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Published: 2023-06-28 08:53:41 ET
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Exhibit 99.1




The following discussion of Ecopetrol S.A.’s (which we refer to as “Ecopetrol,” the “Company” or “we”) results of operations for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 should be read in conjunction with our annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, as filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (which we refer to as the “SEC”) on March 29, 2023 (which we refer to as the “2022 Form 20-F”) and, in particular, “Business Overview” and “Financial Review” in the 2022 Form 20-F, with our unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 and as of March 31, 2023, included as Exhibit 99.1 to this Form 6-K (which we refer to as the “unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements”). We hereby designate this report on Form 6-K (which we refer to as this “Form 6-K”) as being incorporated by reference into our registration statement on Form F-3, as filed with the SEC on May 28, 2021 (File No. 333-256623).


Our consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020 included in the 2022 Form 20-F were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 and as of March 31, 2023 were prepared in accordance with the current reporting principles and accounting standards as in effect and financial information accepted in Colombia (“Colombian IFRS”), which is based on IFRS and its interpretations, as issued by the IASB and other applicable legal provisions for entities supervised or controlled by the National Accounting Office (Contaduría General de la Nación), which may differ in some respects from those established by other Governmental control bodies.


Our consolidated financial statements were consolidated line by line and all transactions and balances among subsidiaries have been eliminated. These financial statements include the financial results of all subsidiary companies controlled, directly or indirectly, by Ecopetrol.


IFRS differs in certain significant respects from Colombian IFRS. As a result, our financial information presented under IFRS is not directly comparable to any of our financial information presented under Colombian IFRS. For a description of the differences between Colombian IFRS and IFRS as it applies to our unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022, see “Summary of Differences between Internal Reporting (Colombian IFRS and IFRS)” below.







Our consolidated financial results for the first three months of 2023 reflect an improvement in the crude oil market perspectives compared to the end of 2022, due to the end of zero Covid policies in China and the resiliency of the U.S. and E.U. economies. The latter allowed Brent oil to stabilize at a price above $80/bl, despite inflationary pressures and disruptions in global supply chains. The average price of crude oil for the first three months of 2023 was 82.1 US$/bl, a decrease of 15.8 US$/bl compared to the average price for the first three months of 2022 when the Ukrainian conflict had just begun. In addition, our positive operating results were also driven by various other factors, including increased production in domestic and international operations, higher sales volume and the strong performance of our subsidiaries. See “Ecopetrol’s results of operations for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 compared to the three-month period ended March 31, 2022.


On the demand front, the reopening of China and the recent banking crisis in the United States and Europe have influenced demand in opposite directions. On one hand, the reopening of China has led to expectations that the country will contribute to approximately 41% of the global oil demand growth in 2023 (approximately 0.9 mmbd), On the other hand, the recent stress to banks in the United States and Europe, reinforced concerns of a possible recession for the United States and Europe in 2023, thereby affecting investment and consumption decisions. This put downward pressure on crude oil prices. The International Monetary Fund forecasted that global economic growth would be a modest 2.8% in 2023, the lowest rate in two decades.


On the supply front, it was expected that growth for the first quarter of 2023 would surpass demand by 0.1 mmbd, which would have put the global oil market in near balance at the end of the year (expected demand of 102.9 mmbd and supply of 103 mmbd), limiting the possibility of Brent reaching $100/bl during the year. A significant portion of that forecasted increase would have come from non-OPEC+ countries, such as the United States, Brazil, Guyana, and Mexico; considering that OPEC+ countries had announced measures to keep their target production established in November 2022, and react to oil price jumps outside their desired range (USD$90-100/bl). However, by the end of March, the market realized that the large disruption expected for crude and products due to G7 sanctions against Russia did not happen and Russian crude production exceeded 11 mmbd. It is now expected that oil supply will exceed demand by the end of the year.


Under current Colombian regulations, depending on the price of fuels in the international markets, participants in the Colombian fuel market either contribute to or receive payments from the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund (“FEPC” for its Spanish acronym), a fund assigned and administered by the MHCP to attenuate, in the domestic market, the impact of fluctuations on fuel prices in international markets. As a result, Ecopetrol registers an account receivable against the FEPC that as of March 31, 2023 amounts to COP$ 34.2 trillion; out of this amount, COP$ 21.6 trillion will be offset against dividends to be paid by Ecopetrol to the Colombian Government, once the process with the Ministry of Finance is completed and the required resolutions are issued (no later than December 31, 2023).


2040 Strategy


Following the 2040 Strategy, as of 2022, the Ecopetrol Group aligned its current segments to the new Ecopetrol Group business lines. To that end, for operational purposes, the Exploration and Production, Transportation and Logistics, Refining and Petrochemicals segments were reorganized as follows: i) Hydrocarbons, which includes Exploration and Production of crude oil, Transportation and Logistics, Refining and Petrochemicals; ii) Low Emission Solutions, which includes exploration, production and commercialization of gas, biogas, liquified petroleum gas (“LPG”), power, renewables, hydrogen and Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS); and iii) Energy Transmission and Toll Roads. For purposes of this report, operating and financial information will continue to be presented under the previous business lines. During the remainder of 2023 we will work on aligning the company's reporting along these lines of business.





Summary of Differences between Internal Reporting (Colombian IFRS and IFRS)


We prepare our annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and our interim financial statements in accordance with our internal and local statutory reporting policies, which follow Colombian IFRS and differ in certain significant aspects from IFRS. The following tables present a reverse reconciliation from IFRS to Colombian IFRS of our consolidated net income for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 and our net equity at March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022:


   As of March 31,
   As of December 31,
   % Change 
   (unaudited)   (audited)     
   (Colombian pesos in millions)     
Net equity (IFRS)   94,931,348    113,903,089    -16.7%
Exchange rate effects on tax bases – Deferred tax   4,744,889    5,183,961    -8.5%
Net equity (Colombian IFRS)   99,676,237    119,087,050    -16.3%


   For the three-month period ended
March 31,
   2023   2022   % Change 
   (Colombian pesos in millions)     
Net income (loss) attributable to owners of Ecopetrol (IFRS)   6,210,282    7,116,092    -12.7%
Cash flow hedge for future company exports   (12,746)   (22,246)   42.7%
Exchange rate effects on tax bases – Deferred tax   (537,111)   (521,206)   -3.1%
Net income attributable to owners of Ecopetrol (Colombian IFRS)   5,660,425    6,572,640    -13.9%


The primary differences between Colombian IFRS and IFRS that apply to our results of operations are summarized below:


Cash flow hedge for future company exports. In September 2015, in order to hedge the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on Ecopetrol’s debt in foreign currencies, Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors approved a cash flow hedge for future crude oil exports. According to IAS 39 – Financial Instruments, Ecopetrol implemented this hedge beginning on October 1, 2015, the date in which it formally executed the hedging documentation.


Under Colombian IFRS, the – National Accounting Office (Contaduría General de la Nación or “CGN” for its acronym in Spanish) issued Resolution 509, which allows companies to apply hedge accounting for non-derivative financial instruments from any date within the transition period or the first period of application of Colombian IFRS, even if such company has not yet formally documented the hedge, the objective of the hedge or the risk management strategy. Under these rules, Ecopetrol has applied cash flow hedge accounting in its financial statements under Colombian IFRS since January 1, 2015.


As a result of this accounting policy difference, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, Ecopetrol’s net income as reported under IFRS was COP$12,746 million higher than its net income as reported under Colombian IFRS.


Exchange rate effects on tax bases – Deferred tax. According to IAS 12.41, companies with a U.S. dollar functional currency and profit or tax loss in Colombian pesos are required to recognize deferred taxes attributable to the difference between the carrying amounts of non-monetary assets in their financial statements and their respective tax bases converted from Colombian pesos to U.S. dollars. The effect of the temporary difference is charged to profit and losses. Under Colombian IFRS, the result attributable to the aforementioned difference does not trigger the recognition of deferred taxes.





Ecopetrol’s functional currency is the Colombian peso and it consolidates some subsidiaries whose functional currency is the U.S. dollar but who calculate and pay their taxes in Colombian pesos. As a result of the application of paragraph 41 – IAS 12, such subsidiaries are required to calculate deferred taxes under IFRS.


As a result of this accounting policy difference, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, Ecopetrol’s net income as reported under IFRS was COP$ 537,111 million higher than its net income as reported under Colombian IFRS.


As a result of these accounting policy differences described above, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, net income attributable to the owners of Ecopetrol as reported under IFRS was COP$5,849,129 million, while the net income attributable to the owners of Ecopetrol for the same three-month period was COP$ 5,660,425 million as reported under Colombian IFRS.


Ecopetrol’s results of operations for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 compared to the three-month period ended March 31, 2022


The following table sets forth the components of Ecopetrol’s unaudited interim condensed consolidated income statement for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022:


   For the three-month period ended
March 31,
   2023   2022   % Change 
   (in millions of Colombian pesos)     
Revenues   38,853,579    32,472,744    19.6%
Cost of sales   (22,778,147)   (17,937,758)   27.0%
Gross income   16,075,432    14,534,986    10.6%
Operating and exploratory expenses   (2,354,561)   (2,001,749)   17.6%
Impairment loss of long–lived assets, net   (92)   (3,592)   -97.4%
Operating income   13,720,779    12,529,645    9.5%
Financial income   (1,505,597)   (1,523,865)   -1.2%
Share of profit of companies   341,699    201,989    69.2%
Income before income tax   12,556,881    11,207,769    12.0%
Income tax   (5,592,901)   (3,883,866)   44.0%
Net income for the period   6,963,980    7,323,903    -4.9%
Net income attributable to:               
Owners of parent   5,660,425    6,572,640    -13.9%
Non-controlling interest   1,303,555    751,263    73.5%
Net income for the period   6,963,980    7,323,903    -4.9%


Total Revenues


The following table sets forth our foreign and local sales of crude oil, natural gas, refined and petrochemical products, services associated with the transportation of hydrocarbons and energy transmission and toll roads, for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022.





   For the three-month period ended
March 31,
   2023   2022   % Change 
Crude oil:               
Local sales (mbod)   2.1    2.1    0.0%
Foreign sales (mbod)   441.5    396.6    11.3%
Average price per local barrel (US$/bl)   69.8    76.9    -9.2%
Average price per export barrel (US$/bl)   69.3    88.4    -21.6%
Natural gas:               
Local sales (mboed)   90.6    96.8    -6.4%
Foreign sales (mboed)   7.9    4.1    92.7%
Average local price (US$/bl)   31.0    27.3    13.6%
Average export price (US$/bl)   13.2    21.9    -39.7%
Refined products (including petrochemicals and industrial products):               
Local sales (mboed)   364.5    355.5    2.5%
Foreign sales (mboed)   108.1    58.0    86.4%
Average local price per barrel (US$/bl)   110.2    112.5    -2.0%
Average export price per barrel (US$/bl)   63.5    82.5    -23.0%
Services Revenues with third parties: (in millions of Colombian pesos):               
Electric Power Transmission and Toll Roads Concessions   3,910,634    2,766,356    41.4%
Transportation    770,056    609,636    26.3%


In the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, total revenues increased by 19.6% (COP$6,380,835 million) as compared to the same period in 2022, as a result of:


·A COP$5,453,880 million increase in revenues, resulting from the depreciation of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar from an average exchange rate of COP$3,913.49/US$1.00 for the three-month period ended March 31, 2022 to an average exchange rate COP$4,760.16/US$1.00 for the same period in 2023.


·A COP$3,522,974 million increase in revenues attributable to a 11.1% increase in sales volume, or 101.6 mboed, as a result of the combined net effect of:


-Higher volumes sold of refined products and petrochemicals by 59.2 mboed, or COP$2,166,591 million, primarily due to: (i) an increase in the exports of refined products, given the greater operational availability in the Barrancabermeja and Cartagena refineries, (ii) an increase in local sales of diesel and gasoline, primarily due to the strengthening of domestic fuel demand; and (iii) an increase in the Permian basin’s production of LPG.


-Higher volumes sold of crude oil by 44.9 mboed, or COP$1,386,938 million, primarily attributable to the realization of cargoes negotiated under the DAP (Delivery at Place) modality, which were still in transit by the end of December 2022.


-Higher volumes sold of refined products, petrochemicals and crude oil, were partially offset by lower volumes sold of gas by 2.5 mboed, or COP$30,555 million, principally as a result of a decrease in local demand from the industrial sector. This decrease in demand was partially offset by the increase in gas production in the Permian basin.


-Lower volumes sold of gas by 2.5 mboed, or COP$30,555 million, principally as a result of a decrease in local demand from the industrial sector. This decrease in demand was partially offset by the increase in gas production in the Permian basin.


·A COP$1,393,675 million increase in services revenue, primarily from energy transmission and toll roads.





These increases in revenue were partially offset by a COP$3,989,694 million decrease in revenues primarily due to a 12.2%, or US$11.0 per barrel decrease in the average prices of our crude oil basket, natural gas and refining products.


Costs of Sales and Expenses


The following table sets forth the components of our cost of sales, operating expenses and operating income for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 and 2022.


   For the three-month period ended
March 31,
   2023   2022   % Change 
   (in millions of Colombian pesos)     
Fixed cost of sales   5,687,267    4,366,613    30.2%
Variable cost of sales   17,090,880    13,571,145    25.9%
Total cost of sales   22,778,147    17,937,758    27.0%
Operation and project, administration and other operating expenses   2,354,561    2,001,749    17.6%
(Impairment) recovery of non-current assets   92    3,592    -97.4%
Operating income   13,720,779    12,529,645    9.5%


Cost of sales


Our total cost of sales is comprised of a fixed portion and a variable portion:


Our fixed cost of sales includes, among other items, contracted services, labor costs, maintenance, taxes and depreciation. Our fixed cost of sales increased by 30.2% (COP$1,320,654 million) in the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 as compared to the same period in 2022, in part due to the increase in inflation, which increased from 5.62% in 2022 to 13.12% in 2023, as well as the net effect of:


·A COP$469,233 million increase in the costs of professional services, maintenance and other operational activity costs, primarily as a result of (i) price increases for supplies as a consequence of periodic adjustments pursuant to contractual provisions with suppliers, (ii) the negative effect on Colombian peso costs of the depreciation of the average exchange rate of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar, and (iii) the increased execution of operational activities.


·A COP$331,588 million increase in construction costs related to greater construction activity of ISA in Chile and Perú.


·A COP$192,593 million increase in depreciation and amortization mainly due to: (i) increased levels of capital expenditures and (ii) the effect of the depreciation of the average exchange rate of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar on Ecopetrol S.A.’s subsidiaries that use the U.S. dollar as functional currency.


·A COP$180,125 million increase in labor costs mainly due to salary increases compared to the previous year and increase in the cost of health services; and


·A COP$147,115 million increase in other minor items.





Our variable cost of sales includes, among other items, purchases of hydrocarbons from the Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (the “National Agency of Hydrocarbons” or “ANH”), purchases of crude oil from business partners, imported products, hydrocarbon transportation services, depletion of fields and inventories. Our variable cost of sales increased by 25.9% (COP$3,519,735 million) in the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 as compared to the same period in 2022, primarily as a result of:


·A COP$3,065,409 million increase in inventories fluctuation due to: i) realization of inventories in transit from the fourth quarter of 2022 and, ii) the consumption of a greater finished products and imported products for sale.


·A COP$237,322 million increase in depreciation and amortization mainly due to: (i) increased levels of capital expenditures, (ii) the effect of the depreciation of the average exchange rate of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar on Ecopetrol S.A.’s subsidiaries that use the U.S. dollar as functional currency and (iii) increase in production in Permian and Ecopetrol S.A.


·A COP$120,249 million increase in transportation costs, mainly due to: (i) higher volumes of crude oil and refined products transported through our systems, (ii) the negative effect on our costs measured in U.S. dollar terms, as a result of the depreciation of the average exchange rate of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar; and (iii) the annual increase of pipeline fees in accordance with applicable Colombian regulation.


·A COP$97,641 million increase in the payment of gas royalties in cash, a result of a higher settlement price compared to the same period in 2022.


·A COP$90,799 million increase in electric energy costs, primarily due to higher energy rates and increased purchases in the National Electric System (SEN) mainly as a result of the unavailability of certain of our electricity generation plants during the first three months of 2023 and an increase in operating activities.


