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Published: 2023-11-13 16:06:41 ET
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Afya Limited Announces Third Quarter and Nine Months 2023 Financial Results

Guidance on Track

Strong Cash Conversion


Nova Lima, Brazil, November 13, 2023 – Afya Limited (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34) (“Afya” or the “Company”), the leading medical education group and digital health services provider in Brazil, reported today financial and operating results for the three and nine-month period ended September 30, 2023. Financial results are expressed in Brazilian Reais and are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


Third Quarter 2023 Highlights

§3Q23 Adjusted Net Revenue increased 24.6% YoY to R$723.0 million. Adjusted Net Revenue excluding acquisitions grew 13.6%, reaching R$659.0 million.
§3Q23 Adjusted EBITDA increased 21.7% YoY, reaching R$278.4 million, with an Adjusted EBITDA Margin of 38.5%. Adjusted EBITDA excluding acquisitions grew 8.9%, reaching R$249.0 million, with an Adjusted EBITDA Margin of 37.8%.


Nine Months 2023 Highlights

§9M23 Adjusted Net Revenue increased 24.4% YoY to R$2,144.6 million. Adjusted Net Revenue excluding acquisitions grew 13.5%, reaching R$1,957.2 million.
§9M23 Adjusted EBITDA increased 21.8% YoY reaching R$876.8 million, with an Adjusted EBITDA Margin of 40.9%. Adjusted EBITDA excluding acquisitions grew 10.5%, reaching R$795.1 million, with an Adjusted EBITDA Margin of 40.6%.
§Cash conversion of 109.3% generating R$933.8 million of cash flow from operating activities that resulted in a solid cash position of R$822.0 million.
§Over 285 thousand monthly active physicians and medical students using Afya’s Digital Service.


Table 1: Financial Highlights                      
  For the three months period ended September 30,   For the nine months period ended September 30,
(in thousand of R$) 2023 2023 Ex Acquisitions* 2022 % Chg % Chg Ex Acquisitions   2023 2023 Ex Acquisitions* 2022 % Chg % Chg Ex Acquisitions
(a) Net Revenue 723,479 659,477 580,575 24.6% 13.6%   2,146,047 1,958,652 1,745,055 23.0% 12.2%
(b) Adjusted Net Revenue (1) 722,986 658,984 580,198 24.6% 13.6%   2,144,606 1,957,211 1,723,993 24.4% 13.5%
(c) Adjusted EBITDA (2) 278,393 249,005 228,730 21.7% 8.9%   876,766 795,100 719,717 21.8% 10.5%
(d) = (c)/(b)  Adjusted EBITDA Margin 38.5% 37.8% 39.4% -90 bps -160 bps   40.9% 40.6% 41.7% -80 bps -110 bps
*For the three months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes (July to September, 2023; Closing of UNIT and FITS was in January 2023).
*For the nine months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: Alem da Medicina (January & February 2023; Closing of Alem da Medicina was in March, 2022), Cardiopapers (January to March 2023; Closing of Cardiopapers was in April, 2022), Glic (January to May, 2023; Closing of Glic was in May, 2022), and UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes (January to September, 2023; Closing of UNIT and FITS was in January 2023).
(1) Includes mandatory discounts in tuition fees granted by state decrees and individual/collective legal proceedings and public civil proceedings due to COVID 19 on site classes restriction and excludes any recovery of these discounts that were invoiced based on the Supreme Court decision.  
(2) See more information on "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" (Item 07).




Message from Management

We are pleased to announce our third quarter results, a quarter was marked by significant increases in Net Revenue in our three segments, high Adjusted EBITDA margins, cash generation, and a consistent business expansion. All these factors combined enable us to reassure our 2023 guidance, reinforcing our business strategy execution.

Our Continuing Education segment stands out with remarkable expansion for the nine months, showing a Net Revenue growth of 43% when compared to the same period of the prior year. This accomplishment is the result of a robust intake process and the maturation of our courses, aligned with our growth and expansion plan.

In our Digital Health Services segment, we have seen a robust 22% increase in Net Revenue compared to the nine months of the prior year. This reaffirms the immense potential of digital services. This surge can be attributed to the success of our B2B engagements, where we've secured new contracts with pharmaceutical industry leaders. Furthermore, the continuous growth in B2P subscribers reflects our unwavering dedication to expanding our reach.

On the Undergrad side of the education segment, we grew Adjusted Net Revenue by 24% when compared to the same period last year. Our core business remains as robust as ever, with Medicine courses increasing tickets higher than inflation, maturation of medical seats, and an ongoing integration of the UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes, acquired in January 2023.

We are enthusiastic about our current initiatives and the promising opportunities that lie ahead. A new avenue for growth unfolds with the launch of Mais Médicos 3, presenting a significant opportunity to expand Afya's medical courses in Brazil and address the pressing need for more healthcare professionals in underserved areas. Afya is committed to engaging in the program, with high-quality proposals and enhancing the standards of medicine courses throughout the country.

High and predictable growth, strong cash generation, guidance on track for the year, and segments ramp-up: this proves how we are evolving and empowering our vision to transform health with those who have medicine as a vocation.


