136,577)   (37,943)   (33,068)   (62,047)   (50,831)   (74,460)   (69,693)   (516,013)   (476,377)
Other operating income (expenses)   20,249    4,422    5,737    4,205    2,341    5,941    9,953    3,455    (20,437)   (23,334)   17,843    (5,311)
Tax credits recovery   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    393,341    -    393,341 
Impairment of financial assets   3,991    (1,942)   (4,116)   -    (134)   (229)   (1,689)   1,066    (28)   980    (1,976)   (125)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   -    (2,418)   234,814    96,351    151,130    132,871    3,557    8,704    (2,650)   1,471    386,851    236,979 
Operational income (Loss) before financial income (expenses) and taxes   1,926,226    3,311,556    2,551,635    1,156,506    634,809    410,930    799,069    369,103    (121,103)   314,599    5,790,636    5,562,694 
Finacial result, net   (184,340)   (128,566)   7,423    (44,333)   (192,120)   (86,658)   (66,298)   (58,440)   74,251    375,877    (361,084)   57,880 
Income (Loss) before taxes   1,741,886    3,182,990    2,559,058    1,112,173    442,689    324,272    732,771    310,663    (46,852)   690,476    5,429,552    5,620,574 
Income and social contribution taxes   (434,687)   (804,180)   (551,667)   (264,830)   (90,706)   (86,483)   (178,869)   (71,479)   124,876    (459,125)   (1,131,053)   (1,686,097)
Net income (Loss)   1,307,199    2,378,810    2,007,391    847,343    351,983    237,789    553,902    239,184    78,024    231,351    4,298,499    3,934,477 
Supplemental information:                                                            
Net sales between segments   449,394    379,261    33,217    -    8,564    -    252,509    -    -    -    743,684    379,261 
Depreciation/amortization   367,812    318,642    143,728    142,558    65,197    49,948    124,471    119,350    -    -    701,208    630,498 







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




Information by business segment:                                                
   For the six-month periods ended on 
   Brazil Operation   North America Operation   South America Operation   Special Steels Operation   Eliminations and Adjustments   Consolidated 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Net sales   17,609,961    15,823,429    16,794,996    12,499,631    3,646,839    2,756,534    6,875,956    5,079,940    (1,628,819)   (686,434)   43,298,933    35,473,100 
Cost of sales   (13,707,323)   (9,928,588)   (11,977,067)   (10,571,624)   (2,779,208)   (2,064,320)   (5,408,941)   (4,387,883)   1,658,539    690,411    (32,214,000)   (26,262,004)
Gross profit   3,902,638    5,894,841    4,817,929    1,928,007    867,631    692,214    1,467,015    692,057    29,720    3,977    11,084,933    9,211,096 
Selling, general and administrative expenses   (386,438)   (356,457)   (286,577)   (291,048)   (74,285)   (68,532)   (122,711)   (109,388)   (140,309)   (120,440)   (1,010,320)   (945,865)
Other operating income (expenses)   25,745    5,148    7,764    11,344    7,759    8,569    12,569    47,352    (18,355)   8,819    35,482    81,232 
Tax credits recovery   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    393,341    -    393,341 
Impairment of financial assets   37    (3,316)   (3,634)   (3,576)   (484)   (617)   2,758    1,368    (28)   980    (1,351)   (5,161)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   -    (3,708)   442,195    119,666    252,976    245,212    4,888    18,250    (4,640)   6,518    695,419    385,938 
Operational income (Loss) before financial income (expenses) and taxes   3,541,982    5,536,508    4,977,677    1,764,393    1,053,597    876,846    1,364,519    649,639    (133,612)   293,195    10,804,163    9,120,581 
Finacial result, net   (334,480)   (231,484)   (8,944)   (95,214)   (285,606)   (123,610)   (125,613)   (114,693)   (109,835)   352,165    (864,478)   (212,836)
Income (Loss) before taxes   3,207,502    5,305,024    4,968,733    1,669,179    767,991    753,236    1,238,906    534,946    (243,447)   645,360    9,939,685    8,907,745 
Income and social contribution taxes   (802,429)   (1,339,111)   (1,066,457)   (406,083)   (170,319)   (185,153)   (303,525)   (128,447)   (358,071)   (443,938)   (2,700,801)   (2,502,732)
Net income (Loss)   2,405,073    3,965,913    3,902,276    1,263,096    597,672    568,083    935,381    406,499    (601,518)   201,422    7,238,884    6,405,013 
Supplemental information:                                                            
Net sales between segments   910,967    603,738    55,353    16,515    8,564    16,297    653,935    49,884    -    -    1,628,819    686,434 
Depreciation/amortization   700,022    628,319    296,221    311,663    113,564    102,470    250,212    236,877    -    -    1,360,019    1,279,329 


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Investments in associates and jointly-controlled entities   -    -    2,281,497    1,871,274    1,256,852    1,071,333    259,348    251,668    127,827    146,500    3,925,524    3,340,775 
Total assets   26,455,037    24,835,717    24,306,594    22,096,314    7,575,380    7,113,706    14,457,455    13,658,147    4,862,346    6,110,729    77,656,812    73,814,613 
Total liabilities   9,227,532    8,105,443    4,254,986    4,603,424    2,577,193    2,376,176    2,873,146    2,801,071    11,205,619    13,112,850    30,138,476    30,998,964 


The main products by business segment are:


Brazil Operation: rebar, bars, shapes, drawn products, billets, blooms, slabs, wire rod, structural shapes and iron ore.