·A COP$87,875 million increase in costs of materials, mainly due to an increase in operating activities in all of our segments and the negative effect on our costs measured in U.S. dollar terms, as a result of the depreciation of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar.


·A COP$8,253 million increase in other minor items.


The factors discussed above were partially offset by a COP$187,813 million decrease in the purchase costs of crude oil, gas and refined products, mainly due to the net effect of:


·A COP$2,556,753 million decrease primarily due to lower average purchase prices in line with the decrease in international benchmark prices during the three-month period ended March 31, 2023.


·A COP$2,367,902 million increase as a result of the depreciation of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar to an average exchange rate of COP$4,760.16/US$1.00 for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 from an average exchange rate COP$3,913.49/US$1.00 for the same period in 2022.


·A COP$1,038 million increase in volumes purchased from third parties.


Operation and project, administration and other operating expenses


In the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 as compared to the same period in 2022, our operation and project, administration and other operating expenses increased by 17.6 % (COP$352,812 million), mainly due to:


·A COP$156,237 million increase in exploration expenses, mainly due to the recognition of the exploratory activity of unsuccessful wells and higher seismic activities and exploratory studies conducted by Ecopetrol S.A.;


·A COP$136,824 million increase in commissions, fees, freights, services and general expenses mainly related to the increase in sales made under the “Delivery At Place” (“DAP”) incoterm rules in the first three months of 2023 as compared to the same period in 2022 and the negative impact on the costs measured in U.S. dollar terms of the depreciation of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar;





·A COP$81,136 million increase in labor costs mainly due to salary increases compared to the same period in 2022;


·A COP$73,964 million increase in compliance expenses associated with the updating of environmental compliance requirements and other provisions.


·A COP$62,458 million increase in tax expenses, primarily relating to an increase in industry and commerce taxes payable due to an increase in local revenues in the first three months of 2023 as compared to the same period in 2022;


·A COP$35,086 million increase in other minor items.


The factors discussed above were partially offset by COP$290,191 million in disposals mainly by asset write-off associated with the exit of the Rydberg project in Ecopetrol America after the technical and economic feasibility analysis performed during the first quarter of 2022.


(Impairment) recovery of non-current assets


In the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 we did not recognize significant impairment expenses or reversals, as there were no trigger events that required the recognition of additional impairments to those recorded at the end of 2022 and 2021.


Financial results


The following table sets forth our financial results for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2023 and 2022.


   For the three-month period ended
March 31,
   2023   2022   % Change 
   (in millions of Colombian pesos)     
Foreign exchange gain   248,217    47,203    425.9%
Interest expense related to loans and borrowings   (1,738,514)   (1,098,516)   58.3%
Financial cost from other liabilities (1)   (618,853)   (451,799)   37.0%
Other finance income (2)   603,553    (20,753)   N/M
Financial results   (1,505,597)   (1,523,865)   -1.2%



(1)Includes the financial expenses related to updating abandonment costs liabilities, and the interest cost, net of post-employment benefits and other long-term employee benefits.
(2)Includes financial cost from other liabilities for the three-month periods ended in March 31, 2023 and 2022.


Our net financial results (expense) decreased by COP$18,268 million, primarily as a result of the net effect of:


·A COP$624,306 million increase in other financial income mainly due to higher yields from investment assets and a higher valuation of the investment portfolio.


·A COP$201,014 million increase due to foreign exchange gains as a result of the revaluation of the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar during the first quarter of 2023, given the Ecopetrol Group's net liability position in U.S. dollar.





The factors discussed above were partially offset by:


·A COP$639,998 million increase in interest expense related to loan and borrowings due to an approximate U.S.$1.1 billion increase in net debt during the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, as compared with 2022 year end, increase in interest rates and the negative effect on interest payments for debt denominated in foreign currency due to higher average exchange rates.


·A COP$167,054 million increase in financial cost from other liabilities related to abandonment costs, post-employment benefits and other long-term employee benefits due to higher tax rates.


Profit before income taxes


Profit before income taxes increased by 12.0 % in the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, as compared to the same period in 2022, as a result of the above-mentioned factors.


Income tax


The effective income tax rate for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 was 44.5%, as compared to 34.7% for the same period in 2022. The increase was generated due to the tax reform in Colombia, which established for companies in the hydrocarbons sector as of January 2023 two main changes: (1) a surcharge for high prices which for the taxable year 2023 is 15% and (2) the non-deductibility of royalties. The foregoing was partially offset by better results in Ecopetrol S.A.’s subsidiaries with lower nominal tax rates than the one described above.


Net profit attributable to equity holders of Ecopetrol


As a result of the foregoing, net profit attributable to the owners of Ecopetrol decreased by 13.9% (COP$ 912,215 million) in the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 as compared to the same period in 2022.


Liquidity and Capital Resources




Our principal sources of liquidity in the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 were: (i) cash obtained by the entering into new financing arrangements for an amount of COP$10,895,757 million, (ii) net cash provided by operating activities in an amount of COP$2,071,023 million, and (iii) cash received from the sale of other financial assets for COP$750,353 million.


Our principal uses of liquidity in the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 were: (i) COP$8,657,253 million for interest and principal payments on our debt; (ii) COP$5,153,955 million for investments in natural and environmental resources and reserves, and additions to our property, plant and equipment and intangibles and (iii) dividend payments in cash amounting to COP$226,924 million.


During the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, we entered into the following debt and liability management transactions:


·Short term trade-finance debt for U.S.$80 million.


·International bonds for U.S.$2,000 million.


·Tender offer for our 5.875% senior notes due 2023, by which we repurchased for cancellation U.S.$978,524,000 (nominal amount).


In addition, the Company has been authorized by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to execute the following transactions:


·A COP$1 trillion loan with Bancolombia (March 16, 2023). This loan has not been disbursed yet.





·A U.S.$400 billion loan with BBVA and MUFG, executed on May 11, 2023 and disbursed on May 16, 2023.


For 2023, on a consolidated basis, we expect our major cash needs to include planned capital expenditures ranging between COP$25.3 trillion and COP$29.8 trillion.


Use of Funds


Capital Expenditures


We plan to meet our budgeted organic capital expenditures for 2023 mainly through cash from internal cash generation, collection of the accounts receivable from the FEPC and loans.


Cash from operating activities


Net cash provided by operating activities decreased by 45.3% or COP$1,715,317 million in the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, as compared to the same period in 2022, mainly as a result of (i) a less favorable crude oil price environment and negotiation of crude oil and product spreads, and (ii) an increase in accounts receivable mainly from the FEPC, due to the fluctuation of the gasoline and diesel price indicators.


Cash used in investing activities


For the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, net cash used in investing activities increased by 35% or COP$959,292 million as compared to the same period in 2022. This increase is mainly the result of an increase in our capital expenditures related to projects in Colombia, United States and Brazil. The main projects in Colombia were Rubiales, Caño Sur, Castilla, Chichimene, Floreña and Casabe fields. In United States the investments were made by Permian in asset’s Gunflint, K2 and Dalmatian and the investments in Brazil correspond to the energy transmission business of ISA. This increase was partially offset by (a) COP$750,353 million in proceeds from the sales of other financial assets, (b) COP$553,488 million from interest received and (c) COP$104,054 million received from the payment of dividends.


Cash provided by financing activities


For the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, net cash provided in financial activities was COP$1,886,654 million compared to net cash used by financing activities of COP$1,546,431 million for the same period in 2022, which represents an increase in cash provided of COP$3,433,085 million, mainly due to: i) an increase of COP$10,895,757 million related to new loans and financing, ii) COP$46,727 due to lower dividend payments. These sources of cash were partially offset by iii) COP$7,148,775 million due to higher principal and interest payments.




On March 30, 2023, the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved the plan for distribution of Ecopetrol S.A.’s profits for the 2022 fiscal year, which included the distribution of dividends for an aggregate amount of COP$24,382,200 million, which comprised an ordinary dividend per share of COP$487 and an extraordinary dividend of COP$106, for a total dividend of COP$593 per share.


 The dividend payment will be made in three installments for the minority shareholders of Ecopetrol in April, September and December 2023, and for the majority shareholder, dividends will be offset against the FEPC accounts receivable accumulated during 2023. The first dividend payment to minority shareholders was made in April 2023.





Other developments




On March 30, 2023, Ecopetrol’s shareholders assembled in the General Shareholders’ Meeting approved the election of the Company’s Board of Directors, which is now integrated by the following members: Mónica de Grieff Lindo and Gonzalo Hernández Jimenez as non-independent representatives; and Saúl Kattan, Claudia González, Gabriel Cabrera, Luis Alberto Zuleta, Esteban Piedrahita, Sandra Ospina and Juan José Echavarría, as independent representatives.


Our Board of Directors, in its meeting held on March 31, 2023, approved the composition of its committees as follows: the Audit and Risk Committee integrated by Luis Alberto Zuleta (President), Juan José Echavarría, Sandra Ospina and Claudia González; the New Business Committee integrated by Saúl Kattan (President), Esteban Piedrahita, Gonzalo Hernández, Mauricio Cabrera, Sandra Ospina, Mónica de Greiff and Claudia González; the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee integrated by Esteban Piedrahita (President), Gonzalo Hernández, Mónica de Greiff, Claudia González, Luis Alberto Zuleta and Juan José Echavarría; and the Remuneration, Nomination and Culture Committee integrated by Mauricio Cabrera (President), Mónica de Greiff, Saúl Katta and Juan José Echavarria.


Similarly, our Board of Directors, in session on April 11 2023, appointed Ricardo Roa Barragán as CEO of Ecopetrol S.A., who took office on April 24, 2023. The evaluation and selection process of candidates was carried out with the support of the Compensation, Nomination and Culture Committee of the Board of Directors of Ecopetrol S.A. and was accompanied by an international headhunting firm specialized in recruitment of senior executives. The appointment took place after a rigorous analysis of the proposed candidates, in accordance with the Ecopetrol S.A. Chairman's Succession Policy and other applicable regulations.


New Credit Agreement


On May 10, 2023, the Colombian Ministry of Finance and Public Credit authorized Ecopetrol to execute a credit agreement for up to US$400 million, as part of its comprehensive debt management strategy. The loan was entered into on May 15, 2023 with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. New York Branch and MUFG Bank LTD, each participating with an amount equal to US$250 million and US$150 million, respectively. The loan was disbursed on May 16, 2023. Some of the main terms of the credit agreement are (i) a five years tenor, (ii) full principal payable at maturity and (iii) a variable interest rate previously agreed between the parties.


Legal Proceedings and Related Matters – Reficar Investigations


On March 8, 2016, Refinería de Cartagena, S.A.S. (“Reficar”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Ecopetrol, filed a Request for Arbitration before the International Chamber of Commerce (the “ICC”), against Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V., CB&I (UK) Limited, and CBI Colombiana S.A. (jointly “CB&I”) concerning a dispute related to the engineering, procurement and construction contract (“EPC contract”) entered into by and between Reficar and CB&I for the expansion of the Cartagena refinery in Cartagena, Colombia. Reficar is the claimant in the ICC arbitration and seeks no less than US$2 billion in damages plus lost profits.


On May 25, 2016, CB&I filed its Answer to the Request for Arbitration and Counterclaim for approximately US$106 million and COP$324,052 million. On June 27, 2016, Reficar filed its reply to CB&I’s counterclaim denying and disputing CB&I’s claims and relief requested by CB&I. On April 28, 2017, CB&I submitted its Statement of Counterclaim increasing its claims to approximately US$116 million and COP$387,558 million. On March 16, 2018, CB&I submitted its Exhaustive Statement of Counterclaim further increasing its claims to approximately US$129 million and COP$432,303 million (including in each case interest), and also filed its Exhaustive Statement of Defense to Reficar’s claims. On this same date, Reficar filed its Exhaustive Statement of Claim seeking, among others, US$139 million for provisionally paid invoices under the Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) and Project Invoicing Procedure (“PIP”) Agreements and the EPC Contract.


On June 28, 2019, CB&I submitted its Reply to the Non-Exhaustive Statement of Defense to Counterclaim increasing its claims to approximately US$137 million and COP$503,241 million (including in each case interest, respectively).





On this same date, Reficar filed its Reply to CB&I’s Non-Exhaustive Statement of Defense and its Exhaustive Statement of Defense to CB&I’s counterclaim, updating its claim for provisionally paid invoices under the MOA and PIP Agreements and the EPC Contract to approximately US$137 million.


Between May 17, 2021, and June 16, 2021, the first two blocks of the merits hearing took place. On June 16, 2021, the Tribunal ordered the parties to submit two post-hearing briefs, the first one on October 15, 2021, and the second one on November 5, 2021. Additionally, the Tribunal scheduled the hearing for the parties to present their closing arguments on November 18 and 19, 2021.


The post-hearing briefs were submitted on October 22, 2021, and November 10, 2021, respectively and on November 18, 2021, the parties presented their closing arguments.


Later, on December 20, 2021, Reficar filed its Statement on Costs, and on February 11, 2022, CB&I filed its Statement on Costs.


On June 7, 2023, in a unanimous decision against CB&I, the Tribunal awarded Reficar a payment of more than US$1 billion plus accrued interests from December 31, 2015 and dismissed CB&I’s claims for approximately US$400 million. The decision of the Tribunal may be subject to corrections and clarifications at the request of the parties; however, no such request has been submitted to date.


Subsequent events


None, other than the subsequent events described above, and in note 33 to our unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements included in this Form 6-K.







This current report on Form 6-K contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are not based on historical facts and reflect our expectations for future events and results. Most facts are uncertain because of their nature. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “should,” “plan,” “potential,” “predicts,” “prognosticate,” “project,” “target,” “reach,” “seek,” “contemplate”, “achieve” and “intend,” among other similar expressions, are understood as forward-looking statements. These factors may include the following:


·changes in international crude oil and gas prices;


·our exploration and production activities, including drilling; and import and export activities;


·import and export activities;


·our liquidity, cash flow and sources of funding;


·the results of our electric power transmission and toll roads activities through our subsidiary, Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. (“ISA”) and our ability to continue to integrate ISA’s operations;


·our projected and targeted capital expenditures and other cost commitments and revenues;


·dates by which certain areas will be developed or will come on-stream; and


·future growth and development of the energy industry and its transition into lower carbon sources of energy.


Our forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to assumptions that may prove incorrect and to risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or forecast in any forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors. These factors may include, but are not limited to, the following:


·general economic and business conditions, including crude oil and other commodity prices, refining margins and prevailing exchange rates;




·our ability to obtain financing;


·our ability to find, acquire or gain access to additional reserves and our ability to develop existing reserves;


·uncertainties inherent in making estimates of our reserves;


·the modification, adjustment or reduction of the tariffs, rates or fees charged by the electricity transmission businesses in the countries where they operate;


·significant political, economic and social developments in Colombia and other countries where we do business;


·natural disasters, pandemics and other public health events, including the COVID-19 pandemic;


·the continuing Russian invasion of Ukraine;





·other military operations, terrorist acts, wars or embargoes;


·regulatory developments, including regulations related to climate change;


other factors described in our press releases and filings with the SEC, including our 2022 Form 20-F.All forward-looking statements attributed to us are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or for any other reason. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this current report on Form 6-K.







Unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements


March 31, 2023







Ecopetrol S.A.

(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos)





Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position  3
Interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss  4
Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income  5
Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity  6
Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows  7
1. Reporting entity  8
2. Basis of presentation  8
3. Significant accounting judgments and estimates  9
4. Accounting policies  9
5. New standards  9
6. Cash and cash equivalents  11
7. Trade and other receivables  12
8. Inventories  13
9. Other financial assets  13
10. Taxes  14
11. Other assets  14
12. Investments in associates and joint ventures  15
13. Property, plant, and equipment  16
14. Natural and environmental resources  17
15. Right-of-use assets  18
16. Intangible assets  18
17. Impairment of non-current assets  18
18. Goodwill  19
19. Loans and borrowings  19
20. Trade and other payables  21
21. Provisions for employees’ benefits  21
22. Accrued liabilities and provisions  22
23. Equity  24
24. Revenue from contracts with customers  26
25. Cost of sales  27
26. Administrative, operation and project expenses  28
27. Other operating (expense) income  28
28. Financial results  29
29. Risk management  29
30. Related parties  35
31. Segments information  36
32. Relevant events (unaudited)  40





Ecopetrol S.A.

(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos)



Exhibit 1. Consolidated companies, associates, and joint ventures (Unaudited)  41
Exhibit 2. Consolidated companies, associates, and joint ventures – Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.  45






Ecopetrol S.A.

