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Consolidated Unaudited Interim Report of AS PRFoods for the 1nd quarter and 3 months of 2021/2022 financial year

Published: 2021-11-28 17:17:00 ET
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Q1 had many things we can be satisfied with- our sales grew by 11.5% and group net loss decreased by 50%. Unfortunately, there are many things, that unearthed massive management mistakes in Finnish unit. All PRFoods current problems stem from management mistakes made in 2020-2021. As of toda, we have completed 100% the change of management and key people in Finland, that we started in summer and decision to close lossmaking Kokkola factory. These steps build base for renewal of profitability in 2022.

Corona crises speed up the unearthing of weaknesses in Finnish unit, and unfortunately the previous management did not want to acknowledge their mistakes or correct them. The proof that we are on right track with right people who joined us in fall this year, is the fact as of October we back to being profitable also in Finland: Heimon Kala Oy October EBITDA was 28 thousand euros and better by 270 thousand euros on YoY basis. Finnish unit caused liquidity crisis, which we are correcting with increased performance of our farming unit and cashflow released from biomass harvesting.

Thanks to the changes made to product portfolio and production by new Finnish management, we are out of all non-profitable products in Finland and have secured price and sales increases for next year in all categories. Considering the turbulent times in Finland, we aim to provide investors with regular updates from this unit.

Very well performed our UK unit, who despite some one-offs, fulfilled its EBITDA target in the sum of 172 thousand euros. Estonian EBITDA was still in minus by 150 thousand euros in Q1 due to loss-making Finnish sales.

The decline in Finnish management continued in summer, where instead of cutting loss-making production, they increased it, resulting in 880 thousand euros EBITDA loss.

Fish farming is making very good results in current quarter thanks to increased harvest volume and prices. Fish farming could even post a better EBITDA, but we delayed our Swedish harvest until Q1 2022 due to smaller biomass increase in hot summer. Considering that fresh fish prices are higher in winter, this decision has positive economic impact. At the same time this will decrease our cash flow from biomass in current quarter by 1.5 million euros, which will be deferred until Q1 2022.

We have followed our previously announced plan to emerge from this crisis:

  1. Decrease our bank loans: cash flow from financing was -1.5 million euros in Q1
  2. Restructure totally Finnish unit, including selling possibly or closing units or closing loss making units. Eliminating form Finnish sales all low margin products: target achieved by end of 2021.
  3. Increas retail sales in UK, EU and other domestic markets: target achieved in all markets, except Finland.
  4. Group’s strategic focus is on fish farming, as area that has been constantly profitable. Group’s target ist o achieve 10 thousand tons of biomass by 2023, which should give group sales of 40-50 million euros: Swedish farms should contribute already additional 1.500-1.700 tons of biomass by fall 2022.

Group’s financial position is not easy. At the same time, we must remember that 11 million euros bonds have been issued solely for refinancing of John Ross Jr. Acquisition and John Ross Jr results have not been impacted so severly, their operational cash flow is very strong and they pay regularly dividends to parent company, therefore we find their leverage to be acceptable.

Fish farming requires long term capital for fish feed and this is under works.

Last year we were forced to reduce significantly working capital financing through banks, which put strain on company’s finances. We have reduced significantly working capital needs in operations, also through lower inventory. Most important is to restore profitability in the environment of lower sales and restructure loss-making business units.

