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Results of the Annual General Meeting of Master Drilling held on Monday, 13 June 2021

Published: 2022-06-13 11:30:00 ET
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Master Drilling Group Limited (JSE:MDI) News - Results of the Annual General Meeting of Master Drilling held on Monday, 13 June 2021

Master Drilling Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2011/008265/06)
JSE share code: MDI
ISIN: ZAE000171948
(“Master Drilling” or the “Company” or the “Group”)


Master Drilling shareholders are advised that the results of the business conducted at the annual general meeting held on Monday, 13 June 2022 at 09h00 at
BDO offices, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, Johannesburg were as follows:

1.    Ordinary resolution number 1 – Appointment of BDO South Africa Incorporated as the auditor of the Company

      BDO was appointed as the independent auditor of the Company until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.

      Appointment                    For               %       Against              %      Abstain              %      Shares Voted                  %
      of BDO South
      Africa                 125,326,164          96.43%     4,639,849          3,57%       61,985          0.04%        129,966,013            85,92%
      as auditor of
      the Company

2.   Ordinary resolution number 2: Re-election of Non-Executive Director

     Shane Trevor Ferguson was re-elected by separate resolution as a Non-Executive Director.

      Re-election                      For               %      Against              %     Abstain              %        Shares Voted                 %
      of Non-
      Shane Trevor             108,489,754          83,48%    21,476,259         16.52%      61,985          0.04%         129,966,013           85.92%

3.   Ordinary resolution number 3: Election of Non-Executive Director

     Mamokete Emily Ramathe was elected by separate resolution as a Non-Executive Director.

      Election of                      For               %      Against               %     Abstain             %        Shares Voted                 %
      Mamokete                 129,966,013         100.00%            0           0.00%      61,985         0.04%         129,966,013            85.92%

4.   Ordinary resolution number 4: Election/ Re-appointment of members of the Audit Committee

     Messrs Andries Willem Brink, Akhter Alli Deshmukh, Mamokete Emily Ramathe (all Independent Non-Executive Directors) and Shane Trevor Ferguson
     (Non-Executive Director) were each elected by way of separate resolution as members of the Master Drilling Audit Committee with effect from the end of
     the annual general meeting.

      Election/Re-                     For               %       Against             %      Abstain                %      Shares Voted                 %
      appointment of
      members of the
      Audit Committee

      4.1    Andries           129,939,682          99.98%        26,331         0.02%       61,985           0.04%         129,966,013           85.92%

      4.2    Shane              98,231,728          75.58%    31,734,285        24.42%       61,985           0.04%         129,966,013           85.92%

      4.3    Akhter Alli       109,363,037          84.15%    20,599,928        15,85%       65,033           0.04%         129,962,965           85.92%

      4.4    Mamokete          129,966,013         100.00%               -          0%       61,985           0.04%         129,966,013           85,92%

5.   Ordinary resolution number 5: General authority to Directors to allot and issue authorised but unissued ordinary shares

     The general authority was approved for the Directors of Master Drilling to allot and issue ordinary shares. up to a maximum of 5% of the authorised but
     unissued ordinary shares of the Company, pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act and the JSE Listings Requirements.

      General                         For                %        Against             %     Abstain               %         Shares Voted                 %
      to allot
      and issue

                              102,436,826             78,82%    27,527,187        21,18%      63,985          0.04%          129,964,013            85.92%

6.   Ordinary resolution number 6: General authority for Directors to issue shares for cash

     The general authority for Directors to issue shares for cash, limited to a maximum number of 7,563,138 ordinary shares and which authority is only valid
     until the next annual general meeting, was approved.

      General                       For                  %        Against               %      Abstain            %         Shares Voted                 %
      to   issue
      shares for
                             102,438,826             78.82%    27,527,187          21.18%       61.985         0.04%         129,966,013            85.92%

7.   Ordinary resolution number 7: Approval of the Master Drilling remuneration policy

     The Company’s remuneration policy as contained in the Remuneration report of the Company as set out in the Integrated Annual Report (excluding the
     remuneration of Directors for their services as Directors and members of the Board or statutory committees) in terms of the King Report on Governance
     for South Africa 2016 (“King IV”) was endorsed by way of a non-binding advisory vote.

     Approval of the                For                  %         Against               %       Abstain             %            Shares Voted             %
     Master Drilling
                            108,930,773             83.83%      21,010,240           16.17%       86,985         0.06%             129,941,013        85.90%

8.   Ordinary resolution number 8: Approval of implementation report of the remuneration policy

     Implementation of the remuneration policy as contained in the Remuneration report of the Company and as set out in the Integrated Annual Report
     (excluding the remuneration of Directors for their services as Directors and members of the Board or statutory committees) in terms of King IV was
     endorsed by way of a non-binding advisory vote.

     Approval of                   For                  %          Against               %        Abstain             %           Shares Voted             %
     report on the
     Master Drilling
                           110,238,756             84.84%       19,702,257           15.16%        86,985          0.06%           129,941,013        85,90%

9.      Special resolution number 1: General authority to acquire Master Drilling ordinary shares

        The general authority for the Company or any one of its subsidiaries to acquire Master Drilling ordinary shares in the share capital of the Company, and
        subject to the requirements of the Companies Act and the JSE Listings Requirements, was approved.

                                           For          %          Against              %        Abstain               %          Shares Voted             %
        General authority to                                                                                                                 
        acquire Master Drilling
        ordinary shares

                                   127,495,657      98.10%       2,468,966          1.90%        63,375             0.04%          129,964,623        85.92%

10.     Special resolution number 2: Directors’ fees

        The remuneration to be paid to Directors for their services as Directors for the year commencing 1 July 2022, as recommended by the Remuneration
        Committee and the Board to the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, and as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, as well as payment
        of such Value-Added Tax as may be attributable to Non-Executive Directors’ fees payable by the Company, was approved.

                                           For           %         Against              %       Abstain                 %         Shares Voted               %
        Directors’ fees                                                                                                                

                                   127,903,078      98.43%       2,038,545          1.57%         86,375            0.06%          129,941,623          85.90%

11.     Special resolution number 3: Financial assistance in terms of sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act

        The ability for the Company to provide any direct or indirect financial assistance as contemplated in sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act to any one
        or more related or inter-related companies or corporations of Master Drilling, from time to time during a period of 2 (two) years, commencing on the date
        of this special resolution, and subject to the JSE Listings Requirements, was approved.

                                           For           %        Against               %       Abstain                %          Shares Voted                %
        Financial assistance in                                                                                                         
        terms of sections 44 and
        45 of the Companies Act

                                   129,960,965     100.00%          3,658              0%        63,375            0.04%           129,964,623           85.92%

Accordingly, all the resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting were passed with the requisite majority of votes.

The special resolutions will, to the extent necessary, be filed and registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission.

13 June 2022

Investec Bank Limited


Date: 13-06-2022 01:30:00
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