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TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings

Published: 2023-05-16 16:45:25 ET
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(Incorporated in the United Kingdom)
(UK company number 01399411)
LSE share code: CAL JSE share code: CRP
LEI: 21380097W74N9OYF5Z25
(“Capital & Regional” or “the Company”)



1a. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of exist-
                                                                          CAPITAL & REGIONAL PLC
ing shares to which voting rights are attached:

1b. Please indicate if the issuer is a non-UK issuer (please mark with an “X” if appropriate)
Non-UK issuer
2. Reason for the notification (please mark the appropriate box or boxes with an “X”)

An acquisition or disposal of voting rights

An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments

An event changing the breakdown of voting rights                                                              X

Other (please specify):

3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation
Name                                                            Homestead Group Holdings Limited
City and country of registered office (if applicable)           Carrot Bay, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)

Name                                                            PDI Investment Holdings Ltd/Mstead Ltd

City and country of registered office (if applicable)           Port Louis, Mauritius

5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached:          12/04/2023

6. Date on which issuer notified (DD/MM/YYYY):                  15/05/2023
7. Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation
                          % of voting           % of voting rights through Total of both in %             Total number of
                          rights attached to    financial instruments      (8.A + 8.B)                    voting rights of is-
                          shares (total of 8.   (total of 8.B 1 + 8.B 2)                                  suer
Resulting situation       4.731%                -                           4.731%                        8,004,829
on the date on which
threshold was
crossed or reached
Position of previous      5.005%                -                           5.005%
notification (if

8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reached

A: Voting rights attached to shares
Class/type of                      Number of voting rights                        % of voting rights
                                   Direct           Indirect                      Direct                  Indirect
ISIN code (if possible)
                                   (Art 9 of Di-    (Art 10 of Directive          (Art 9 of Directive     (Art 10 of Directive
                                   rective          2004/109/EC)                  2004/109/EC)            2004/109/EC)
                                   2004/109/EC)     (DTR5.2.1)                    (DTR5.1)                (DTR5.2.1)
Ordinary Shares of 10p each                             8,004,829                                         4.731%

SUBTOTAL 8. A                                       8,004,829                                      4.731%

B 1: Financial Instruments according to Art. 13(1)(a) of Directive 2004/109/EC (DTR5.3.1.1 (a))
                                                                      Number of voting rights
Type of financial in-     Expiration        Exercise/                 that may be acquired if
                                                                                                        % of voting rights
strument                  date              Conversion Period         the instrument is

                                            SUBTOTAL 8. B 1

B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Art. 13(1)(b) of Directive 2004/109/EC
(DTR5.3.1.1 (b))
                                                Exercise/           Physical or
Type of financial in-     Expiration                                                     Number of          % of voting
                                                Conversion Pe-      cash
strument                  date                                                           voting rights      rights
                                                riod                settlement

9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please mark the
applicable box with an “X”)
Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does
not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuerxiii
Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity      X
(please add additional rows as necessary)
                                                                   % of voting rights
                                  % of voting rights if it
                                                                through financial instru-    Total of both if it equals or
                                   equals or is higher
              Name                                               ments if it equals or is    is higher than the notifia-
                                   than the notifiable
                                                                 higher than the notifia-           ble threshold
                                                                      ble threshold
Homestead Group Holdings
                                  -                             -                           -
Mstead Ltd (ultimate control-
ling person – Homestead           4.731%                        -                           4.731%
Group Holdings Ltd)
PDI Investment Holdings Ltd
(ultimate controlling person –
                                  -                             -                           -
Homestead Group Holdings

10. In case of proxy voting, please identify:
Name of the proxy holder
The number and % of voting rights held
The date until which the voting rights will be held

11. Additional information
Mstead Ltd, a 100% subsidiary of Homestead Group Holdings Ltd crossed the 4% threshold following acquisition of
further shares.
PDI Investment Holdings Ltd, a 91% subsidiary of Homestead Group Holdings Ltd, sold all shares and therefore no
longer owns any Capital & Regional PLC shares.
Homestead Group Holdings Lrd does not have any shares directly in Capital & Regional PLC. Consolidated, the po-
sition has decreased below the 5% threshold.

Place of completion                   Cape Town, South Africa
Date of completion                    12/04/2023

16 May 2023

JSE sponsor
Notes to editors:

About Capital & Regional
Capital & Regional is a UK focused specialist property REIT with a strong track record of delivering significant value
enhancing retail and leisure asset management opportunities across its portfolio of in-town, dominant community shop-
ping centres.

Capital & Regional owns and/or manages shopping centres in Hemel Hempstead, Ilford, Maidstone, Redditch, Wal-
thamstow and Wood Green. Capital & Regional manages these assets through its in-house expert property and asset
management platform.

For further information see