(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos)


Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position



March 31,


December 31,

Current Assets      (Unaudited)      
Cash and cash equivalents  6   15,497,345    15,401,058 
Trade and other receivables  7   47,654,365    39,224,999 
Inventories  8   11,123,101    11,880,034 
Other financial assets  9   1,683,968    1,162,127 
Tax assets      7,075,522    6,784,392 
Other assets  11   3,262,443    2,778,480 
       86,296,744    77,231,090 
Assets held for sale      42,013    45,755 
Total current assets      86,338,757    77,276,845 
Non-current assets             
Trade and other receivables  7   32,793,898    32,155,205 
Other financial assets  9   557,741    1,563,744 
Investments in associates and joint ventures  12   9,486,544    9,496,600 
Property, plant, and equipment  13   99,581,911    100,997,498 
Natural and environmental resources  14   43,636,251    42,323,610 
Right-of-use-assets  15   594,076    627,813 
Intangible assets  16   17,542,926    18,146,605 
Tax assets      15,273,796    17,218,603 
Goodwill  18   5,026,021    5,109,637 
Other assets  11   1,529,774    1,453,347 
Total non- current assets      226,022,938    229,092,662 
Total assets      312,361,695    306,369,507 
Current liabilities             
Loans and borrowings  19   16,257,368    22,198,583 
Trade and other payables  20   43,037,112    19,937,704 
Provisions for employee benefits  21   2,871,794    2,753,697 
Tax liabilities      9,973,118    7,630,901 
Accrued liabilities and provisions  22   1,413,408    1,533,136 
Other liabilities      1,963,816    2,728,317 
Total current liabilities      75,516,616    56,782,338 
Non-current liabilities             
Loans and borrowings  19   100,104,833    92,936,256 
Trade and other payables  20   50,773    57,056 
Provisions for employee benefits  21   9,439,080    10,211,542 
Tax liabilities      13,740,035    13,668,759 
Accrued liabilities and provisions  22   11,408,477    11,223,358 
Other liabilities      2,425,644    2,403,148 
Total non-current liabilities      137,168,842    130,500,119 
Total liabilities      212,685,458    187,282,457 
Subscribed and paid in capital  23.1   25,040,067    25,040,067 
Additional paid-in capital  23.2   6,607,699    6,607,699 
Reserves  23.3   17,922,725    8,898,633 
Other comprehensive income  23.5   15,842,541    15,546,989 
Retained earnings      7,195,449    34,941,316 
Equity attributable to the Company’s shareholders      72,608,481    91,034,704 
Non-controlling interest      27,067,756    28,052,346 
Total equity      99,676,237    119,087,050 
Total liabilities and equity      312,361,695    306,369,507 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Ecopetrol S.A.

(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, except for the earnings per share, expressed in Colombian pesos)


Interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss


      Three-month period ended
March 31,
   Note  2023   2022 
Revenue from contracts with customers  24   38,853,579    32,472,744 
Cost of sales  25   (22,778,147)   (17,937,758)
Gross profit      16,075,432    14,534,986 
Administration expenses  26   (1,081,114)   (882,361)
Operation and project expenses  26   (1,114,920)   (745,081)
Impairment of non-current assets  17   (92)   (3,592)
Other operating expenses  27   (158,527)   (374,307)
Operating income      13,720,779    12,529,645 
Financial results  28          
Financial income      674,092    230,232 
Financial expenses      (2,427,906)   (1,801,300)
Foreign exchange gain      248,217    47,203 
       (1,505,597)   (1,523,865)
Share of profits of associates and joint ventures  12   341,699    201,989 
Profit before income tax expense      12,556,881    11,207,769 
Income tax expense  10   (5,592,901)   (3,883,866)
Net profit for the period      6,963,980    7,323,903 
Net profit attributable to:             
Owners of parent      5,660,425    6,572,640 
Non-controlling interest      1,303,555    751,263 
       6,963,980    7,323,903 
Basic and diluted earnings per share (Colombian pesos)      137.7    159.9 



The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Ecopetrol S.A.

(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos)


Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income


      Three-month period ended
March 31,
   Note  2023   2022 
Net income for the period      6,963,980    7,323,903 
Other comprehensive income:             
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (net of tax):             
Unrealized (loss) gain on hedges:             
Cash flow hedge for future exports      763,513    800,267 
Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation      1,078,288    1,278,998 
Cash flow hedge with derivative instruments      (41,619)   17,067 
Financial instruments measured at fair value      4,352    144 
Foreign currency translation      (2,461,380)   (1,480,211)
       (656,846)   616,265 
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (net of tax):             
Remeasurement gain (loss) on defined benefit plans      462,510    (338,915)
       462,510    (338,915)
Other comprehensive income, net of tax      (194,336)   277,350 
Total comprehensive income, net of tax      6,769,644    7,601,253 
Comprehensive income attributable to:             
Owners of the parent      5,955,977    6,192,844 
Non-controlling interest      813,667    1,408,409 
       6,769,644    7,601,253 



The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


Ecopetrol S.A.

(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos)


Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity


   Note  Subscribed
and paid-in
   Reserves   Other
attributable to


Balance as of December 31, 2022      25,040,067    6,607,699    8,898,633    15,546,989    34,941,316    91,034,704    28,052,346    119,087,050 
Net income      -    -    -    -    5,660,425    5,660,425    1,303,555    6,963,980 
Release of reserves  23.3   -    -    (2,491,377)   -    2,491,377    -    -    - 
Dividends declared  23.4   -    -    -    -    (24,382,200)   (24,382,200)   (1,774,187)   (26,156,387)
Capital restitution      -    -    -    -    -    -    (24,070)   (24,070)
Appropriation of reserves                                           
Legal  23.3   -    -    3,340,629    -    (3,340,629)   -    -    - 
Fiscal and statutory  23.3   -    -    509,082    -    (509,082)   -    -    - 
Occasional  23.3   -    -    7,665,758    -    (7,665,758)   -    -    - 
(Loss) gains on hedging instruments:                                           
Cash flow hedge for future exports      -    -    -    763,513    -    763,513    -    763,513 
Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation      -    -    -    1,001,776    -    1,001,776    76,512    1,078,288 
Cash flow hedge with derivative instruments      -    -    -    (20,559)   -    (20,559)   (21,060)   (41,619)
Financial instruments measured at fair value      -    -    -    4,352    -    4,352    -    4,352 
Foreign currency translation      -    -    -    (1,971,037)   -    (1,971,037)   (490,343)   (2,461,380)
Remeasurement (loss) gains on defined benefit plans      -    -    -    517,507    -    517,507    (54,997)   462,510 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)      25,040,067    6,607,699    17,922,725    15,842,541    7,195,449    72,608,481    27,067,756    99,676,237 
Balance as of January 1, 2023      25,040,067    6,607,699    10,624,229    11,273,374    18,187,655    71,733,024    22,019,048    93,752,072 
Adoption of new standards      -    -    -    -    42,054    42,054    -    42,054 
Balance as of January 1, 2023, after adoption      25,040,067    6,607,699    10,624,229    11,273,374    18,229,709    71,775,078    22,019,048    93,794,126 
Net income      -    -    -    -    6,572,640    6,572,640    751,263    7,323,903 
Release of reserves  23.3   -    -    (5,886,441)   -    5,886,441    -    -    - 
Dividends declared  23.4   -    -    -    -    (11,512,675)   (11,512,675)   (975,259)   (12,487,934)
Business combination      -    -    -    -    -    -    263,651    263,651 
Restitution of capital and reserves to minority
      -    -    -    -    -    -    (26,895)   (26,895)
Appropriation of reserves                                           
Legal      -    -    1,669,468    -    (1,669,468)   -    -    - 
Fiscal and statutory      -    -    509,082    -    (509,082)   -    -    - 
Occasional      -    -    8,889,900    -    (8,889,900)   -    -    - 
Loss on hedging instruments:                                           
Cash flow hedge for future exports      -    -    -    800,267    -    800,267    -    800,267 
Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation      -    -    -    1,241,173    -    1,241,173    37,825    1,278,998 
Cash flow hedge with derivative instruments      -    -    -    3,390    -    3,390    13,677    17,067 
Financial instruments measured at fair value      -    -    -    75    -    75    69    144 
Foreign currency translation      -    -    -    (2,086,527)   -    (2,086,527)   606,316    (1,480,211)
Remeasurement loss on defined benefit plans      -    -    -    (338,173)   -    (338,173)   (742)   (338,915)
Balance as of March 31, 2022 (Unaudited)      25,040,067    6,607,699    15,806,238    10,893,579    8,107,665    66,455,248    22,688,953    89,144,201 



The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements. 


Ecopetrol S.A.

(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos)


Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows


      Three-month period ended
March 31,
   Note  2023   2022 
Cash flows provided by operating activities:             
Net profit for the period      6,963,980    7,323,903 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:             
Income taxes  10   5,592,901    3,883,866 
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization  13-14-15-16   3,162,768    2,709,438 
Foreign exchange loss  28   (248,217)   (47,203)
Finance cost of loans and borrowings  28   1,738,514    1,098,516 
Finance cost of post-employment benefits and abandonment costs  28   618,853    451,799 
Disposal of exploratory assets and dry wells  14   147,437    60,649 
Loss on sale or disposal of non-current assets      7,727    295,749 
Impairment of non-current assets  17   92    3,592 
Impairment of current assets  27   23,051    22,688 
Gain on fair value adjustment of financial assets      (57,614)   (41,178)
Loss (gain) on hedging transactions with derivatives      741    (615)
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures  12   (341,699)   (201,989)
Loss (gain) on disposal of assets held for sale      1,014    (2,407)
Gain on hedge ineffectiveness  29.3   (6,013)   (22,880)
Realized loss on foreign exchange cash flow hedges  25   519,606    134,713 
Provision expenses  22   201,252    61,947 
Net change in operational assets and liabilities:             
Trade and other receivables      (9,859,055)   (7,707,015)
Inventories      598,707    (2,727,938)
Trade and other payables      (2,591,505)   1,174,544 
Tax assets and liabilities      (1,053,813)   (351,396)
Provisions for employee benefits      (32,338)   (53,314)
Provisions and contingencies      (220,841)   (208,792)
Other assets and liabilities      (1,131,216)   (372,582)
       4,034,332    5,484,095 
Income tax paid      (1,963,309)   (1,697,755)
Net cash generated by operating activities      2,071,023    3,786,340 
Cash flow from investing activities:             
Investment in joint ventures      -    (32,325)
Investment in property, plant, and equipment  13   (1,631,079)   (1,226,646)
Investment in natural and environmental resources  14   (3,316,724)   (1,957,951)
Acquisitions of intangibles  16   (206,152)   (169,790)
Proceeds from the sale of other financial assets      750,353    399,539 
Interests received  29   553,488    158,797 
Dividends received      104,054    - 
Proceeds from sales of non-current assets      8,488    50,096 
Net cash used in investment activities      (3,737,572)   (2,778,280)
Cash flow used in financing activities:             
Proceeds obtained from loans and borrowings  19.1   10,895,757    326,367 
Repayment of loans and borrowings  19.1   (7,335,150)   (601,018)
Interest payments      (1,322,103)   (907,460)
Lease payments  15   (124,926)   (90,669)
Dividends paid  23.4   (226,924)   (273,651)
Net cash used in financing activities      1,886,654    (1,546,431)
Exchange difference in cash and cash equivalents      (123,818)   (12,494)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents      96,287    (550,865)
Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the period      15,401,058    14,549,906 
Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the period  6   15,497,345    13,999,041 



The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements. 


Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


1.Reporting entity


Ecopetrol S.A. is a mixed economy company, with a commercial nature, formed in 1948 in Bogotá – Colombia, headquarters of the Ecopetrol Business Group (collectively called “Ecopetrol Business Group”); which is dedicated to commercial or industrial activities related to the exploration, exploitation, refining, transportation, storage, distribution and marketing of hydrocarbons, their derivatives and products, as well as the electric power transmission services, design, development, construction, operation and maintenance of road and energy infrastructure projects and the provision of information technology and telecommunications services.


An 11.51% of Ecopetrol S.A.’s shares are publicly traded on the Stock Exchanges of Colombia and New York, USA. The remaining shares (88.49% of the total outstanding shares) are owned by the Colombian Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.


The address of the main office of Ecopetrol S.A. is Bogotá – Colombia, Carrera 13 No. 36 - 24.


2.Basis of presentation


2.1.Statement of compliance and authorization of financial statements


The financial information contained in this report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting accepted in Colombia.


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements are unaudited and in the management opinion, include all necessary adjustments for a fair presentation of the results of each period.


Ecopetrol Business Group prepares its financial statements based on the principles and accounting standards and financial information accepted in Colombia (NCIF, as its acronym in Spanish), regulated in Decree 2420 of 2015 and its amendments. These standards are based on the International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS and its Interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and other applicable legal provisions for supervised entities and/or controlled by the General Accounting Office of the Nation. Some accounting standards and financial information accepted in Colombia (Colombian IFRS) may differ in certain aspects from IFRS as issued by the IASB.


The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with policies expected to follow in the preparation of the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.


These interim condensed consolidated financial statements were approved by the Company's Ecopetrol Board of Directors on April 27, 2023, in the first part of the session held on April 27 and 28 and May 2, 2023.


2.2.Basis of consolidation


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements were prepared by consolidating all the subsidiary companies described in Exhibits 1 and 2, in which Ecopetrol exercises, directly or indirectly, control, according to IFRS 10.5 and 10.7.


Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date control is obtained until the date control ceases.


All intercompany assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses, and cash flows related to transactions between Group companies were eliminated in consolidation. Unrealized profits and losses are also eliminated. Non-controlling interest represents the portion of profit, other comprehensive income and net assets in subsidiaries that are not attributable to Ecopetrol shareholders.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements were prepared on the basis that it will continue to operate as a going concern.


All business combinations are recognized using the acquisition method.


The following were the changes in the Group:




-On March 17, 2023, the Company concluded with process of establishing a new company called Econova Technology & Innovation, S.L., domiciled in Spain, was concluded. Its main corporate purpose is related to science, technology, and innovation (CT+i) activities. Ecopetrol S.A. is the direct owner of 100% of the capital shares, subscribed according to the regulatory requirements in Spain.


-Concentra Inteligencia en Energía S.A.S is in the liquidation process in accordance with the decision made at the Concentra General Shareholders' Meeting.


3.Significant accounting judgments and estimates


The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires that the Company's Management make judgments, estimates and assumptions to quantify some of the assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and commitments recognized in the consolidated financial statements and their disclosures. These estimates have been made based on the best information available on the facts analyzed, management experience and other factors at the date of preparation of the financial statements. Uncertainty about assumptions and estimates could result in future material changes affecting the value of assets or liabilities. Changes in these estimates are recognized prospectively in the period in which they are reviewed.


As of the date of this report, there have been no changes in the significant accounting estimates and judgments used in the preparation of the financial statements as of December 31, 2022. 


4.Accounting policies


The Group's main accounting policies are described in the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022, and for the year then ended, and they have been applied consistently for the period comprising these interim condensed consolidated financial statements, except for the adoption of new standards effective as of January 1, 2022.


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annuals, and therefore should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022. 


5.New standards


5.1.New standards adopted by the Group, effective as of January 1, 2023



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The IASB issued amendments to the following standards, with an effective date on January 1, 2023, or later periods, which were included in decree 938 of August 19, 2021:


§Amendment to IAS 1 - Classifications of liabilities as current or non-current, modifies the requirement to classify a liability as current, by establishing that a liability is classified as current when it does not have the right at the end of the reporting period to defer the liquidation of the liability during, at least, the twelve months following the date of the reporting period. This amendment will be effective as of January 1, 2023. In addition, on October 31, 2022, IASB issued an amendment on non-current liabilities with agreed conditions and modified the effective date to January 1, 2024, for which the CTCP was already consulted regarding the effective date in Colombia.


§Modifications to IFRS 1: The amendment permits a subsidiary that elects to apply paragraph D16(a) of IFRS 1 to measure cumulative translation differences using the amounts reported in the parent’s consolidated financial statements, based on the parent’s date of transition to IFRS, if no adjustments were made for consolidation procedures and for the effects of the business combination in which the parent acquired the subsidiary. This amendment is also applied to an associate or joint venture that elects to apply paragraph D16(a) of IFRS 1.


