RCL FOODS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number: 1966/004972/06) ISIN: ZAE000179438 Share Code: RCL ("RCL FOODS") SMALL RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION Introduction Shareholders are referred to the announcement released on the Stock Exchange News Service on 12 September 2019 in which it was advised that RCL FOODS and Siqalo Foods Proprietary Limited ("Siqalo") had entered into a management services agreement, in terms of which RCL FOODS was appointed to manage and assist Siqalo in its day-to-day business operations by providing agreed management services (the "MSA"). Shareholders are now advised that, as envisaged in the MSA, RCL FOODS and Siqalo have entered into an addendum to extend the MSA for a further three-year period ("Addendum"). Small related party transaction Remgro Limited ("Remgro") is a material shareholder of RCL FOODS and Siqalo is a subsidiary of Remgro. As a result, the conclusion of the Addendum to the MSA constitutes a small related party transaction in terms of paragraphs 10.1 and 10.7 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited ("Listings Requirements"). The Addendum Rationale for the Addendum The MSA expires on 11 September 2022. Siqalo requires the agreed services, which RCL FOODS is willing to provide, and both parties therefore wish to extend the MSA, with effect from 12 September 2022, in order to ensure continuity and certainty for both parties. Terms of the Addendum In terms of the Addendum, the appointment of RCL FOODS to provide the agreed services, has been extended for a further three years on the same terms and conditions as initially agreed in the MSA. The Addendum does not contemplate any change in the scope of services provided under the MSA or in the market related fee payable to RCL FOODS for those services. Fairness Opinion In terms of paragraph 10.7(b) of the Listings Requirements, RCL FOODS is required to provide the JSE with written confirmation from an independent expert acceptable to the JSE that the terms of the Addendum are fair as far as the shareholders of RCL FOODS are concerned ("Fairness Opinion"). RCL FOODS has engaged BDO Corporate Finance Proprietary Limited who has expressed the opinion that the terms of the MSA are fair to RCL FOODS’ shareholders. The Fairness Opinion will lie for inspection at RCL FOODS’ registered office for a period of 28 days from the date of this announcement. Durban 12 September 2022 Sponsor RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)