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Dealings in securities

Published: 2021-09-20 13:00:00 ET
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Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited (JSE:MUR) News - Dealings in securities

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 1948/029826/06
JSE Share Code: MUR
ISIN: ZAE000073441
(“Murray & Roberts” or “Company”)

Dealing in securities by Directors, Company Secretary, Subsidiary Directors and the
Murray & Roberts Holdings Forfeitable Share Plan (“FSP”)

1. 2021 Short Term Incentive (“STI”) Deferral

In accordance with the Company’s Remuneration Policy, part of the annual STI of executives
is deferred into forfeitable share awards. These awards of forfeitable shares are governed
under the rules of the FSP and vest over a three-year period, at one third per year. The awards
are not subject to performance conditions but to the continued employment of the executives.
The required shares for the deferred part of the financial year 2021 STI allocation were
acquired on market on 16 September 2021. The interests in these transactions will be directly
and beneficially held by the respective executives:

Name of director:                            HJ Laas
Company:                                     Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited
Number of shares:                            171 370
Highest price per share:                     R10.30
Lowest price per share:                      R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:     R10.30
Value of transaction:                        R1 765 111.00

Name of director:                            DF Grobler
Company:                                     Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited
Number of shares:                            82 722
Highest price per share:                     R10.30
Lowest price per share:                      R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:     R10.30
Value of transaction:                        R852 036.60

Name of subsidiary director:                 MG Da Costa
Subsidiary company:                          Murray & Roberts Limited
Number of shares:                            64 388
Highest price per share:                     R10.30
Lowest price per share:                      R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:     R10.30
Value of transaction:                        R663 196.40
Name of subsidiary director:               ST Harrison
Subsidiary company:                        Murray & Roberts Limited
Number of shares:                          13 608
Highest price per share:                   R10.30
Lowest price per share:                    R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:   R10.30
Value of transaction:                      R140 162.40

Name of subsidiary director:               WT Mdluli
Subsidiary company:                        Murray & Roberts Limited
Number of shares:                          38 779
Highest price per share:                   R10.30
Lowest price per share:                    R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:   R10.30
Value of transaction:                      R399 423.70

2.   Trading by Executives of Murray & Roberts ordinary shares

The following executives sold shares on 16 September 2021, arising from the vesting on 01
September 2021 of the FSP awards made on 01 September 2018, as well as previous STI
deferrals. The interests in these transactions were directly and beneficially held by the
respective executives.

Name of director:                          HJ Laas
Company:                                   Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited
Shares sold:                               179 141
Highest price per share:                   R10.30
Lowest price per share:                    R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:   R10.30
Value of transaction:                      R1 845 152.30

Name of director:                          DF Grobler
Company:                                   Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited
Shares sold:                               279 453
Highest price per share:                   R10.30
Lowest price per share:                    R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:   R10.30
Value of transaction:                      R2 878 365.90

Name of company secretary:                 L Kok
Company:                                   Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited
Shares sold:                               10 346
Highest price per share:                   R10.30
Lowest price per share:                    R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:   R10.30
Value of transaction:                      R106 563.80

Name of subsidiary director:               MG Da Costa
Company:                                   Murray & Roberts Limited
Shares sold:                               84 396
Highest price per share:                   R10.30
Lowest price per share:                    R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:   R10.30
Value of transaction:                      R869 278.80
Name of subsidiary director:                ST Harrison
Subsidiary company:                         Murray & Roberts Limited
Shares sold:                                51 847
Highest price per share:                    R10.30
Lowest price per share:                     R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:    R10.30
Value of transaction:                       R534 024.10

Name of subsidiary director:                WT Mdluli
Subsidiary company:                         Murray & Roberts Limited
Shares sold:                                58 617
Highest price per share:                    R10.30
Lowest price per share:                     R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:    R10.30
Value of transaction:                       R603 755.10

3. Trading by the FSP of Murray & Roberts ordinary shares

The FSP sold the Company’s ordinary shares through on-market trades to settle its obligations
in terms of the FSP scheme, as follows:

Date:                                          15 September 2021
Number of shares:                              2 736 672
Highest price per share:                       R10.30
Lowest price per share:                        R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:       R10.30
Value of transaction:                          R28 187 721.60

Date:                                          16 September 2021
Number of shares:                              38 195
Highest price per share:                       R10.30
Lowest price per share:                        R10.30
Volume weighted average price per share:       R10.30
Value of transaction:                          R393 408.50

All values are before brokerage fees. Clearance has been obtained in terms of paragraph
3.66 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements.

20 September 2021

Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Date: 20-09-2021 03:00:00
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