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Posting of circular and notice of general meeting

Published: 2023-04-21 10:00:34 ET
<<<  go to JSE:FBR company page
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1969/004875/06)
Share code: FBR ISIN code: ZAE000053328
("Company" or "Famous Brands")


Famous Brands shareholders are hereby advised that a circular regarding the adoption of a new Long-
Term Share Incentive Plan, the Famous Brands Limited 2023 Share Plan (“Share Plan”), together with a
notice to convene a general meeting of Famous Brands shareholders (“General Meeting”) in order to
consider and, if deemed fit, to pass, with or without modification, the resolutions necessary to approve and
implement the Share Plan, has been distributed today, 21 April 2023 and is available on the Company’s


Notice is hereby given that the General Meeting will be held at 14:00 on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at Famous
Brands Limited, 478 James Crescent, Halfway House, Midrand, 1685, to conduct the business stated in
the notice of General Meeting, which is contained in the circular.

The salient dates and times are set out below:

 Notice record date, being the date on which a shareholder must be
 registered in the register to be eligible to receive notice of the General                              Friday, 14 April
 Circular incorporating the notice of General Meeting and form of proxy,
                                                                                                         Friday, 21 April
 distributed to shareholders
 Last day to trade Famous Brands shares to be recorded in the register to
                                                                                                        Tuesday, 9 May
 vote at the General Meeting
 General Meeting record date, being the date on which a shareholder must
 be registered in the register to be eligible to attend and participate in the
                                                                                                         Friday, 12 May
 General Meeting and to vote thereat, by close of trade
 For administrative reasons, forms of proxy in respect of the General
 Meeting are to be lodged at or received via post or e-mail by the transfer                              Friday, 19 May
 secretaries or Company Secretary by no later than 14:00
 Form of proxy in respect of the General Meeting to be handed to the
 chairperson of the General Meeting or the transfer secretaries at the
                                                                                                       Tuesday, 23 May
 General Meeting at any time before the proxy exercises any rights of the
 shareholder at the General Meeting
 General Meeting held at 14:00                                                                         Tuesday, 23 May

 Results of the General Meeting published on SENS                                                      Tuesday, 23 May
 Results of the General Meeting published in the South African press                              Wednesday, 24 May

1.   All times shown in the circular are South African times unless otherwise stated.
2.   The above dates and times are subject to amendment. Any material amendment will be announced on SENS and published in
     the South African press.
3.   Shareholders should note that as transactions in shares are settled in the electronic settlement system used by Strate,
     settlement of trades takes place three business days after such trade. Therefore, Shareholders who acquire Shares after close
     of trade on Tuesday, 9 May 2023 will not be eligible to attend, participate in and vote at the General Meeting.
4.   If the General Meeting is adjourned or postponed, forms of proxy submitted of the General Meeting will remain valid in respect
     of any adjournment or postponement of the General Meeting unless the contrary is stated on the relevant form of proxy.
5.   To the extent that a form of proxy is not received by 14:00 on Friday, 19 May 2023, as envisaged in the table above, the form
     of proxy may be handed to the chairperson of the General Meeting prior to the commencement of that meeting.

21 April 2023

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