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Results of Annual General Meeting

Published: 2022-06-08 10:45:35 ET
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Combined Motor Holdings Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1965/000270/06)
JSE share code: CMH ISIN number: ZAE000088050
("CMH" or "the Company")


The Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of CMH shareholders was held at 14:30 on Tuesday, 7 June 2022.

The purpose of the AGM was to consider the resolutions as set out in the CMH notice of AGM. Shareholders are advised that
all resolutions were duly approved by the requisite majority of votes as follows:

        Total number of ordinary shares in issue in CMH as at the date of the AGM that could have been voted: 74 801 998.
        Total number of issued ordinary shares that were voted in person or by proxy at the AGM: 59 162 594 (which
         represents 79% of the Company’s total issued ordinary shares that could have been voted).

                                                                Voted for            Voted against           Abstentions
                                                       (% of shares voted)      (% of shares voted)    (% of total shares)
Ordinary Resolution number 1:
Approval of annual financial statements
                                                                      100                         -                      -
Ordinary Resolution number 2:
Election of directors:
2.1 JA Mabena                                                          95                         5                      -
2.2 MR Nkadimeng                                                       95                         5                      -
2.3 RT Komane                                                          99                         1                      -
2.4 AY Metu                                                            99                         1                      -
Ordinary Resolution number 3:
Election of audit and risk assessment committee
3.1 ME Jones                                                           99                         1                      -
3.2 AY Metu                                                            99                         1                      -
3.3 MR Nkadimeng                                                       95                         5                      -
Ordinary Resolution number 4:
Appointment of external auditor                                        98                         2                      -
Ordinary Resolution number 5:
5.1 Remuneration policy                                                93                         7                      -
5.2 Implementation report                                              93                         7                      -
Special Resolution number 1:
Approval of financial assistance                                       99                         1                      -
Special Resolution number 2:
Approval of fees of non-executive directors for:
2.1 Chairman of the Board                                             100                         -                      -
2.2 Directors                                                         100                         -                      -
2.3 Chairman of the Audit risk and assessment
committee                                                             100                         -                      -
2.4 Other fees                                                        100                         -                      -

8 June 2022

PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate Finance (Pty) Ltd