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Dealings in Securities by Directors and Company Secretary

Published: 2024-09-19 17:37:29 ET
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                                        MOTUS HOLDINGS LIMITED
                                  Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
                                    (Registration number 2017/451730/06)
                                   Share code: MTH ISIN: ZAE000261913
                                  (“Motus” or “the Company” or “the Group”)


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 (both inclusive) of the Listings Requirements of JSE Limited, the
following is disclosed:

In terms of the remuneration policy of the Group, any senior employee with significant managerial or other
responsibility, including any director holding salaried employment or office in the Group, is eligible to participate
in the Company’s long-term incentive (“LTI”) scheme. An LTI scheme participant becomes entitled to shares
after confirmation by the Board that the performance and other conditions have been fulfilled, as set out in the
relevant grant letter. The vesting of LTIs for the Executive Directors and Company Secretary on
15 September 2024, as announced on SENS, consist solely of Conditional Share Plan (“CSP”) awards which
were allocated on 16 September 2021 (“2021 CSP Awards”).

Following the vesting of the CSP awards, the Company is required, within 30 (thirty) days of vesting date, to
procure the delivery of that number of shares that have vested to the participant. The participant may elect to
have all or part of the shares sold on his/her behalf to settle tax obligations and to take delivery of the net
resulting shares, or cash.

Details of the shares sold on behalf of the Executive Directors and Company Secretary to settle their tax
obligations arising from the vesting of their 2021 CSP Awards is set out below. Save for the shares so sold in
order to settle their tax obligations, each of the Executive Directors and Company Secretary has elected to
retain the balance of their shares which have vested.

The Executive Directors and Company Secretary now hold more shares at 18 September 2024 than they did
on 30 June 2024 and their shareholding in Motus meets or is in excess of the Minimum Share Holding (MSH)
as required in terms of the remuneration policy of the Group.

 Name of Director:                                    OS Arbee
 Company:                                             Motus
 Class of securities:                                 Ordinary shares
 Nature of transaction:                               Sale of shares on market
 Extent of director’s interest:                       Direct beneficial
 Clearance to deal obtained:                          Yes

                           Number            weighted             Lowest           Highest
 Date of the               of                average price        selling          selling
 transaction               securities^       per security         price*           price*         Total value
 16 September 2024         52 740.96         R116.3529            R116.00          R117.03        R6 136 563.13
 17 September 2024         26 193.04         R116.6650            R116.00          R117.00        R3 055 811.53
  ⃰ Lowest and highest prices for the transaction volumes and not for the day’s volume trades.
   ^Total shares sold on each day were allocated proportionately to all participants, hence the fractions. Shares

   aggregate to a whole number over the two days.
Name of Director:                                 OJ Janse van Rensburg
Company:                                          Motus
Class of securities:                              Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                            Sale of shares on market
Extent of director’s interest:                    Direct beneficial
Clearance to deal obtained:                       Yes

                          Number          weighted            Lowest          Highest
Date of the               of              average price       selling         selling
transaction               securities^     per security        price*          price*         Total value
16 September 2024         28 197.91       R116.3529           R116.00         R117.03        R3 280 908.57
17 September 2024         14 004.09       R116.6650           R116.00         R117.00        R1 633 787.19

⃰ Lowest and highest prices for the transaction volumes and not for the day’s volume trades.
 ^Total shares sold on each day were allocated proportionately to all participants, hence the fractions. Shares

 aggregate to a whole number over the two days.

Name of Director:                                 KA Cassel
Company:                                          Motus
Class of securities:                              Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                            Sale of shares on market
Extent of director’s interest:                    Direct beneficial
Clearance to deal obtained:                       Yes

                          Number          weighted            Lowest          Highest
Date of the               of              average price       selling         selling
transaction               securities^     per security        price*          price*         Total value
16 September 2024         17 425.75       R116.3529           R116.00         R117.03        R2 027 536.50
17 September 2024         8 654.25        R116.6650           R116.00         R117.00        R1 009 648.12

⃰ Lowest and highest prices for the transaction volumes and not for the day’s volume trades.
 ^Total shares sold on each day were allocated proportionately to all participants, hence the fractions. Shares

 aggregate to a whole number over the two days.

Company Secretary:                                NE Simelane
Company:                                          Motus
Class of securities:                              Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                            Sale of shares on market
Extent of Company Secretary’s interest:           Direct beneficial
Clearance to deal obtained:                       Yes
                         Number           weighted             Lowest          Highest
 Date of the             of               average price        selling         selling
 transaction             securities^      per security         price*          price*         Total value
 16 September 2024       4 736.62         R116.3529            R116.00         R117.03        R551 119.87
 17 September 2024       2 352.38         R116.6650            R116.00         R117.00        R274 440.01

 ⃰ Lowest and highest prices for the transaction volumes and not for the day’s volume trades.
  ^Total shares sold on each day were allocated proportionately to all participants, hence the fractions. Shares

  aggregate to a whole number over the two days.

19 September 2024

Merchantec Capital