1.Key Events in the Quarter:
§Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA, B3: A2FY34) announced, in July 2023, the start of negotiation of its non-sponsored Brazilian Depositary Receipts (BDRs), with a 1-for-2 stock split, aimed to provide investment opportunities on Afya for Brazilian investors.
§Afya hosted, in July 2023, its Investor and ESG Day. Attendees heard from Afya’s business executives the Company's evolution, business strategy, ESG initiatives, present and future perspectives. More details on:
§On August 10, 2023, Unigranrio entered into a tax amnesty program on interest and penalties to settle a tax proceeding in respect to ISS (city tax on services) with the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, which result in a payment of R$14,819 to settle the claim. The selling shareholders of Unigranrio agreed to pay R$5,438 regarding this matter. The Company had a provision of R$53,302 and an indemnification asset from the selling shareholders of R$20,000 (in light of the indemnification clauses as defined at acquisition of Unigranrio), in respect to such tax proceeding. The difference between the provision, indemnification asset and the actual paid amount was recorded as Other income (expenses), net on the consolidated statement of income and comprehensive income.
2.Subsequent Events in the quarter
§On October 4th, The Ministry of Education (MEC) announced the rules for the new Mais Médicos program, which define the criteria for opening new undergraduate medical school seats. The new program will allow the opening of nearly 10,000 new undergraduate seats, of which 5,700 will be distributed through the new program, approximately 2,000 will be allocated to existing private institutions and approximately 2,000 will be allocated to the public system. The Mais Medicos seats (5,700) will be distributed across 95 cities, considering 60 seats per institution.
§On October 31st, Afya announced, through its wholly owned subsidiary Afya Participações S.A. (“Afya Brazil”), the acquisition of an additional 15% in Centro de Ciências em Saúde de Itajubá S.A. ("CCSI”;” FMIT”), consolidating our position of ownership to 75% of the total share capital. The aggregate purchase price for the additional 15% was R$21.0 million paid 100% in cash on the closing date.


3.Full Year 2023 Guidance Reaffirmed


The Company is reaffirming its previously issued guidance for FY23, which already considered the impact of the increase of the FG-FIES, as Afya successfully concluded acceptances of new medical students for the second semester, ensuring 100% occupancy in all its medical schools.


The guidance for FY2023 is defined in the following table:


    Guidance for 2023
Adjusted Net Revenue*   R$ 2,750 mn ≤ ∆ ≤ R$ 2,850 mn
Adjusted EBITDA   R$ 1,100 mn ≤ ∆ ≤ R$ 1,200 mn
*Includes UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes' acquisitions;
Includes the increase of 64 medical seats of Faculdade Santo Agostinho, in the city of Itabuna;
Excludes any acquisition that may be concluded after the issuance of the guidance.



4.9M23 Overview


Operational Review

Afya is the only company offering educational and technological solutions to support physicians across every stage of the medical career, from undergraduate students in their medical school years through medical residency preparatory courses, medical specialization programs and continuing medical education. The Company also offers solutions to empower the physicians in their daily routine including supporting clinic decisions through mobile app subscription, delivering practice management tools through a Software as a Service (SaaS) model, and assisting physicians in their relationship with their patients.

The Company reports results for three distinct business units. The first, Undergrad – medical schools, other healthcare programs and ex-health degrees. Revenue is generated from the monthly tuition fees the Company charges students enrolled in the undergraduate programs. The second, Continuing Education – specialization programs and graduate courses for physicians. Revenue is also generated from the monthly tuition fees the Company charges students enrolled in the specialization and graduate courses. The third is Digital Services – digital services offered by the Company at every stage of the medical career. This business unit is divided into Business to Physician (which encompasses Content & Technology for Medical Education, Clinical Decision Software, Practice Management Tools & Electronic Medical Records, Physician-Patient Relationship, Telemedicine, and Digital Prescription) and Business to Business (which provides access and demand for the healthcare players). Revenue is generated from printed books and e-books, which is recognized at the point in time when control is transferred to the customer, and subscription fees, which are recognized as the services are transferred over time.




Key Revenue Drivers – Undergraduate Courses

Table 2: Key Revenue Drivers Nine months period ended September 30,
  2023 2022 % Chg
Undergrad Programs      
Approved Seats 3,163 2,759 14.6%
Operating Seats (1) 3,113 2,709 14.9%
Total Students (end of period) 21,556 17,997 19.8%
Average Total Students 21,056 17,692 19.0%
Average Total Students (ex-Acquisitions)* 18,978 17,692 7.3%
Tuition Fees (Total - R$ '000)  1,922,472  1,522,393 26.3%
Tuition Fees (ex- Acquisitions* - R$ '000)  1,744,263  1,522,393 14.6%
Medical School Gross Avg. Ticket (ex- Acquisitions* - R$/month) 10,212 9,561 6.8%
Medical School Net Avg. Ticket (ex- Acquisitions* - R$/month) 8,556 7,859 8.9%
Total Students (end of period) 21,564 18,114 19.0%
Average Total Students 21,447 19,932 7.6%
Average Total Students (ex-Acquisitions)* 19,738 19,932 -1.0%
Tuition Fees (Total - R$ '000) 293,367 254,613 15.2%
Tuition Fees (ex- Acquisitions* - R$ '000) 271,194 254,613 6.5%
Total Students (end of period) 24,286 23,085 5.2%
Average Total Students 24,625 23,746 3.7%
Average Total Students (ex-Acquisitions)* 21,432 23,746 -9.7%
Tuition Fees (Total - R$ '000) 230,149 201,116 14.4%
Tuition Fees (ex- Acquisitions* - R$ '000) 199,410 201,116 -0.8%
Tuition Fees (Total - R$ '000)  2,445,988  1,978,122 23.7%
Tuition Fees (ex- Acquisitions* - R$ '000)  2,214,867  1,978,122 12.0%
*For the nine months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes (January to September, 2023; Closing of UNIT and FITS was in January 2023).
(1) The difference between approved and operating seats is 'Cametá'. A campus for which we already have the license but haven't started operations.




