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Interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2023

Published: 2024-03-06 11:35:24 ET
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Interim results                                                                                                (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
                                                                                                               Registration number: 1948/029826/06
                                                                                                               JSE Share Code: MUR
for the six months ended 31 December 2023                                                                      ISIN: ZAE000073441
                                                                                                               (“Murray & Roberts” or “Group” or “Company”)

     SALIENT FEATURES                          FINANCIAL RESULTS

                                             Revenue from continuing                                            Diluted loss per share
     Order book                              operations                                                         from continuing operations
     R14,7 BILLION                           R6,6 BILLION                                                       13 CENTS
     (FY2023 H1: R16,1 billion)              (FY2023 H1: R5,9 billion)                                          (FY2023 H1: 26 cents loss)*

                                             Earnings before interest                                           Diluted headline loss per
     Near orders                             and tax from continuing                                            share from continuing
                                             operations                                                         operations
     R10,2 BILLION                           R103 MILLION                                                       16 CENTS
     (FY2023 H1: R14,4 billion)
                                             (FY2023 H1: R89 million earnings)*                                 (FY2023 H1: 27 cents loss)*

                                             Attributable loss                                                   Net debt
     Category 1 project pipeline
     R21,2 BILLION                           R95 MILLION                                                         R247 MILLION
                                             (FY2023 H1: R2 529 million loss)#                                   (FY2023 H1: R1 966 million net debt)
     (FY2023 H1: R20,3 billion)
                                             Net asset value
                                                                                                                The board of directors of the Company
                                             R4 PER SHARE                                                       considers a dividend on an annual
                                                                                                                basis, post year end. Considering the
                                             (FY2023 H1: R5)                                                    Group’s financial position, a dividend
                                             * Restated for Insig Technologies, previously reported as          will not be declared for FY2024.
                                               continuing operations, now reported as discontinued
                                               After loss of control of MRPL Australia and its subsidiaries.

                                              FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE
                                            The Group’s Mining business has been the main contributor to Group earnings for the last decade. This business features
                                            excellent assets, retains its position as a leading mining services provider in Africa and the Americas and is expected to
                                            continue to sustainably deliver meaningful earnings into the future. Following the loss of RUC as part of the voluntary
                                            administration of the Group’s companies in Australia in December 2022, it remains the Group’s intention to capacitate
                                            Cementation APAC to service the Asia-Pacific mining region, post completion of the refinancing of its debt in South Africa.
                                            South Africa’s constrained energy, transmission and distribution infrastructure requires urgent investment to support
                                            additional capacity, which presents longer-term prospects for OptiPower.
                                            The Group is focused on implementing a sustainable and stable capital structure and to establish new facilities with financial
                                            institutions to support its business in South Africa – these initiatives are all progressing well. It is committed to creating
                                            shareholder value from the current low base and to ensure that Murray & Roberts excels as an engineering and contracting
                                            services provider to the global underground mining market and its chosen market sectors in Southern Africa.
                                            Any forward‑looking information contained in this announcement has not been reviewed and reported on by the Group’s
                                            external auditors.
                                            On behalf of the directors:
                                            Suresh Kana                                                           Henry Laas
                                            Chairman of the Board                                                 Group Chief Executive
                                            Daniël Grobler                                                        Bedfordview
                                            Group Financial Director                                              6 March 2024

                                              IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                                            This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of the Company and has not been reviewed or audited
                                            by the Group’s auditors. The information disclosed is only a summary of the full announcement and does not contain full or
                                            complete details. Any investment decisions should be based on the consideration of the full interim results announcement
                                            (“results”). Murray & Roberts’ results were released on SENS on 6 March 2024 and are available on the Company’s website
                                            Electronic copies of the results announcement will be emailed to stakeholders upon request from the Company’s investor
                                            relations department or our sponsor at, during normal business hours. The investor relations
                                            department can be contacted at
                                            Registered office: The Interchange, 22 Skeen Boulevard, Bedfordview, 2007 PO Box 1000, Bedfordview, 2008
                                            Directors: TSP Kana** (Chairman) HJ Laas (Managing & Chief Executive) DF Grobler JA Boggenpoel** R Havenstein**
                                            AK Maditsi** A Muller** CD Raphiri**
                                            **Independent non-executive
                                            Secretary: R Davies
                    Registrar: JSE Investor Services Proprietary Limited, 13th Floor, Rennie House, 19 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
                                                       PO Box 4844, Johannesburg, 2000

          Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited