1. |
To set the maximum number of Directors to be not more than eight.
2. |
To resolve that vacancies in the number of Directors be designated as casual vacancies and that the Board of Directors be authorised to fill such vacancies as
and when it deems fit.
3. |
To re-elect Ola Lorentzon as a Director of the Company.
4. |
To re-elect Nikolai Grigoriev as a Director of the Company.
5. |
To re-elect Steen Jakobsen as a Director of the Company.
6. |
To re-elect Susan Sakmar as a Director of the Company.
7. |
To re-appoint Ernst & Young AS of Oslo, Norway, as auditor and to authorize the Directors to determine their remuneration.
8. |
To approve remuneration of the Company’s Board of Directors of a total amount of fees not to exceed US$500,000 for the year ended December 31, 2024.
9. |
Reduction of share premium account.
10. |
Capital adjustment.