North America Operation: rebar, bars, wire rod, light and heavy structural shapes.


South America Operation: rebar, bars and drawn products.


Special Steel Operation: stainless steel, round, square and flat bars, wire rod.


The column of eliminations and adjustments includes the elimination of sales and intercompany loans between segments in the context of the Consolidated Financial Statements. This column also includes amounts that are not part of operational results of a specific segment, such as Tax credits recovery, Impairment of financial assets, Selling, general and administrative expenses of corporate employees and the related income tax effects of these amounts, among others.


The Company's geographic information with net sales classified according to the geographical region where the products were shipped is as follows:


Information by geographic area:


   For the three-month periods ended on 
   Brazil   Latin America (1)   North America (2)   Consolidated 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Net sales   10,715,850    9,613,177    1,939,246    1,933,819    10,313,346    7,583,120    22,968,442    19,130,116 


(1) Does not include operations of Brazil

(2) Does not include operations of Mexico  


   For the six-month periods ended on 
   Brazil   Latin America (1)   North America (2)   Consolidated 
   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021   June 30, 2022   June 30, 2021 
Net sales   19,273,386    17,233,612    3,818,640    3,771,759    20,206,907    14,467,729    43,298,933    35,473,100 


   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021 
Total assets   33,295,295    31,740,469    9,860,936    8,959,237    34,500,581    33,114,907    77,656,812    73,814,613 


(1) Does not include operations of Brazil

(2) Does not include operations of Mexico                                


IFRS requires the Company to disclose revenues from external customers for each product and service, or each group of similar products and services, unless the necessary information is not available and the cost to develop it would be excessive. Management does not consider this information useful for its decision-making process, because it would aggregate sales in different markets and in different currencies, subject to the effects of changes in exchange rates. Furthermore, the trends of steel consumption and the price dynamics of each product or group of products in different countries and different markets within these countries are poorly correlated and, as a result, the information would not be useful and would not serve to reach any conclusions about historical trends. Considering this scenario and considering that the information of revenue from external customers by product and service is not maintained by the Company on a consolidated basis and the cost to obtain this information would be excessive compared to the benefits of the information, the Company does not present revenue by product and service.




The impairment test of goodwill and other long-lived assets is tested based on the analysis and identification of facts or circumstances that may involve the need to perform the impairment test. The Company performs impairment tests of goodwill and other long-lived assets, based on projections of discounted cash flows, which take into account assumptions such as: cost of capital, growth rate and adjustments applied to flows in perpetuity, methodology for working capital determination, investment plans, and long-term economic-financial forecasts.







as of June 30, 2022

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)




To determine the recoverable amount of each business segment, the Company uses the discounted cash flow method, taking as basis, financial and economic projections for each segment. The projections are updated to take into consideration any observed changes in the economic environment of the market in which the Company operates, as well as premises of expected results and historical profitability of each segment.


The impairment test of goodwill allocated to the business segments is carried out annually in December and it is anticipated if events or circumstances indicate that it is necessary. In the test carried out in the year 2021, the Company carried out a sensitivity analysis of the discount rate and perpetuity growth rate using the analysis of the scenario described above, given its potential impacts on cash flows, where an increase of 0.5% in the cash flow discount rate for each segment would result in an recoverable amount exceeding the carrying amount as shown below: a) North America: R$ 4,337 million; b) Special Steels: R$ 3,301 million; c) South America: R$ 2,057 million; and d) Brazil: R$ 7,582 million. On the other hand, a decrease of 0.5 % in the perpetuity growth rate of the cash flow of each business segment would result in a recoverable amount exceeding the book value as shown below: a) North America: R$ 4,679 million; b) Special Steels: R$ 3,545 million; c) South America: R$ 2,135 million; and d) Brazil: R$ 7,962 million.


The Company concluded that there are no indications that demand the performance of the impairment test of goodwill and other long-lived assets for the period ended on June 30, 2022.


The Company will maintain over 2022 its constant monitoring of the steel market in order to identify any deterioration, significant drop in demand from steel consuming sectors (notably automotive and construction), stoppage of industrial plants or activities relevant changes in the economy or financial market that result in increased perception of risk or reduction of liquidity and refinancing capacity. Although the projections made by the Company provide a challenging scenario, events that impact economic environment and business, if manifested in a greater intensity than that anticipated in the assumptions made by management, may lead the Company to revise its projections of value in use and eventually result in impairment losses.




I) On August 1, 2022, the Company proposed the anticipation of the mandatory minimum dividend on income of the current fiscal year, stipulated in its Bylaws, to be paid in the form of dividends, which will be calculated and credited on the shareholding interest owned on August 15, 2022, in the amount of R$ 1,200.1 million (R$ 0.71 per common and preferred share), with payment on August 25, 2022, which was submitted and approved by the Board of Directors on August 2, 2022.