Key Revenue Drivers – Continuing Education and Digital Services

Table 3: Key Revenue Drivers Nine months period ended September 30,
  2023 2022 % Chg
Continuing Education      
Medical Specialization & Others      
Total Students (end of period) 4,954 4,036 22.7%
Average Total Students 4,791 3,686 30.0%
Average Total Students (ex-Acquisitions) 4,791 3,686 30.0%
Net Revenue from courses (Total - R$ '000) 108,263 75,568 43.3%
Net Revenue from courses (ex- Acquisitions¹) 108,263 75,568 43.3%
Digital Services      
Content & Technology for Medical Education      
Medcel Active Payers      
Prep Courses & CME - B2P 6,026 12,886 -53.2%
Prep Courses & CME - B2B 5,420 5,704 -5.0%
Além da Medicina Active Payers 6,700 5,696 17.6%
Cardiopapers Active Payers 8,327 5,090 63.6%
Medical Harbour Active Payers 10,346 5,080 103.7%
Clinical Decision Software      
Whitebook Active Payers 150,796 133,926 12.6%
Clinical Management Tools²      
iClinic Active Payers 25,702 22,596 13.7%
Shosp Active Payers 3,579 2,348 52.4%
Digital Services Total Active Payers (end of period) 216,896 193,326 12.2%
Net Revenue from Services (Total - R$ '000) 164,036 134,243 22.2%
Net Revenue - B2P 134,225 117,256 14.5%
Net Revenue - B2B 29,843 16,987 75.7%
Net Revenue From Services (ex-Acquisitions¹) 156,947 134,243 16.9%
*For the nine months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: Alem da Medicina (January & February 2023; Closing of Alem da Medicina was in March, 2022), Cardiopapers (January to March 2023; Closing of Cardiopapers was in April, 2022), Glic (January to May, 2023; Closing of Glic was in May, 2022).
(2) Clinical management tools includes Telemedicine and Digital Prescription features.


Key Operational Drivers – Digital Services

Monthly Active Users (MaU) represents the number of unique individuals that consumed Digital Services content in each one of our products in the last 30 days of a specific period. Total monthly active users reached over 285 thousand.

Monthly Active Unique Users (MUAU) represents the number of unique individuals, without overlap of users among products, in the last 30 days of a specific period.




Table 4: Key Operational Drivers for Digital Services - Monthly Active Users (MaU)      
  3Q23 3Q22 % Chg YoY 2Q23 1Q23
Content & Technology for Medical Education  26,012  21,811 19.3%  24,973  31,549
Clinical Decision Software  230,732  239,640 -3.7%  230,338  237,003
Clinical Management Tools¹  26,944  23,036 17.0%  24,880  24,568
Physician-Patient Relationship  1,583  1,397 13.3%  1,782  1,773
Total Monthly Active Users (MaU) - Digital Services  285,271  285,884 -0.2%  281,973  294,893
1) Clinical management tools includes Telemedicine and Digital Prescription features      
Includes Shosp, Medicinae and Além da Medicina starting in 1Q22 and Cardiopapers and Glic starting in 2Q22

Table 5: Key Operational Drivers for Digital Services - Monthly Unique Active Users (MuaU)    
  3Q23 3Q22 % Chg QoQ 2Q23 1Q23
Total Monthly Unique Active Users (MuaU) - Digital Services  254,894  263,587 -3.3%  251,487  262,137
1) Total Monthly Unique Active Users excludes non-integrated companies: Medical Harbour, Medicinae, Shosp, Além da Medicina, Cardiopapers and Glic


Undergrad’s tuition revenues are related to the intake process and monthly tuition fees charged to students over the period; thus, does not have significant fluctuations during the semester. Continuing Education revenues are related to monthly intakes and tuition fees and do not have a considerable concentration in any period. Digital Services is comprised mainly of Medcel, Pebmed, and iClinic revenues. While Pebmed and iClinic do not have significant fluctuation regarding seasonality, Medcel’s revenue is concentrated in the first and last quarter of the year due to the enrollments of Medcel’s clients period. In addition, the majority of Medcel’s revenues are derived from printed books and e-books, which are recognized at the point in time when control is transferred to the customer. Consequently, the Digital Services segment generally has higher revenues and results of operations in the first and last quarters of the year than in the second and third quarters.


Adjusted Net Revenue for the third quarter of 2023 was R$723.0 million, an increase of 24.6% over the same period of the prior year. Excluding acquisitions, Adjusted Net Revenue in the third quarter increased 13.6% YoY to R$659.0 million, mainly due to: higher net tickets in Medicine courses, maturation of medical seats and the growth of Continuing Education and Digital Services segments.


Net Revenue of Continuing Education for the third quarter of 2023 was R$37.7 million, an increase of 35.0% YoY, boosted by the growth in the number of students.


Digital services increased 19.2% YoY, totaling R$53.1 million for this quarter. The organic growth is a combination of (a) an increase in the B2B engagements, increasing B2B Net Revenue by 61.7%, and (b) the expansion of the active payers in the B2P, mainly in Whitebook, IClinic, Cardiopapers, Além da Medicina, Medical Harbour and Shosp.


For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, Adjusted Net Revenue was R$2,144.6 million, an increase of 24.4% over the same period of last year. Excluding acquisitions, Adjusted Net Revenue in the nine-month period increased 13.5% YoY to R$1,957.2 million.



