Transaction Capital Limited Nutun Investments Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (formerly known as “TransCapital Investments Registration number: 2002/031730/06 Limited”) JSE share code: TCP (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) ISIN: ZAE000167391 Registration number: 2016/130129/06 (“Transaction Capital” or “the company”) Bond company code: TCII LEI: 378900AA31160C6B8195 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 45(5)(a) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 71 OF 2008, AS AMENDED Shareholders are hereby notified that, in terms of section 45(5)(a) of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008, as amended (“the Companies Act”) and pursuant to the passing of Special Resolution Number 3 passed at the Annual General Meeting of the company held on 4 March 2025 authorising the board to approve the granting of direct or indirect financial assistance as contemplated in section 45 of the Companies Act, the board passed the corresponding board resolution on 4 March 2025 authorising the company to provide direct or indirect financial assistance as contemplated in section 45 of the Companies Act, the board having considered the necessary solvency and liquidity test and other requirements of section 45. Sandton 7 March 2025 Enquiries: Lisa Lill – Company Secretary Email: Sponsors: Equity Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited Debt Sponsor: Merchantec Capital 1