§IFRS 3 – Business combinations: in which they update a reference from the standard to the Conceptual Framework. The amendments add an exception to the recognition principle of IFRS 3 to avoid the issue of potential ‘day 2’ gains or losses arising for liabilities and contingent liabilities that would be within the scope of IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets or IFRIC 21 Levies, if incurred separately.


At the same time, the amendments add a new paragraph to IFRS 3 to clarify that contingent assets are not affected by the replace of Framework in the presentation of Financial Statements.


§Modifications to IFRS 9, IAS 39, and IFRS 7: Reform of reference interest rates. The amendments provide several exemptions that apply to all hedging relationships that are directly affected by the interest rate benchmark reform. A hedging relationship is affected if the reform gives rise to uncertainty about the timing and/or amount of the cash flows based on benchmarks of the hedged item or hedging instrument. The modifications were incorporated into Colombian regulations through Decree 938 of 2021, allowing them to be applied as of the 2021 fiscal year.


Although the standard has already entered into force, the companies have not made the changes in the current debt contracts and continue to apply the LIBOR rate for interest calculations since the 3 and 6-month LIBOR dollar reference rates will remain in effect until on June 30, 2023, according to the Financial Conduct Authority (FAC).


The following limited-scope amendments were incorporated into Colombian accounting regulations through Decree 1611 of August 5, 2022, which will be in force from January 1, 2024:


§Amendments to IAS 1 – Presentation of financial statements. Companies must disclose material information about their accounting policies and apply the concept of materiality to accounting policy disclosures. The amendments clarify the following points:


-The word “significant” is changed to “material or relative importance”.
-The accounting policies that must be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements are clarified, "an entity will disclose information about its material or relative importance accounting policies."
-It is clarified when an accounting policy is considered material or relatively important.
-Adds the following paragraph: “Information on accounting policies that focuses on how an entity has applied the requirements of IFRS to its own circumstances provides specific information about the entity that is more useful to users of financial statements than standardized information or information that only doubles or summarizes the requirements of IFRS standards”.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


§Amendments to IAS 8 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. They clarify how companies should distinguish changes in accounting policies from changes in accounting estimates. The amendment was published by the IASB in February 2021 and clearly defines an accounting estimate to distinguish it from an accounting policy: “Accounting estimates are monetary amounts, in financial statements, that are subject to measurement uncertainty”.


It mentions “an accounting policy could require that elements of the financial statements be measured in a way that entails measurement uncertainty—that is, the accounting policy could require that these elements be measured by monetary amounts that cannot be directly observed and they must be estimated. In this case, an entity develops an accounting estimate to achieve the objective established by the accounting policy.


§Amendments to IAS 12 Deferred taxes related to assets and liabilities that are recognized in a single transaction. The purpose of the amendments is to reduce diversity in the reporting of deferred taxes on leases and decommissioning obligations.


The amendment allows the recognition of a deferred tax liability or asset that has arisen in a transaction that is not a business combination, in the initial recognition of an asset or liability that, at the time of the transaction, does not give rise to taxable temporary differences and deductibles in the same amount.


5.2.New standards issued but not yet adopted.


IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts, provides a new general model for accounting for contracts by combining a measurement of the current balance of insurance contracts with the recognition of earnings during the period in which the services are rendered. The standard's general model requires that insurance contract liabilities be measured using current weighted probability estimates of future cash flows, a risk adjustment, and a contractual service margin that represents the expected gain from fulfilling the contracts. The effects of changes in the estimates of future cash flows and the risk adjustment related to future services are recognized during the period in which the services are rendered and not immediately in profit loss statement.


IFRS 17 replaces IFRS 4 - Insurance Contracts and will be effective for the subsidiaries Black Gold Re and Linear Systems Re Ltd for the financial reporting period beginning January 1, 2023. The standard has not yet been approved by Colombia and it is expected that in the course of 2023 it will be adopted by the country allowing Ecopetrol Business Group to adopt it in line with the international standard. The assessment of the impact of IFRS 17 is in an implementation phase and a significant effect on the Group's consolidated financial statements is not expected given that most of the insurance contracts are short-term and would be managed by the PPA methodology - Simplified allocation of premiums.


The Business Group is constantly monitoring changes in local accounting regulations to assess the possible impacts that the new standards issued by the international organization may generate in their adoption in Colombia. 


6.Cash and cash equivalents


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Banks and corporations   8,449,732    9,491,029 
Short-term investments   7,042,875    5,907,785 
Cash   4,738    2,244 
    15,497,345    15,401,058 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


As of March 31, 2023, the balance of cash and cash equivalents includes $1,700,908 ($2,067,279 as of December 31, 2022) of restricted cash mainly in: a) Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. for $1,619,290 ($1,987,409 as of December 31, 2022) and in Oleoducto Bicentenario for $81,618 ($79,870 as of December 31, 2022), to be used in the next 12 months, exclusively to guarantee debt service (payment of principal and interest).


The fair value of cash and equivalents is close to its book value due to its short-term nature (less than three months) and its high liquidity. Cash equivalents are convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 


7.Trade and other receivables


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Fuel Price stabilization fund (1)   34,185,151    26,296,870 
Concessions (1)   5,297,946    5,194,909 
Foreign   2,851,952    3,065,207 
Domestic   4,014,231    3,268,944 
Related parties (Note 31)   196,395    110,408 
Accounts receivable from employees   107,626    115,922 
Industrial services   58,814    70,762 
Other   942,250    1,101,977 
    47,654,365    39,224,999 
Concessions (2)   29,273,372    28,647,390 
Accounts receivable from employees   514,680    498,415 
Foreign   179,022    185,331 
Domestic   73,398    72,985 
Related parties (Note 31)   335    335 
Other (3)   2,753,091    2,750,749 
    32,793,898    32,155,205 
(1)Corresponds to the application of Resolution 180522 of March 29, 2010, and other regulations that modify and add it (Decree 1880 of 2014 and Decree 1068 of 2015), which establishes the procedure to recognize the subsidy for refiners and importers of motor gasoline current and ACPM, and the methodology for calculating the net position (value generated between the parity price and the regulated price, which can be positive or negative).


(2)Includes concessions and roads. Corresponds to accounts receivable for concessions acquired for public electric power transportation services and for public road transportation service.


(3)Corresponds mainly to accounts receivable from the Government of Brazil for employee benefits governed by Law 4819 of 1958 to ISA CTEEP, and crude loan agreements of the Business Group for transportation systems. The gross value of these accounts receivable is $2,491,643 (2022: $2,481,530) and the provision for expected losses established, included in the provision line for expected credit losses, is $470,210 (2022: $475,936), for a net book value of $2,021,433 (2022: $2,005,594). The administration monitors the progress and developments related to the legal aspect of the matter and continuously evaluates the possible impacts on its financial statements.


The book value of trade accounts and other accounts receivable approximates their fair value.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)




   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Crude oil (1)   5,249,506    5,971,109 
Fuels and petrochemicals (2)   3,058,341    3,241,154 
Materials for goods production   2,815,254    2,667,771 
    11,123,101    11,880,034 


(1)The variation mainly corresponds to a higher level of deliveries of inventories in transit.
(2)The variation mainly corresponds to the lower level of imported products in March 2023 due to better operations in refineries during the year.


9.Other financial assets


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Assets measured at fair value          
Investment portfolio – Foreign currency   1,665,859    1,056,385 
Investments in equity securities (1)   336,424    875,335 
Investment portfolio – Local currency   147,680    761,687 
Hedging instruments (2)   20,345    311 
Assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income   10,105    3,583 
    2,180,413    2,697,301 
Assets measured at amortized cost (3)   61,296    28,570 
    2,241,709    2,725,871 
Current   1,683,968    1,162,127 
Non-current   557,741    1,563,744 
    2,241,709    2,725,871 


(1)Includes deposits in trust companies and restricted funds in Brazil, Peru, Chile, and Colombia.
(2)Corresponds to swap and forward contracts to hedge commodity price risk in Ecopetrol S.A. and Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.
(3)Includes investments with maturities greater than 90 days, in Chile and Colombia.




As of March 31, 2023, and December 31, 2022, there were restricted funds for $275,129 and $328,283 respectively, which have a specific destination in projects in Brazil, Peru, Chile, and Colombia.


Fair value


The following is the classification of other financial assets recognized at fair value, corresponding to the investment portfolio:


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Level 1   702,571    1,892,486 
Level 2   1,477,842    804,815 
    2,180,413    2,697,301 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


There were no transfers between hierarchy levels during the periods.




Income taxes


The Group calculates the income tax expense using the effective tax rate that would be applicable to the expected total annual earnings. The major components of income tax expense in the interim consolidated statement of profit or loss are:


   Three-month period
ended March 31,
   2023   2022 
Current income tax expense   5,034,895    3,825,533 
Deferred income tax expense   557,460    58,212 
Adjustments to prior years’ current and deferred tax   546    121 
Income tax expense   5,592,901    3,883,866 


The effective tax rate for Three-month period ended March 31, 2023, and 2022 was 44.5% and 34.7%, respectively.


As of March 31, 2023, and 2022, the nominal income tax rate was 35%. Likewise, for the year 2023 a tax surcharge is applied which, according to the definitions of the National Government, is estimated at 15% for companies dedicated to the extraction of crude oil.


The 9.8% increase in the effective tax rate during the indicated period is mainly due to the effects of Law 2277/2022 (Tax Reform) related to (i) the effect of the income tax surcharge that it has been established at 15% for the year 2023; (ii) the non-deductibility of royalties, and (iii) the best results obtained by Group companies whose nominal income tax rate is less than 35%, among others. 


11.Other assets


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Advanced payments to contractors and suppliers   977,934    679,829 
Partners in joint operations   1,024,978    871,409 
Prepaid expenses   728,801    693,341 
Trust funds   505,754    507,163 
Related parties (Note 30)   104    1,087 
Other   24,872    25,651 
    3,262,443    2,778,480 
Wells abandonment and pension funds   584,355    568,066 
Trust funds   244,099    184,464 
Employee benefits   333,984    342,143 
Advanced payments and deposits   92,978    87,684 
Judicial deposits and judicial attachments   54,432    54,776 
Other   219,926    216,214 
    1,529,774    1,453,347 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


12.Investments in associates and joint ventures


12.1.Composition and movements


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Joint ventures          
Interligação Elétrica do Madeira S.A.   1,909,976    1,871,142 
Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A.   1,806,865    1,830,504 
Equion Energía Limited   1,175,040    1,191,154 
Interligação Elétrica Paraguaçu S.A.   611,277    614,112 
Interligação Elétrica Garanhuns S.A.   580,412    571,328 
Interligação Elétrica Ivaí S.A.   527,602    469,176 
Interligação Elétrica Aimorés S.A.   385,304    411,495 
Conexión Kimal Lo Aguirre S.A. (1)   165,162    169,230 
Ecodiesel Colombia S.A.   61,936    54,614 
Interconexión Eléctrica Colombia Panamá S.A.   17,416    20,516 
Transnexa S.A. E.M.A.   8,545    8,545 
Derivex S.A.   370    439 
Parques de Rio   80    83 
Interconexión Eléctrica Colombia Panamá S.A.S E.S.P.   4    4 
    7,249,989    7,212,342 
Less impairment:          
Equion Energía Limited   (400,196)   (400,196)
Transnexa S.A. E.M.A.   (8,545)   (8,545)
    6,841,248    6,803,601 
Gases del Caribe S.A. E.S.P.   1,495,686    1,495,341 
ATP Tower Holdings   879,198    913,218 
Gas Natural del Oriente S.A. E.S.P.   134,383    148,254 
Gases de la Guajira S.A. E.S.P.   68,919    69,376 
E2 Energía Eficiente S.A. E.S.P.   35,060    34,944 
Extrucol S.A.   27,812    27,680 
Serviport S.A.   9,399    9,399 
Sociedad Portuaria Olefinas   4,238    4,186 
    2,654,695    2,702,398 
Less impairment: Serviport S.A.   (9,399)   (9,399)
    2,645,296    2,692,999 
    9,486,544    9,496,600 


The movement of investments in associates and joint ventures for the period ended March 31, 2023, is as follows:


   Associates   Join ventures   Total 
Balance as of December 31, 2022   2,692,999    6,803,601    9,496,600 
Equity method recognized in:               
Profit or loss   79,068    262,631    341,699 
Equity   (29,556)   (115,806)   (145,362)
Dividends declared   (97,215)   (109,178)   (206,393)
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   2,645,296    6,841,248    9,486,544 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


13.Property, plant, and equipment


The movement of property, plant and equipment for the period ended March 31, 2023, with its corresponding depreciation and impairment, is as follows:


   Plant and
and lines
   Work in
   Buildings   Lands   Other   Total 
Balance as of December 31, 2022   62,763,108    60,287,507    13,432,616    15,354,065    5,199,069    3,225,279    160,261,644 
Additions/capitalizations (1)   227,011    167,706    1,166,043    45,872    -    24,447    1,631,079 
Abandonment cost update (Note 22)   -    (3,361)   -    -    -    -    (3,361)
Capitalized financial interests (2)   9,384    4,349    49,865    2,250    -    982    66,830 
Exchange differences capitalized   (50)   (23)   (267)   (12)   -    (5)   (357)
Disposals   (22,254)   (19,478)   (40)   (432)   -    (2,164)   (44,368)
Foreign currency translation   (1,305,958)   (746,451)   (40,187)   (283,556)   (77,800)   (42,141)   (2,496,093)
Reclassifications/transfers   (1,474,455)   (136,614)   (290,469)   1,934,719    -    (16,969)   16,212 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   60,196,786    59,553,635    14,317,561    17,052,906    5,121,269    3,189,429    159,431,586 

Accumulated depreciation and
impairment losses

Balance as of December 31, 2022   (27,439,631)   (22,870,247)   (1,418,040)   (6,230,154)   (53,515)   (1,252,559)   (59,264,146)
Depreciation expense   (738,967)   (553,979)   -    (139,755)   -    (40,203)   (1,472,904)
Impairment loss (Note 17)   -    -    -    (91)   -    -    (91)
Disposals   17,148    19,445    -    317    -    1,523    38,433 
Foreign currency translation   476,161    246,156    370    102,071    1,314    23,499    849,571 
Reclassifications/transfers   782,749    15,432    9,220    (820,187)   -    12,248    (538)
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   (26,902,540)   (23,143,193)   (1,408,450)   (7,087,799)   (52,201)   (1,255,492)   (59,849,675)
Balance as of December 31, 2022   35,323,477    37,417,260    12,014,576    9,123,911    5,145,554    1,972,720    100,997,498 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   33,294,246    36,410,442    12,909,111    9,965,107    5,069,068    1,933,937    99,581,911 


(1)Mainly includes: i) Ecopetrol S.A. projects in courses associated with the Caño Sur, Castilla, Chichimene, and Rubiales fields, and Barrancabermeja Refinery ii) Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P projects in progress: UPME 09-2016 Copey–Cuestecitas, 500 kV, Copey–Fundación, 220 kV, UPME 04-2019 transmission line La Loma - Sogamoso 500 kV, UPME 07–2017 Sabanalarga – Bolívar 500 Kv, and asset optimization plan.
(2)Financial interest is capitalized based on the weighted average rate of loan costs.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


14.Natural and environmental resources


The movement of natural and environmental resources for the period ended March 31, 2023, with their corresponding depletions and impairment, is as follows:


   Oil and gas
   Assets retirement
   Exploration and
Balance as of December 31, 2022   88,338,471    7,104,903    10,480,025    105,923,399 
Additions /capitalizations (1)   1,379,902    -    1,936,822    3,316,724 
Abandonment cost update (Note 22)   -    10,051    -    10,051 
Disposals of exploratory assets and dry wells (2)   -    -    (147,437)   (147,437)
Capitalized financial interests (3)   48,071    -    23,363    71,434 
Exchange differences capitalized   (257)   -    (125)   (382)
Foreign currency translation   (931,516)   (32,789)   (118,339)   (1,082,644)
Reclassifications/transfers   (189)   -    (8,659)   (8,848)
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   88,834,482    7,082,165    12,165,650    108,082,297 
Accumulated amortization and impairment loss                    
Balance as of December 31, 2022   (58,382,473)   (5,088,086)   (129,230)   (63,599,789)
Amortization expense   (1,281,247)   (91,454)   -    (1,372,701)
Foreign currency translation   507,771    18,589    -    526,360 
Reclassifications/transfers   (15,533)   -    15,617    84 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   (59,171,482)   (5,160,951)   (113,613)   (64,446,046)
Balance as of December 31, 2022   29,955,998    2,016,817    10,350,795    42,323,610 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   29,663,000    1,921,214    12,052,037    43,636,251 


(1)Mainly includes a) Ecopetrol Permian for investments made in the drilling of wells and construction of facilities executed in RODEO, b) Ecopetrol S.A. by Caño Sur, Castilla, Chichimene, Floreña, Rubiales, and c) Hocol S.A. mainly from Guarrojo, Rio Saldaña, VIM 8, YD-SN1.
(2)Includes: Hocol S.A mainly unsuccessful wells Lla-87-2 A3 (Koala), Lla-87-3 A3 (Picabuey), and YD-SN1 well Yoda-B and exploratory expenses in: Lla-104, SSJN1, VIM8.
(3)Financial interest is capitalized based on the weighted average rate of loan costs.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


15.Right-of-use assets


The movement of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the period ended March 31, 2023, is as follows:


   Right-of-use assets     
   Pipelines   Lands and
   Plant and
   Vehicles   Right-of-
(Note 20.1)
Balance as of December 31, 2022   96,234    244,058    119,534    167,987    627,813    1,212,346 
Additions   8,127    3,820    26,392    4,411    42,750    42,750 
Amortization of the period   (6,925)   (16,402)   (17,930)   (32,241)   (73,498)   - 
Remeasurements (1)   (162)   3,869    2,398    1,177    7,282    7,173 
Disposals   (228)   (1,255)   (640)   (68)   (2,191)   (2,565)
Finance cost   -    -    -    -    -    27,259 
Payment of capital   -    -    -    -    -    (101,693)
Payment of interests   -    -    -    -    -    (23,233)
Reclassifications/transfers   -    -    (1,060)   1,060    -    1,168 
Exchange difference   (1,177)   (2,986)   (1,041)   (2,876)   (8,080)   (5,091)
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   95,869    231,104    127,653    139,450    594,076    1,158,114 


(1)Corresponds mainly to updating rates and conditions in lease contracts.


