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Reviewed results and dividend announcement for the year ended 31 December 2024

Published: 2025-03-06 09:01:05 ET
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Port volumes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              14.3 million tonnes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Drybulk terminal
 Reviewed results and dividend announcement for the year ended 31 December 2024                                                                                                                                               volumes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              16.7 million tonnes
 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                     DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND

 CORE BUSINESS                                                                                              Ordinary dividend                                                                                                 FINANCIAL
 Grindrod reported a resilient performance for 2024 as it remained steadfast in its commitment to           Notice is hereby given that a final gross ordinary dividend of 17.0 cents per share (2023: 38.0 cents
 efficiently and cost-effectively deliver Africa’s commodities globally through its integrated logistics    per share) has been declared out of income reserves for the year ended 31 December 2024. The                      Core EBITDA *
 solutions. Overall, the Group achieved core headline earnings of R1 003.8 million, delivered under         final net ordinary dividend is 13.6 cents per share for ordinary shareholders who are not exempt
 difficult trading circumstances following intermittent Lebombo / Ressano Garcia border closures
 into the last quarter of 2024, and disruptive cyclonic flooding in the first half of the year.
                                                                                                            from dividends tax.
                                                                                                            As at the date of this announcement, there were 698 031 586 ordinary shares in issue.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             R2.0 billion
 The drybulk terminal operated by the port of Maputo achieved record chrome exports of 14.3 million
                                                                                                            Preference dividend                                                                                               Core headline
 tonnes per annum (mtpa) compared to 12.6 mtpa in 2023. Drybulk volume exports from Grindrod’s                                                                                                                                earnings *
                                                                                                            Notice is hereby given that a final gross preference dividend of 513.0 cents (2023: 521.0 cents) per
 terminals in Maputo, Matola, Richards Bay and Durban marginally softened to 16.5 mtpa compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             R1.0 billion
                                                                                                            cumulative, non-redeemable, non-participating and non-convertible preference share has been
 to 17.3 mtpa achieved in 2023. The impact of the border disruptions was 4.4 mtpa on volume and
                                                                                                            declared out of income reserves for the year ended 31 December 2024. The final net preference
 between R180 million and R200 million on headline earnings.
                                                                                                            dividend is 410.4 cents per share for preference shareholders who are not exempt from dividends tax.
 Whilst Logistics benefited from higher road haulage business, albeit at lower margins, and from
                                                                                                            As at the date of this announcement, there were 7 400 000 preference shares in issue.
 continued strong ships agency and clearing & forwarding businesses, the persistent weak graphite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CAPITAL ALLOCATION
 demand from China and ongoing depressed container throughput volume weighed heavily on this                Salient dates
 segment’s margins.                                                                                         The salient dates for the ordinary dividend and preference dividend are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cash generated
 Grindrod’s focus on rail is evident through the successful return of 13 locomotives from Sierra            Dividends’ declaration date                                                Thursday, 06 March 2025                from operations
 Leone, where its operations demonstrated proficiency in heavy-haul logistics. On its phase two of          Last date to trade cum-dividend                                            Tuesday, 01 April 2025
 increasing its reach in South Africa’s rail network, Grindrod will seek to acquire new and modern
 rolling stock fleet. Grindrod is uniquely poised to take advantage of the numerous opportunities in
                                                                                                            Ordinary shares and preference shares start trading ex-dividend
                                                                                                            Record date
                                                                                                                                                                                       Wednesday, 02 April 2025
                                                                                                                                                                                       Friday, 04 April 2025
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             R784 million
 the logistics space as South Africa progresses on its logistics network reform agenda.                     Payment date			                               			                          Monday, 07 April 2025                  Cash conversion
 Grindrod’s capital allocation framework, growth opportunities, track record of operational                 No dematerialisation or rematerialisation of ordinary shares and preference shares will be allowed
 performance and healthy balance sheet will enable investment in future growth and drive strong
 returns for shareholders.
                                                                                                            during the period Wednesday, 02 April 2025 to Friday, 04 April 2025, both days inclusive.                         92%
                                                                                                            The local dividend tax rate is 20% and Grindrod’s tax reference number is 9435/490/71/0. Both the
                                                              Reviewed              Audited                 ordinary dividend and preference dividend are declared in the currency of the Republic of South Africa.           Final ordinary
                                                           31 December         31 December                                                                                                                                    dividend

 Core operations inclusive of joint ventures *
                                                                                                    %                                                                                                                        17.0 cents

 Revenue                                                               7 371          7 490           (2)                                                                                                                   * Includes Port and Terminals,
 Earnings before interest, taxation,                                                                                                                                                                                          Logistics and Group and
                                                                       2 015          2 513         (20)
 depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)                                                                                                                                                                                       is inclusive of joint ventures.
 Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                          1 006          1 334         (25)
 Headline earnings                                                     1 004          1 359         (26)

* Core operations includes Port and Terminals, Logistics and Group.
                                                                                                            Directors’ statement                                                                                      Registered office
 NON-CORE BUSINESS                                                                                          This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors and is only a summary of the          and business address
 The transaction to dispose of the North Coast property-backed loans and advances for R500 million          information of the full announcement and does not contain full or complete details. The full              Grindrod Mews, 106 Margaret
 is pending the fulfillment of certain suspensive conditions. As a result of this transaction, fair value   announcement is available on the Company’s website at and on the JSE cloudlink           Mncadi Avenue, Durban, 4001
 losses and expected credit losses of R522.9 million were realised. In addition, a further R165.5 million   on 06 March 2025 at
 (2023: R56.1 million) provision was raised to cover warranties provided by Grindrod on specific loans      Any investment decision by investors and / or shareholders should be made having considered the           Sponsor
 disposed of as part of the Grindrod Bank disposal transaction executed in 2022. Group results also         full announcement as a whole.                                                                             Nedbank Corporate and
 include earnings of R32.7 million (2023: R53.5 million) from the 50% owned marine fuel trading                                                                                                                       Investment Banking, a division
 business and a dividend of R73.5 million was received in December 2024 (2023: Rnil).                       By order of the Board                                                                                     of Nedbank Limited

 GROUP RESULTS                                                                                              VB Commaille                                                                                              Registration number:
 Grindrod’s headline earnings dropped to R311.9 million (2023: R1 012.4 million) after accounting for       Group Company Secretary                                                                                   1966/009846/06, Incorporated
 the non-core business. The Group’s basic earnings decreased to R314.2 million (2023: R987.8 million).      06 March 2025                                                                                             in the Republic of South Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Share code: GND and
                                                              Reviewed              Audited
                                                           31 December         31 December                                                                                                                            GNDP ISIN: ZAE000072328
                                                                  2024                2023      Change      Review conclusion                                                                                         and ZAE000071106
 Total Group *                                                                                                                                                                                                        (“Grindrod”, or “the Company”
                                                                   Rm                   Rm          %       The condensed consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2024 have been
                                                                                                            reviewed by Grindrod’s auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated, who issued an unmodified            or “the Group”)
 Revenue                                                               4 976          4 846            3    review conclusion report thereon. The auditor’s review conclusion forms part of the reviewed results
 EBITDA                                                                  295            923         (68)    and is available on the Company’s website at This short-form announcement has
 Basic earnings                                                          314            988         (68)    not been reviewed by Grindrod’s auditors.
 Headline earnings                                                      312           1 012         (69)
 Basic earnings per share (cents)                                       47.1          148.0         (68)
 Headline earnings per share (cents)                                    46.7          151.7         (69)

* Joint ventures are equity accounted.