Purple Group Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1998/013637/06) Share code: PPE ISIN: ZAE000071411 (“Purple Group” or “the Company”) RESULTS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Shareholders are advised that at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Purple Group held on Friday, 24 January 2025, convened in terms of the notice of AGM dated 26 November 2024, contained in the 2024 Integrated Annual Report, all the resolutions were approved by the requisite majority of shareholders. Details of the results of voting at the AGM are as follows: • Total issued number of ordinary shares that could have been voted at the AGM: 1 422 539 767 • Number of ordinary shares that were present/represented at the AGM: 580 214 281 representing 40,79% of the total number of ordinary shares that could have been voted at the AGM. For Against Abstained, in Shares voted relation to total shares in issue Ordinary resolution number 1: Adoption of annual financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2024 Number of shares 580 158 992 - 55 289 580 158 992 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 40,78% Ordinary resolution number 2: Remuneration of auditors Number of shares 579 877 933 280 048 56 300 580 157 981 Percentage 99,95% 0,05% 0,00% 40,78% Ordinary resolution number 3: Appointment of auditors Number of shares 579 878 952 - 335 329 579 878 952 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,02% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 4.1: Re-election of Mr. William Bassie Maisela Number of shares 523 416 773 56 395 761 401 747 579 812 534 Percentage 90,27% 9,73% 0,03% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 4.2: Re-election of Mr. Happy Ntshingila Number of shares 579 794 776 17 615 401 890 579 812 391 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,03% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 4.3: Re-election of Mr. Bonang Mohale Number of shares 523 415 799 56 395 761 402 721 579 811 560 Percentage 90,27% 9,73% 0,03% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 5: To place the unissued shares of the Company under the control of the directors Number of shares 547 973 447 31 904 307 336 527 579 877 754 Percentage 94,50% 5,50% 0,02% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 6: To authorise the Company to issue shares and to sell treasury shares for cash under a general authority Number of shares 547 965 608 31 901 214 347 459 579 866 822 Percentage 94,50% 5,50% 0,02% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 7: To authorise the directors as signatories Number of shares 579 855 281 4 967 354 033 579 860 248 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,02% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 8: Non-binding advisory note on remuneration policy Number of shares 579 754 229 14 969 445 083 579 769 198 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,03% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 9: Non-binding advisory note on implementation report of remuneration policy Number of shares 579 752 331 14 959 446 991 579 767 290 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,03% 40,76% Ordinary resolution number 10.1: Election of Mr. Arnold Forman as Chairman of the Audit Committee Number of shares 580 087 062 100 127 119 580 087 162 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,01% 40,78% Ordinary resolution number 10.2: Election of Mr. Happy Ntshingila as a member of the Audit Committee Number of shares 580 075 184 10 100 128 997 580 085 284 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,01% 40,78% Ordinary resolution number 10.3: Election of Mr. Craig Carter as a member of the Audit Committee Number of shares 547 590 998 30 364 549 2 258 734 577 955 547 Percentage 94,75% 5,25% 0,16% 40,63% Special resolution number 1: Non-executive directors’ remuneration to next AGM Number of shares 577 630 292 68 195 2 515 794 577 698 487 Percentage 99,99% 0,01% 0,18% 40,61% Special resolution number 2: Financial assistance to related and inter-related entities Number of shares 578 311 521 1 536 654 366 106 579 848 175 Percentage 99,73% 0,27% 0,03% 40,76% Special resolution number 3: Awarding of shares and provision of financial assistance in connection therewith Number of shares 578 251 942 1 565 120 397 219 579 817 062 Percentage 99,73% 0,27% 0,03% 40,76% Special resolution number 4: Acquisition of own shares Number of shares 579 871 514 5 110 337 657 579 876 624 Percentage 100,00% 0,00% 0,02% 40,76% Johannesburg 24 January 2025 Transfer and Company Secretaries: CTSE Registry Services Proprietary Limited Sponsor: Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited