DISCOVERY LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number: 1999/007789/06) Legal Entity Identifier: 378900245A26169C8132 JSE share code: DSY, DSYBP DSY ISIN: ZAE000022331 DSBP ISIN: ZAE000158564 JSE bond company code: DSYI ("Discovery" or the “Company”) CHANGE IN SPONSORS Shareholders and noteholders are advised that Discovery has appointed Nedbank Limited (acting through its Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking division) as its JSE Limited (“JSE”) Equity and Debt Sponsor to the Company, with effect from 1 February 2025. Rand Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited (“RMB”), resigned as Debt Sponsor to Discovery pursuant to its decision to wind down its regulatory debt sponsor business. Consequently, Discovery has decided to appoint a single provider for both debt and equity sponsor services. RMB, the Company’s current JSE Equity and Debt Sponsor, will continue to act in this capacity until 31 January 2025. The Company wishes to thank RMB for its services over the years. By order of the Board. Sandton 27 January 2025 Equity Sponsor: Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited) Debt Sponsor: FirstRand Bank Limited