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Results of Annual General Meeting ("the AGM")

Published: 2024-08-29 16:21:30 ET
<<<  go to JSE:AME company page
 (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
 (Registration number 1926/008797/06)
 Share Code: AME        ISIN: ZAE000055802
 (“the company”)


 Shareholders are advised that, at the AGM of the company held on Thursday, 29 August 2024, all the
 resolutions proposed were passed by the requisite majorities of shareholders.

 Details of the resolutions and the voting are contained in the table below. The issued share capital of the
 company is 6 929 577 ordinary shares.

Resolution proposed                            Total number     Number of       Number of        Number of
                                               of votes cast:      votes in          votes     abstentions:
                                                 % of issued     favour: %      against: %      % of issued
                                                share capital       of total       of total           share
                                                                votes cast      votes cast           capital
Ordinary resolutions

Ordinary resolution number 1                       4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
To adopt the annual financial statements for         62.08%          100%               0%              0%
the year ended 31 March 2024
Ordinary resolution number 2                       4,301,649     3,939,501         362,148               Nil
To place the unissued shares under the               62.08%        91.58%           8.42%               0%
control of the directors

Ordinary resolution number 3
3.1 To re-elect Mr. M J Prinsloo as an             4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
independent non-executive director of the            62.08%          100%               0%              0%

3.2 To re-elect Mrs. J Edwards as an               4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil            Nil
independent non-executive director of the            62.08%          100%               0%              0%

 3.3 To re-elect Ms MA Da Costa as an              4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
 independent non-executive director of the           62.08%          100%               0%              0%
Ordinary resolution number 4
To re-appoint Forvis azars as the                  4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
independent audit firm.                              62.08%          100%               0%              0%
Ordinary resolution number 5
5.1 To re-elect Ms MA da Costa as a
member and chairwoman of the audit                 4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
committee                                            62.08%          100%               0%              0%

5.2 To re-elect Ms. J Edwards as a member          4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
of the audit committee                               62.08%          100%               0%              0%

5.3 To re-elect Mr. MJ Prinsloo as a member        4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
of the audit committee                               62.08%          100%               0%              0%

5.4 To re-elect Mr. SN Ngobese as a                4,301,649     4,301,649               Nil             Nil
member of the audit committee                        62.08%          100%               0%              0%
Ordinary resolution number 6
6.1 To re-elect Ms. K Williams-Thipe as a
member and chairwoman of the social and         4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
ethics committee                                  62.08%        100%    0%     0%

6.2 To re-elect Mr. SN Ngobese as a             4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
member of the social and ethics committee         62.08%        100%    0%     0%

6.3 To re-elect Mr. DM Tiltmann as a            4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
member of the social and ethics committee         62.08%        100%    0%     0%

Ordinary resolution number 7                    4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
To grant authority to sign documentation          62.08%        100%    0%     0%

Non-binding advisory resolutions

Non-binding advisory resolution number 1        4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
To approve the remuneration policy                62.08%        100%    0%     0%

Non-binding advisory resolution number 2
To approve the implementation of the            4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
remuneration policy                               62.08%        100%    0%     0%

Special resolutions

Special resolution number 1
To approve financial assistance to related or   4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
inter-related entities to the company             62.08%        100%    0%     0%

Special resolution number 2
To approve the remuneration of the non-         4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
executive directors’                              62.08%        100%    0%     0%
Special resolution number 3
To approve a general authority to acquire the   4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
company's own shares                              62.08%        100%    0%     0%

Special resolution number 4
 To approve financial assistance for the        4,301,649   4,301,649    Nil    Nil
subscription for or purchase of securities by     62.08%        100%    0%     0%
related or inter-related entities to the

 By order of the board.

 29 August 2024

 AcaciaCap Advisors Proprietary Limited