16.Intangible assets


The movement of intangibles assets for the period ended March 31, 2023, with their corresponding amortizations, is as follows:


and rights
Balance as of December 31, 2022   1,512,614    1,282,751    17,568,081    1,637,445    22,000,891 
Additions   15,478    1,138    186,736    2,800    206,152 
Disposals   (71)   -    -    (686)   (757)
Foreign currency translation   (13,365)   (27,556)   (707,630)   (21,138)   (769,689)
Reclassifications/transfers   16,442    -    16    9,497    25,955 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   1,531,098    1,256,333    17,047,203    1,627,918    21,462,552 
Accumulated amortization                         
Balance as of December 31, 2022   (884,160)   (446,646)   (2,394,082)   (129,398)   (3,854,286)
Amortization of the period   (45,566)   (6,531)   (189,452)   (2,116)   (243,665)
Disposals   28    -    -    -    28 
Foreign currency translation   9,313    14,547    153,537    834    178,231 
Reclassifications/transfers   66    -    -    -    66 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   (920,319)   (438,630)   (2,429,997)   (130,680)   (3,919,626)
Balance as of December 31, 2022   628,454    836,105    15,173,999    1,508,047    18,146,605 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   610,779    817,703    14,617,206    1,497,238    17,542,926 


(1)Easements are acquired rights for the passage of its operating assets, mainly electric power transmission lines. These assets are acquired in perpetuity, so they do not have a specific term or contractual limit established and the right is maintained over time.


17.Impairment of non-current assets


According to the behavior of the key market assumptions, as of March 31, 2023, no factors or circumstances were identified that indicate that the book value of its assets exceed its recoverable value, considering the market conditions, the international prices and indicators of crude oil and products, and the geopolitical context. However, there is a movement for impairment of property, plant, and equipment for $91 in Refinería de Cartagena S.A.S. and other assets for $1 in Invercolsa.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)




   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.   3,672,219    3,755,835 
Oleoducto Central S.A.   683,496    683,496 
Hocol Petroleum Ltd   537,598    537,598 
Invercolsa S.A.   434,357    434,357 
Andean Chemical Limited   127,812    127,812 
Esenttia S.A.   108,137    108,137 
    5,563,619    5,647,235 
Less Impairment Hocol Petroleum Ltd   (537,598)   (537,598)
Total   5,026,021    5,109,637 


19.Loans and borrowings


19.1.Composition of loans and borrowings


   Interest rate*  March 31,   December 31, 
   2023  2022  2023   2022 
Local currency                
Bonds  10.4%  9,8%   4,983,914    4,965,653 
Syndicate loans  12.4%  11,5%   331,958    388,518 
Lease liabilities (1)  6.9%  8,0%   822,109    844,734 
Commercial loans and others  10.8%  10,3%   1,672,841    1,782,944 
          7,810,822    7,981,849 
Foreign currency                
Bonds (2)  6.5%  6.0%   85,903,562    82,432,647 
Commercial and syndicate loans  4,5%  4.6%   21,515,030    23,537,675 
Loans from related parties (Nota 30)  6.0%  5.9%   796,782    815,056 
Lease liabilities (1)  6.0%  6.0%   336,005    367,612 
          108,551,379    107,152,990 
          116,362,201    115,134,839 
Current         16,257,368    22,198,583 
Non-current         100,104,833    92,936,256 
          116,362,201    115,134,839 


* Weighted average effective interest rate for the end of each period.


(1)Corresponds to the present value of the payments to be made during the term of the operating lease contracts for pipelines, tanks, real estate, and vehicles, recognized because of the implementation of IFRS 16 – Leases. See Note 16 (Note 15).
(2)The increase corresponds to the issuance of bonds in Ecopetrol S.A. for USD$2,000 million in January 2023, partially offset by the repurchase of international bonds maturing in September 2023 for USD$978 million.


During 2023, loans for $10,895,757 were acquired mainly in Ecopetrol S.A. for $9,666,450 and Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. for $1,210,849.


According to the strategy of Ecopetrol Business Group in the integral management of loans and borrowings and their maturities, during 2023, payments for $7,335,150 were made mainly in Ecopetrol S.A. for $6,736,532, including the repurchase of bonds and commercial credits, and Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. for $507,609.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


19.2.Fair value


The fair value of the financial obligations is $116,704,092 y $106,509,947 as of March 31, 2023 (unaudited) and December 31, 2022, respectively.




The following is the maturity profile of loans and borrowings as of March 31, 2023:


   Up to 1 year   1 - 5 years   5-10 years   > 10 years   Total 
Local currency                    
Bonds   713,591    1,301,270    1,324,480    1,644,573    4,983,914 
Syndicate loans   252,212    79,746    -    -    331,958 
Lease liabilities   129,653    390,135    301,134    1,187    822,109 
Commercial loans and others   253,612    810,342    586,999    21,888    1,672,841 
    1,349,068    2,581,493    2,212,613    1,667,648    7,810,822 
Foreign currency                         
Bonds   8,385,724    29,064,338    27,492,928    20,960,572    85,903,562 
Syndicate loans   1,751,373    3,726,080    -    -    5,477,453 
Commercial loans   3,852,671    11,017,800    830,896    336,210    16,037,577 
Lease liabilities   121,750    187,066    27,189    -    336,005 
Loans from related parties   796,782    -    -    -    796,782 
    14,908,300    43,995,284    28,351,013    21,296,782    108,551,379 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   16,257,368    46,576,777    30,563,626    22,964,430    116,362,201 


19.4.Loans designated as hedging instrument


As of March 31, 2023 (unaudited), Ecopetrol has designated USD$14,486 million of debt in foreign currency as a hedging instrument; of which, USD$8,914 million correspond to the hedge of investments in companies with dollar functional currency and USD$5,572 million to the cash flow hedge for future crude oil exports. See Notes 29.3 and 29.4.


19.5.Guarantees and covenants


As of March 31, 2023 (unaudited), the total value of the current guarantees provided by Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. and its companies, within the framework of the definition of paragraph 14 of IFRS 7, used to support growth in its different business units and ensure strategic commercial and operational viability amount to $24,722,342, mainly in: a) Chile for $18,617,880 in ISA Intervial, Ruta de la Araucaria, Ruta del Maipo, Ruta del Loa, Ruta de los Ríos, and ISA Interchile, b) Brazil in ISA CTEEP for $3,425,462, and c) Colombia in Ruta Costera for $2,679,000.


ISA and its companies have commitments (covenants) related to the delivery of periodic financial information and the fulfillment of the obligations originated in the credit contracts with the financial entities, the Ministry of Public Works of Chile, the bondholders, the rating agencies risks, auditors, and municipalities, among others. From December 31, 2022 to the reporting date, there have only been changes in the covenants of CTEEP and its subsidiaries, which have financing contracts with covenants calculated based on indebtedness ratios.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


20.Trade and other payables


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Dividends payable (1)   26,272,478    392,346 
Suppliers   12,927,680    15,034,677 
Withholding tax   1,739,449    1,896,128 
Partner’s advances   904,265    1,164,197 
Insurance and reinsurance   257,176    330,363 
Deposits received from third parties   167,806    162,338 
Agreements in transport contracts   99,885    115,526 
Related parties (Note 30)   62,131    67,879 
Hedging operations   13,948    4,311 
Various creditors   592,294    769,939 
    43,037,112    19,937,704 
Suppliers   32,062    28,425 
Deposits received from third parties   -    331 
Various creditors   18,711    28,300 
    50,773    57,056 


(1)Corresponds mainly to dividends payable by Ecopetrol S.A. for $24,385,867 (2022: $3,667), Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. $1,547,725 (2022: $366,999), Inversiones de Gases de Colombia S.A. $146,673 (2022: $21,680), Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales S.A. $137,032, and Oleoducto de Colombia S.A. $55,181.


The book values of trade accounts and other accounts payable approximate their fair values due to the short-term nature of these accounts.


21.Provisions for employees’ benefits


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Post-employment benefits          
Health   8,260,413    8,140,648 
Pension   1,282,136    2,073,562 
Education   397,073    405,769 
Bonds   345,893    399,114 
Other plans   132,024    115,136 
Termination benefits - Voluntary retirement plan   716,377    772,133 
    11,133,916    11,906,362 
Social benefits and salaries   1,091,126    970,598 
Other long-term benefits   85,832    88,279 
    12,310,874    12,965,239 
Current   2,871,794    2,753,697 
Non-current   9,439,080    10,211,542 
    12,310,874    12,965,239 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


21.1.Plans assets


The assets of the plan are represented by the resources delivered to the Autonomous Pension Funds for the payment of the pension liability of the obligations for pension and pension bonds; what concerns health and education oversees Ecopetrol S.A. and XM. The destination of the resources of the autonomous patrimonies, as well as their yields, cannot be changed or returned to the Group until all the obligations are fulfilled.


Plan asset balance is $11,323,979 and $10,398,810 as of March 31, 2023 (unaudited) and December 31, 2022, respectively. 53,55% (2022 – 53.76%) are fair value level 1 and 46.45% (2022 – 46.24%) are under level 2 category.


22.Accrued liabilities and provisions


and dismantling
   Litigations   Environmental
and others
Balance as of December 31, 2022   10,006,028    898,251    1,852,215    12,756,494 
Abandonment cost update   6,690    -    -    6,690 
Additions (1)   -    9,778    191,474    201,252 
Uses   (117,445)   (58,102)   (45,295)   (220,842)
Financial cost   117,137    3,426    4,587    125,150 
Foreign currency translation   (38,424)   (12,567)   (25,561)   (76,552)
Transfers   -    -    29,693    29,693 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (Unaudited)   9,973,986    840,786    2,007,113    12,821,885 
Current   826,571    93,897    492,940    1,413,408 
Non-current   9,147,415    746,889    1,514,173    11,408,477 
    9,973,986    840,786    2,007,113    12,821,885 


(1)Mainly includes the recognition of provisions related to potential liabilities, various, and mandatory environmental provision in Ecopetrol S.A.




Refinería de Cartagena S.A.S


1.Court of arbitration


On April 29, 2023, the International Chamber of Commerce extended the time for the arbitration process to November 20, 2023.


Once the arbitration process is completed, the filing of an annulment appeal may proceed. There have been no changes to the process since December 31, 2022.


2.Investigations of control entities


Office of the Comptroller General:




At present, the process is pending imputation or archiving.


In this process, the Refinería de Cartagena was considered an affected entity.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


Prosecutor’s Office:


Process 1 – No. 110016000101201600023 - MOA - PIP and EPC


This process is being carried out against some ex-members of the Board of Directors and ex-workers of the Cartagena Refinery, workers of the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company (CB&I) and the Statutory Auditor of the Cartagena Refinery between 2013 and 2015, for the crimes of improper interest in the execution of contracts, embezzlement by appropriation in favor of third parties, illicit enrichment of individuals in favor of third parties and ideological falsehood in public documents.


On March 29, 2022, a hearing was held to lift the house arrest measure for Felipe Laverde Concha and on April 5, 2023, the 34th Municipal Criminal Court with a Function of Guarantees granted him freedom due to the expiration of terms.


From July 25 to 29, 2022, the preparatory hearing was held, where the interlocutory order of decree of evidence was issued, against which the defenders filed appeals. The appeals were granted and will be resolved by the Superior Court of Bogotá.


There have been no changes to the process since December 31, 2022.


Process 2 – No. 110016000101201800132 Business line


This process is being carried out against ex-members of the Board of Directors and an ex-employee of the Refinería de Cartagena for the crimes of aggravated unfair administration and obtaining a false public document.


On November 18, 2019, the preparatory trial hearing was installed, which has been resumed on several occasions, but to date it is suspended pending rescheduling.


No changes occurred in the status of this litigation since December 31, 2022.


Process 3 – No. 110016000101201800134 - Subscription of the PMC Contract - Foster Wheeler


This process is carried out against two ex-workers of Refinería de Cartagena who acted as ex-President in property and ex-President in charge, for the crime of entering a contract without legal requirements.


On August 18, 2022, a sentence was handed down imposing the minimum sentence for the crime charged, equivalent to 64 months in prison and a fine of 66.66 current monthly legal minimum salaries in Colombia (SMLMV as its acronym in Spanish). On August 25, 2022, the defenders supported the appeal, and the parties were notified for declaration.


The defendants will remain free until the appeals are resolved and, if applicable, the extraordinary appeal before the Supreme Court of Justice.


No changes occurred in the status of this litigation since December 31, 2022.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)




23.1.Subscribed and paid-in capital


Ecopetrol’s authorized capital is $36,540,000, and is divided in 60,000,000,000 ordinary shares, of which 41,116,694,690 have been subscribed, represented by 11.51% (4,731,906,273 shares) of non-government entities and people, and 88.49% (36,384,788,417 shares) held by Government entities. The value of the reserve shares amounts to $11,499,933 comprised by 18,883,305,310 shares. As of March 31, 2023, and December 31, 2022, subscribed and paid-in capital is $25,040,067. There is no potential dilution of shares.


23.2.Additional and paid-in capital


As of March 31, 2023, the balance of the additional and paid-in capital is $6,607,699 and it mainly corresponds to: (i) surplus with respect to its nominal value derived from the sale of shares upon capitalization in 2007, for $4,457,997, (ii) surplus over nominal value arising from the sale of shares awarded in the second round, which took place in September 2011, in the amount of $2,118,468, (iii) $31,377 the value generated by the process of placing the shares on the secondary market, arising from the calling of guarantees from debtors in arrears, according to the provisions of Article 397 of the Code of Commerce, and (iv) additional paid-in capital receivable of $(143).


23.3.Equity reserves


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Legal reserve   9,747,885    6,407,256 
Fiscal and statutory reserves   509,082    509,082 
Occasional reserves (1)   7,665,758    1,982,295 
Total   17,922,725    8,898,633 


Ecopetrol's General Shareholders' Meeting, held on March 31, 2023, approved the 2022 profit distribution project, and recognized a reserve of $7,665,758 to support financial sustainability of the Company and flexibility in the development of its strategy.


The movement of the equity reserves in the periods ended March 31, is the following:


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Opening balance   8,898,633    10,624,229 
Release of reserves   (2,491,377)   (5,886,441)
Appropriation of reserves   11,515,469    11,068,450 
Dividends declared   -    (6,907,605)
Closing balance   17,922,725    8,898,633 


23.4.Retained earnings and payment of dividends


The Group distributes dividends based on Ecopetrol and subsidiaries’s separate financial statements, prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards accepted in Colombia (NCIF, as its acronym in Spanish).


