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2022 consolidated annual report

Published: 2023-04-28 11:30:00 ET
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The Supervisory Board of AS Baltika (Baltika) approved the audited financial results for the year 2022 along with the proposal for profit distribution. The Supervisory Board decided to present the annual report and the proposal for profit distribution prepared by the Management Board for approval to the annual general meeting of shareholders.

Baltika draws attention to the fact that compared to the preliminary financial results published on 28.02.2023, the financial results of Baltika have changed. See Note 3 “Correction of errors” in the annual report for more details.

The consolidated annual report for the year 2022, including the independent auditor's report and the proposal for profit distribution, is attached to this announcement and is available on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange website at and on the company's website at

Margus Olesk

Member of the Management Board, CFO