Table 6: Revenue & Revenue Mix                       
(in thousands of R$)   For the three months period September 30,   For the nine months period ended September 30,
    2023 2023 Ex Acquisitions* 2022 % Chg % Chg Ex Acquisitions   2023 2023 Ex Acquisitions* 2022 % Chg % Chg Ex Acquisitions
Net Revenue Mix                        
Undergrad   636,849 572,847 509,097 25.1% 12.5%   1,883,089 1,702,782 1,538,037 22.4% 10.7%
Adjusted Undergrad¹   636,356 572,354 508,720 25.1% 12.5%   1,881,648 1,701,341 1,516,975 24.0% 12.2%
Continuing Education   37,679 37,679 27,906 35.0% 35.0%   108,263 108,263 75,568 43.3% 43.3%
Digital Services   53,106 53,106 44,548 19.2% 19.2%   164,036 156,947 134,243 22.2% 16.9%
    Inter-segment transactions   -4,155 -4,155 -976 325.7% 325.7%   -9,341 -9,341 -2,793 234.4% 234.4%
Total Reported Net Revenue   723,479 659,477 580,575 24.6% 13.6%   2,146,047 1,958,652 1,745,055 23.0% 12.2%
Total Adjusted Net Revenue ¹   722,986 658,984 580,198 24.6% 13.6%   2,144,606 1,957,211 1,723,993 24.4% 13.5%
*For the three months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes (July to September, 2023; Closing of UNIT and FITS was in January 2023).
*For the nine months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: Alem da Medicina (January & February 2023; Closing of Alem da Medicina was in March, 2022), Cardiopapers (January to March 2023; Closing of Cardiopapers was in April, 2022), Glic (January to May, 2023; Closing of Glic was in May, 2022), and UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes (January to September, 2023; Closing of UNIT and FITS was in January 2023).
(1) Includes mandatory discounts in tuition fees granted by state decrees and individual/collective legal proceedings and public civil proceedings due to COVID 19 on site classes restriction and excludes any recovery of these discounts that were invoiced based on the Supreme Court decision.  
(2) See more information on "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" (Item 07).


Adjusted EBITDA


Adjusted EBITDA for the three-month period ended September 30, 2023, increased 21.7% to R$278.4 million, up from R$228.7 million in the same period of the prior year, while the Adjusted EBITDA Margin decreased 90 basis points to 38.5%. For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, Adjusted EBITDA was R$876.8 million, an increase of 21.8% over the same period of the prior year, with an Adjusted EBITDA Margin decrease of 80 basis points in the same period.


The Adjusted EBITDA Margin reduction is due to: (a) Mix of Net Revenue, with higher participation of Continuing Education segments, and (b) the consolidation of 4 new Mais Médicos campuses (operation started on 3Q22) and UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes which are performing better than expected but still present lower margins when compared to the integrated companies.


Table 7: Adjusted EBITDA                      
(in thousands of R$) For the three months period ended September 30,   For the nine months period ended June 30,
  2023 2023 Ex Acquisitions* 2022 % Chg % Chg Ex Acquisitions   2023 2023 Ex Acquisitions* 2022 % Chg % Chg Ex Acquisitions
Adjusted EBITDA                     278,393                     249,005 228,730 21.7% 8.9%   876,766 795,100 719,717 21.8% 10.5%
% Margin 38.5% 37.8% 39.4% -90 bps -160 bps   40.9% 40.6% 41.7% -80 bps -110 bps
*For the three months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes (July to September, 2023; Closing of UNIT and FITS was in January 2023).
*For the nine months period ended September 30, 2023, "2023 Ex Acquisitions" excludes: Alem da Medicina (January & February 2023; Closing of Alem da Medicina was in March, 2022), Cardiopapers (January to March 2023; Closing of Cardiopapers was in April, 2022), Glic (January to May, 2023; Closing of Glic was in May, 2022), and UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes (January to September, 2023; Closing of UNIT and FITS was in January 2023).



Adjusted Net Income

Net Income for the third quarter of 2023 was R$98.2 million, an increase of 22.1% over the same period of the prior year, mainly due to the increase in operational results and Unigranrio’s tax amnesty program (more details in “Key Events in the Quarter”)


Adjusted Net Income for the third quarter of 2023 was R$128.4 million, an increase of 6.9% over the same period of the prior year, mainly due to the increase in operational results, which was partially offset by higher financial expenses primarily related to the increase in leverage due to UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatao business combination and higher interest rates, when compared to the same period of the prior year. Adjusted Net Income for the nine months of 2023 was R$ 426.7 million, an increase of 5.0% year over year.


Adjusted EPS reached R$4.58 per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, an increase of 5.7% year over year.



Table 8: Adjusted Net Income          
(in thousands of R$) For the three months period ended September 30,   For the nine months period ended September 30,
  2023 2022 % Chg   2023 2022 % Chg
Net income   98,220   80,410 22.1%   303,530   321,425 -5.6%
Amortization of customer relationships and trademark (1)   26,593   18,952 40.3%   80,779   55,959 44.4%
Share-based compensation    6,684   8,833 -24.3%   20,082   20,414 -1.6%
Non-recurring (income) expenses: - 3,104 11,861 n.a.   22,284 8,586 159.5%
 - Integration of new companies (2)   7,769   7,063 10.0%   19,951   17,015 17.3%
 - M&A advisory and due diligence (3)  703   1,388 -49.4%   12,377   3,194 287.5%
 - Gain on tax amnesty (4) - 16,812 - n.a.   -  16,812 - n.a.
 - Expansion projects (5)   2,007   1,079 86.0%   2,536   2,358 7.5%
 - Restructuring expenses (6)   3,722   2,708 37.4%   5,673   7,081 -19.9%
 - Mandatory Discounts in Tuition Fees  (7) -  493 -  377 30.8%   -  1,441 -21,062 -93.2%
Adjusted Net Income 128,393 120,056 6.9%   426,675 406,384 5.0%
Basic earnings per share - in R$ (8) 1.04 0.84 23.2%   3.21 3.39 -5.4%
Adjusted earnings per share - in R$ (9) 1.38 1.28 7.3%   4.58 4.33 5.7%
(1) Consists of amortization of customer relationships and trademark recorded under business combinations.
(2) Consists of expenses related to the integration of newly acquired companies.            
(3) Consists of expenses related to professional and consultant fees in connection with due diligence services for our M&A transactions.
(4) On August 10, 2023, Unigranrio entered into a tax amnesty program on interest and penalties to settle a tax proceeding in respect to ISS (city tax on services) with the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, which result in a payment of R$14,819 to settle the claim. The selling shareholders of Unigranrio agreed to pay R$5,438 regarding this matter. The Company had a provision of R$53,302 and an indemnification asset from the selling shareholders of R$20,000 (in light of the indemnification clauses as defined at acquisition of Unigranrio), in respect to such tax proceeding. The difference between the provision, indemnification asset and the actual paid amount was recorded as Other income (expenses), net on the consolidated statement of income and comprehensive income.
(5) Consists of expenses related to professional and consultant fees in connection with the opening of new campuses.
(6) Consists of expenses related to the employee redundancies in connection with the organizational restructuring of our acquired companies.
(7) Consists of mandatory discounts in tuition fees granted by state decrees, individual/collective legal proceedings and public civil proceedings due to COVID 19 on site classes restriction and excludes any recovery of these discounts that were invoiced based on the Supreme Court decision.  
(8) Basic earnings per share: Net Income/Weighted average number of outstanding shares.          
(9) Adjusted earnings per share: Adjusted Net Income attributable to equity holders of the Parent/Weighted average number of outstanding shares.



