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CANCELLATION OF S482226 Results of annual general meeting

Published: 2023-11-14 18:29:24 ET
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Shoprite Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1936/007721/06)
ISIN no: ZAE000012084
JSE share code: SHP
NSX share code: SRH
LUSE share code: SHOPRITE
(“Shoprite Holdings” or the “Company”)


Shareholders are advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting (“AGM”) of Shoprite Holdings shareholders held on Monday, 13 November 2023 were as follows:

   Resolution                                    Number of shares voted     Percentage of shares in       In favour of**                 Against**                  Abstained*
                                                                                    issue*                      %                            %                          %
                                                 Ordinary        Deferred    Ordinary      Deferred    Ordinary      Deferred       Ordinary      Deferred      Ordinary      Deferred
                                                   shares          shares       shares        shares     shares        shares         shares        shares        shares        shares
   Ordinary resolution number 1 –          407 665 847        264 969 112       74.46        100.00      100.00        100.00           0.00          0.00          0.08          0.00
   Approval of annual financial
   Ordinary resolution number 2 –          407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00        99.68       100.00           0.32          0.00          0.02          0.00
   Appointment of auditors
   Ordinary resolution number 3 –          407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00      100.00        100.00           0.00          0.00          0.02          0.00
   Election of directors
   3.1 Prof. Hlengani Mathebula
   3.2 Sipho Maseko                        407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00      100.00        100.00           0.00          0.00          0.02          0.00
   Ordinary resolution number 4 – Re-      407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00       68.75        100.00          31.25          0.00          0.02          0.00
   election of directors
   4.1 Dr Christo Wiese
   4.2 Wendy Lucas-Bull                    407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00        98.00       100.00           2.00          0.00          0.02          0.00
   4.3 Linda de Beer                       407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00        97.68       100.00           2.32          0.00          0.02          0.00
   4.4 Nonkululeko Gobodo                  406 676 468        264 969 112       74.52        100.00        99.68       100.00           0.32          0.00          0.02          0.00
   Ordinary resolution number 5 –          407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00        99.24       100.00           0.76          0.00          0.02          0.00
   Appointment as members of the
   Shoprite Holdings Audit and Risk
   5.1 Linda de Beer
   5.2 Nonkululeko Gobodo                  407 997 100        264 969 112       74.52        100.00        99.76       100.00           0.24          0.00          0.02          0.00
   5.3 Eileen Wilton                       407 988 440        264 969 112       74.52        100.00        99.74       100.00           0.26          0.00          0.02          0.00
 5.4 Graham Dempster                  407 997 100   264 969 112   74.52   100.00    99.74   100.00    0.26   0.00   0.02   0.00
Ordinary resolution number 6 –        407 988 440   264 969 112   74.52   100.00    92.01   100.00    7.99   0.00   0.02   0.00
General authority over unissued
ordinary shares
Ordinary resolution number 7 –        407 997 090   264 969 112   74.52   100.00   100.00   100.00    0.00   0.00   0.02   0.00
General authority to Directors
and/or Company Secretary
Non-binding advisory vote 1:          407 988 430   264 969 112   74.52   100.00    71.55   100.00   28.45   0.00   0.02   0.00
Remuneration policy of Shoprite
Non-binding advisory vote 2:          407 933 842   264 969 112   74.51   100.00    77.01   100.00   22.99   0.00   0.03   0.00
Implementation report of the
Remuneration policy
Ordinary resolution number 8 –        407 997 090   264 969 112   74.52   100.00    99.76   100.00    0.24   0.00   0.02   0.00
Approval of an amendment to rules
of the Shoprite Holdings Executive
Share Plan
Ordinary resolution number 9 –        407 988 440   264 969 112   74.52   100.00    91.32   100.00    8.68   0.00   0.02   0.00
General authority to issue ordinary
shares for cash
Special resolution number 1 –         407 988 430   264 969 112   74.52   100.00    98.34   100.00    1.66   0.00   0.02   0.00
Remuneration payable to Non-
executive Directors
a) Remuneration payable to
     Chairman of the Board
b) Remuneration payable to Lead       407 997 090   264 969 112   74.52   100.00    99.89   100.00    0.11   0.00   0.02   0.00
     Independent Director
c) Remuneration payable to Non-       407 916 075   264 969 112   74.51   100.00    99.77   100.00    0.23   0.00   0.04   0.00
     executive Directors
d) Remuneration payable to            407 828 983   264 969 112   74.49   100.00    99.89   100.00    0.11   0.00   0.05   0.00
     Chairman of the Audit and Risk
e) Remuneration payable to            407 828 983   264 969 112   74.49   100.00    99.89   100.00    0.11   0.00   0.05   0.00
     members of the Audit and Risk
f) Remuneration payable to            407 828 983   264 969 112   74.49   100.00    99.89   100.00    0.11   0.00   0.05   0.00
     Chairman of the Remuneration
g) Remuneration payable to            407 828 983   264 969 112   74.49   100.00    99.89   100.00    0.11   0.00   0.05   0.00
     members of the Remuneration
     h) Remuneration payable to              407 828 983   264 969 112          74.49         100.00         99.89         100.00           0.11        0.00          0.05          0.00
         Chairman of the Nomination
     i) Remuneration payable to              407 828 983   264 969 112          74.49         100.00         99.89         100.00           0.11        0.00          0.05          0.00
         members of the Nomination
     j) Remuneration payable to              407 828 983   264 969 112          74.49         100.00         99.89         100.00           0.11        0.00          0.05          0.00
         Chairman of the Social and
         Ethics Committee
     k) Remuneration payable to              407 828 983   264 969 112          74.49         100.00         99.89         100.00           0.11        0.00          0.05          0.00
         members of the Social and Ethics
     l) Remuneration payable to              407 828 983   264 969 112          74.49         100.00         99.89         100.00           0.11        0.00          0.05          0.00
         Chairman of the Investment and
         Finance Committee
     m) Remuneration payable to              407 828 993   264 969 112          74.49         100.00         99.89         100.00           0.11        0.00          0.05          0.00
         members of the Investment and
         Finance Committee
     Special resolution number 2 –           407 828 993   264 969 112          74.49         100.00         97.98         100.00           2.02        0.00          0.05          0.00
     Financial assistance to subsidiaries,
     related and inter-related entities
      Special resolution number 3 –          407 594 973   264 969 112          74.45         100.00         99.09         100.00           0.91        0.00          0.10          0.00
      General authority to repurchase
      ordinary shares

 *        Based on 547 480 501 ordinary shares (591 338 502 ordinary shares less 43 858 001 treasury shares) and 264 969 112 deferred shares (305 621 601 deferred shares less 40 652 489
          deferred shares which are currently restricted from voting) in issue at the date of the AGM.
 **       In relation to the total number of shares voted at the AGM.

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of Shoprite Holdings shareholders represented at the AGM.

Cape Town
13 November 2023

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited