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Consolidated Unaudited Interim Report of AS PRFoods for the 1nd quarter and 3 months of 2023/2024 financial year

Published: 2023-11-30 05:30:00 ET
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Consolidated Unaudited Interim Report of AS PRFoods for the 1nd quarter and 3 months of 2023/2024 financial year


1st Quarter of current financial year started with good results from UK, fish farming season in full swing and Estonian operations suffering from discontinuation of sales to Finland due to anti-competition situation. Q1 is one of quieter seasons for us as the seasonality plays strong role in Q2 and Q4. Sales were down 26%, EBITDA was less only by 140,000 EUR. More importantly our operating loss decreased by 50%. In times like these even incremental but steady improvements will bring about results in long term. The operations have been massively streamlined, cost efficiency at its best and we know that once the exclusivity period ends and we can restart exports to Finland, the profitability of Estonian business is going to be substantially improved. Net loss was 720,000 euros compared to 870,000 profit last year, but last year result was affected by one-off profit from sale of Swedish business which resulted in 1,7 million euro financial income.

High inflation and consumers behaviour is affecting all the food producers, but overall we do not see big decline in demand. In contrary since the retail prices of fish products have come down, we expect very healthy demand for Christmas season. Stability is more important than volatility, both in sales and operations and the foundation is now much stronger than last years. We are smaller, but more efficient and once the artificial barriers to sales, like exclusivity in Finland, ends, we will demonstrate much better results.



mln EURunless indicated otherwise1Q 2022/20232022/20231Q 2022/20232021/20233
Gross profit0,13,60,53,1
EBITDA from operations-0,460,3-0,3-1,7
Net profit (loss)-0,70,30,9-8,1
Gross margin3,5%18,3%11,1%7,4%
Operational EBITDA margin-13,6%1,5%-6,9%-4,1%
EBITDA margin-3,1%1,5%-10,6%-5,1%
EBIT margin-11,7%-5,1%-17,7%-9,9%
EBT margin-20,7%2,0%-19,0%-19,5%
Net margin-21,1%1,5%18,8%-19,4%
Operating expense ratio-25,4%24,0%-24,2%17,1%


mln EURunless indicated otherwise30.09.202330.06.202330.09.202230.06.2022
Net debt17,016,718,824,7
Working capital0,20,00,7-3,2
Liquidity ratio1,0x1,0x1,1x0,7x
Equity ratio25,2%27,4%24,1%20,7%
Gearing ratio69,7%66,9%70,2%75,4%
Debt to total assets0,8x0,7x0,8x0,8x
Net debt to operating EBITDA21,4x55,8x-11,7x-14,5x

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

EUR '00030.09.202330.09.202230.06.2023
Cash and cash equivalents199345394
Receivables and prepayments1 3304 8112 118
Inventories1 9092 1021 861
Biological assets1 130955772
Total current assets4 5678 2135 145
Long-term financial investments382304381
Tangible assets6 3647 1696 563
Intangible assets17 95417 40018 157
Total non-current assets24 70024 87325 101
TOTAL ASSETS26 26733 086 30 246
Interest-bearing liabilities1 8273 5622 111
Payables and prepayments2 9473 9653 035
Total current liabilities4 7747 5275 146
Interest-bearing liabilities15 35415 59215 024
Deferred tax liabilities1 4541 6441 466
Government grants309342318
Total non-current liabilities17 11717 57816 807
TOTAL LIABILITIES21 89125 105 21 953
Share capital7 7377 7377 737
Share premium14 00714 00714 007
Treasury shares-390-390-390
Statutory capital reserve515151
Currency translation differences412394608
Retained profit (loss)-14 655-14 043-13 981
Equity attributable to parent71637 7578 032
Non-controlling interest213223259
TOTAL EQUITY7 3767 980 8 292

Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income

EUR '0003m 2023/20243m 2023/2024
Revenue3 4114 610
Cost of goods sold-3 290-4 097
Gross profit121514
Operating expenses-867-1 114
Selling and distribution expenses-438-643
Administrative expenses-429-471
Other income / expense-9-47
Fair value adjustment on biological assets358-170
Operating profit (loss)-398-170
Financial income / expenses-3081692
Profit (Loss) before tax-705874
Income tax-14-6
Net profit (loss) for the period-719868
Net profit (loss) attributable to:  
Owners of the Parent Company-674878
Non-controlling interests-46-8
Total net profit (loss) for the period-720869
Other comprehensive income (loss) that may subsequently be classified to profit or loss:  
Foreign currency translation differences-196-445
Total comprehensive income (expense)-916424
Total comprehensive income (expense) attributable to:  
Owners of the Parent Company-870433
Non-controlling interests-46-8
Total comprehensive income (expense) for the period-916424

Indrek Kasela

AS PRFoods

Member of the Management Board

Phone:+372 452 1470
