SPEAR REIT LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 2015/407237/06) Share Code: SEA ISIN: ZAE000228995 LEI: 378900F76170CCB33C50 Approved as a REIT by the JSE (“Spear” or “the Company”) DEALING BY AN ASSOCIATE OF A DIRECTOR In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, the following information regarding the dealing in securities by an associate of a director is disclosed: NAME OF DIRECTOR Christiaan Barnard COMPANY OF WHICH A DIRECTOR Spear REIT Limited STATUS: EXECUTIVE/NON-EXECUTIVE Executive TYPE AND CLASS OF SECURITIES Ordinary shares NATURE OF TRANSACTION Purchase of shares by an associate of the director (on-market transaction) DATE OF TRANSACTION 27 January 2025 PRICE PER SECURITY High: 965 cents Low: 964 cents Average: 964.36 cents NUMBER OF SECURITIES TRANSACTED 2 300 TOTAL RAND VALUE OF SECURITIES R22 180.25 TRANSACTED NAME OF ASSOCIATE CBJB Investments Proprietary Limited RELATIONSHIP WITH DIRECTOR Director is a director and a shareholder of the associate NATURE AND EXTENT OF INTEREST IN THE Indirect, beneficial TRANSACTION Clearance for the above was obtained in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements. Cape Town 28 January 2025 Sponsor PSG Capital