Cash and Debt Position


On September 30, 2023, Cash and Cash Equivalents were R$822.0 million, a decrease of 24.8% over December 31, 2022, due to UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes business combination.


For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, Afya reported cash flow from operating activities of R$933.8 million, up from R$743.8 million in the same period of the previous year, an increase of 25.5% YoY, boosted by the solid operational results. Operating Cash Conversion Ratio was strong once again, achieving 109.3% for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, compared to 104.6% in the same period of the previous year.


On September 30, 2023, Net Debt, excluding the effect of IFRS 16, totaled R$1,787.8 million. When compared to December 31, 2022, Net Debt added to R$825 million related to UNIT Alagoas and FITS Jaboatão dos Guararapes business combination closed on January 2, 2023, the Net Debt reduced R$ 418 million due to the strong Cash flow from operating activities in the nine months.




Table 9: Operating Cash Conversion Ratio Reconciliation For the nine months period ended September 30,
(in thousands of R$) Considering the adoption of IFRS 16 
  2023 2022 % Chg
(a) Net cash flows from operating activities 896,202 715,881 25.2%
(b) Income taxes paid 37,599 27,940 34.6%
(c) = (a) + (b) Cash flow from operating activities 933,801 743,821 25.5%
(d) Adjusted EBITDA 876,766 719,717 21.8%
(e) Non-recurring (income) expenses: 22,284 8,586 159.5%
 - Integration of new companies (1) 19,951 17,015 17.3%
 - M&A advisory and due diligence  (2) 12,377 3,194 287.5%
 - Gain on tax amnesty (3) -16,812  - n.a.
 - Expansion projects (4) 2,536 2,358 7.5%
 - Restructuring Expenses (5) 5,673 7,081 -19.9%
 - Mandatory Discounts in Tuition Fees  (6) -1,441 -21,062 -93.2%
(f) = (d) - (e) Adjusted EBITDA ex- non-recurring expenses  854,482 711,131 20.2%
(g) = (c) / (f) Operating cash conversion ratio 109.3% 104.6% 470 bps
(1) Consists of expenses related to the integration of newly acquired companies. 
(2) Consists of expenses related to professional and consultant fees in connection with due diligence services for M&A transactions.
(3) On August 10, 2023, Unigranrio entered into a tax amnesty program on interest and penalties to settle a tax proceeding in respect to ISS (city tax on services) with the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, which result in a payment of R$14,819 to settle the claim. The selling shareholders of Unigranrio agreed to pay R$5,438 regarding this matter. The Company had a provision of R$53,302 and an indemnification asset from the selling shareholders of R$20,000 (in light of the indemnification clauses as defined at acquisition of Unigranrio), in respect to such tax proceeding. The difference between the provision, indemnification asset and the actual paid amount was recorded as Other income (expenses), net on the consolidated statement of income and comprehensive income.
(4) Consists of expenses related to professional and consultant fees in connection with the opening of new campuses.
(5) Consists of expenses related to the employee redundancies in connection with the organizational restructuring of acquired companies.
(6) Consists of mandatory discounts in tuition fees granted by state decrees, individual/collective legal proceedings and public civil proceedings due to COVID 19 on site classes restriction and excludes any recovery of these discounts that were invoiced based on the Supreme Court decision.  



The following table shows more information regarding the cost of debt for 9M23, considering loans and financing, capital market and accounts payable to selling shareholders. Afya’s capital structure remains solid with a conservative leveraging position and a low cost of debt, Afya’s Net Debt (excluding the effect of IFRS16) divided by Adjusted EBITDA mid guidance for 2023 would be 1.6x.


Table 10: Gross Debt and Average Cost of Debt    
(in millions of R$) For the closing of the nine months period ended in September 30,
          Cost of Debt
  Gross Debt Duration (Years) Per year %CDI*
  3Q23 2022 3Q23 2022 3Q23 2022 3Q23 2022
Loans and financing: Softbank 826 824 2.6 3.4 6.5% 6.5% 50% 53%
Loans and financing: Debentures  512 500 3.9 4.6 15.5% 15.7% 114% 114%
Loans and financing: Others 620 621 1.3 2.1 14.5% 14.1% 107% 113%
Accounts payable to selling shareholders 651 529 0.9 1.2 12.3% 11.6% 92% 94%
Average  2,610 2,474 2.2 2.9 11.5% 10.2% 86% 83%
*Based on the annualized Interbank Certificates of Deposit ("CDI") rate for the period as a reference: 9M23: ~12.65% p.y. and for 2022 full year: ~12,39% p.y.




Table 11: Cash and Debt Position          
(in thousands of R$)          
  3Q23 FY2022 % Chg 3Q22 % Chg
(+) Cash and Cash Equivalents 822,008 1,093,082 -24.8% 715,644 14.9%
Cash and Bank Deposits   11,107   57,509 -80.7%   27,161 -59.1%
Cash Equivalents   810,901 1,035,573 -21.7%   688,483 17.8%
(-) Loans and Financing 1,908,299 1,882,901 1.3% 1,399,724 36.3%
Current   186,903   145,202 28.7%   259,638 -28.0%
Non-Current 1,721,396 1,737,699 -0.9% 1,140,086 51.0%
(-) Accounts Payable to Selling Shareholders   651,068   528,678 23.2%   598,367 8.8%
Current   382,500   261,711 46.2%   241,560 58.3%
Non-Current   268,568   266,967 0.6%   356,807 -24.7%
(-) Other Short and Long Term Obligations 50,469 62,176 -18.8% 65,748 -23.2%
(=) Net Debt (Cash) excluding IFRS 16 1,787,828 1,380,673 29.5% 1,348,195 32.6%
(-) Lease Liabilities 869,729 769,525 13.0% 782,224 11.2%
Current   36,705   32,459 13.1%   28,685 28.0%
Non-Current   833,024   737,066 13.0%   753,539 10.5%
Net Debt (Cash) with IFRS 16 2,657,557 2,150,198 23.6% 2,130,419 24.7%



Capital expenditures consists of the purchase of property and equipment and intangible assets, including expenditures mainly related to the expansion and maintenance of our campuses and headquarters including leasehold improvements, and the development of new solutions in the digital segment, among others.


For the nine-month period ending September 30, 2023, CAPEX went from R$238.4 million to R$155.1 million, a decrease of 34.9% over the same period of the prior year. As of September 30, 2023, the Capex to Revenue, excluding licenses acquisition and goodwill remeasurement, was 7.2% a decrease from 10.1% in the same period of the previous year, reflecting the discipline on capital allocation.


Table 12: CAPEX
(in thousands of R$) For the nine months period ended September 30,
  2023 2022 % Chg
CAPEX 155,127 238,363 -34.9%
Property and equipment 88,014 116,641 -24.5%
Intanglibe assets 67,113 121,722 -44.9%
 - Licenses 0 24,408 n.a.
 - Goodwill 0 39,100 n.a.
 - Others 67,113 58,214 15.3%






ESG Metrics

ESG commitment is an important part of Afya’s strategy and permeates the Company’s core values. Afya has been advancing year after year on its core pillars and, since 2021, ESG metrics have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly financial results.

The 2022 Sustainability Report can be found at:

Table 13: ESG Metrics 3Q23 3Q22 2022 2021 2020 2019
# GRI Governance and Employee Management            
1 405-1 Number of employees 9,868 9,039  8,708  8,079  6,100  3,369
2 405-1 Percentage of female employees 58% 57% 57% 55% 55% 57%
3 405-1 Percentage of female employees in the board of directors 36% 27% 40% 18% 18% 22%
4 102-24 Percentage of independent member in the board of directors 36% 36% 30% 36% 36% 22%
4 302-1 Total energy consumption (kWh) 6,078,952  4,355,340   17,011,842   12,176,966   8,035,845   5,928,450
4.1 302-1 Consumption per campus  132,151 98,985   412,747   385,573   321,434   395,230
5 302-1 % supplied by distribution companies 56.7% 71.6% 72.4% 91.3% 83.4% 96.2%
6 302-1 % supplied by other sources 43.3% 28.4% 27.6% 8.7% 16.6% 3.8%
8 413-1 Number of free clinical consultations offered by Afya 146,294  128,686   494,635   341,286   427,184   270,000
9   Number of physicians graduated in Afya's campuses  18,965  17,176  18,104  16,772  12,691  8,306
10 201-4 Number of students with financing and scholarship programs (FIES and PROUNI)  10,628  10,329  10,965  7,881  4,999  2,808
11   % students with scholarships over total undergraduate students 15.8% 17.4% 18.8% 12.9% 13.7% 11.7%
12 413-1 Hospital, clinics and city halls partnerships 664 481  662  447  432 60
(1) Some factors can influence in the adequate proportionality analysis of data over the years, such as: climate changes, COVID-19 pandemic effects, seasonalities, number of employees, number of students, number of active units, among others.
(2) "Other sources" refers to: (a) Derived from renewable sources, such as solar panels installed in the units; and (b) Derived from the search for alternative energy options in the market.
(3) Starting in 2Q22, previously disclosed environmental data were updated to consider: (a) GHG Protocol guidelines improvements, and (b) additional data-collection criteria refinements.
(4) Starting in 2Q22, previously disclosed social data were updated to consider: (a) the number of graduated physicians considering all units after its closing, and (b) partnerships related only to medical schools.

5.                  Conference Call and Webcast Information

When: November 13, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. EST.


Mr. Virgilio Gibbon, Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Luis André Blanco, Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Renata Costa Couto, IR Director


Dial-in: Brazil: +55 11 4632 2236 or +55 11 4632 2237 or +55 11 4680 6788 or +55 11 4700 9668 or +55 21 3958 7888.


United States: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 305 224 1968 or +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 931 3860 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 360 209 5623 or +1 386 347 5053 or +1 507 473 4847 or +1 564 217 2000 or +1 669 444 9171 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 689 278 1000 or +1 719 359 4580 or +1 253 205 0468 or +1 253 215 8782.


