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Annual results for the year ended 30 June 2021

Published: 2021-09-01 13:50:00 ET
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Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited (JSE:MUR) News - Annual results for the year ended 30 June 2021

Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1948/029826/06
JSE Share Code: MUR ADR Code: MURZY
ISIN: ZAE000073441
("Murray & Roberts" or "Group" or "Company")


- Revenue from continuing operations R21,9 billion FY2020: R20,8 billion
- EBIT from continuing operations R540 million FY2020: R17 million loss
- Attributable loss R180 million FY2020: R352 million loss
- Diluted continuing earnings per share 18 cents FY2020: 97 cents loss
- Diluted continuing headline earnings per share 16 cents FY2020: 88 cents loss
- Significant, quality order book R60,7 billion FY2020: R54,2 billion
- Near orders R11,1 billion FY2020: R11,4 billion
- Unrestricted cash R1,6 billion FY2020: R1,5 billion
- The board has resolved not to declare a dividend FY2020: NIL
- Net asset value per share 11 Rand FY2020: R13 per share

The Group reported a strong order book of R60,7 billion (FY2020: R54,2 billion), which includes several          
multi-year contracts. The project pipeline includes near orders of R11,1 billion (FY2020: R11,4 billion) 
and Category 1 project opportunities of R84,1 billion (FY2020: R121,3 billion), of which circa R30 billion 
is being negotiated on a sole-tender basis.

R billions                                 Order book   Near orders   Category 1   Category 2   Category 3
Energy, Resources & Infrastructure         37,0         1,1           44,7         35,7         535,8
Mining                                     23,2         9,7           33,0         24,0         35,1
Power, Industrial & Water                  0,5          0,3           6,4          35,0         13,0
30 June 2021                               60,7         11,1          84,1         94,7         583,9
31 December 2020                           60,5         19,9          94,7         116,7        562,7
30 June 2020                               54,2         11,4          121,3        123,5        469,8

The external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., have issued their opinion on the consolidated financial 
statements for the year ended 30 June 2021. They have issued an unmodified audit opinion, which includes 
key audit matters, on the consolidated financial statements. A copy of the auditor's reports, together with 
a copy of audited consolidated financial statements are available for inspection at the Company's registered 
office and at the following link:

The Group is on the cusp of a multi-year period of strong earnings growth, considering its return to profitability 
for continuing operations, its strong order book of R60,7 billion and the growing demand for its services.

Over the next three years, the Group expects most of its revenue to be derived from its two international 
business platforms, which have established credible positions in regions and sectors with sustainable growth 

The Group is confident that it has the leadership, financial and resource capacity to deliver on its aspirations.

Any forward-looking information contained in this announcement has not been reviewed and reported on by the 
Group's external auditors.

On behalf of the directors:
Suresh Kana                                  Henry Laas                                   Daniel Grobler
Chairman of the Board                        Group Chief Executive                        Group Financial Director

1 September 2021

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of the Company and has not been reviewed or audited 
by the Group's auditors. The information disclosed is only a summary of the full announcement and does not contain full 
or complete details. Any investment decisions should be based on the consideration of the full annual results announcement 
("results"). Murray & Roberts' results were released on SENS on 1 September 2021 and are available on the Company's website and

Electronic copies of the results announcement will be emailed to stakeholders upon request from the Company's investor 
relations department or our sponsor at, during normal business hours. The investor relations 
department can be contacted at

Registered office: Douglas Roberts Centre, 22 Skeen Boulevard, Bedfordview, 2007 PO Box 1000, Bedfordview, 2008

Directors: SP Kana* (Chairman) HJ Laas (Managing & Chief Executive) DF Grobler JA Boggenpoel* R Havenstein* NB
Langa-Royds* AK Maditsi* B Mawasha* DC Radley* CD Raphiri*
*Independent non-executive

Secretary: L Kok 

Registrar: JSE Investor Services Proprietary Limited, 13th Floor, Rennie House, 19 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
           PO Box 4844, Johannesburg, 2000

Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Date: 01-09-2021 03:50:00
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