The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Ecopetrol S.A., held on March 31, 2023, approved the profit distribution project for fiscal year 2022 and defined the distribution of dividends in the amount of $24,382,200. (2022: $11,512,675).



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The payment of dividends is as follows:


   March 31,   March 31, 
   2023   2022 
Oleoducto Central S.A. - Ocensa   226,880    181,889 
Invercolsa S.A.   29    - 
Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales S.A.   -    42,147 
Interconexión Eléctrica SA ESP   15    49,615 
Total   226,924    273,651 



23.5.Other comprehensive income


The following is the composition of the other comprehensive results attributable to the shareholders of the parent company, net of deferred income tax:


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Foreign currency translation and others   26,650,390    28,621,427 
Hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation   (8,217,494)   (9,219,270)
Gains and loss on defined benefit obligation   (813,854)   (1,331,361)
Cash flow hedging – Future crude oil exports   (1,764,660)   (2,528,173)
Cash flow hedging – Derivative financial instruments   (19,269)   1,290 
Financial instruments measured at fair value   7,428    3,076 
    15,842,541    15,546,989 


23.6.Earnings per share


   March 31,   March 31, 
   2023   2022 
Profit attributable to Ecopetrol’s shareholders   5,660,425    6,572,640 
Weighted average number of outstanding shares   41,116,694,690    41,116,694,690 
Net basic earnings per share (Colombian pesos)   137.7    159.9 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


24.Revenue from contracts with customers



   Three-month period
ended March 31,
   2023   2022 
National sales          
Mid-distillates (1)   9,301,290    7,084,088 
Gasolines (1)   6,647,160    5,793,900 
Natural gas (2)   1,189,010    918,625 
Services   852,688    780,286 
Electric power transmission services (3)   682,923    605,302 
Plastic and rubber   372,049    406,486 
L.P.G. and propane   251,738    231,887 
Fuel gas Service   245,590    195,561 
Asphalts   220,836    173,730 
Aromatics   94,422    73,901 
Roads and construction services (3)   89,831    68,674 
Polyethylene   83,190    63,937 
Crude oil   61,784    56,872 
Fuel oil   9,654    870 
Other income – Gas contracts   177    - 
Other products   161,920    159,635 
    20,264,262    16,613,754 
Foreign sales          
Crude oil (2)   13,060,673    12,416,032 
Electric power transmission services (3)   1,591,933    1,218,205 
Roads and construction services (3)   1,364,556    750,382 
Diesel   1,143,373    - 
Fuel oil   780,081    627,466 
Plastic and rubber   439,970    553,568 
Gasolines   100,825    - 
L.P.G. and propane   85,272    49,882 
Natural gas   44,661    31,738 
Cash flow hedging (4)   (535,302)   (315,264)
Other products (5)   513,275    526,981 
    18,589,317    15,858,990 
    38,853,579    32,472,744 


(1)Includes the value corresponding to the application of Resolution 180522 of March 29, 2010, and other regulations that modify and add to it (Decree 1880 of 2014 and Decree 1068 of 2015), which establishes the procedure to recognize the subsidy for refiners and importers of regular motor gasoline and ACPM, and the methodology for calculating the net position (value generated between the parity price and the regulated price, which can be positive or negative). As of March 31, 2023, the value recognized for price differential corresponds to $7,894,314 (2022: $6,160,572).


(2)With the implementation of the IAS 16 Amendment on the management of the sale of products obtained in the project stage or extensive tests mandatory as of January 1, 2022, the Group recognizes as of that date, the income received from the product of the sale of hydrocarbons in the stage prior to their declaration of commerciality of the oil fields. The cost related to these revenues is disclosed in Note 25 – Cost of sales. As of March 31, 2023, the value recognized for extensive tests is as follows: natural gas for national sales $10,339 (2022: $10,453) and crude oil for foreign sales $31,052 (2022: $20,161).


(3)Corresponds to the income derived from the energy transmission and road concession contracts of Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.


(4)Includes the result of hedges for future exports (Note 29.3) for $(519,606) (2022: (134,713)) and operations with derivative financial instruments for $(15,696) (2022: (180,551)).


(5)Includes income from telecommunications services and the sale of asphalt, and other products.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


25.Cost of sales


   Three-month period
ended March 31,
   2023   2022 
Costs variables          
Imported products (1)   7,075,240    7,685,039 
Purchases of crude in associations and concessions   3,695,514    3,303,240 
Hydrocarbon purchases - ANH (2)   1,938,621    1,969,287 
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization   1,743,864    1,506,542 
Electric Energy   441,628    350,829 
Gas royalties in cash   402,721    305,080 
Hydrocarbon transportation services   374,161    253,912 
Processing materials   336,411    248,536 
Purchases of other products and gas   319,252    258,874 
Services contracted in association   78,083    79,166 
Extensive tests (3)   20,368    11,032 
Others (4)   665,017    (2,400,392)
    17,090,880    13,571,145 
Fixed cost          
Depreciation and amortization   1,265,546    1,072,953 
Labor costs   962,283    782,158 
Maintenance   933,939    706,445 
Construction services   750,743    419,155 
Contracted services   726,253    579,672 
Contracted services in associations   362,749    333,584 
Taxes and contributions   294,393    227,877 
Materials and operating supplies   196,810    130,817 
Hydrocarbon transportation services   59,414    44,533 
General costs   135,137    69,419 
    5,687,267    4,366,613 
    22,778,147    17,937,758 


(1)Imported products correspond mainly to middle distillates and gasoline, the variation is due to a lower requirement due to the greater operation in refineries.


(2)Corresponds mainly to royalty crude purchases made by Ecopetrol S.A. from the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), derived from national production.


(3)Corresponds to the cost related to revenue from the sale of hydrocarbons (Note 24 – Revenue from contracts with customers), obtained in the exploration stage or extensive tests prior to the declaration of commerciality of the oil fields. This accounting recognition is the result of the application of the IAS 16 Amendment, mandatory as of January 1, 2022.


(4)It corresponds to: i) the process of use and valuation of core inventories, ii) measurement at net realizable value (VNR), and iii) other capitalizable charges to projects.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


26.Administrative, operation and project expenses


   Three-month period
ended March 31,
   2023   2022 
Administration expenses          
General expenses   466,442    369,144 
Labor expenses   455,095    382,279 
Depreciation and amortization   126,467    104,024 
Taxes   33,110    26,914 
    1,081,114    882,361 
Operation and project expenses          
Commissions, fees, freights, and services   406,668    269,844 
Exploration expenses   249,197    92,960 
Taxes   208,701    152,439 
Labor expenses   98,278    89,958 
Fee for regulatory entities   75,581    41,034 
Maintenance   31,537    26,595 
Depreciation and amortization   26,891    25,919 
Other   18,067    46,332 
    1,114,920    745,081 


27.Other operating (expense) income



   Three-month period
ended March 31,
   2023   2022 
Litigation and contingencies   (132,361)   (58,397)
Loss on sale of assets   (10,224)   (300,415)
Impairment of current assets   (23,051)   (22,688)
Other income   7,109    7,193 
    (158,527)   (374,307)




Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


28.Financial results


   Three-month period
ended March 31,
   2023   2022 
Finance income          
Yields and interests   553,488    158,797 
Results from financial assets   82,648    39,446 
Gain on derivative settlement   4,393    - 
Other financial income   33,563    31,989 
    674,092    230,232 
Financial expenses          
Financial cost of loans and borrowings   (1,738,514)   (1,098,516)
Financial cost of other liabilities (1)   (618,853)   (451,799)
Results from financial assets   (38,031)   (44,059)
Other financial expenses   (32,508)   (206,926)
    (2,427,906)   (1,801,300)
Foreign exchange          
Foreign exchange loss   248,217    47,203 
    248,217    47,203 
    (1,505,597)   (1,523,865)


(1)It includes the financial expense for the updating of the liability for abandonment costs, and the interest, net of post-employment benefits and other long-term employee benefits.


29.Risk management


29.1.Exchange rate risk


The Group operates both in the local (Colombia) and international markets, for this reason, it is exposed to exchange rate risk, to a greater extent due to fluctuations in exchange rates, especially the peso/US dollar rate.


As of March 31, 2023, the Colombian peso appreciated 3.41% from a closing rate of $4,810.20 on December 31, 2022, to $4,646.08 pesos per dollar. When the Colombian peso depreciates, export revenues, when converted to pesos, increase, and imports and foreign debt service become more expensive.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The book values of financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are presented in the following table:


(USD$ Millions)  March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Cash and cash equivalents   440    615 
Other financial assets   1,235    955 
Trade receivables and payables   (482)   (392)
Loans and borrowings   (16,794)   (16,113)
Other assets and liabilities   194    202 
Net liability position   (15,407)   (14,733)


Of the total net position, USD$(14,514) million correspond to net liabilities of companies with Colombian peso functional currency, of which USD$(14,486) correspond to loans used as hedging instruments whose valuation is recognized in other comprehensive income, the exchange difference valuation of the remaining net liabilities for USD$(28) million affects the statement of profit and loss. Likewise, USD$(893) million of the net position correspond to monetary assets and liabilities of Group companies with a functional currency other than the Colombian peso, whose valuation is recognized in the profit or loss statement.


29.2.Sensitivity analysis for exchange rate risk


The following is the effect that a variation of 1% and 5% would have in the exchange rate of Colombian pesos against the U.S. United States dollar, related to the exposure of financial assets and liabilities in foreign currency as of March 31, 2023:


Scenario/ variation in the
exchange rate
  Effect on income
before taxes +/-
  Effect on other
comprehensive income +/
1%  44,315  696,793
5%  221,574  3,483,963


29.3.Cash flow hedge for future exports


To express in the consolidated financial statements, the effect of the existing natural hedge between exports and indebtedness, understanding that the exchange rate risk materializes when exports are made, on March 31, 2015, the Board of Directors designated the sum of USD$5,440 million of Ecopetrol's debt as a hedging instrument for its future revenues from crude oil exports, for the period 2015 – 2023. As of March 31, 2023, the current balance of this hedging corresponds to USD$1,300 million.


In 2022 and 2021 an additional USD$4,272 million were designated as a hedging instrument for its future revenues from crude oil exports, for the period 2022 – 2030; in accordance with IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The following is the movement of this non-derivative hedging instrument:


(USD$ Millions)  March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Opening balance   5,572    4,972 
Reassignment of hedging instruments   731    1,879 
Realized exports   (731)   (1,879)
Designation of new hedges   -    600 
Closing balance   5,572    5,572 


The following is the movement in the other comprehensive income:


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Opening balance   2,528,173    1,103,991 
Exchange difference   (914,476)   4,317,263 
Realized exports (Note 22)   (519,606)   (1,280,411)
Ineffectiveness   6,013    (6,625)
Deferred tax   664,556    (1,606,045)
Closing balance   1,764,660    2,528,173 


The expected reclassification of exchange differences accumulated in other comprehensive income to profit or loss is as follows:


Year  Before taxes   Taxes   After taxes 
2023   1,109,284    (516,208)   593,076 
2024   723,731    (336,790)   386,941 
2025   719,468    (334,806)   384,662 
2026   708,730    (329,809)   378,921 
2027   12,557    (5,843)   6,714 
2028   12,158    (5,658)   6,500 
2029   11,397    (5,304)   6,093 
2030   3,280    (1,527)   1,753 
    3,300,605    (1,535,945)   1,764,660 


29.4.Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation


The Board of Directors approved the application of hedge accounting of net investment from June 8, 2016. The measure seeks to reduce the volatility of non-operating income due to the exchange difference. The hedge of a net investment applies to a portion of the investments the Company has in foreign currency, in this case in subsidiaries with the US dollars as their functional currency, using as hedging instrument a portion of the Company’s debt denominated in U.S. dollars.


As of March 31, 2023, the total hedged balance is USD$8,914 million; which includes: i) Ecopetrol S.A. USD$8,631 million and ii) ISA Colombia for USD$283 million in hedge of net investment in the companies ISA REP, ISA Perú, Consorcio Transmantaro (CTM) and Proyectos de Infrastructura del Perú (PDI).



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The following is the movement in the other comprehensive income:


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Opening balance   9,354,071    4,366,336 
Exchange difference   (1,477,012)   7,526,124 
Deferred tax   398,724    (2,538,389)
Closing balance   8,275,783    9,354,071 


29.5.Commodity Price risk


The price risk of raw materials is associated with the Group’s operations, both exports and imports of crude oil, natural gas, and refined products. To mitigate this risk, the Group has implemented hedges to partially protect the results from price fluctuations, considering that part of the financial exposure under contracts for the purchase of crude oil and refined products depends on the international oil prices.


The risk of such exposure is partially hedged in a natural way, as an integrated Group (with operations in the exploration and production, transportation and logistics and refining segments) and carries out both crude exports at international market prices and sales of refined products at prices correlated with international prices.


The Group has a policy for the execution of (strategic and tactical) hedges and implemented processes, procedures, and controls for their management.


The main purpose of the strategic hedging program is to protect the Group’s consolidated financial statements from the volatility of market variables in each period, to protect income and thus cash flow. During 2022, a hedging plan was executed to protect the cash against low price scenarios below the budget base price, in this sense, put options were purchased. There is not balance of these financial instruments as of March 31, 2023, and December 31, 2022.


On the other hand, tactical hedges allow to capture value in trading operations and Asset Backed Trading (ABT), thereby mitigating the market risk of specific operations. In the trading activity, commitments in physical spot and forward contracts could represent an exposure to commodity price risk, in particular the risk associated with the volatility of the price of crude oil and refined products. Although this exposure is part of the natural risk of the production, refining, and marketing activity made by Ecopetrol, sometimes marketing, to maximize value capture, can concentrate the exposure to risk in terms of time and/or or indicator that differs from the Company's natural price risk profile. As of the date of this report, Ecopetrol S.A. recognizes a total net liability position in swaps for $885 (December 2022: liability $28,519) and Ecopetrol Trading Asia PTE. LTD, a total net asset position in swaps for $26,753. These transactions with derivatives are recognized under cash flow hedge accounting.


29.6.Risk and opportunities related to climate


The Ecopetrol Business Group made progress in the process of identifying and assessing physical and transition climate risks, considering short, medium, and long-term climate scenarios. Physical and transition risks are often seen as opposites. The greatest transition risks are associated with the most aggressive reduction policies, with the goal of reaching net zero emissions, while the physical risks are greater in the lax policy scenarios, in which the increase in emissions is expected to cause more extreme weather events. For this reason, the IEA (International Energy Agency), the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and the SSP (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways) have developed multiple future climate scenarios that reflect a series of political decisions and climate outcomes.


·Physical risks: related to the Company's exposure and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and climate variability in Colombia, which could affect the availability of water and increase the exposure of assets and operations to possible damage.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


oFor the case of Ecopetrol S.A., the Company executed the analysis and the identification of seven (7) physical risks related to chronic threats (drought and thermal stress) and acute threats (precipitation, coastal flooding, fluvial flooding, fires, and winds) at 95 points associated with the company's main assets. The modeling was carried out through Cervest's EarthScan platform, using the following IPCC scenarios: (i) scenario aligned with the objective of the Paris Agreement (SSP1-RCP2.6), (ii) scenario peak emissions in 2040 (SSP2- RCP4.5), and (iii) business as usual scenario (SSP5- RCP8.5). EarthScan uses regional climate models with diverse data sets to analyze the physical vulnerability of assets, relative to the potential impact of climate hazards. The probability and severity of climatic events are estimated up to 2100. In addition, there is a vulnerability analysis for climate variability scenarios associated with the “El Niño” phenomena and its opposite phase “La Niña”. The frequency and intensity of these phenomena have been increasing in Colombian territory.