Webinar ID: 974 1075 1315


Other Numbers:







6.                  About Afya Limited (Nasdaq: AFYA)

Afya is the leading medical education group in Brazil based on number of medical school seats. It delivers an end-to-end physician-centric ecosystem that serves and empowers students to be lifelong medical learners, from the moment they enroll as medical students, through their medical residency preparation, graduate program, and continuing medical education activities. Afya also offers content and clinical decision applications for healthcare professionals through its products WhiteBook, Nursebook and Portal PEBMED. For more information, please visit



7.                  Forward – Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward looking, and include risks and uncertainties related to statements about our competition; our ability to attract, upsell and retain students; our ability to increase tuition prices and prep course fees; our ability to anticipate and meet the evolving needs of students and professors; our ability to source and successfully integrate acquisitions; general market, political, economic, and business conditions; and our financial targets such as revenue, share count and IFRS and non-IFRS financial measures including gross margin, operating margin, net income (loss) per diluted share, and free cash flow. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, such as statements about the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business operations, financial results and financial position and the Brazilian economy.


The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements made in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to reflect new information or the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law. The achievement or success of the matters covered by such forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any such risks or uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions prove incorrect, our results could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements we make. Readers should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Forward-looking statements represent management’s beliefs and assumptions only as of the date such statements are made. Further information on these and other factors that could affect the Company’s financial results are included in the filings made with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from time to time, including the section titled “Risk Factors” in the most recent Rule 434(b) prospectus. These documents are available on the SEC Filings section of the investor relations section of our website at:


8.                  Non-GAAP Financial Measures

To supplement the Company's consolidated financial statements, which are prepared and presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board—IASB, Afya uses Adjusted EBITDA and Operating Cash Conversion Ratio information, which are non-GAAP financial measures, for the convenience of investors. A non-GAAP financial measure is generally defined as one that intends to measure financial performance but excludes or includes amounts that would not be equally adjusted in the most comparable GAAP measure.


Afya calculates Adjusted EBITDA as net income plus/minus net financial result plus income taxes expense plus depreciation and amortization plus interest received on late payments of monthly tuition fees, plus share-based compensation plus/minus share of income of associate plus/minus non-recurring expenses. The calculation of Adjusted Net Income is net income plus amortization of customer relationships and trademark, plus share-based compensation. We calculate Operating Cash Conversion Ratio as the Cash flow from operating activities, adjusted with income taxes paid divided by Adjusted EBITDA plus/minus non-recurring expenses.


Management presents Adjusted EBITDA, because it believes these measures provide investors with a supplemental measure of financial performance of the core operations that facilitates period-to-period comparisons on a consistent basis. Afya also presents Operating Cash Conversion Ratio because it believes this measure provides investors with a measure of how efficiently the Company converts EBITDA into cash. The non-GAAP financial measures described in this prospectus are not a substitute for the IFRS measures of earnings. Additionally, calculations of Adjusted EBITDA and Operating Cash Conversion Ratio may be different from the calculations used by other companies, including competitors in the education services industry, and therefore, Afya’s measures may not be comparable to those of other companies.

9.                  Investor Relations Contact







10.              Financial Tables

Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income
For the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023, and 2022
(In thousands of Brazilian reais, except earnings per share)

    Three-month period ended Nine-month period ended
    September 30, 2023 September 30, 2022 September 30, 2023 September 30, 2022
    (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
Net revenue   723,479 580,575 2,146,047 1,745,055
Cost of services   (288,234) (216,691) (820,136) (622,663)
Gross profit   435,245 363,884 1,325,911 1,122,392
General and administrative expenses   (257,002) (210,692) (739,808) (596,621)
Other revenues (expenses), net   12,043 (7,173) 10,365 (8,739)
Operating income   190,286 146,019 596,468 517,032
  Finance income   34,771 29,202 86,259 76,618
  Finance expenses   (115,306) (91,933) (353,572) (256,873)
Finance result   (80,535) (62,731) (267,313) (180,255)
Share of income of associate   615 3,819 7,671 10,260
Income before income taxes   110,366 87,107 336,826 347,037
Income taxes expenses   (12,146) (6,697) (33,296) (25,612)
Net income   98,220 80,410 303,530 321,425
Other comprehensive income   - - - -
Total comprehensive income   98,220 80,410 303,530 321,425
Income attributable to          
  Equity holders of the parent   93,347 75,760 288,263 306,875
  Non-controlling interests   4,873 4,650 15,267 14,550
    98,220 80,410 303,530 321,425
Basic earnings per share          
Per common share   1.04 0.84 3.21 3.39

Diluted earnings per share

Per common share

  1.03 0.84 3.18 3.38




Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statements of financial position
As of September 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022
(In thousands of Brazilian reais)


    September 30, 2023   December 31, 2022
Assets   (unaudited)    
Current assets        
Cash and cash equivalents   822,008   1,093,082
Trade receivables   480,556   452,831
Inventories   4,501   12,190
Recoverable taxes   63,319   27,809
Other assets   51,991   51,745
Total current assets   1,422,375   1,637,657
Non-current assets        
Trade receivables   43,593   42,568
Other assets   144,084   191,756
Investment in associate   53,284   53,907
Property and equipment   598,802   542,087
Right-of-use assets   770,036   690,073
Intangible assets   4,798,915   4,041,491
Total non-current assets   6,408,714   5,561,882
Total assets   7,831,089   7,199,539
Current liabilities        
Trade payables   85,655   71,482
Loans and financing   186,903   145,202
Lease liabilities   36,705   32,459
Accounts payable to selling shareholders   382,500   261,711
Notes payable   50,469   62,176
Advances from customers   137,664   133,050
Labor and social obligations   255,235   154,518
Taxes payable   27,400   26,221
Income taxes payable   40,582   16,151
Other liabilities   3,411   2,719
Total current liabilities   1,206,524   905,689
Non-current liabilities        
Loans and financing   1,721,396   1,737,699
Lease liabilities    833,024   737,066
Accounts payable to selling shareholders   268,568   266,967
Taxes payable   90,578   92,888
Provision for legal proceedings   134,068   195,854
Other liabilities   27,898   13,218
Total non-current liabilities   3,075,532   3,043,692
Total liabilities   4,282,056   3,949,381
Share capital   17   17
Additional paid-in capital   2,371,577   2,375,344
Share-based compensation reserve   143,620   123,538
Treasury stock   (310,003)   (304,947)
Retained earnings   1,293,149   1,004,886
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent   3,498,360   3,198,838
Non-controlling interests   50,673   51,320
Total equity   3,549,033   3,250,158
Total liabilities and equity   7,831,089   7,199,539