Having cut our teeth now for second year in corona crisis, we know that it is not sustainable to rely on outside help and all tough decisions need to be taken sooner than later. For our advantage the fish market has started much stronger this year and is more predictable and demand for our products is growing. The only objective of new financial year is profit and everything that blocks our road to profitabilty must be eliminated.



mln EUR3Q 20212Q 20211Q 20214Q 20203Q 20202Q 20201Q 20204Q 2019
Gross profit0.
EBITDA from operations-0.8-1.0-0.50.6-0.3-
Net profit (-loss) -0.7-1.7-1.8-0.2-1.4-1.3-1.70.5
Gross margin 5.4%2.1%6.6%14.9%9.4%4.4%10.8%17.0%
Operational EBITDA margin-5.5%-7.0%-3.5%3.4%-2.6%-0.9%0.1%8.4%
EBITDA margin-0.1%-4.8%-5.3%4.1%-3.8%-0.5%-4.6%5.3%
EBIT margin-4.7%-9.3%-9.9%0.2%-8.8%-6.4%-7.8%2.9%
EBT margin-4.6%-10.8%-12.5%-0.6%-11.3%-8.3%-9.8%2.2%
Net margin -5.2%-11.6%-12.5%-1.2%-11.3%-8.4%-9.2%2.0%
Operating expense ratio16.3%15.4%15.6%15.6%18.2%14.0%14.3%12.5%


mln EUR30.09.202130.06.202131.03.202131.12.202030.09.202030.06.202031.03.2020
Net debt24.220.921.421.921.520.717.0
Working capital-2.6-2.9-5.0-3.9-4.4-4.0-2.5
Liquidity ratio0.9x0.9x0.8x0.8x0.8x0.8x0.9x
Equity ratio 26.7%28.6%32.4%32.4%32.3%34.7%37.9%
Gearing ratio61.8%56.9%54.9%54.0%53.7%51.1%44.0%
Debt to total assets0.7x0.7x0.7x0.7x0.7x0.7x0.6x
Net debt to EBITDA op-14.3x-16.9x-55.3x160.0x12.8x7.5x5.3x

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Thousand euros30.09.202130.09.202030.06.2021
Cash and cash equivalents7481.0912.500
Receivables and prepayments3.2313.2323.512
Biological assets7.7465.4234.795
Total current assets17.36318.49216.498
Deferred income tax385438
Long-term financial investments305232302
Tangible fixed assets14.89716.00615.300
Intangible assets23.36822.60623.460
Total non-current assets38.60838.89839.100
TOTAL ASSETS55.97157.39055.598
Loans and borrowings6.52110.3227.325
Government grants207212207
Total current liabilities19.94722.91919.656
Loans and borrowings18.41112.26117.561
Deferred tax liabilities1.9961.9341.861
Government grants695833746
Total non-current liabilities21.10215.92820.168
TOTAL LIABILITIES41.04938.84739.824
Share capital7.7377.7377.737
Share premium14.00714.19814.007
Treasury shares-390-390-390
Statutory capital reserve515151
Currency translation reserve447-397559
Retained profit (-loss)-7.641-3.056-6.723
Equity attributable to parent14.21118.14315.241
Non-controlling interest711400533
TOTAL EQUITY14.92218.54315.774

Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income

Thousand euros3m 2021/20223m 2020/2021
Cost of goods sold-13.433-11.537
Gross profit7741.200
Operating expenses-2.309-2.322
Selling and distribution expenses-1.581-1.558
Administrative expenses-728-764
Other income / expense5191
Fair value adjustment on biological assets820-94
Operating profit (loss)-664-1.125
Financial income/-expenses16-309
Profit (loss) before tax-648-1.434
Income tax-92-4
Net profit (loss) for the period-740-1.438
Net profit (loss) attributable to:  
Owners of the company-918-1.402
Non-controlling interests178-36
Total net profit (loss)-740-1.438
Other omprehensive income (loss) that may subsequently be classified to profit or loss:  
Foreign currency translation differences-112-31
Total comprehensive income (expense)-852-1.469
Total comprehensive income (expense) attributable to:  
Owners of the Company-842-1.433
Non-controlling interests-10-36
Total comprehensive income (expense) for the period-852-1.469
Profit (loss) per share (EUR)-0.02-0.04
Diluted profit (loss) per share (EUR)-0.02-0.04

Indrek Kasela

AS PRFoods

Member of the Management Board

Phone:+372 452 1470