·Transition risk: related to the challenges that the company has identified to move towards a low-carbon, sustainable and competitive operation. The following are the identified risks:


oRegulatory risk, associated with regulatory changes that may directly affect the Company in the short and medium term. Among the regulatory changes, the following can be highlighted: (i) new information requirements for the application or modification of current and future licenses (GHG emissions, vulnerability and climate risks analysis, adaptation measures, among others), of which Ecopetrol Business Group could not have the information available, (ii) new regulations for the detection and repair of leaks, flaring, and venting of gas, (iii) disclosure requirements on environmental and social matters by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, (iv) new requirements for project verification, (v) greater limitations on the use of offsetting to meet decarbonization goals, among others.


oLegal risk, associated with the negative reactions and lawsuits against the climate action of Ecopetrol Business Group


oRisk of assets trapped in the traditional business of hydrocarbon production, transportation, and refining, considering factors such as fuel demand prospects and asset profit horizons.


oMarket risk, related to the change in preferences in the use of low-carbon products in the long term, which implies a risk for the Company of not being able to meet market demand and of not advancing effectively in the development of these products and cost impact due to carbon price change.


oReputational risk, associated with the impossibility of responding in a timely way to the expectations and demand of investors and other interest groups to establish ambitious objectives regarding climate change, which would affect the image of the Company.


oTechnological risk, associated with the negative effects on the profitability of the business if there is no preparation and capacity to adapt to new technologies because of the transition process.


Ecopetrol S.A. defined a modeling exercise that prioritized market and regulatory risk, for the upstream segment, using the following analysis routes: (i) quantification of the impact on revenues derived from a changing demand for hydrocarbons, (ii) quantification of the impact in costs due to changes in carbon prices, and (iii) quantification of the financial repercussions derived from higher abatement costs associated with limitations on the use of offsets. The model used the International Energy Agency WEO 2022 scenarios: (i) Net Zero Emissions (NZE), (ii) Announced Pledges Scenario (APS), and (iii) Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS). The portfolio's resilience was evaluated by comparing the net present value of future cash flows from the IEA scenarios with the net present value of Ecopetrol's base case. In both cases, the hypotheses associated with the analysis routes were applied. The foregoing will be subject to review and assessment to establish the potential impact on the financial and strategic planning of the Company.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The opportunities derive from the analysis of risks associated with the climate, the review of the energy transition scenarios, the implementation of the decarbonization plan and the alignment with the 2040 strategy. Opportunities have been identified related to the diversification of the traditional business, the incorporation into the portfolio of sustainable and low-emission businesses, the diversification in energy power and infrastructure markets, and the strengthening of energy efficiency and renewable energies.


To mitigate the materialization of physical and transition risks, there is a business risk associated with the management of Climate Change and Water, which incorporates mitigation measures related to adaptation to climate variability and change, projects, initiatives, and decarbonization technologies, and financing instruments (internal carbon price, allocation of resources), among others, in addition to key risk indicators associated with the occurrence of extreme weather events, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and efficiency in the water management. This business risk is updated annually, to include new actions that make it possible to adequately manage the risks associated with the climate.


29.7.Capital management


The main objective of Ecopetrol Business Group’s Capital Management is to ensure a financial structure that will optimize the Company’s cost of capital, maximize the returns to its shareholders and allow access to financial markets at a competitive cost to cover its financing needs.


The following is the leverage index over the periods reported:


   March 31,   December 31, 
   2023   2022 
Loans and borrowings (Note 19)   116,362,201    115,134,839 
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 6)   (15,497,345)   (15,401,058)
Other financial assets (Note 9)   (2,241,709)   (2,725,871)
Net financial debt   98,623,147    97,007,910 
Equity   99,676,237    119,087,050 
Leverage (1)   49.73%   44.89%


(1)Net financial debt / (Net financial debt + Equity)



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


30.Related parties


The balances with associated companies and joint ventures as of March 31, 2023 (unaudited), and December 31, 2022 are as follows:


Joint ventures                              
Equion Energía Limited (1)   85    -    104    2,190    796,782    1,588 
Ecodiesel Colombia S.A.   3,892    -    -    52,355    -    6 
Interligação Elétrica do Madeira S.A.   47,509    -    -    -    -    - 
Interligação Elétrica Garanhuns S.A.   -    42    -    -    -    - 
Interligação Elétrica Paraguaçu S.A.   17,837    15    -    -    -    - 
Interligação Elétrica Aimorés S.A.   14,561    16    -    -    -    - 
Interligação Elétrica Ivaí S.A.   -    3,089    -    -    -    - 
Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A.   3,530                          
Derivex S.A.   -    335    -    -    -    - 
Gases del Caribe S.A. E.S.P.   81,265    -    -    -    -    - 
Gas Natural del Oriente S.A. E.S.P.   14,205    -    -    6,450    -    - 
Gases de la Guajira S.A. E.S.P.   922    -    -    -    -    - 
Extrucol S.A.   825    -    -    815    -    - 
E2 Energía Eficiente S.A. E.S.P.   8,602    -    -    321    -    - 
Balance as of March 31, 2023 (unaudited)   193,233    3,497    104    62,131    796,782    1,594 
Current   193,233    3,162    104    62,131    796,782    1,594 
Non-current   -    335    -    -    -    - 
    193,233    3,497    104    62,131    796,782    1,594 
    (Note 7)    (Note 7)    (Note 11)    (Note 20)    (Note 19)      



Joint ventures                              
Equion Energía Limited (1)   127    -    1,087    2,004    815,056    2,698 
Ecodiesel Colombia S.A.   13,155    -    -    53,821    -    3 
Interligação Elétrica do Madeira S.A.   89,505    -    -    -    -    - 
Interligação Elétrica Garanhuns S.A.   -    40    -    -    -    - 
Interligação Elétrica Ivaí S.A.   -    182    -    -    -    - 
Derivex S.A.   -    335    -    -    -    - 
Gas Natural del Oriente S.A. E.S.P.   -    -    -    7,048    -    - 
Extrucol S.A.   2    -    -    854    -    - 
E2 Energía Eficiente S.A. E.S.P.   7,397    -    -    4,152    -    - 
Balance as of December 31, 2022   110,186    557    1,087    67,879    815,056    2,701 
Current   110,186    222    1,087    67,879    815,056    2,701 
Non-current   -    335    -    -    -    - 
    110,186    557    1,087    67,879    815,056    2,701 
    (Note 7)    (Note 7)    (Note 11)    (Note 20)    (Note 19)      


Loans payable:

(1) Deposits held by Equion in Ecopetrol Capital AG.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


The main transactions with related parties for the periods ended March 31, are detailed as follows:


   2023   2022 
   Sales and
   Purchases of
product and
   Sales and
   Purchases of
product and
   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Joint ventures                    
Equion Energía Limited   320    9,774    225    1,312 
Ecodiesel Colombia S.A.   4,716    148,368    2,104    142,943 
    5,036    158,142    2,329    144,255 
Gas Natural del Oriente S.A. E.S.P.   -    10,096    -    8,060 
Extrucol S.A.   -    -    3    443 
E2 Energía Eficiente S.A. E.S.P.   4    1,045    20,111    171 
Serviport S.A.   27,097    363    -    - 
    27,101    11,504    20,114    8,674 
    32,137    169,646    22,443    152,929 


31.Segments information


The description of the business segments can be seen in note 4.20 of the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2022.


The following information by segments is reported based on the information used by the Board of Directors, as the highest body for making strategic and operational decisions of the business segments. The performance of the segments is based mainly on analyzes of income, costs, expenses, and results for the period generated by each segment, which are monitored periodically.


The information disclosed in each segment is presented net of the transactions carried out between the Group companies.



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


31.1.Statement of profit or loss by segment


Below is the profit and loss statement by segment as of and for the periods ended March 31:


   Three-month period ended March 31, 2023 (Unaudited) 
   Refining and
and Logistics
and roads
   Eliminations   Total 
Third party sales   13,514,494    20,830,887    770,056    3,910,634    (172,492)   38,853,579 
Inter-segment sales   7,112,095    1,753,932    3,214,186    679    (12,080,892)   - 
Revenue from contracts with customers   20,626,589    22,584,819    3,984,242    3,911,313    (12,253,384)   38,853,579 
Costs of sales   (12,693,632)   (19,694,807)   (982,512)   (1,571,481)   12,164,285    (22,778,147)
Gross profit   7,932,957    2,890,012    3,001,730    2,339,832    (89,099)   16,075,432 
Administration expenses   (543,057)   (174,939)   (143,521)   (297,830)   78,233    (1,081,114)
Operation and projects expenses   (719,182)   (371,165)   (77,539)   -    52,966    (1,114,920)
Impairment reversal of non-current assets   -    (92)   -    -    -    (92)
Other operating income (expenses)   (110,821)   (11,345)   1,128    (35,879)   (1,610)   (158,527)
Operating income   6,559,897    2,332,471    2,781,798    2,006,123    40,490    13,720,779 
Financial results                              
Financial income   471,557    69,386    131,944    203,670    (202,465)   674,092 
Financial expenses   (997,687)   (411,771)   (92,655)   (1,087,691)   161,898    (2,427,906)
Foreign exchange (loss) gain   435,986    67,533    (49,016)   (206,286)   -    248,217 
    (90,144)   (274,852)   (9,727)   (1,090,307)   (40,567)   (1,505,597)
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures   5,459    89,527    -    246,713    -    341,699 
Profit before income tax expense   6,475,212    2,147,146    2,772,071    1,162,529    (77)   12,556,881 
Income tax expense   (3,812,368)   (786,043)   (984,896)   (9,594)   -    (5,592,901)
Net profit for the period   2,662,844    1,361,103    1,787,175    1,152,935    (77)   6,963,980 
Net profit (loss) attributable to:                              
Owners of the parent   2,690,431    1,298,153    1,446,899    225,019    (77)   5,660,425 
Non-controlling interest   (27,587)   62,950    340,276    927,916    -    1,303,555 
    2,662,844    1,361,103    1,787,175    1,152,935    (77)   6,963,980 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


   Three-month period ended March 31, 2022 (Unaudited) 
   Refining and
and Logistics
and roads
   Eliminations   Total 
Third party sales   13,519,240    15,757,668    609,636    2,766,356    (180,156)   32,472,744 
Inter-segment sales   5,418,762    1,360,588    2,453,063    -    (9,232,413)   - 
Revenue from contracts with customers   18,938,002    17,118,256    3,062,699    2,766,356    (9,412,569)   32,472,744 
Costs of sales   (9,718,203)   (15,645,098)   (825,065)   (1,077,502)   9,328,110    (17,937,758)
Gross profit   9,219,799    1,473,158    2,237,634    1,688,854    (84,459)   14,534,986 
Administration expenses   (435,446)   (162,408)   (106,699)   (239,147)   61,339    (882,361)
Operation and projects expenses   (380,579)   (313,002)   (83,847)   -    32,347    (745,081)
Impairment reversal (loss) of non-current assets   -    (3,592)   -    -    -    (3,592)
Other operating expenses   (338,531)   (5,636)   (8,248)   (21,307)   (585)   (374,307)
Operating income   8,065,243    988,520    2,038,840    1,428,400    8,642    12,529,645 
Financial results                            - 
Financial income   180,529    14,044    18,428    99,810    (82,579)   230,232 
Financial expenses   (720,976)   (298,886)   (65,264)   (789,997)   73,823    (1,801,300)
Foreign exchange (loss) gain   133,259    119,085    (150,453)   (54,688)   -    47,203 
    (407,188)   (165,757)   (197,289)   (744,875)   (8,756)   (1,523,865)
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures   (547)   53,503    -    149,033    -    201,989 
Profit before income tax expense   7,657,508    876,266    1,841,551    832,558    (114)   11,207,769 
Income tax expense   (2,667,248)   (347,058)   (654,661)   (214,899)   -    (3,883,866)
Net profit (loss) for the period   4,990,260    529,208    1,186,890    617,659    (114)   7,323,903 
Net profit (loss) attributable to:                            - 
Owners of the parent   5,010,946    487,801    945,826    128,181    (114)   6,572,640 
Non-controlling interest   (20,686)   41,407    241,064    489,478    -    751,263 
    4,990,260    529,208    1,186,890    617,659    (114)   7,323,903 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


31.2.Sales by product


   Sales by product - Segments 
   Three-month period ended March 31, 2023 (Unaudited) 
   Refining and
and Logistics
and roads
   Eliminations   Total 
National sales                              
Mid-distillates   -    9,311,097    -    -    (9,807)   9,301,290 
Gasolines   -    7,598,599    -    -    (951,439)   6,647,160 
Services   50,924    225,335    3,984,242    72,513    (3,480,326)   852,688 
Electric power transmission services   -    -    -    682,923    -    682,923 
Roads and construction services   -    -    -    89,831    -    89,831 
Natural gas   1,499,748    -    -    -    (310,738)   1,189,010 
Plastic and rubber   -    372,049    -    -    -    372,049 
Fuel gas service   -    248,061    -    -    (2,471)   245,590 
Asphalts   16,781    204,055    -    -    -    220,836 
L.P.G. and propane   171,793    85,945    -    -    (6,000)   251,738 
Crude oil   6,773,446    -    -    -    (6,711,662)   61,784 
Aromatics   -    94,422    -    -    -    94,422 
Polyethylene   -    83,104    -    -    86    83,190 
Other income – Gas contracts   87    -    -    -    90    177 
Fuel oil   1,396    8,258    -    -    -    9,654 
Extensive testing   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other products   5,234    937,803    -    -    (781,117)   161,920 
Cash flow hedging   -    -    -    -    -    - 
    8,519,409    19,168,728    3,984,242    845,267    (12,253,384)   20,264,262 
Foreign sales                              
Crude oil   12,501,544    559,129    -    -    -    13,060,673 
Diesel   -    1,143,373    -    -    -    1,143,373 
Electric power transmission services   -    -    -    1,591,933    -    1,591,933 
Construction services   -    -    -    1,364,556    -    1,364,556 
Plastic and rubber   -    439,970    -    -    -    439,970 
Fuel oil   -    780,081    -    -    -    780,081 
Gasolines   -    100,825    -    -    -    100,825 
Natural gas   44,661    -    -    -    -    44,661 
L.P.G. and propane   85,272    -    -    -    -    85,272 
Cash flow hedging   (535,302)   -    -    -    -    (535,302)
Extensive testing   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other products   11,005    392,713    -    109,557    -    513,275 
    12,107,180    3,416,091    -    3,066,046    -    18,589,317 
    20,626,589    22,584,819    3,984,242    3,911,313    (12,253,384)   38,853,579 



Ecopetrol S.A.

Notes to consolidated condensed interim financial statements
March 31, 2023
(Figures expressed in millions of Colombian pesos, unless otherwise stated)


   Sales by product - Segments 
   Three-month period ended March 31, 2022 (Unaudited) 
   Refining and
and Logistics
and roads
   Eliminations   Total 
National sales                              
Mid-distillates   -    7,091,711    -    -    (7,623)   7,084,088 
Gasolines   -    6,794,506    -    -    (1,000,606)   5,793,900 
Services   36,471    125,091    3,062,699    60,928    (2,504,903)   780,286 
Electric power transmission services   -    -    -    605,302    -    605,302 
Roads and construction services   -    -    -    68,674    -    68,674 
Natural gas   1,133,799    -    -    -    (215,174)   918,625 
Plastic and rubber   -    406,486    -    -    -    406,486 
Fuel gas service   -    197,620    -    -    (2,059)   195,561 
Asphalts   7,541    166,189    -    -    -    173,730 
L.P.G. and propane   156,365    82,030    -    -    (6,508)   231,887 
Crude oil   5,390,308    -    -    -    (5,333,436)   56,872 
Aromatics   -    73,901    -    -    -    73,901 
Polyethylene   -    63,865    -    -    72    63,937 
Other income – Gas contracts   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Fuel oil   394    476    -    -    -    870 
Extensive testing                              
Other products   5,753    496,214    -    -    (342,332)   159,635 
Cash flow hedging   -    -    -    -    -    - 
    6,730,631    15,498,089    3,062,699    734,904    (9,412,569)   16,613,754 
Foreign sales                              
Crude oil   12,416,032    -    -    -    -    12,416,032 
Diesel   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Electric power transmission services   -    -    -    1,218,205    -    1,218,205 
Construction services   -    -    -    750,382    -    750,382 
Plastic and rubber   -    553,568    -    -    -    553,568 
Fuel oil   -    627,466    -    -    -    627,466 
Gasolines   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Natural gas   31,738    -    -    -    -    31,738 
L.P.G. and propane   49,882    -    -    -    -    49,882 
Cash flow hedging   (297,643)   (17,621)   -    -    -    (315,264)
Extensive testing                              
Other products   7,362    456,754    -    62,865    -    526,981 
    12,207,371    1,620,167    -    2,031,452    -    15,858,990 
    18,938,002    17,118,256    3,062,699    2,766,356    (9,412,569)   32,472,744 


32.Relevant events (unaudited)


There are no subsequent or relevant events to disclose as of the date of issuance of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.