Unaudited interim condensed consolidated statements of cash flow
For the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023, and 2022
(In thousands of Brazilian reais)

    September 30, 2023 September 30, 2022
Operating activities   (unaudited) (unaudited) 
  Income before income taxes   336,826 347,037
    Adjustments to reconcile income before income taxes      
      Depreciation and amortization   212,172 151,706
      Write-off of property and equipment   1,209 683
      Write-off of intangible assets   288 6
      Provision for expected credit losses   57,160 29,441
      Share-based compensation expense   20,082 20,414
      Net foreign exchange differences   448 293
      Accrued interest   224,349 147,839
      Accrued lease interest   74,867 63,458
      Share of income of associate   (7,671) (10,260)
      Provision (reversal) for legal proceedings   (27,119) 8,531
Changes in assets and liabilities      
  Trade receivables   (52,169) (60,167)
  Inventories   7,828 (661)
  Recoverable taxes   (34,921) (16,931)
  Other assets   35,960 5,858
  Trade payables   1,920 1,398
  Taxes payables   25,321 10,709
  Advances from customers   (27,883) (16,075)
  Labor and social obligations   94,465 70,608
  Other liabilities   (9,331) (10,066)
      933,801 743,821
  Income taxes paid   (37,599) (27,940)
  Net cash flows from operating activities   896,202 715,881
Investing activities      
  Acquisition of property and equipment   (88,014) (116,641)
  Acquisition of intangibles assets   (67,113) (70,423)
  Dividends received   8,294 2,837
  Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired   (726,530) (225,452)
  Payments of interest from acquisition of subsidiaries   (36,674) (17,300)
  Net cash flows used in investing activities   (910,037) (426,979)
Financing activities      
  Payments of principal of loans and financing   (12,216) (922)
  Payments of interest of loans and financing   (124,468) (68,053)
  Proceeds from loans and financing   5,288 -
  Payments of lease liabilities   (100,658) (84,509)
  Treasury shares buy-back   (12,369) (152,317)
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options   3,546 -
  Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders   (15,914) (15,726)
  Net cash flows used in financing activities   (256,791) (321,527)
  Net foreign exchange differences   (448) (293)
  Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents   (271,074) (32,918)
  Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period   1,093,082 748,562
  Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period   822,008 715,644




Reconciliation between Net Income and Adjusted EBITDA

Reconciliation between Adjusted EBITDA and Net Income              
(in thousands of R$) For the three months period September 30,   For the nine months period ended September 30,
  2023 2022 % Chg   2023 2022 % Chg
Net income  98,220 80,410 22.1%   303,530 321,425 -5.6%
Net financial result  80,535 62,731 28.4%   267,313 180,255 48.3%
Income taxes expense  12,146 6,697 81.4%   33,296 25,612 30.0%
Depreciation and amortization  73,908 52,617 40.5%   212,172 151,706 39.9%
Interest received (1) 10,619 9,400 13.0%   25,760 21,979 17.2%
Income share associate (615) (3,819) -83.9%   (7,671) (10,260) -25.2%
Share-based compensation  6,684 8,833 -24.3%   20,082 20,414 -1.6%
Non-recurring (income) expenses: (3,104) 11,861 n.a.   22,284 8,586 159.5%
 - Integration of new companies (2) 7,769 7,063 10.0%   19,951 17,015 17.3%
 - M&A advisory and due diligence (3) 703 1,388 -49.4%   12,377 3,194 287.5%
 - Gain on tax amnesty (4) (16,812)                                     -    n.a.   (16,812)                            -    n.a.
 - Expansion projects (5) 2,007 1,079 86.0%   2,536 2,358 7.5%
 - Restructuring expenses (6) 3,722 2,708 37.4%   5,673 7,081 -19.9%
 - Mandatory Discounts in Tuition Fees  (7) (493) (377) 30.8%   (1,441) (21,062) -93.2%
Adjusted EBITDA 278,393 228,730 21.7%   876,766 719,717 21.8%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 38.5% 39.4% -90 bps   40.9% 41.7% -80 bps
(1) Represents the interest received on late payments of monthly tuition fees.
(2) Consists of expenses related to the integration of newly acquired companies.
(3) Consists of expenses related to professional and consultant fees in connection with due diligence services for our M&A transactions.
(4) On August 10, 2023, Unigranrio entered into a tax amnesty program on interest and penalties to settle a tax proceeding in respect to ISS (city tax on services) with the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, which result in a payment of R$14,819 to settle the claim. The selling shareholders of Unigranrio agreed to pay R$5,438 regarding this matter. The Company had a provision of R$53,302 and an indemnification asset from the selling shareholders of R$20,000 (in light of the indemnification clauses as defined at acquisition of Unigranrio), in respect to such tax proceeding. The difference between the provision, indemnification asset and the actual paid amount was recorded as Other income (expenses), net on the consolidated statement of income and comprehensive income.
(5) Consists of expenses related to professional and consultant fees in connection with the opening of new campuses.
(6) Consists of expenses related to the employee redundancies in connection with the organizational restructuring of our acquired companies.  
(7) Consists of mandatory discounts in tuition fees granted by state decrees, individual/collective legal proceedings and public civil proceedings due to COVID 19 on site classes restriction and excludes any recovery of these discounts that were invoiced based on the Supreme Court decision.  

