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Study suggests South Africa is doing badly in 5G, digital readiness

Published: 2024-12-16 17:00 +02:00 by Nkosinathi Ndlovu tag: Telecoms


Among 37 countries studied in a new report, South Africa ranks as one of the worst countries for digital readiness.
South Africa ranks as one of the worst countries in the world in a range of digital metrics, including 5G connectivity, and its prospects for developing a thriving digital economy are low as a result.

This is according to research conducted by wireless connectivity specialist Airgain, which evaluated a range of factors including internet speeds, mobile penetration, digital skills and 5G deployment – alongside affordability and educational indicators – across 37 countries.

The study collated data from various sources, including Unesco for tertiary education enrolment statistics, Wiley’s Digital Skill Gap Index for digital strength and responsiveness, OECD statistics for mobile penetration rates, and Broadband Genie’s Affordability Index for statistics on the most affordable data. Countries were scored on each metric with their final ranking determined by an aggregated total score.

Top 10 in 5G and digital economy (source: Airgain research)

Rank Country Total score 1 UAE 440 2 Finland 431 3 South Korea 407 4 United States 406 5 Denmark 405 6 Qatar 401 7 Singapore 393 8 Norway 390 9 Netherlands 383 10 Australia 377

“South Africa, which sits third from bottom in the table, scored poorly for digital skills and slow internet speeds, despite there being a focus on technological progress and opportunities for digital innovation in recent years,” Airgain said in a statement.

South Africa ranked 35 th out of the 37 countries in the study, surpassing only Indonesia and Nigeria, the only other African country in the comparison. All the countries in the bottom 10 are emerging market economies, with the exception of Italy, which ranked 28 th overall.

Bottom 10 in 5G and digital economy (source: Airgain research)

Rank Country Total score 28 Italy 271 29 Chile 229 30 Thailand 218 31 India 207 32 Brazil 183 33 Philippines 174 34 Mexico 170 35 South Africa 138 36 Indonesia 135 37 Nigeria 0

Topping the list are the United Arab Emirates, Finland and South Korea, which came first, second and third, respectively. Airgain said mobile download speeds in the UAE, which has extensive 5G coverage, averaged 413Mbit/s, compared to 350Mbit/s in Qatar and 257Mbit/s in Kuwait.

Read: Ookla study finds 5G performance in South Africa lagging

“Access to fast, reliable internet is a gamechanger for any population,” said Airgain chief technology officer Ali Sadri. “It doesn’t just boost connectivity – it fuels the knowledge economy, which now accounts for roughly 50% of global economic activity. When people have the tools to access, share and create knowledge quickly, innovation thrives.” — © 2024 NewsCentral Media

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