The Sygnia Itrix Collective Investment Scheme Sygnia Itrix S&P 500 ETF JSE Code: SYG500 ISIN: ZAE000251377 ("SYG500" or the "ETF") A portfolio in the Sygnia Itrix Collective Investment Scheme in Securities, registered as such in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002. ADDITIONAL LISTING OF SYG500 SECURITIES SYG500 has issued and will list an additional 1252229 securities with effect from the commencement of business today, at an issue price of approximately ZAR 111.17 per security. Following the listing of the 1252229 securities, there will be 64796772 SYG500 securities in issue. 20 January 2025 JSE Sponsors Vunani Sponsors