Exhibit 1. Consolidated companies, associates, and joint ventures (Unaudited)


Company Functional


Activity Country/

Geographic area
of operations

Net equity

Profit (loss)
for the period

Refinería de Cartagena S.A.S. U.S. Dollar 100%

Hydrocarbons refining, marketing and distribution

Colombia Colombia  26,480,731 895,498  42,878,818  16,398,087
Cenit transporte y logística de hidrocarburos S.A.S. Colombian peso 100%

Storage and transportation through hydrocarbon pipelines

Colombia Colombia  14,024,182  1,468,524  17,916,981 3,892,799
Ecopetrol Global Energy S.L.U. U.S. Dollar 100% Investment vehicle Spain Spain  15,831,413 185,212  15,831,721 308
Oleoducto Central S.A. - Ocensa U.S. Dollar 72.65%

Transportation through hydrocarbon pipelines

Colombia Colombia  4,732,715 785,433 8,484,385 3,751,670
Hocol Petroleum Limited. U.S. Dollar 100% Investment vehicle Bermuda Bermuda  4,819,364 125,306 5,071,751  252,387
Ecopetrol América LLC. U.S. Dollar 100% Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation United States of America United States of America  2,045,242 (11,137) 2,627,667  582,425
Hocol S.A. U.S. Dollar 100% Exploration, exploitation, and production of hydrocarbons Cayman Islands Colombia  4,228,102 119,895 6,485,786 2,257,684
Esenttia S.A. U.S. Dollar 100% Production and commercialization of polypropylene resin Colombia Colombia  2,867,982 37,270 3,777,023  909,041
Ecopetrol Capital AG U.S. Dollar 100%

Collection of surpluses from, and providing funds to, companies of the Ecopetrol Business Group

Switzerland Switzerland  3,136,659 50,449  11,496,522 8,359,863
Oleoducto Bicentenario de Colombia S.A.S. Colombian peso 100% Pipeline transportation of crude oil Colombia Colombia  1,040,861 85,784 2,243,115 1,202,254
Oleoducto de Colombia S. A. – ODC Colombian peso 73% Pipeline transportation of crude oil Colombia Colombia 367,788 123,192  888,555  520,767
Black Gold Re Ltd. U.S. Dollar 100% Reaseguradora para compañías del Grupo Empresarial Ecopetrol Bermuda Bermuda  1,219,219 13,820 1,445,482  226,263
Andean Chemicals Ltd. U.S. Dollar 100% Investment vehicle Bermuda Bermuda  2,116,643 29,592 2,117,201 558
Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales S. A. - ODL Colombian peso 65% Pipeline transportation of crude oil Panama Colombia 450,645 184,565 1,647,720 1,197,075

Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.
Colombian peso 51.41%

- Provision of the public electricity transmission service - Development of infrastructure projects and their commercial exploitation and
- Software development, Information technology and telecommunications activities and services

Colombia Latin America 28,464,581 828,099 80,124,330 51,659,749




Company Functional


Activity Country/

Geographic area
of operations

Net equity

Profit (loss)
for the period

Inversiones de Gases de Colombia S.A. Invercolsa S.A. Colombian peso 51,88% Holding with investments in transportation and distribution companies of natural gas and LPG in Colombia Colombia Colombia 592,035 115,736  780,064  188,029
Alcanos de Colombia S.A. E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 29,61% Provision of the home public service of fuel gas, the construction and operation of gas pipelines, distribution networks, regulation, measurement, and compression stations. Colombia Colombia 295,899 34,298  846,156  550,257
Metrogas de Colombia S.A E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 33,49% Provision of the public service of commercialization and distribution of fuel gas; the exploration, exploitation, storage, use, transportation, refining, purchase, sale and distribution of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Colombia Colombia  53,858 6,021  142,306  88,448
Gases del Oriente S.A. E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 48,50% Provision of the home public service of fuel gas distribution and the development of all complementary activities to the provision of said service. Colombia Colombia  82,843 18,396  227,984  145,141
Promotora de Gases del Sur S.A. E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 31,44% Promote the linking of national or foreign capital, public or private, to achieve the gas massification project. Colombia Colombia  46,025 10,463  103,902  57,877
Combustibles Líquidos de Colombia S.A E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 41,61% Wholesale commercialization of fuel gas, the provision of the home public LPG distribution service and the development of complementary activities to the provision of said service. Colombia Colombia  61,354  946  84,785  23,431





Company Functional


Activity Country/

Geographic area
of operations

Net equity

Profit (loss)
for the period

Ecopetrol USA Inc. U.S. Dollar 100% Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation United States of America United States of America 13,579,110 206,628 13,609,232  30,122
Ecopetrol Permian LLC. U.S. Dollar 100% Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation United States of America United States of America  9,307,111 215,175 10,716,646 1,409,535
Ecopetrol Oleo é Gas do Brasil Ltda. Real 100% Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation Brazil Brazil  2,129,582 (20,168) 2,296,858  167,276
Esenttia Masterbatch Ltda. Colombian peso 100%

Manufacture of polypropylene compounds and masterbatches

Colombia Colombia 212,851 58,456  650,379  437,528
Ecopetrol del Perú S. A. U.S. Dollar 100% Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation Peru Peru  69,815  608  73,219  3,404
ECP Hidrocarburos de México S.A. de C.V. U.S. Dollar 100% Offshore exploration Mexico Mexico  52,778 (1,539)  55,160  2,382
Ecopetrol Costa Afuera S.A.S. Colombian peso 100% Offshore exploration Colombia Colombia  13,099  135  13,229 130
Esenttia Resinas del Perú SAC U.S. Dollar 100%


polypropylene resins and masterbatches

Peru Peru  17,152  268  44,631  27,479
Topili Servicios Administrativos S de RL De CV. Mexican pesos 100% Specialized management services Mexico Mexico (9) (15) 466 475
Kalixpan Servicios Técnicos S de RL De CV. Mexican pesos 100%

Specialized services related to oil and gas industry

Mexico Mexico 180 (18) 185  5
Ecopetrol US Trading LLC U.S. Dollar 100% International marketing of crude oil and refined products United States of America United States of America  -  - - -
Econova Technology & innovation S.L. U.S. Dollar 100% Execution of activities related to science, technology, and innovation (ST&I) activities. Spain Spain 15  - 15 -
Ecopetrol Singapore PTE. LTD Singapore dollar 100% Holding company with investment in an international trading company for crude oil and refined products Singapore Asia 380,212 181,853  380,436 224
Ecopetrol Trading Asia PTE. LTD Singapore dollar 100% International marketing of crude oil and refined products Singapore Asia 380,425 181,883 2,604,308 2,223,883





Company Functional


Activity Country/

Geographic area
of operations

Net equity

Profit (loss)
for the period

Gases del Caribe S.A. E.S.P. Colombian peso 25,40% Distribution and marketing of natural gas Colombia Colombia 501,618 154,601 2,274,370 1,772,752
Gas Natural del Oriente S.A. E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 17,91% Distribution and marketing of natural gas Colombia Colombia 94,876 10,326 214,373 119,497
Gases de la Guajira S.A. E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 5,36% Distribution and marketing of natural gas Colombia Colombia 57,498 11,078 184,837 127,339
Colombiana de Extrusión S.A. -Extrucol S.A. (1) Colombian peso 18,16% Polyethylene pipe and fittings production Colombia Colombia 36,992 1,903 88,968 51,976
E2 Energía Eficiente S. A. E.S.P. (1) Colombian peso 9,92% Energy services, supply, optimization, development, renovation and innovation of energy resources and infrastructure Colombia Colombia 23,353 1,245 92,807 69,454
Serviport S.A. (2) Colombian peso 49% Services to support the loading and unloading of oil trucks, supply of equipment for the same purpose, technical inspections, and load measurements Colombia Colombia 16,589 (653) 38,776 22,187
Sociedad Portuaria Olefinas y Derivados S.A. (3) Colombian peso 50% Construction, use, maintenance, adaptation and administration of port facilities, ports, private docks, or service to the general public Colombia Colombia 5,766 193 8,611 2,845
Joint ventures                  
Equion Energía Limited U.S. Dollar 51% Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation

United Kingdom

Colombia 1,605,560 8,597 1,682,082 76,522
Ecodiesel Colombia S.A. (3) Colombian peso 50%

Production, commercialization and distribution of biofuels and oleochemicals

Colombia Colombia 123,871 8,911 240,491 116,620


(1) Indirect participation through Inversiones de Gases de Colombia S.A. - Invercolsa S.A.

(2) Information available as of September 31, 2022, the investment is totally impaired.

(3) Information available as of February 28, 2023.





Exhibit 2. Consolidated companies, associates, and joint ventures – Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (Unaudited)


Company Activity Country/


Assets Liabilities Equity Profit (loss)
Consorcio Transmantaro Electric power Peru 60.00% 9,000,778 7,054,504 1,946,274 98,109
Interligação Eléctrica Evrecy Electric power Brazil 35.82% 286,254 24,454 261,800 (4,980)
Fundo de Investimento Assis Trust - Special Purpose Entity Brazil 35.82%  7,404 -  7,404 456
Fundo de Investimento Barra Bonita Renda Fixa Referenciado Trust - Special Purpose Entity Brazil 35.02%  5,432 -  5,432 260
Fundo de Investimento Referenciado di Bandeirantes Trust - Special Purpose Entity Brazil 10.42% 112,427 - 112,427  5,561
Fundo de Investimento Xavantes Referenciado di Trust - Special Purpose Entity Brazil 0.26% 175,096 - 175,096  3,123
Interconexiones Viales Roads Chile 65.00% 509 913 (404) (4,208)
Interligação Elétrica Aguapeí Electric power Brazil 35.82% 672,301 81,067 591,234 16,226
Interligação Elétrica Biguaçu Electric power Brazil 35.82% 483,783 66,522 417,261 22,657
Interligação Elétrica De Minas Gerais Electric power Brazil 35.82% 449,661 39,986 409,675  1,802
Interligação Elétrica Itapura Electric power Brazil 35.82% 180,819 13,032 167,787  5,995
Interligação Elétrica Itaquerê Electric power Brazil 35.82% 607,540 81,332 526,208 22,095
Interligação Elétrica Itaúnes Electric power Brazil 35.82% 502,684 37,247 465,437  2,628
Interligação Elétrica Norte E Nordeste Electric power Brazil 35.82% 488,797 142,116 346,681 12,746
Interligação Elétrica Pinheiros Electric power Brazil 35.82% 75,981 16,481 59,500  3,589
Interligação Elétrica Riacho Grande Electric power Brazil 35.82% 101,698 17,025 84,673 852
Interligação Elétrica Serra Do Japi Electric power Brazil 35.82% 449,647 55,110 394,537 14,413
Interligação Elétrica Sul Electric power Brazil 35.82% 235,755 27,639 208,116  6,186
Interligação Elétrica Tibagi Electric power Brazil 35.82% 263,725 34,640 229,085  9,164
Internexa Information and communications technologies Colombia 99.42% 566,049 441,940 124,109 (291)
Transamerican Telecomunication S.A. Information and communications technologies Argentina 99.42% 44,317 25,097 19,220 (1,165)
Internexa Brasil Operadora de Telecomunicações Information and communications technologies Brazil 99.42% 232,713 212,230 20,483 (7,430)
Internexa Chile Information and communications technologies Chile 98.43% 100,260 61,704 38,556 2,810
Interligação Elétrica JAGUAR 6 S.A. Electric power Brazil 35.82% 241,589 13,261 228,328  6,834
Interligação Elétrica JAGUAR 8 S.A. Electric power Brazil 35.82% 123,421  8,583 114,838  2,243
Interligação Elétrica JAGUAR 9 S.A. Electric power Brazil 35.82% 443,794 44,589 399,205 15,176





Company Activity Country/


Assets Liabilities Equity Profit (loss)
Internexa Participações Investment vehicle Brazil 99.42% 17,746  1,329 16,417 (6,575)
Internexa Peru Information and communications technologies Peru 99.42% 342,382 290,499 51,883  1,577
ISA Bolivia Electric power Bolivia 100.00% 140,808 12,010 128,798  4,098
ISA Capital Do Brasil Investment vehicle Brazil 100.00% 5,758,706 176,837 5,581,869 276,968
ISA CTEEP Electric power Brazil 35.82% 29,899,198 14,403,834 15,495,364 772,476
ISA Interchile Electric power Chile 100.00% 7,181,783 5,737,118 1,444,665  8,518
ISA Intercolombia Electric power Colombia 100.00% 392,385 291,777 100,608 12,715
ISA Intervial Chile Roads Chile 100.00% 5,323,755 1,007,865 4,315,890 151,569
ISA Intervial Colombia Roads Colombia 100.00% 607 - 607  20
ISA Inversiones Chile SpA Investment vehicle Chile 100.00% 1,897,126  3,032 1,894,094 19,619
ISA Inversiones Chile Vias SpA Investment vehicle Chile 100.00% 4,317,630  85 4,317,545 151,461
ISA Inversiones Costera Chile Investment vehicle Chile 100.00% 613,965 883,810  (269,845) (21,983)
ISA Inversiones Tolten Investment vehicle Chile 100.00%  38 -  38  (2)
ISA Investimentos E Participações Investment vehicle Brazil 100.00% 1,148,124  93 1,148,031 72,805
ISA Perú Electric power Peru 99.98% 1,110,638 908,795 201,843 13,617
ISA REP Electric power Peru 60.00% 2,242,769 1,826,758 416,011 67,928
ISA Transelca Electric power Colombia 100.00% 1,827,263 954,315 872,948 54,144
Linear Systems RE Other businesses Bermudas 100.00% 157,414 120,032 37,382  2,046
Proyectos de Infraestructura del Perú Electric power Peru 100.00% 94,758 66,402 28,356 14,097
Ruta Costera Roads Colombia 100.00% 2,603,067 2,429,659 173,408 (4,474)
Ruta de La Araucanía Roads Chile 100.00% 1,006,550 534,836 471,714 21,442
Ruta de Los Ríos Roads Chile 75.00% 416,597 273,417 143,180 15,744
Ruta del Bosque Roads Chile 100.00% 111,522 19,217 92,305 (18,756)
Ruta del Loa Roads Chile 100.00% 1,296,294 940,289 356,005 18,094
Ruta del Maipo Roads Chile 100.00% 9,469,255 6,391,832 3,077,423 129,098
Ruta del Maule Roads Chile 100.00%  9,672  3,344  6,328  28
Sistemas Inteligentes en Red Other businesses Colombia 99.77% 21,436 11,418 10,018 818
XM Electric power Colombia 99.73% 326,289 275,988 50,301  4,805





Company Activity Country/


Assets Liabilities Equity Profit (loss)
Joint ventures              
Interligação Elétrica do Madeira Energy transport Brazil 51.00% 6,466,158 2,943,181 3,522,977 126,345
Interligação Elétrica Garanhuns Energy transport Brazil 51.00% 1,428,776 461,234 967,542 34,527
Interligação Elétrica Paraguaçu Energy transport Brazil 50.00% 1,526,700 508,651 1,018,049 35,003
Interligação Elétrica Aimorés Energy transport Brazil 50.00% 963,034 339,050 623,984 23,536
Interligação Elétrica Ivaí Energy transport Brazil 50.00% 4,172,544 3,255,118 917,426 132,317
Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica Energy transport Brazil 14.88% 15,274,872 9,126,666 6,148,206 525,583
Interconexión Eléctrica  Colombia Panamá-Panamá Energy transport Panama 50.00% 33,253  1,320 31,933 (4,905)
Interconexión Eléctrica Colombia Panamá Colombia Energy transport Colombia 1.17% 268  3 265  (2)
Transnexa (1) Telecommunications transport Ecuador 50.00% - - - -
Derivex Manage the negotiation system of operations on derivative financial instruments of electrical energy Colombia 40.46% 679 - 679 (171)
Parques del Río Roads Colombia 33.00%  94 -  94 (30)
Conexión Kimal Lo Aguirre S.A. Energy transport Chile 33.00% 595,038 99,553 495,485  7,335
ATP Tower Holdings Telecommunications transport United States of America 24.70% 4,501,781 2,726,116 1,775,665 (12,706)



(1) Transnexa is in the process of liquidation and the investment is fully impaired.

